Textual Variations for Book 10

FOrasmuch as we are come to perseuere in the truth

1563 Edition, page 957 | 1583 Edition, page 1421

began to comend the dignitie of the Masse ... he vsed these reasons, declaring that

1570 Edition, page 1685 | 1576 Edition, page 1430 | 1583 Edition, page 1499

This preaching of master Latimer ... the contrary parte, such as were his

1563 Edition, page 1076

To procede now further in the course ... it foloweth more that in

1570 Edition, page 1685 | 1576 Edition, page 1430 | 1583 Edition, page 1499

M. Latimer hearing this Frierly Sermon of Doct. Bucknham, … But what should I here stand decyphring the names of

1570 Edition, page 1685[Back to Top]

DOminus noster Iesus Christus, ... In nomine patris, et filij, et Spiritus sancti. That is.

1563 Edition, page 1079

Summa literarum quas Redmannus … tuis literis amplius a colloquio dei mei turbare.

1563 Edition, page 1080

Here foloweth lykewise the Cardinals letter to the sayd Pope concernyng the same matter.

1570 Edition, page 1688 | 1576 Edition, page 1433 | 1583 Edition, page 1502

A lamentable example of crueltie shewed vpon Iohn Bolton, ... yet, (God be praysed) a man alyue.

1563 Edition, page 1085

the Clergye likewise, after theyr woonted maner,... Conuocation house, they proceeded next to the

1570 Edition, page 1609 | 1576 Edition, page 1365 | 1583 Edition, page 1434[Back to Top]

may appeare in our former edition, pag. 1332. more at large.

1570 Edition, page 1690 | 1576 Edition, page 1434 | 1583 Edition, page 1503

here ensueth

1563 Edition, page 1087

It foloweth now further in process of the story, ... the copy wherof I thought here not to ouerpasse.

1570 Edition, page 1692 | 1576 Edition, page 1436 | 1583 Edition, page 1505

Vpon the Wednesday folowyng beyng the xxiij. of Ianuary, ... day of the Conuersion of S. Paul,

1570 Edition, page 1693 | 1576 Edition, page 1437 | 1583 Edition, page 1506

Besides, there was also present the Maior, ... vnto hym them selues and their seruices.

1570 Edition, page 1693 | 1576 Edition, page 1437 | 1583 Edition, page 1507[Back to Top]

for that the Parliament was then but newelye ... Heretickes. Whereby there were

1563 Edition, page 1090

Whose tragical handlings shall more plainly be sene in the discourse of this history.

1563 Edition, page 1090

In the dayes of kyng Henry,... Peter Martyr permitted to depart the realme, and so went he to Argentine.

1570 Edition, page 1617 | 1576 Edition, page 1372 | 1583 Edition, page 1441

The 13. of Ianuarie 1554. … Fleete close prisonner.

1583 Edition, page 1442

Here is to be noted,... Lord Cobham was committed to the Tower,

1570 Edition, page 1618 | 1576 Edition, page 1373 | 1583 Edition, page 1443[Back to Top]

good and godly men had done at the stake, … to haue called hym therunto.

1570 Edition, page 1619 | 1576 Edition, page 1374 | 1583 Edition, page 1444

At what time her father... is this as followeth.

1576 Edition, page 1374 | 1583 Edition, page 1444

Iames Treuisam buried in the fieldes. … But what more befell vpon him, I haue not certaynly to say.

1570 Edition, page 1619[Back to Top]