Textual Variations for Book 11

Thus thys Bradford being in the fire … they shall immediatelye follow.

1563 Edition, page 1245

In fine, this foresayd maister Wodrofe … The Lord of it be his pleasure be his helper

1563 Edition, page 1284

Another sermon of M. Latimer, concerning the same matter. NOw you haue hard ... and al those whom he suffered death for. Amen.

1563 Edition, page 1373

It would aske a long discourse to declare … and to make out his men of armes.

1570 Edition, page 1942 | 1576 Edition, page 1657 | 1583 Edition, page 1758

To whome maister Latimer answereth … and the malice of all his enemies,

1563 Edition, page 1376[Back to Top]

Then came at last Doct. West … and was compelled to commende hym vppon the same. So

1570 Edition, page 1943 | 1576 Edition, page 1657 | 1583 Edition, page 1759

articles against him, both concerning the matter of our lady, … may the better appeare.

1563 Edition, page 1378

out Articles and impositions, which they vntruly, … the copy of which citation

1570 Edition, page 1945 | 1576 Edition, page 1658 | 1583 Edition, page 1760

In this letter you heare mention … which Citation here ensueth.

1563 Edition, page 1401

Furthermore here by the way to note the seuere punishment … Tradis & accensae membra cremandae pyrae

1570 Edition, page 1843 | 1576 Edition, page 1566 | 1583 Edition, page 1648[Back to Top]

in our former edition expressed in Latin … translated out of lattin into Englysh, as followeth.

1570 Edition, page 1945 | 1576 Edition, page 1659

Articles deuised by the Bishops, … to the honor of the sayd Saintes.

1563 Edition, page 1403 | 1570 Edition, page 1945 | 1576 Edition, page 1659 | 1583 Edition, page 1761

the copy wherof among hys letters in the other edition is to be seene, pag. 1359.

1570 Edition, page 1947 | 1576 Edition, page 1660

writing to a certain gentleman: the copy wherof … sequele of this story to be sene.

1583 Edition, page 1763

Neyther it is easye to saye whether the doinges and procedinges … But to returne again, wher as we left.

1563 Edition, page 1423[Back to Top]

prayers of maister Latimer … litle that he dyd wryte at Oxford,

1563 Edition, page 1425

Lament we maye both daye and night … Theyr deathfull panges to see

1563 Edition, page 1285

doings & laborious trauailes of M. Latimer. … M. Morice, the copie therof here followeth.

1570 Edition, page 1949 | 1576 Edition, page 1662 | 1583 Edition, page 1765

Articles vntruly, vniustly, falsly, vncharitably … oure pylgrimage. With manye moe

1563 Edition, page 1378

A brief digression touchyng the raylyng of Hubberdin … paper about thys idle matter, now to our purpose agayne.

1570 Edition, page 1951 | 1576 Edition, page 1664 | 1583 Edition, page 1766[Back to Top]

as the copye of hys letter here folowing may declare.

1563 Edition, page 1386

in latin, whose long Epistle … of the fyrst edition, pag. 1317.

1570 Edition, page 1951 | 1576 Edition, page 1665

in Latine, whose long Epistle, … hereunder foloweth.

1583 Edition, page 1767

Besides these latin letters aboue expressed, … as ensueth.

1563 Edition, page 1390

Besides these latin letters aboue expressed … shall recompence the length of them

1570 Edition, page 1951 | 1576 Edition, page 1665[Back to Top]

Besides these latine letters aboue expressed … shall recompense the length of them.

1583 Edition, page 1769

Here followeth an other letter of M. Latymer written … hys letter here foloweth.

1570 Edition, page 1955

Here followe the Letters of Maister Bradford … to take his last vale of them in this letter, as foloweth.

1570 Edition, page 1844 | 1576 Edition, page 1567 | 1583 Edition, page 1648

Wherfore or we come to thys letter of mayster Latimer, … The copy of his letter is this.

1563 Edition, page 1404

More of this letter came not to our handes … the Popes frendes, and Gods enemyes for the gospels sake.

1563 Edition, page 1417[Back to Top]

In this letter of M. Latymer to the kyng aboue prefixed … written to the Gentleman, is this as foloweth.

1570 Edition, page 1958 | 1576 Edition, page 1671 | 1583 Edition, page 1778

the copy of which his letter I thought not vnworthy … wryten to the gentil man is this.

1563 Edition, page 1418

for els we read but litle that he dyd wryte at Oxford,

1563 Edition, page 1425

Duryng the tyme that the sayd M. Latymer was … none that he dyd wryte to hys frendes abroad,

1570 Edition, page 1960 | 1576 Edition, page 1674 | 1583 Edition, page 1780

Touchyng the memorable Acts and doyngs … from the old Romanes, that

1570 Edition, page 1961 | 1576 Edition, page 1674 | 1583 Edition, page 1780[Back to Top]

First you shall consider and vnderstande … euen the. xxviii. of September was sente

1563 Edition, page 1426

First, after the appearing of Tho. Cranmer … to Oxford an other Commission

1570 Edition, page 1961 | 1576 Edition, page 1674 | 1583 Edition, page 1781

Here I thought good to place all these articles … as often as rehersall shall bee of them.

1563 Edition, page 1432

To my deare fathers, D. Cranmer, D. Ridley, and D. Latimer … auricular confession, with penaunce and satisfaction for our sinnes. &c.

1570 Edition, page 1854 | 1576 Edition, page 1577 | 1583 Edition, page 1658

Examinations vpon the sayd Articles … the story with seuerall repetitions therof.

1570 Edition, page 1965 | 1576 Edition, page 1678 | 1583 Edition, page 1784[Back to Top]

And so continued Byshop Ridley … 16. day of the said moneth of October.

1570 Edition, page 1973 | 1576 Edition, page 1685 | 1583 Edition, page 1791

The same daye in the morning

1563 Edition, page 1443

In the meane season … in the mornyng

1570 Edition, page 1973 | 1576 Edition, page 1685 | 1583 Edition, page 1791

The copy of this supplication written to the Queene here followeth.

1570 Edition, page 1974 | 1576 Edition, page 1686 | 1583 Edition, page 1792

This degradation being past, … Doct. Brokes

1570 Edition, page 1975 | 1576 Edition, page 1686 | 1583 Edition, page 1792[Back to Top]

To whom M. Latymer spake in this manner … as (I trust) shall neuer be put out.

1570 Edition, page 1976 | 1576 Edition, page 1688 | 1583 Edition, page 1794

De Ridleo & Latimero Martyribus. … Gaudet vterque Deo, perfruiturque suo.

1570 Edition, page 1977

Thou diddest heare before (good Reader) … The Copye wherof here foloweth.

1563 Edition, page 1448

Ad fratres in captiuitate carnis, … per dei gratiam ad conuiuendum et commoriendum.

1563 Edition, page 1450

And besides these letters aboue specified of M. Iohn Bradforde, … . Pray therfore for me in hast. The sinnefull. I. Bradford.

1583 Edition, page 1683[Back to Top]

What reward remayneth for them in Heauen … Diuers and sondry other treatises of his remaine also in my hand both in Latine

1570 Edition, page 1978 | 1576 Edition, page 1688 | 1583 Edition, page 1794

wherof ye shall see God willing) … after the finishing of these storyes, to adioyne.

1570 Edition, page 1989 | 1576 Edition, page 1704

to be remembered … in time and place convenient

1583 Edition, page 1809

But what learning or cunning soeuer it was … therein not so much to folow hys owne sense,

1570 Edition, page 1990 | 1576 Edition, page 1705 | 1583 Edition, page 1809

affirming very often that he greatly suspected the sayde B. to be … vnto the ende of that processe, in that booke at large mentioned.

1583 Edition, page 1810[Back to Top]

(who as he had vsed coniuration before, so after … al the torches wente out and coulde beare no light)

1563 Edition, page 1452

Notwithstanding, here by the way touching the death … But to proceede farther in the sequell of our storie:

1583 Edition, page 1811

a certein tretise of D. Ridley, … by the reading thereof thou mayest see and perceaue more at large.

1563 Edition, page 1452

certayne gatheringes out of his Sermons, wordes … collected by M. Vdall, here vnder foloweth to be seene.

1570 Edition, page 1991 | 1576 Edition, page 1706 | 1583 Edition, page 1812

wherein may appeare the double faced doynges of this Byshop … hath well set out in thys table here vnder ensuing.

1570 Edition, page 1994 | 1576 Edition, page 1709 | 1583 Edition, page 1815[Back to Top]

Jn the Moneth of Maye before, mention … al other of this Citye, to be present at the same

1563 Edition, page 1286

To the reader. Forsasmuch (good reader) as out aduersaries ... by the reading thereof thou mayest see and perceaue more at large

1563 Edition, page 1452

To these notes and places of Doct. Ridley, let us … Crispine his frend,

1570 Edition, page 1998 | 1576 Edition, page 1712 | 1583 Edition, page 1817

And this now beyng sufficient for Gardiners story … as now in order foloweth.

1570 Edition, page 1998 | 1576 Edition, page 1713 | 1583 Edition, page 1818

or els as I otherwise finde, … iij. together in one fire at Caunterbury,

1570 Edition, page 1999 | 1576 Edition, page 1714 | 1583 Edition, page 1818[Back to Top]

and have come to our hands … of this table here under annexed

1563 Edition, page 1516

and haue come to light

1570 Edition, page 2041 | 1576 Edition, page 1749 | 1583 Edition, page 1854

Here we must craue, gentle reader, … Ianuary. Anno. 1556. The Papists

1563 Edition, page 1519

Letters of M. Philpot. A letter which he sent … stockes by thyne owne in CHRIST. Ihon Philpot

1570 Edition, page 2041 | 1576 Edition, page 1750 | 1583 Edition, page 1855

An exhortation to his owne Sister … to lyue and dye with you in the vnitie of faith, Iohn Philpot.

1570 Edition, page 2045 | 1576 Edition, page 1753 | 1583 Edition, page 1858[Back to Top]

Diuers other letters were written by M. Philpot … may rewarde you according to your deeds.

1583 Edition, page 1866

good and godlye men hadde done before hym

1563 Edition, page 1286

AN. 1556. The story of seuen Martyrs …Prelates of the Popes band

1570 Edition, page 2053 | 1576 Edition, page 1761 | 1583 Edition, page 1868

And first to behold the maner of speech in these Byshops, … begynnyng in this sorte.

1570 Edition, page 2054 | 1576 Edition, page 1761 | 1583 Edition, page 1868

Wytnesses on Boners side producted … Rowland Harrison.

1563 Edition, page 1523[Back to Top]

And thus hauyng expressed their articles, … in order here foloweth, and first

1570 Edition, page 2055 | 1576 Edition, page 1763 | 1583 Edition, page 1869

as here ye shal perceiue.

1563 Edition, page 1523

wyth whom what an euill messe of handling this Whittell had, … manifestly may appeare.

1570 Edition, page 2055 | 1576 Edition, page 1763 | 1583 Edition, page 1869

hereafter foloweth in the lyfe … there (by the Lords leaue)

1563 Edition, page 1525

before in the story of bishop Hoper page. 1681. is

1570 Edition, page 2057 | 1576 Edition, page 1765 | 1583 Edition, page 1871[Back to Top]

Letters of Thomas Whittell … Careles prisoner in the Kinges Bench.

1570 Edition, page 2057 | 1576 Edition, page 1765 | 1583 Edition, page 1871

To my deare frend and brother Iohn Went … the doore IESVS CHRIST, Amen. Thomas Wittell.

1570 Edition, page 2058 | 1576 Edition, page 1766 | 1583 Edition, page 1872

An other letter of M. Grene … be all honor and glory, world without end. Amen. Yours in Christ. Bartelet Grene.

1570 Edition, page 2067 | 1576 Edition, page 1774 | 1583 Edition, page 1880

in the kyngdome of CHRIST our Sauiour.

1570 Edition, page 2069 | 1576 Edition, page 1776 | 1583 Edition, page 1881

And thus much concerning the life, story, … vij. Martyrs aboue specified.

1570 Edition, page 2070 | 1576 Edition, page 1777 | 1583 Edition, page 1882[Back to Top]

Who, when the fire was flaming about their eares, … wept byterly at the sight thereof.

1570 Edition, page 2071 | 1576 Edition, page 1778 | 1583 Edition, page 1883

The lyfe, condemnation & death … our wyckednes so deseruing, after the sixt yere of his reigne, this

1563 Edition, page 1539

The life, state and story … agaynst all his maligners. Afterward this K. Edward

1570 Edition, page 2071 | 1576 Edition, page 1778 | 1583 Edition, page 1883

for he was maruelously beloued of his subiectes, … rewarded them according to their demerites.

1563 Edition, page 1542

the Duke of Northumberlande … being established in the possession of the kingdome

1563 Edition, page 1542[Back to Top]

some, whom they coulde not fauour. … being established in the possession of the Realme,

1570 Edition, page 2085 | 1576 Edition, page 1790 | 1583 Edition, page 1895

(of whome mention is made before) … get the masse more autoritie.

1563 Edition, page 1543

gaue forth a writing in his purgation: … I neede not here againe to recite.

1570 Edition, page 2085 | 1576 Edition, page 1790 | 1583 Edition, page 1895

as it was requisite by a publike wryting, which was … when they perceiued that it was his own wryting,

1563 Edition, page 1543

Thys is certain, that not long after this, he was

1570 Edition, page 2085 | 1576 Edition, page 1791 | 1583 Edition, page 1895[Back to Top]

The disputation was solemnely denounced … they did in suche sorte as you haue hearde before: because

1563 Edition, page 1544

What thys disputation was, … and so committed to the Maior and Sheriffes of Oxford. But forasmuch

1570 Edition, page 2085 | 1576 Edition, page 1791 | 1583 Edition, page 1895

In Saynte Maryes Churche was a solempne Scaffolde … the Byshop of Caunterbury was broughte before them,

1563 Edition, page 1549

Of the which 3. Commissioners aboue named, … gleues for feare least he should start away, being

1570 Edition, page 2086 | 1576 Edition, page 1791 | 1583 Edition, page 1895

and in his hand a white staffe: … When he was brought vnto the scaffold side,

1563 Edition, page 1549[Back to Top]

Who after hee was come into the church, … neare vnto the scaffold, where the foresayd Bishops sat,

1570 Edition, page 2086 | 1576 Edition, page 1791 | 1583 Edition, page 1896

When after many meanes vsed, … and when he had ended his protestation, he began thus.

1563 Edition, page 1549[Back to Top]