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About the Work

A pronouncing dictionary of the English language. Glasgow, Printed by Alex. Adam for the author.
Year Edition Type of Work
1786 2nd Pronouncing dictionary

Other Info

Price Physical Description Publication
none on imprint pocket dictionary Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
(Beal 1996: 369) "This dictionary was first published in 1777, but there is only one copy of this edition extant (in Marietta College) and it is in a fragile condition and tightly bound." The second edition was published in Glasgow in 1786. "In the introduction to the microfiche edition, Alston writes: ‘The text of Burn’s dictionary has never been studied by historians of English pronunciation and it has never been reprinted.’."  [Alston series, vol. 173, 1969.]
On audience: General, but he recommends its use in schools for both sexes; also for public speakers.
Beal 1999, Alston facsimile series, Beal 1996


Name Life Dates Gender  
Burn, John unknown male View


Class Gender Age Instruction Purpose
all learners all learners all learners school all learners

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