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About the Work

A new dictionary of the English language: containing, not only the explanation of words, with their Orthography, Etymology, and Idiomatical Use in Writing; but likewise, their orthoepia or pronunciation in Speech, according to the present Practice of polished Speakers in the Metropolis; which is rendered obvious at Sight, in a Manner perfectly simple, and principally new. To which is prefixed, a rhetorical grammar; In which The Elements of Speech in general, and those of the English Tongue in particular are analyzed; and the Rudiments of Articulation, Pronunciation and Prosody intelligibly displayed. By William Kenrick, LL.D. London: printed for John and Francis Rivington, William Johnston, Thomas Longman, and Thomas Cadell, MDCCLXXIII.
Year Edition Type of Work
1773 1st Pronouncing dictionary

Other Info

Price Physical Description Publication
none on imprint [8], viii, 57, [1], [724]p.; 4° London, Middlesex, England
Physical description from ECCO.
(Beal 1999: 73) "Kenrick is cited by Holmberg (1964: 29) as being, along with Sheridan, 'the first to introduce a practicable transcription system'. Kenrick did indicate the phonetic quality of each word, but his system involves even less interference with the traditional orthography than Johnston's: indeed, his system can hardly be called one of 'transcription' at all."
(Beal 1999: 74) "Kenrick acknowledges 'the celebrated Mr Sheridan' as the source of his idea for distinguishing 'the sounds of words by certain typographical marks to be placed over particular syllables'."
(Beal 1999: 75) "Perry's scheme, like Johnston's and Kenrick's, would be termed diacritic according to both Emsley's and Abercrombie's definitions".
Beal 1999, ECCO, ODNB 2004
grammar section, dedication, introduction, title page, dictionary entry


Name Life Dates Gender  
Kenrick, William 1729/30-1779 male View


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all learners all learners all learners all learners all learners

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