Textual Transpositions for Book 11

Furthermore, amongest other his wordes and sayinges, ... this was hys counsell and request.

1563 Edition, page 1106 | 1570 Edition, page 1702 | 1576 Edition, page 1445 | 1583 Edition, page 1516

... in the dayes of K. Edward the sixt, ... as in deede he neuer did.

1570 Edition, page 1702 | 1576 Edition, page 1445 | 1583 Edition, page 1516

A Letter which L. Saunders did write to his wife, and others of the faythfull, ... This hope is put vp in my bosome, Amen, Amen, Amen, Pray, pray.

1563 Edition, page 1116 | 1570 Edition, page 1711 | 1576 Edition, page 1452 | 1583 Edition, page 1524

In clarissimi Doctrina & pietate viri Iohannis Hoperi ... Qualia, quanta Deus seruet sua bona beatis.

1563 Edition, page 1133 | 1570 Edition, page 1723 | 1576 Edition, page 1463 | 1583 Edition, page 1535

D. Tailour and M. Bradford, and M. Saunders were agayne called to appeare ... (sayde he rubbing his handes) I made him beleue I would so so in deed.

1563 Edition, page 1139 | 1570 Edition, page 1738 | 1576 Edition, page 1476 | 1583 Edition, page 1547[Back to Top]

The communication betwene the Lord Chauncellour and Iudge Hales, ... and afterward from thence was caried to the Fleete.

1563 Edition, page 1183 | 1570 Edition, page 1747 | 1576 Edition, page 1484 | 1583 Edition, page 1556

It hapned when supper tyme came ... Lord geuen present helpe in tyme of oportunitie.

1563 Edition, page 1185 | 1570 Edition, page 1748 | 1576 Edition, page 1485 | 1583 Edition, page 1556

The vnhappy chance of this so worthy a Iudge, ... then dispayre of his saluation.

1563 Edition, page 1185 | 1570 Edition, page 1748 | 1576 Edition, page 1485 | 1583 Edition, page 1557

Otherwyse, if we wyll adiudge all those to hell, ... his owne tong, did spit it out into the harlots face?

1563 Edition, page 1185 | 1570 Edition, page 1748 | 1576 Edition, page 1485 | 1583 Edition, page 1557

Si tua quanta fuit grauitas, prudentia, norma, ... Sanctorum prima classe ferendus eras.

1563 Edition, page 1186 | 1570 Edition, page 1748 | 1576 Edition, page 1485 | 1583 Edition, page 1557[Back to Top]

The history of Thomas Tomkins, ... the constant testimonie of Christes true profession.

1563 Edition, page 1170 | 1570 Edition, page 1748 | 1576 Edition, page 1485 | 1583 Edition, page 1557

Touching whiche shauyng of Thomas Tomkyns beard, ... had pluckt of a peece of his beard before.

1570 Edition, page 1749 | 1576 Edition, page 1485 | 1583 Edition, page 1557

... the 26. day of Septemb. the yeare aforesayd. By me Thomas Tomkyns aforesaid.

1563 Edition, page 1172 | 1570 Edition, page 1751 | 1576 Edition, page 1487 | 1583 Edition, page 1559

THe same daye and place, at two of the clocke ... Gods holy name, and confirmation of the weake.

1563 Edition, page 1172 | 1570 Edition, page 1751 | 1576 Edition, page 1487 | 1583 Edition, page 1559

... by whome hee was not onely instructed in true religion and godlinesse, ... demaund the duetie of a christian man against naturall affection.

1563 Edition, page 1178 | 1570 Edition, page 1751 | 1576 Edition, page 1488 | 1583 Edition, page 1559[Back to Top]

... they were committed to the officers of Colchester ... in this praise of Christian godlines, was nothing inferior to his maister.

1563 Edition, page 1173 | 1570 Edition, page 1755 | 1576 Edition, page 1491 | 1583 Edition, page 1563

In fine, when nothing coulde preuaile to make them assent to theyr doings, ... to consulte with themselues what were best to doe.

1563 Edition, page 1173 | 1570 Edition, page 1755 | 1576 Edition, page 1491 | 1583 Edition, page 1563

... the bishop seeing no good to be done in tarying ... and wyth them certaine other prisonners also, ...

1563 Edition, page 1173 | 1570 Edition, page 1755 | 1576 Edition, page 1491 | 1583 Edition, page 1563

... the Consistorie in Paules, the 17. daye of Februarie ... Which when they refused to doe, the Byshop ...

1563 Edition, page 1173 | 1570 Edition, page 1755 | 1576 Edition, page 1491 | 1583 Edition, page 1563

Articles obiected and ministred by Boner ... and also in all places where thou hast bene, within the sayd Dioces of London.

1563 Edition, page 1177 | 1570 Edition, page 1756 | 1576 Edition, page 1491 | 1583 Edition, page 1563[Back to Top]

The aunsweres of Thomas Causton and Thomas Higbed, ... by them confessed be true, notorious and manifest.

1563 Edition, page 1178 | 1570 Edition, page 1756 | 1576 Edition, page 1492 | 1583 Edition, page 1564

... vnto them after this sort, beginneth first (as he did euer before) with Thomas Causton. ... condemnation, and burnyng of these two godly and constant Martyrs of God.

1563 Edition, page 1174 | 1570 Edition, page 1757 | 1576 Edition, page 1492 | 1583 Edition, page 1564

... what their opinion was of the sacrament of the Aultar. ... their names and surnames, and their dwelling place?

1563 Edition, page 1180 | 1570 Edition, page 1759 | 1576 Edition, page 1494 | 1583 Edition, page 1566

The aunswere of Steuen Knight, and William Pigot, ... D. Taylour of Hadley, and such other.

1563 Edition, page 1181 | 1570 Edition, page 1759 | 1576 Edition, page 1495 | 1583 Edition, page 1566

THe next daye in the morning, being the 9. daye of February, ... youth brought them vp in the knowledge of God and his trueth.

1563 Edition, page 1181 | 1570 Edition, page 1759 | 1576 Edition, page 1495 | 1583 Edition, page 1567[Back to Top]

The history of Doctor Robert Farrar ... his life for the testimonye of the truth.

1563 Edition, page 1153 | 1570 Edition, page 1760 | 1576 Edition, page 1496 | 1583 Edition, page 1568

... by the fauour and good will of the Lord protectour, ... in order here followeth.

1563 Edition, page 1153 | 1570 Edition, page 1760 | 1576 Edition, page 1496 | 1583 Edition, page 1568

THrough the procurement and instance of these his aduersaries, ioyning and confederating together, ... for the obtainyng of the Commission, for proofe of his matter agaynst hys aduersaries.

1570 Edition, page 1761 | 1576 Edition, page 1497 | 1583 Edition, page 1577

A copy of a certaine letter written by the Bish. of S. Dauids. ... this ix. of March. Your Lordships to command during lyfe. R. F.

1563 Edition, page 1165 | 1570 Edition, page 1764 | 1576 Edition, page 1499 | 1583 Edition, page 1576

And thus you haue heard the first trouble of this blessed Martyr ... The processe of which his trouble here likewyse followeth.

1563 Edition, page 1167 | 1583 Edition, page 1577[Back to Top]

The answer of Rob. Farrer B. of S. Dauids, ... I pray God saue all your honors, and so he departed.

1570 Edition, page 1761 | 1576 Edition, page 1497 | 1583 Edition, page 1577

... which Henry, there and then discharged the said Shiriffe, ... the pretensed B. of S. Dauids offred him agayne the sayd articles as before: ...

1563 Edition, page 1167 | 1570 Edition, page 1762 | 1576 Edition, page 1497 | 1583 Edition, page 1578

To these articles thus obiected to hym, hee refused ... Shiriffe of the towne of Carmarthen, M. Leyson.

1563 Edition, page 1168 | 1570 Edition, page 1763 | 1576 Edition, page 1498 | 1583 Edition, page 1578

The tenour of which sentence, as well of hys condemnation, ... was brought to the place of execution in the towne of Carmarthen, ...

1563 Edition, page 1169 | 1570 Edition, page 1763 | 1576 Edition, page 1498 | 1583 Edition, page 1579

In the number of whom commeth here to be remembred ... and neuer stirred hand nor foote, and so lay he.

1563 Edition, page 1182 | 1570 Edition, page 1769 | 1576 Edition, page 1504 | 1583 Edition, page 1584[Back to Top]

Iohn Awcocke. IN the Moneth of Aprill, ... of their popish Antichristian Church.

1563 Edition, page 1186 | 1570 Edition, page 1770 | 1576 Edition, page 1504 | 1583 Edition, page 1585

A prayer and confession of W. Flower. ... as he forgaue all the world.

1570 Edition, page 1788 | 1576 Edition, page 1519 | 1583 Edition, page 1601

And thus fire was set vnto hym, who burning therein ... with hys other arme, as long as he could.

1570 Edition, page 1788 | 1576 Edition, page 1520 | 1583 Edition, page 1601

Iohn Warne beyng examined vpon these foresaid articles ... vnlesse he were therunto throughly perswaded by the holy scriptures.

1570 Edition, page 1790 | 1576 Edition, page 1522 | 1583 Edition, page 1603

... come to the stake, first the Shiriffes ... and they both passed thorough the fire ...

1563 Edition, page 1206 | 1570 Edition, page 1790 | 1576 Edition, page 1522 | 1583 Edition, page 1603[Back to Top]

The story of Iohn Ardeley and Iohn Symson of the Parish of Wigborow the great, in Essex.

1563 Edition, page 1238 | 1570 Edition, page 1793 | 1576 Edition, page 1524 | 1583 Edition, page 1606

To the right reuerend Father in God, ... the 24. of May, the 1. and 2. yeares of our reignes.

1563 Edition, page 1240 | 1570 Edition, page 1793 | 1576 Edition, page 1524 | 1583 Edition, page 1606

Articles obiected againste Iohn Symson, and Iohn Ardeley, ... but in the Englishe tongue, nor yet he neuer sayd, that if it be otherwise sayd and vsed then in English, it is vnlawful and nought.

1563 Edition, page 1238 | 1570 Edition, page 1793 | 1576 Edition, page 1524 | 1583 Edition, page 1606

Thus these articles being to them obiected, and theyr aunsweres made vnto the same, ... to the secular power, that is, to the handes of the Sheriffes, ...

1563 Edition, page 1240 | 1570 Edition, page 1794 | 1576 Edition, page 1525 | 1583 Edition, page 1607

At the tyme of the examination of this Symson and Iohn Ardeley ... fire, wherof ye may read before. pag. 1180.

1563 Edition, page 1241 | 1570 Edition, page 1794 | 1576 Edition, page 1525 | 1583 Edition, page 1607[Back to Top]

A note of Iohn Ardeley. ... and kepe from them the iust reward of such cruel dealing. Amen.

1570 Edition, page 1795 | 1576 Edition, page 1526 | 1583 Edition, page 1607

As touching therefore his education and order of life, ... so godly in his life, and so constantly in his death.

1563 Edition, page 1230 | 1570 Edition, page 1797 | 1576 Edition, page 1527 | 1583 Edition, page 1609

But to the declaration of the matter: first this Haukes ... sent him vp to London with a messenger and letters, ...

1563 Edition, page 1230 | 1570 Edition, page 1797 | 1576 Edition, page 1528 | 1583 Edition, page 1609

MOst reuerend father in God, ... to vse as ye thinke best, by your good discretion.

1563 Edition, page 1217 | 1570 Edition, page 1797 | 1576 Edition, page 1528 | 1583 Edition, page 1609

A little before his death certayne there were of his familiar ... toward heauen before he gaue vp the ghost.

1563 Edition, page 1231 | 1570 Edition, page 1806 | 1576 Edition, page 1534 | 1583 Edition, page 1616[Back to Top]

... with no smal multitude of people on euery side ... strooke or clapped them three tymes together together.

1563 Edition, page 1231 | 1570 Edition, page 1806 | 1576 Edition, page 1534 | 1583 Edition, page 1616

... was by his occupation a linnen Draper, who before ... wyfe and children, & gaue away much of his cloth vnto the poore: ...

1563 Edition, page 1235 | 1570 Edition, page 1808 | 1576 Edition, page 1537 | 1583 Edition, page 1618

WHen this Tho. Wattes came before the L. Rich and ... In conclusion, the Commissioners being wery of him ...

1563 Edition, page 1234 | 1570 Edition, page 1808 | 1576 Edition, page 1537 | 1583 Edition, page 1618

... or els not willing to meddle further in such high matters, ... thereof here vnder followeth to be seene.

1563 Edition, page 1205 | 1570 Edition, page 1811 | 1576 Edition, page 1539 | 1583 Edition, page 1620

Concerning the childebed of Queene Mary, ... before in the letter of the Counsell sent to Boner, pag. 1405.

1563 Edition, page 1203 | 1570 Edition, page 1810 | 1576 Edition, page 1539 | 1583 Edition, page 1620[Back to Top]

... the time was thought to be nie, that this young Maister ... Citie of London, and in most other partes of the realme, ...

1563 Edition, page 1205 | 1570 Edition, page 1811 | 1576 Edition, page 1539 | 1583 Edition, page 1620

... for the Queenes deliuerie, & that there was a Prince borne. ... the Lord knoweth, to whome nothing is secrete.

1563 Edition, page 1205 | 1570 Edition, page 1811 | 1576 Edition, page 1539 | 1583 Edition, page 1620

Among many other great preparations made ... Anglis incolumem redde, tuere, rege.

1563 Edition, page 1205 | 1570 Edition, page 1811 | 1576 Edition, page 1539 | 1583 Edition, page 1621

... vppon the xiij. day of this moneth came out a certaine Proclamation, ... bookes as they haue, or shall haue found hereafter.

1563 Edition, page 1215 | 1570 Edition, page 1811 | 1576 Edition, page 1539 | 1583 Edition, page 1621

The effect of the communication betweene Iohn Bradford and the Lord Chauncellour, … that is, till Mayster Saunders was excommunicated.

1563 Edition, page 1254 | 1570 Edition, page 1821 | 1576 Edition, page 1548 | 1583 Edition, page 1629[Back to Top]

The effect and summe of the last examination … afterward altered: for they burned him in London.

1563 Edition, page 1264 | 1570 Edition, page 1826 | 1576 Edition, page 1552 | 1583 Edition, page 1633

Priuate talke had with Iohn Bradford, … they went their waye, and poore Bradford to his prison.

1563 Edition, page 1268 | 1570 Edition, page 1829 | 1576 Edition, page 1554 | 1583 Edition, page 1636

VPon the 25. day of February, about 8 of the clock … and he went his way smiling. God helpe vs.

1563 Edition, page 1277 | 1570 Edition, page 1836 | 1576 Edition, page 1560 | 1583 Edition, page 1641

... about the 28. of Marche, … and geue vs the spirite of his truth for euer. Amen.

1563 Edition, page 1282 | 1570 Edition, page 1839 | 1576 Edition, page 1563 | 1583 Edition, page 1644

To the Citie of London. … for his holy names sake in Christ our Lord. Amen.

1563 Edition, page 1245 | 1570 Edition, page 1845 | 1576 Edition, page 1568 | 1583 Edition, page 1649[Back to Top]

To his dearely beloued in Christ, Erkinalde Rawlins, and his wife. ... mine owne hart roote in the Lord. For euer your owne, Iohn Bradford.

1563 Edition, page 1261 | 1570 Edition, page 1852 | 1576 Edition, page 1575 | 1583 Edition, page 1656

The prayer of Nicholas Sheterden, before his death. … O Lord Iesu receaue my spirite into thy handes, Amen.

1563 Edition, page 1306 | 1570 Edition, page 1895 | 1576 Edition, page 1614 | 1583 Edition, page 1700

A letter of Nicholas Sheterden to his mother. … Your owne childe Nicholas Shetterden prisoner for the trueth in Westgate 1555.

1563 Edition, page 1304 | 1570 Edition, page 1895 | 1576 Edition, page 1615 | 1583 Edition, page 1700

... were condemned by Maurice bishop aforenamed, … Richardus Fletcher filius, Minister Ecclesiae Riensis.

1576 Edition, page 1626 | 1583 Edition, page 1703

... Iueson being earnestly trauailed wythall to recant, sayde in this … perseuering stil in his constant faith vnto the ende.

1563 Edition, page 1312 | 1570 Edition, page 1902 | 1576 Edition, page 1621 | 1583 Edition, page 1706[Back to Top]

Certayne notes collected and gathered oute of the Scriptures, … 1. Ioh. 5. Reuel. 19. 22.

1563 Edition, page 1314 | 1570 Edition, page 1903 | 1576 Edition, page 1622 | 1583 Edition, page 1707

... the Commissioners againe, they receiuyng these prisoners afore mentioned … the 5. of Iuly then next commyng in the after noone,

1563 Edition, page 1314 | 1570 Edition, page 1904 | 1576 Edition, page 1622 | 1583 Edition, page 1708

After the Martyrdome of M. Denley at Vxbridge, which was the 8. of August, suffered also not long after, Patrike Pachingham ...

1563 Edition, page 1336 | 1570 Edition, page 1906 | 1576 Edition, page 1624 | 1583 Edition, page 1710

... Ioh. Newman Pewterer, dwellyng at Maidstone in Kent, he was burned the last of August ... and confession of his fayth and beliefe,…

1563 Edition, page 1337 | 1570 Edition, page 1906 | 1576 Edition, page 1624 | 1583 Edition, page 1710

The fayth of Iohn Newman … gaue his lyfe as is before declared.

1563 Edition, page 1337 | 1583 Edition, page 1711[Back to Top]

This foresayde Robert Smith … slept in the Lord, and ended this mortall life.

1570 Edition, page 1914 | 1576 Edition, page 1632 | 1583 Edition, page 1725

SEeke first to loue God deare wife, with your … Fosake not Christ for any payne.

1563 Edition, page 1335 | 1570 Edition, page 1915 | 1576 Edition, page 1632 | 1583 Edition, page 1725

Content thy selfe with pacience, … Vnto the port that shall remaine. For euermore.

1563 Edition, page 1329 | 1570 Edition, page 1916 | 1576 Edition, page 1633 | 1583 Edition, page 1726

... George King, Thomas Leyes, and Iohn Wade … when none in the day durste doe it,

1563 Edition, page 1340 | 1570 Edition, page 1917 | 1576 Edition, page 1634 | 1583 Edition, page 1726

... William Andrew of Horsley ... buried by the handes of good men and faithfull brethren.

1563 Edition, page 1340 | 1570 Edition, page 1917 | 1576 Edition, page 1634 | 1583 Edition, page 1726[Back to Top]

The Martyrdome of Roger Coo of Melforde … most blessedly ended his aged yeares. ...

1563 Edition, page 1341 | 1570 Edition, page 1922 | 1576 Edition, page 1639 | 1583 Edition, page 1731

... Thomas Cobbe ... in the moneth of September … burned in the towne of Tetford.

1563 Edition, page 1340 | 1570 Edition, page 1923 | 1583 Edition, page 1732

... chronicled a double Martyr. For as the sayd Rob. … holy spirit to the knowledge of the gospell,

1563 Edition, page 1347 | 1570 Edition, page 1924 | 1576 Edition, page 1640 | 1583 Edition, page 1733

... that he had sinned verely against the holy Ghost: … some refocillation and tyme of refreshyng?

1563 Edition, page 1347 | 1570 Edition, page 1924 | 1576 Edition, page 1641 | 1583 Edition, page 1733

.... who suffereth none to be tempted … many yeres so sharpe temptations.

1563 Edition, page 1347 | 1570 Edition, page 1924 | 1576 Edition, page 1641 | 1583 Edition, page 1733[Back to Top]

... as soone as the B. of Couentry heard the fame … And thus much ... concernyng the woorthy remembraunce of maister Iohn Glouer.

1563 Edition, page 1347 | 1570 Edition, page 1924 | 1576 Edition, page 1641 | 1583 Edition, page 1733

A Letter of M. Robert Glouer to his wyfe, … God laye not their extreeme doings against me, to their charge at the great day.

1563 Edition, page 1342 | 1570 Edition, page 1925 | 1576 Edition, page 1641 | 1583 Edition, page 1734

... that then he would shew some signification … meruailous workyng of the Lordes hand vpon that good man.

1570 Edition, page 1930 | 1576 Edition, page 1645 | 1583 Edition, page 1737

A Letter of Byshop Ridley answearyng to a certayne Letter of one Maister West, … From Bocardo in Oxford, the. viij. day of Aprill. 1555.

1563 Edition, page 1448 | 1570 Edition, page 1939 | 1576 Edition, page 1653 | 1583 Edition, page 1752

... his aduersaries, … did this worthy Standerdbearer of Christes gospell sustayne.

1563 Edition, page 1376 | 1570 Edition, page 1943 | 1576 Edition, page 1657 | 1583 Edition, page 1759[Back to Top]

The copy of the Citation sent to the sayd M. Latimer ... x. die mensis Ianuarij. An. 1531.

1563 Edition, page 1401 | 1583 Edition, page 1760

Against this citation, although M. Latimer did appeale … may appeare by his Epistle sent to a certaine bishop or Archbishop,

1563 Edition, page 1401 | 1570 Edition, page 1945 | 1576 Edition, page 1659 | 1583 Edition, page 1760

... whose name is not expressed, the copye of which Epistle in Latine is this … or nude propositions (as hee calleth them) be these.

1563 Edition, page 1401 | 1583 Edition, page 1760

In these so harde and daungerous straites, … M. Latimer hearing this, aunswered agayne by writing

1563 Edition, page 1417 | 1570 Edition, page 1946 | 1576 Edition, page 1660 | 1583 Edition, page 1762

It were a large & long processe to story out all the doinges, … great blustering of theyr terrible threates, but rather deriding the same.

1563 Edition, page 1422 | 1570 Edition, page 1947 | 1576 Edition, page 1660 | 1583 Edition, page 1763[Back to Top]

Thus Mayster Latimer passing a long time in the tower, … our euerlasting comfort in hym. And thus much concerning the

1563 Edition, page 1424 | 1570 Edition, page 1948 | 1576 Edition, page 1662 | 1583 Edition, page 1764

A Letter of M. Latimer to Mayster Morice, concerning the Articles written, … I pray you pardon me, I cannot make an end.

1563 Edition, page 1383 | 1570 Edition, page 1949 | 1576 Edition, page 1662 | 1583 Edition, page 1765

Amongest many other impugners and Aduersaryes, … with his pen, writing agaynst him

1563 Edition, page 1386 | 1570 Edition, page 1951 | 1576 Edition, page 1665 | 1583 Edition, page 1767

Epistola Gulielmi Sherwodi … significat non actionem sine actu, Signa latet quippiam. &c.

1563 Edition, page 1386 | 1583 Edition, page 1767

The copy of a letter sent by mayster Latimer, … is as good in Wyuter, as a Bucke in sommer.

1563 Edition, page 1390 | 1583 Edition, page 1769[Back to Top]

A letter of Syr Edward Baynton Knight, … make vs all Christian, after the right fashion. Amen.

1563 Edition, page 1395 | 1570 Edition, page 1952 | 1576 Edition, page 1665 | 1583 Edition, page 1772

The Letter of Mayster Latimer written to King Henry, … no shame to suffer punishment & great persecutions...

1563 Edition, page 1413 | 1570 Edition, page 1955 | 1576 Edition, page 1669 | 1583 Edition, page 1776

A fruitfull letter of M. Latimer, … From Baxsterley the xv of Iuly ...

1563 Edition, page 1418 | 1570 Edition, page 1958 | 1576 Edition, page 1672 | 1583 Edition, page 1778

... saue onely these few lynes, whiche hee wrote to one maistres Wilkinson of London, … Yours in Bocardo Hugh Latimer.

1563 Edition, page 1425 | 1570 Edition, page 1960 | 1576 Edition, page 1674 | 1583 Edition, page 1780

Touching the memorable actes and doynges of thys worthye man, … Fornicatores & adulteros iudicabit Dominus.

1570 Edition, page 1961 | 1576 Edition, page 1674 | 1583 Edition, page 1780[Back to Top]

M. Ridley to the Queenes Maiestie. … The 16. day of Octob. An. 1555. N.R.

1563 Edition, page 1448 | 1570 Edition, page 1974 | 1576 Edition, page 1686 | 1583 Edition, page 1792

The summe and effect of the Sermons which Gardiner … the summe and chief purpose of his Sermon, with other suche matter aboue Storyed,

1570 Edition, page 1991 | 1576 Edition, page 1706 | 1583 Edition, page 1812

Doctissimo viro, Edmundo Crispino amico integerrimo, … communem amicum nostrum. &c.

1570 Edition, page 1998 | 1576 Edition, page 1712 | 1583 Edition, page 1818

The English wherof, as much as to the present purpose … for oure Doctour was a beholder of the whole Tragedie, &c.

1570 Edition, page 1998 | 1576 Edition, page 1713 | 1583 Edition, page 1818

To hys deare frend in the Lord Iohn Careles, … stockes, by thine owne in Christ. Iohn Philpot.

1563 Edition, page 1604 | 1570 Edition, page 2043 | 1576 Edition, page 1752 | 1583 Edition, page 1857[Back to Top]

An other letter of M. Philpot, to certaine godlye women, … Farewel in the Lord. Yours for euer, Iohn Philpot.

1563 Edition, page 1607 | 1570 Edition, page 2044 | 1576 Edition, page 1753 | 1583 Edition, page 1858

This bill being thus written, and lying openlye … withoute medling in matters of Religion.

1563 Edition, page 1548 | 1570 Edition, page 2085 | 1576 Edition, page 1790 | 1583 Edition, page 1895

A Commission sent from the Pope, … Nostri, anno primo. I. Bareng.

1563 Edition, page 1559

The forme of disgrading an Archbishop. ... vel mutilationis pericu lum inferas.

1563 Edition, page 1562

... when they came to take of hys Pall … so deliuered him to the secular power.

1563 Edition, page 1561 | 1570 Edition, page 2100 | 1576 Edition, page 1803 | 1583 Edition, page 1907[Back to Top]

Letters of Doctor Tho. Cranmer Archbishop of Canterbury. … God send you his spirit to induce you into truth.

1563 Edition, page 1554 | 1570 Edition, page 2106 | 1576 Edition, page 1808 | 1583 Edition, page 1913

... the Bishop falling to entreating and perswasions, earnestly exhorted him to reuoke his heresyes, … and to refourme hymselfe vnto the Church of Rome,

1563 Edition, page 1575 | 1570 Edition, page 2116 | 1576 Edition, page 1817 | 1583 Edition, page 1922

... Tyms aunswered: I will not reforme my selfe therunto. ... he will turne your cursinges into blessinges.

1563 Edition, page 1575 | 1570 Edition, page 2116 | 1576 Edition, page 1817 | 1583 Edition, page 1922

Hugh Lauerocke an olde lame man, … and me of my lamenesse. And so paciently these two good Saints of God together suffered.

1563 Edition, page 1587 | 1570 Edition, page 2129 | 1576 Edition, page 1829 | 1583 Edition, page 1933

A Letter sent vnto Boner Bishop of London, … Iohn Mordant. Edmund Tyrrel.

1563 Edition, page 1587 | 1570 Edition, page 2130 | 1576 Edition, page 1830 | 1583 Edition, page 1934[Back to Top]

This Thomas Spicer was a single man … Eay dungeon in Suffolke, till at length

1563 Edition, page 1590 | 1570 Edition, page 2131 | 1576 Edition, page 1831 | 1583 Edition, page 1936

... when shee was burned at Stratford, … for the satisfaction of theyr sinnes.

1583 Edition, page 1940

FIrst Doct. Parker asked me how … commaunded the Bailiffe to take him away.

1570 Edition, page 2138 | 1576 Edition, page 1837 | 1583 Edition, page 1942

... about the age of 24. and after in manner … no more as yet came vnto our handes.

1570 Edition, page 2173 | 1576 Edition, page 1869 | 1583 Edition, page 1973

... moreouer that in this present yeare, … a true witnes of the Lordes truthe,

1563 Edition, page 1617 | 1570 Edition, page 2179 | 1576 Edition, page 1874 | 1583 Edition, page 1978[Back to Top]

... Thomas Norreis, Thomas Stiffe, William Kayme, … Rob. Mossey, priest maried & depriued.

1563 Edition, page 1617 | 1570 Edition, page 2180 | 1576 Edition, page 1875 | 1583 Edition, page 1979[Back to Top]