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About the Work

Genuine Edition. Sheridan Improved. A general pronouncing and explanatory dictionary of the English language: For the use of schools, foreigners learning English, &c. In which it has been attempted to improve on the plan of Mr. Sheridan, by correcting the improprieties and avoiding the discordancies of that celebrated orthoepist. The second edition, revised, corrected, and considerably augmented by selections from Ash, Bailey, Barclay, Buchanan, Dyche, Elphinston, Entick, Fry, Johnson, Johnston, Kenrick, Lemon, Marriott, Martin, Nares, Perry, Rider, Scot, and Walker. By Stephen Jones, author of the "New biographical dictionary," "History of Poland," &c. &c. London: Printed for vernor and hood; J. Cuthell; Ocilvy and Son; and Lackington, Allen, and Co, 1797.
Year Edition Type of Work
1797 2nd Pronouncing dictionary

Other Info

Price Physical Description Publication
none on imprint xxx, [354]p.; 8° London, Middlesex, England
"For the use of schools, foreigners learning English, &c." (title-page)
The 'Dictionary of the English language' is printed in two columns. (ECCO)
Physical description from ECCO.
grammar section, preface, title page


Name Life Dates Gender  
Jones, Stephen 1763-1827 male View


Class Gender Age Instruction Purpose
all learners all learners mixed: youth & adults all learners all learners

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