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About the Work

Linguae Britannicae vera pronunciatio: or, a new English dictionary. Containing I. An explanation of all English words used by the best writers; the various Senses of each Word being distinctly pointed out by Figures 1, 2, 3, &c. II. The Language from which each Word is derived. III. The part of Speech to which it belongs. IV. A supplement of upwards of 4000 proper names. In Which Every Word has not only the common Accent to denote the Emphasis of the Voice, but, in order to a just Pronunciation, every Syllable is marked with a long or short Accent to determine its Quantity; and the quiescent Letters, various sounds of Vowess, &c. are so distinguished, that any Person, Native or Foreigner, who can but read, may speedily acquire an accurate Pronunciation of the English Language. To the whole is prefixed a dissertation on the species of sounds, &c. with practical Observations on the various Powers and Formations of the Letters. A work intirely new, and designed for the Use of Schools, and of Foreigners, as well as Natives who would speak, read, and write English with Propriety and Accuracy. By James Buchanan. London: printed for A. Millar, in the Strand, MDCCLVII.
Year Edition Type of Work
1757 1st Dictionary

Other Info

Price Physical Description Publication
none on imprint [2], xvi, 23, [463]p.; 8° London, Middlesex, England
Title: "Vowess" [sic].
"designed for the Use of Schools, and of Foreigners, as well as Natives who would speak, read, and write English with Propriety and Accuracy". (title-page)
Horizontal chain lines. Braces in imprint. (ECCO)
Physical description from ECCO.


Name Life Dates Gender  
Buchanan, James fl. 1753-1773 male View


Class Gender Age Instruction Purpose
all learners all learners mixed: youth & adults school foreigner

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