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Foxe text narrativeRichard Woodman, citing St. AugustineFoxe marginal note, citing Virgil, Aeneid, 3. 56-7.[Marginal...Vulgate, Gal. ii. 20.Foxe text narrativeFoxe text narrative (book title?)Foxe text narrativeFoxe text narrative, citing St. PaulFoxe text narrative, possibly alluding to I John, 2. 23.Foxe text narrative, citing I John, 5. 21.Speech by Robert WatsonLetter from Steven Cotton to his brother.Foxe text narrativeFoxe text narrativeThe Lady Elisabeth, quoting [and Marginal note]Varro, Res Rusticae, 3. 2. 1.Foxe text narrativeDisputation at Westminster, citing St. Ambrose. [Marginal...Disputation at Westminster, citing St. John, 4. 24Disputation at Westminster, citing Psalm 102 (101).Disputation at Westminster, partly citing I Corinthians...St. Augustine, De Magistro, cap. i.St. Augustine, De Doctrina Christiana, lib. 4. cap. 10. 24.Justin Martyr, Apol. 1. 67St. Basil, Epist. 63 (207 in Benedictine numbering)St. Ambrose on I Corinthians, 14. (13) 2.St. Ambrose on I Corinthians, 13. (14). 16.St. Ambrose on I Corinthians 14. 16.St. Ambrose on I Corinthians, 14. 26.St. Ambrose on I Corinthians 13. (14) 28.St. Jerome, on I Corinthians, 14. (13). 16.St. Jerome, on I Corinthians, 14 (13). 2. (?)St. Jerome, on Paul, Galatians. 18.Chrysostom, on I ad Cor. cap. xivChrysostom on Paul, I Cor. xiv, 16Foxe text narrative.St. Augustine, Enarratio ii. sermo ad plebem.JustinianFoxe text narrative citing Romans, 10. 10.Foxe text narrative, spoken by the Bishop of Chester.Foxe text narrative.St. BasilTerenceHorace, Ars Poetica, 360-361Foxe text narrativeFoxe text narrativeBonner in a letter to PooleFoxe text narrative.Foxe text narrative.Foxe marginal note, citing Virgil, Aeneid, 3. 56-7.Foxe marginal noteFoxe marginal noteRichard Woodman, citing St. AugustineFoxe marginal note, citing Virgil, Aeneid, 3. 56-7.Vulgate, Gal. ii. 20Foxe text narrativeFoxe text narrative, quoting Bonner's words to MillesFoxe text narrative, citing St. PaulFoxe text narrative, possibly alluding to I John, 2. 23.Foxe text narrativeJohn Fronton saying the 'Ave Maria'Letter from Steven Cotton to his brother.An allusion from an Epigram of Ennius in CiceroFoxe text narrative.Foxe marginal noteThe Lady Elisabeth, quoting [and Marginal Note]Varro, Res Rusticae, 3. 2. 1.Foxe text narrativeFoxe text narrative, quoting Isaiah 50. 11.Foxe text narrative, citing Isaiah. 1. 15.Foxe text narrative, citing Isaiah. 1. 16.Foxe text narrative [CONCLUDING WORDS OF 1570 EDITIONSt. BasilFoxe marginal noteJosephusFoxe text narrativeFoxe text narrativeBonner in a letter to PooleFoxe text narrative.Foxe marginal note, citing Virgil, Aeneid, 3. 56-7.Foxe marginal noteFoxe marginal noteRichard Woodman, citing St. AugustineFoxe marginal note, citing Virgil, Aeneid, 3. 56-7.Foxe text narrativeFoxe text narrative, quoting Bonner's words to MillesFoxe text narrative, citing St. PaulFoxe text narrative, possibly alluding to I John, 2. 23.Foxe text narrative, citing I John, 5. 21Foxe text narrativeJohn Fronton saying the 'Ave Maria'Letter from Steven Cotton to his brother.Foxe marginal noteThe Lady Elisabeth, quotingVarro, Res Rusticae, 3. 2. 1.Foxe text narrativeFoxe text narrative, quoting Isaiah 50. 11.Foxe text narrative, citing Isaiah. 1. 15.Foxe text narrative, citing Isaiah. 1. 16.St. BasilFoxe marginal noteJosephusFoxe text narrativeFoxe text narrativeBonner in a letter to PooleFoxe text narrative.Foxe text narrative.Foxe marginal note, citing Virgil, Aeneid, 3. 56-7.Foxe marginal noteFoxe marginal noteRichard Woodman, citing St. AugustineVulgate, Gal. ii. 20Foxe text narrativeAn allusion from an Epigram of Ennius in CiceroFoxe text narrative, quoting Bonner's words to MillesFoxe text narrative, citing St. PaulFoxe text narrative, possibly alluding to I John, 2. 23.Foxe text narrative, citing I John, 5. 21Foxe text narrativeJohn Fronton saying the 'Ave Maria'Letter from Steven Cotton to his brother.Foxe text narrative.Foxe marginal noteDr. Edwin Sandys, Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge, quoting...The Lady Elisabeth, quotingVarro, Res Rusticae, 3. 2. 1.Foxe text narrativeFoxe text narrativeFoxe text narrative, citing Isaiah. 1. 15.Foxe text narrative, citing Isaiah. 1. 16.Disputation at Westminster, citing I Corinthians 14...Disputation at Westminster, citing St. Ambrose.Disputation at Westminster, citing St. John, 4. 24Disputation at Westminster, citing Psalm 102 (101).Disputation at Westminster, citing I Corinthians xiv.St. Augustine, De Magistro, cap. i.St. Augustine, De Doctrina Christiana, lib. 4. cap. 10. 24.Justin Martyr, Apol. 1. 67St. Ambrose on I Corinthians, 14. (13) 2.St. Ambrose on I Corinthians, 13. (14). 16.St. Ambrose on I Corinthians 14. 16.St. Ambrose on I Corinthians, 14. 26.St. Ambrose on I Corinthians 13. (14) 28.St. Jerome, on I Corinthians, 14. (13). 16.St. Jerome, on I Corinthians, 14 (13). 2. (?)St. Jerome, on Paul, Galatians. 18.Chrysostom on Paul, I Cor. xiv, 16ChrysostomFoxe text narrative.St. Augustine, Enarratio ii. sermo ad plebem.JustinianFoxe text narrative citing Romans, 10. 10.Foxe text narrative, spoken by the Bishop of Chester.Foxe text narrative.Nicholas Ridley in a treatise, citing Deuteronomy. 27. 15.Nicholas Ridley in a treatise, citing Deuteronomy. 4. 19.Nicholas Ridley in a treatise, citing Deuteronomy. 7. 4.Nicholas Ridley in a treatise, citing the Wisdom of...Nicholas Ridley in a treatise, citing Tertullian, Lib....Nicholas Ridley in a treatise, citing Wisdom of Solomon...Nicholas Ridley in a treatise.Nicholas Ridley in a treatise, citing Zephirus on Tertullian...Nicholas Ridley in a treatise, citing Lactantius, lib....Nicholas Ridley in a treatise, citing St. Augustine,...Nicholas Ridley in a treatise, citing St. Augustine,...Nicholas Ridley in a treatise, citing St. Augustine,...Nicholas Ridley in a treatise, citing St. Augustine.Nicholas Ridley in a treatise, I Corinthians 11. (10). 22.Nicholas Ridley in a treatise, citing Tertullian.Nicholas Ridley in a treatise, citing St. Augustine.Nicholas Ridley in a treatise, citing Tertullian.Nicholas Ridley in a treatise, citing Epiphanius.Nicholas Ridley in a treatise, citing Petrus Crinitus,...Nicholas Ridley in a treatise, citing Tertullian.Nicholas Ridley in a treatise, citing the Concilium...Nicholas Ridley in a treatise, citing St. Ambrose....Foxe text narrative, citing Isaiah. 56. 10.The saying 'of an ancient Doctor of the Catholike Church'.Letter from John Meluyn.Letter from John Meluyn, citing 4 Esdras. 8. 1.St. Matthew. 20. 16.St. Luke. 13. 23.II Timothy. 2. 19.Psalm 16 (15). 3.St. John. 15. 19.St. John. 18. 36.Foxe text narrative.Foxe text narrative.John Meluyn, citing St. Augustine. Tract. in Ioan....Foxe text marginal note.Latimer in a sermon.TerenceFoxe text narrative. Ric. Dinothus. Ex Commentariis...Foxe marginal noteJosephusSt. Basil, Epist. 63 (207 in Benedictine numbering)St. BasilChrysostom, on I ad Cor. cap. xivNicholas Ridley in a treatise, citing II Corinthians....Nicholas Ridley in a treatise, citing Athenasius, contra...
Latin/Greek Translations for Book 12
Foxe text narrative

Foxe text Latin

Salue festa dies, etc.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

Hail, festive day, etc.

1563 Edition, page 1631[Back to Top]
Richard Woodman, citing St. Augustine

Foxe text Latin

Crede et manducasti.

Foxe text translation

Beleue, and thou has eaten.

Actual text of St. Augustine, In Ioan. Evang. cap. 6. tract. xxv. 12. P.L. vol. 035, Col. 1602

Utquid paras dentes et ventrem? crede, et manducasti.

1563 Edition, page 1667[Back to Top]
Foxe marginal note, citing Virgil, Aeneid, 3. 56-7.[Marginal Note]

Foxe text Latin

Quo non mortalia pectora cogis auri sacra fames.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

Why, sacred longing for gold, do you not constrain the hearts of men?

Actual text of Virgil, Aeneid, 3. 57-8

quid non mortalia pectora cogis,
auri sacra fames!

[Accurate citation, except forquoin place ofquidat the start.]

1563 Edition, page 1695[Back to Top]
Vulgate, Gal. ii. 20.

Foxe text Latin

Qui dilexit me et tradidit semetipsum pro me.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Cattley-Pratt,1877, viii, 403)

which hath loved me, and given himself for me.

[Accurate citation]

1563 Edition, page 1701[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative

Foxe text Latin

cum gladiis et fustibus

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

with swords and clubs

1563 Edition, page 1701[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative (book title?)

Foxe text Latin

de haereticis comburendis

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

concerning the burning of heretics

1563 Edition, page 1713[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative

Foxe text Latin

Dominica tertia Aduentus

Foxe text translation

Not translated. Cf. 1570, etc.

Translation (Wade 2004)

On the third Sunday of Advent

[The phrase is repeated below at Line 72]

1563 Edition, page 1733[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative, citing St. Paul

Foxe text Latin

Nam quae videntur temporalia sunt. etc.

Foxe text translation

those thinges that be sene, be temporal. &c.

Actual text of Paul, II Corinthians, 18 (Vulgate)

quae enim videntur temporalia sunt
quae autem non videntur aeterna sunt

[N.B. Latin text not quoted in1570and later]

1563 Edition, page 1754[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative, possibly alluding to I John, 2. 23.

Foxe text Latin

quia nemo habet filium, nisi ei datum fuerit a patre. etc.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (1570 and later editions)

Because no man hath the sonne except it be geuen him of the father.

Actual text of I John, 2. 23. (Vulgate)

omnis qui negat Filium nec Patrem habet qui confitetur Filium et Patrem habet.

1563 Edition, page 1754[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative, citing I John, 5. 21.

Foxe text Latin

Cauete a simulachris.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (1570 and later editions)

Beware of Images.

Actual text of I John, 5. 21. (Vulgate)

[filioli] custodite vos a simulacris.

1563 Edition, page 1754[Back to Top]
Speech by Robert Watson

Foxe text Latin

His omnibus eatenus assentior et subscribo, quatenus verbo Dei nituntur, eoque sensu quo sunt ab ecclesia Catholica, et a sanctis Patribus intellecta.

Foxe text translation

To al these I doo assent and subscribe, so far as they are grounded upon God's woord, and in such sense as they are understanded of the catholike church, and the holy fathers.

1563 Edition, page 1760[Back to Top]
Letter from Steven Cotton to his brother.

Foxe text Latin

qualis magister talis seruus

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

As is the master so is the slave

1563 Edition, page 1769[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative

Foxe text Latin

in visceribus Iesu Christi, vt iuris rigor mitigetur, atque vt parcatur vitae

Foxe text translation

[In the flesh of Jesus Christ], that the rigour of the law may be mitigated, and that their life may be spared.

1563 Edition, page 1783[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative

Foxe text Latin

grauius esse imperium ui quod fit, quam quod amicitia adiungitur.

Foxe text translation

that kingdome to bee more firme and sure, which standeth by coaction, than that is gouerned with gentilnes.

1563 Edition, page 1790[Back to Top]
The Lady Elisabeth, quoting [and Marginal note]

Foxe text Latin

Tanquam ouis

Foxe text translation

lyke a shepe [to the slaughter]

1563 Edition, page 1797[Back to Top]
Varro, Res Rusticae, 3. 2. 1.

Foxe text Latin

Malum consilium consultori pessimum

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

Bad advice is very bad for a counsellor

Actual text of Varro, Res Rusticae, 3. 2. 1

candidati tabella dimidiata aedificemus nobis? Opinor, inquam, non solum, quod dicitur, malum consilium consultori est pessimum, sed etiam bonum consilium, qui consulit et qui consulitur, bonum habendum.

[cf. A. Otto, 1890, p. 90]

1563 Edition, page 1801[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative

Foxe text Latin

ad sempiternam clementiae illius memoriam

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

for an everlasting memory of her clemency

1563 Edition, page 1801[Back to Top]
Disputation at Westminster, citing St. Ambrose. [Marginal Note]

Foxe text Latin

Per hos enim impletur confirmatio preces, qui respondent Amen.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

For confirmation is accomplished through these prayers, which respond Amen (?)

Actual text of St. Ambrose, In Psalm. XL Enarratio. 36 in Migne PL. vol. o14. col. 1084C

Sicut enim cum sacerdos benedicit, populus respondet, amen, confirmans benedictionem sibi, quam plebi sacerdos a Domino deprecatur; ita in psalmo responsum est:Fiat, fiat;quasi: Amen, amen. Amen autem confirmationis verbum evidenter ostenditur in Evangelio, ubi Dominus confirmans sermonem suum dicit: Amendico vobis(Matth. XIX, 23).

[Possibly a reference to this passage of Ambrose]

1563 Edition, page 1804[Back to Top]
Disputation at Westminster, citing St. John, 4. 24

Foxe text Latin

in spiritu et veritate

Foxe text translation

Not translated, apart from 'must praye'

Translation (Wade 2004)

in spirit and in truth

Actual text of St John, 4. 24 (Vulgate)

[et eos qui adorant eum] in spiritu et veritate oportet adorare.

1563 Edition, page 1805[Back to Top]
Disputation at Westminster, citing Psalm 102 (101).

Foxe text Latin

vt populi conueniant in vnum, et annuncient nomen domini in Sion, et laudes eius in Hierusalem.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

When the people gather together as one, and declare the name of the Lord in Sion, and his praises in Jerusalem.

Actual text of Psalm 101 (102). 22-23 (Vulgate from the Greek)

ut adnuntiet in Sion nomen Domini et laudem suam in Hierusalem in conveniendo populos in unum et reges ut serviant Domino.

Actual text of Psalm 101 (102). 22-23 (Vulgate from the Greek)

ut narretur in Sion nomen Domini et laudatio eius in Hierusalem cum congregati fuerint populi simul et regna ut serviant Domino.

[It would seem that Foxe's text is based on the translation from the Greek, although the verse order has been reversed.]

1563 Edition, page 1805[Back to Top]
Disputation at Westminster, partly citing I Corinthians 13. (14) 15.

Foxe text Latin

orabo spiritu, orabo et mente. Publice orare est vota communia mente ad deum effundere, et ea spiritu, hoc est, lingua testari

Foxe text translation

Citation from I Corinthians not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

I shall pray with the spirit, and I shall also pray with understanding.

Foxe text translation of remainder

Common prayer is to lift vp oure common desires to God with our minds, and to testify the same outwardly with our tongs.

Actual text of I Corinthians 13 (14) 15 (Vulgate)

quid ergo est orabo spiritu orabo et mente

[The source of the remainder of the Latin is unclear. Nothing found in searching Migne]

1563 Edition, page 1805[Back to Top]
St. Augustine, De Magistro, cap. i.

Foxe text Latin

Nihil opus est (inquit) loquutione, nisi forte vt sacerdotes faciunt, significandae mentis causa, vt populus intelligat.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

There is no need (he says) of speaking, except perhaps that the priests do (this), for the sake of indicating their minds, that the people may understand.

Actual text of Augustine, De Magistro, I. 2 in the Corpus Christianorum Series Latina XXIX, Aurelii Augustini Opera Pars II, 2.

Quare non opus est locutione, cum oramus, id est sonantibus uerbis, nisi forte, sicut sacerdotes faciunt, significandae mentis suae causa, non ut deus, sed ut homines audiant ...

[Clearly this passage of Augustine is being cited, but note the way that Foxe leaves outcum oramus, id est sonantibus uerbisin line 2 andnon ut deusin line 4]

1563 Edition, page 1805[Back to Top]
St. Augustine, De Doctrina Christiana, lib. 4. cap. 10. 24.

Foxe text Latin

loquendi omnino nulla est causa, si quod loquimur non intelligunt, propter quos vt intelligant loquimur.

Foxe text translation

Ther is no cause why we should speake if they for whose cause we speak vnderstand not our speaking.

Actual text of Augustine, De Doctrina Christiana, lib. 4. cap. 10. 24. Migne, P.L. Vol. 034. Column 0100

cum loquendi omnino nulla sit causa, si quod loquimur non intelligunt, propter quos ut intelligant loquimur?

[Accurate citation, apart from Augustine's subjunctivesitbeing replaced by Foxe's indicativeestin Line 1]

1563 Edition, page 1805[Back to Top]
Justin Martyr, Apol. 1. 67

Foxe text Latin

Die solis vrbanorum ac rusticorum coetus, fiunt vbi Apostolorum prophetarumque literae, quoad fieri potest praeleguntur: Deinde cessante lectore, praepositus verba facit adhortatoria, ad imitationem tam honestarum rerum inuitans. Post haec consurgimus omnes, & preces offerrimus, quibus finitis profertur (vt diximus) panis, vinum & aqua: tum praepositus quantum potest, preces offert, & gratiarum actiones, plebs vero Amen accinit.

Foxe text translation

Vpon the sonday assemblies are made both of the Citizens and Countrye men, whereas the writinges of the Apostles and of the prophetes are red, as much as maye be. Afterwardes when the reader doth cease, the head minister maketh an exhortacion, exhortinge them to folowe so honest thinges. After this, we rise altogether & offer praiers, which being ended (as wee haue sayde) bread, wyne, and water are brought forth. Then the head minister offreth prayers and thankes geuing, as much as he can, and the people answereth. Amen.

Actual text of Justin Martyr

[Insert Latin text – the citation is accurate with regard to the translation in Saint Justin Martyr, tr. T.B. Falls, Catholic University of America Press, 1948.]

1563 Edition, page 1805[Back to Top]
St. Basil, Epist. 63 (207 in Benedictine numbering)

Foxe text Latin

Caeterum ad obiectum in psalmodiis crimen quo maxime simpliciores terrent calumniatores. etc.

Foxe text translation

As touching that is layed to our charge in psalmodies and songes wher with our slanderers do fraie the simple, etc.

Actual Greek text of Basil (Loeb edition, edited by R.J. Deferrari, Heinemann, 1930)

???? ?? ?? ??? ???? ?????????? ???????, ? ??????? ???? ???????????? ???????? ?? ???????????? ????,etc.

[Accurate citation in Latin of the original Greek text]

1563 Edition, page 1805[Back to Top]
St. Ambrose on I Corinthians, 14. (13) 2.

Foxe text Latin

Super illud, qui enim loquitur linguis. Hoc est quod dicit, quia qui loquitur incognita lingua, etc.

Foxe text translation

[Citation from I Corinthians 14. (13) 2 not translated:On that, for who speaks in tongues(Wade 2004)]

This is it that he sayeth, because he which speaketh in an vnknowen tounge, etc.

Actual text of I Corinthians. 13. (14) 2 (Vulgate)

qui enim loquitur lingua non hominibus loquitur sed Deo.

[Not an exact citation, but clearly this verse is meant]

Actual text of St. Ambrose

Nothing found in search of Migne.

[Is this, and the Latin passages which follow on this page of the A&M a Foxian paraphrase of Ambrose's comments on the passage in I Corinthians?]

1563 Edition, page 1806[Back to Top]
St. Ambrose on I Corinthians, 13. (14). 16.

Foxe text Latin

Super illud si benedixeris spiritu. Hoc est, si laudem dei lingua loquaris ignota etc.

Foxe text translation

[Citation from I Corinthians 14. (13) 16 not translated:On that, if you bless with the spirit(Wade 2004)]

That is (sayeth Ambrose) if thou speake the prayse of God in a tonge vnknowen, etc.

Actual text of I Corinthians. 13. (14) 16 (Vulgate)

ceterum si benedixeris spiritu.

Actual text of St. Ambrose

Nothing found in search of Migne. See note on Page 1737, Column 1, Line 23 above.

1563 Edition, page 1806[Back to Top]
St. Ambrose on I Corinthians 14. 16.

Foxe text Latin

Quum enim intelligit & intelligitur. &c.

Foxe text translation

For when he vnderstandeth, and is vnderstanded, etc.

Actual text of St. Ambrose

Nothing found in search of Migne. See note on Page 1737, Column 1, Line 23 above.

1563 Edition, page 1806[Back to Top]
St. Ambrose on I Corinthians, 14. 26.

Foxe text Latin

omnia ad aedificationem fiant.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

Let everything be done to edify.

Actual text of I Corinthians 13. (14) 26 (Vulgate)

omnia ad aedificationem fiant

[Accurate citation]

Foxe text Latin

Conclusio haec est vt nihil incassum in ecclesia geratur: hocque elaborandum magis, vt et imperiti proficiant, ne quid sit corporis per imperitiam tenebrosum.

Foxe text translation

Let all things be don to edifie ... This is the conclusion that nothing shoulde be done in the church in vayne, and that thys thing ought chiefly to be laboured for, that the vnlearned also might profite, lest any parte of the body should be darke through ignoraunce.

Actual text of St. Ambrose

Nothing found in search of Migne. See note on Page 1737, Column 1, Line 23 above.

1563 Edition, page 1806[Back to Top]
St. Ambrose on I Corinthians 13. (14) 28.

Foxe text Latin

Si non fuerit interpres, taceat in ecclesia.

Foxe text translation

If there be no interpreter, let him kepe silence in the church.

Actual text of I Corinthians. 13. (14). 28 (Vulgate)

si autem non fuerit interpres taceat in ecclesia.

Foxe text Latin

Hoc est, intra se tacite oret aut loquatur deo, qui audit muta omnia. In Ecclesia enim ille debet loqui qui omnibus prosit.

Foxe text translation

That is, let him pray secretly, or speake to God within hym selfe which heareth al domme thinges, for in the Church he ought to speake which maye profyte al men.

Actual text of St. Ambrose

Nothing found in search of Migne. See note on Page 1737, Column 1, Line 23 above.

1563 Edition, page 1806[Back to Top]
St. Jerome, on I Corinthians, 14. (13). 16.

Foxe text Latin

Quomodo qui supplet locum idiotae etc.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

How shall he who occupies the position of an outsider, etc.

Foxe text Latin

Per illum, qui supplet locum ideotae, laicum intelligit, qui nullo gradu ecclesiastico fungitur.

Foxe text translation

It is the laye men sayth hee, whom Paule here vnderstandeth to be in the place of the ignorante man which hath no Ecclesiasticall office. Howe shall hee answer Amen to the praier that he vnderstandeth not?

[This seems to be something of a paraphrase]

Actual text of St. Jerome

Nothing found in search of Migne.

[Is this, and the two Latin passages which follow on this page of the A&M a Foxian paraphrase of Jerome's comments on the passage in I Corinthians?]

1563 Edition, page 1806[Back to Top]
St. Jerome, on I Corinthians, 14 (13). 2. (?)

Foxe text Latin

Nam si orare lingua. etc. Hoc dicit, quoniam si quis incognitis aliis linguis loquatur, mens eius non ipsi efficitur sine fructu, sed audienti. Quicquid enim dicitur, ignorat.

Foxe text translation

[This is Paules meaning, sayth Hierom.] If any man speaketh in straunge and vnknowen tonges, his mynde is not to hym self with out frute and profyte, but he is not profited that heareth hym.

Actual text of Jerome

Not apparently a direct quotation from I Corinthians, 14. 2.

Nothing found in search of Migne. See note on Page 1737, Column 2, Line 30 above.

1563 Edition, page 1806[Back to Top]
St. Jerome, on Paul, Galatians. 18.

Foxe text Latin

Quod autem (Amen) consensum significet audientis, etc.

Foxe text translation

That (Amen) signifieth the consente of the hearer, etc.

Actual text of Jerome, lib. 3. ad Gal Migne, P.L. vol. 026. Col. 0438C

Quod autem Amen consensum significet audientis, etc.

[Accurate citation]

1563 Edition, page 1806[Back to Top]
Chrysostom, on I ad Cor. cap. xiv

Foxe text Latin and Greek

Cum populus semel audiuit,??? ???? ?????? ??? ??????,statim omnes respondent, Amen.

Foxe text translation

When the people once heare these woords (world without ende) they al forthwyth answer Amen.

1563 Edition, page 1807[Back to Top]
Chrysostom on Paul, I Cor. xiv, 16

Foxe text Latin

[Marginal Note: Idem eodem loco, in illa verba si ingrediatur infidelis, aut indoctus] ... En rursus amussi (quod dicitur) saxum applicat, ecclesiae aedificationem vbique requirens, etc.

Foxe text translation

[Marginal Note: And the same writer vpon the same chapter, vpon these wordes: How shal he that occupieth the roome of the vnlearned, say Amen] ... Beholde againe, hee applieth the stone vnto the squire (as the prouerbe is) requiring the edifieng of the Congregationem in al places.

1563 Edition, page 1807[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative.

Foxe text Latin

Et cum spiritu tuo.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

And with thy spirit.

1563 Edition, page 1807[Back to Top]
St. Augustine, Enarratio ii. sermo ad plebem.

Foxe text Latin

Quid hoc sit, intelligere debemus. etc.

Foxe text translation

What this should be we ought to vnderstand:

Actual text of St. Augustine, Enarratio ii. sermo ad plebem. Migne, P.L. Vol. 036. Col. 0157

quid hoc sit intelligere debemus, etc.

[Possibly just being used by Foxe as a suitable phrase remembered from his reading of St. Augustine for his current context in I Corinthians]

1563 Edition, page 1807[Back to Top]

Foxe text Latin

Iubemus vt omnes Episcopi pariter et Praesbiteri. etc.

Foxe text translation

We commaunde that all Byshops and priestes [do celebrate the holy oblation and the praiers vsed in holy baptisme, etc.].

1563 Edition, page 1807[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative citing Romans, 10. 10.

Foxe text Latin

Corde creditur ad iustitiam, ore autem fit confessio ad salutem.

Foxe text translation

With the hearte a man beleueth vnto righteousnes, & with the mouth confession is made vnto saluacion.

Actual text of Romans, 10. 10 (Vulgate)

corde enim creditur ad iustitiam ore autem confessio fit in salutem

[Accurate citation]

1563 Edition, page 1807[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative, spoken by the Bishop of Chester.

Foxe text Latin

cum applausu populi.

Foxe text translation

with the reiosing of the people.

1563 Edition, page 1811[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative.

Foxe text Latin

per Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

through Christ our Lord. Amen.

1563 Edition, page 1812[Back to Top]
St. Basil

Foxe text Greek

?? ??? ?????? ???? ?????????

Foxe text translation

not euery dreame is streightway a prophecy

Actual text of St. Basil

1563 Edition, page 1820[Back to Top]

Foxe text Latin

Amantium irae amoris integratio est

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2003)

The tiffs of lovers is the renewal of love

Actual text of Terence, Andria, Act 3, Scene 3, Line 25 (Perseus search)

Amantium irae amoris integratio est

[Accurate citation]

1563 Edition, page 1826[Back to Top]
Horace, Ars Poetica, 360-361

Foxe text Latin

Namque opere in magno, fas obrepere somnum.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

For in a long work it is permissable for sleep to steal over one.

Actual text of Horace, Ars Poetica, 360-361

verum operi longo fas est obrepere somnum.

[Foxe has not quoted exactly, usingNamquein place ofverum,and substitutingmagnoforlongo,possibly to emphasise the greatness of his work rather than its sheer length!]

1563 Edition, page 1827[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative

Foxe text Latin

congregatio regentium & non regentium

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

a gathering of rulers and non rulers

1570 Edition, page 2186[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative

Foxe text Latin

Salue festa dies, etc.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

Hail, festive day, etc.

1570 Edition, page 2192[Back to Top]
Bonner in a letter to Poole

Foxe text Latin

a promiscua plebe

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

from the common people

1570 Edition, page 2197[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative.

Foxe text Latin

Ite missa est.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

Go, this is the dismissal

[This is sung by the priest celebrating the Mass,

1570 Edition, page 2205[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative.

Foxe text Latin

Legem talionis

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

Law of retaliation.

[cf. Tertullian,adv. Marc.xiv. in Migne PL vol. 2, col. 0508B:

ergo et legalis talio non retributionem injuriae permittebat.]

1570 Edition, page 2206[Back to Top]
Foxe marginal note, citing Virgil, Aeneid, 3. 56-7.

Foxe text Latin

Auri sacra fames quid non mortalia cogis pectora.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

Why, sacred longing for gold, do you not constrain the hearts of men?

Actual text of Virgil, Aeneid, 3. 57-8

quid non mortalia pectora cogis,
auri sacra fames!

[Accurate citation of words, line order reversed, but note that the citation is repeated with the correct word order at Page 2203, Column 1, Marginal Note]

1570 Edition, page 2213[Back to Top]
Foxe marginal note

Foxe text Latin

Fallacia equiuoci.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

With ambiguous mistake.

1570 Edition, page 2216[Back to Top]
Foxe marginal note

Foxe text Latin

Ait, Aio.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

He says, I say

1570 Edition, page 2220[Back to Top]
Richard Woodman, citing St. Augustine

Foxe text Latin

Crede et manducasti.

Foxe text translation

Beleue, and thou has eaten.

Actual text of St. Augustine, In Ioan. Evang. cap. 6. tract. xxv. 12. P.L. vol. 035, Col. 1602

Utquid paras dentes et ventrem? crede, et manducasti.

1570 Edition, page 2221[Back to Top]
Foxe marginal note, citing Virgil, Aeneid, 3. 56-7.

Foxe text Latin

Quo non mortalia pectora cogis auri sacra fames.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

Why, sacred longing for gold, do you not constrain the hearts of men?

Actual text of Virgil, Aeneid, 3. 57-8

quid non mortalia pectora cogis,
auri sacra fames!

[Accurate citation, except forquoin place ofquidat the start. Cf. earlier citation at Page 2173, Column 1, Marginal Note]

1570 Edition, page 2243[Back to Top]
Vulgate, Gal. ii. 20

Translated into English - no Latin text

1570 Edition, page 2247[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative

Foxe text Latin

cum gladiis et fustibus

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

with swords and clubs

1570 Edition, page 2247[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative, quoting Bonner's words to Milles

Foxe text Latin

In nomine patris & filii, & spiritus sancti, Amen.

Foxe text translation

In the name of the Father, and of the Sonne, and of the holy Ghost.

1570 Edition, page 2284[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative, citing St. Paul

Translated into English - no Latin text.

1570 Edition, page 2293[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative, possibly alluding to I John, 2. 23.

Translated into English - no Latin text.

1570 Edition, page 2293[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative

Foxe text Latin

In visceribus Iesu Christi, vt iuris rigor mitigetur, atque vt parcatur vitae

Foxe text translation

[In the flesh of Jesus Christ], that the rigour of the law may be mitigated, and that their life may be spared.

1570 Edition, page 2295[Back to Top]
John Fronton saying the 'Ave Maria'

Foxe text Latin

Aue Maria gratia plena Dominus tecum, benedicta tua in mulieribus, & benedictus fructus ventris tui Iesus. Amen.
Sancta Maria mater Dei ora pro nobis peccatoribus.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord be with you, blessed are you among women, and blessed be Jesus, the fruit of your womb. Amen.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners.

1570 Edition, page 2299[Back to Top]
Letter from Steven Cotton to his brother.

Foxe text Latin

qualis magister talis seruus

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

As is the master so is the slave

1570 Edition, page 2304[Back to Top]
An allusion from an Epigram of Ennius in Cicero

Foxe text Latin

Si fas caedendo coelestia scandere cuiquam est,
Papicolis coeli maxima porta patet.

[Note different start to the second line in1583]

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

If it is right for any man to ascend to heaven through blows, to the Papists lies open the mighty gate of heaven.

Actual text of Cicero, de republica, Fragments, sect. 6. line 3

Si fas endo plagas caelestum ascendere cuiquam est,
Mi soli caeli maxima porta patet,

cf. Seneca the Younger, Epistlae Morales ad Luc. Letter 108. 34. 5.

Ennium hoc ait Homero [se] subripuisse, Ennio Vergilium; esse enim apud Ciceronem in his ipsis de re publica hoc
epigramma Enni:
si fas endo plagas caelestum ascendere cuiquam est,
mi soli caeli maxima porta patet.

cf. Lactantius, Divinarum Institutionum lib. I, de falsa religione deorum, Migne P.L., col. 0211B

Apud Ennium sic loquitur Africanus; Si fas endo plagas coelestum ascendere cuiquam est, Mi soli coeli maxima porta patet.

1570 Edition, page 2305[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative.

Foxe text Latin

qui facit mirabilia solus.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

who alone makes miracles.

1570 Edition, page 2317[Back to Top]
Foxe marginal note

Foxe text Latin

Obsequium amicos, Veritas odium parit.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

Obedience produces friends, Truth produces hatred.

1570 Edition, page 2322[Back to Top]
The Lady Elisabeth, quoting [and Marginal Note]

Foxe text Latin

Tanquam ouis

Foxe text translation

like a shepe [to the slaughter]

1570 Edition, page 2332[Back to Top]
Varro, Res Rusticae, 3. 2. 1.

Foxe text Latin

Malum consilium consultori pessimum

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

Bad advice is very bad for a counsellor

Actual text of Varro, Res Rusticae, 3. 2. 1

candidati tabella dimidiata aedificemus nobis? Opinor, inquam, non solum, quod dicitur,
malum consilium consultori est pessimum, sed etiam bonum consilium,
qui consulit et qui consulitur, bonum habendum.

[cf. A. Otto, 1890, p. 90]

1570 Edition, page 2335[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative

Foxe text Latin

ex opere operato

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

1570 Edition, page 2338[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative, quoting Isaiah 50. 11.

Foxe text Latin

In Doloribus dormietis.

Foxe text translation

In sorow you shall slepe.

Actual text of Isaiah. 50. 11. (Vulgate)

[de manu mea factum est hoc vobis] in doloribus dormietis.

1570 Edition, page 2353[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative, citing Isaiah. 1. 15.

Foxe text Latin

Manus vestrae plenae sunt sanguine &c.

Foxe text translation

Your handes be full of bloud.

Actual text of Isaiah. 1. 15.

[et cum multiplicaveritis orationem non audiam] manus vestrae sanguine plenae sunt.

[Accurate citation]

1570 Edition, page 2354[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative, citing Isaiah. 1. 16.

Foxe text Latin

Lauamini, mundi estote &c.

Foxe text translation

Be you washed, and make yourselues cleane &c.

Actual text of Isaiah. 1. 16. (Vulgate)

lavamini mundi estote

[Accurate citation]

1570 Edition, page 2354[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative [CONCLUDING WORDS OF 1570 EDITION

Foxe text Latin

Qui venturus est in nubibus coeli. Veni cito Domine Iesu. Amen.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

Who will come in the clouds of heaven. Come quickly Lord Jesus.

1570 Edition, page 2354[Back to Top]
St. Basil

Foxe text Greek

?? ??? ?????? ???? ????????.

Foxe text translation

Not every dreame is streight way a prophecy.

Actual text of St. Basil

1570 Edition, page 2270[Back to Top]
Foxe marginal note

Foxe text Greek

[This similitude holdeth]???? ??? ??????????.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

[This similitude holdeth] in accordance with his opposition.

1570 Edition, page 2283[Back to Top]

Foxe text Latin

Ipsa solum nomen regium ferebat, caeterum omnem regni potestatem Pharisaei possidebant.

Foxe text translation

She onely reteined to her selfe the name and title of the kyngdome, but all her power she gaue to the Phariseis to possess &c.

Actual text of Josephus, De antiquit. 13.16. 2 (= XIII. 409)

?? ??? ??? ????? ??? ????????? ????? ????, ??? ?? ??????? ?? ?????????

[Thex???? was Queen Alexandra, widow of Alexander Jannaeus, a Jewish king, who had just died in 79 BC]

1570 Edition, page 2338[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative

Foxe text Latin

congregatio regentium & non regentium

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

a gathering of rulers and non rulers

1576 Edition, page 1881[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative

Foxe text Latin

Salue festa dies, etc.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

Hail, festive day, etc.

1576 Edition, page 1885[Back to Top]
Bonner in a letter to Poole

Foxe text Latin

a promiscua plebe

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

from the common people

1576 Edition, page 1891[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative.

Foxe text Latin

Ite missa est.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

Go, this is the dismissal

[This is sung by the priest celebrating the Mass.

1576 Edition, page 1897[Back to Top]
Foxe marginal note, citing Virgil, Aeneid, 3. 56-7.

Foxe text Latin

Auri sacra fames quid non mortalia cogis pectora.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

Why, sacred longing for gold, do you not constrain the hearts of men?

Actual text of Virgil, Aeneid, 3. 57-8

quid non mortalia pectora cogis,
auri sacra fames!

[Accurate citation of words, line order reversed, but note that the citation is repeated with the correct word order at Page 1901, Column 1, Marginal Note]

1576 Edition, page 1903[Back to Top]
Foxe marginal note

Foxe text Latin

Fallacia equiuoci.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

With ambiguous mistake.

1576 Edition, page 1906[Back to Top]
Foxe marginal note

Foxe text Latin

Ait, Aio.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

He says, I say

1576 Edition, page 1909[Back to Top]
Richard Woodman, citing St. Augustine

Foxe text Latin

Crede & manducasti.

Foxe text translation

Beleue, and thou has eaten.

Actual text of St. Augustine, In Ioan. Evang. cap. 6. tract. xxv. 12. P.L. vol. 035, Col. 1602

Utquid paras dentes et ventrem? crede, et manducasti.

1576 Edition, page 1910[Back to Top]
Foxe marginal note, citing Virgil, Aeneid, 3. 56-7.

Foxe text Latin

Quo non mortalia pectora cogis auri sacra fames.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

Why, sacred longing for gold, do you not constrain the hearts of men?

Actual text of Virgil, Aeneid, 3. 57-8

quid non mortalia pectora cogis,
auri sacra fames!

[Accurate citation, except forquoin place ofquidat the start. Cf. earlier citation at Page 1876, Column 2, Marginal Note]

1576 Edition, page 1928[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative

Foxe text Latin

cum gladiis et fustibus

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

with swords and clubs

1576 Edition, page 1931[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative, quoting Bonner's words to Milles

Foxe text Latin

In nomine patris & filii, & spiritus sancti, Amen.

Foxe text translation

In the name of the Father, and of the Sonne, and of the holy Ghost.

1576 Edition, page 1965[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative, citing St. Paul

Translated into English - no Latin text.

1576 Edition, page 1931[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative, possibly alluding to I John, 2. 23.

Translated into English - no Latin text.

1576 Edition, page 1973[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative, citing I John, 5. 21

Translated into English - no Latin text.

1576 Edition, page 1973[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative

Foxe text Latin

In visceribus Iesu Christi, vt iuris rigor mitigetur, atque vt parcatur vitae

Foxe text translation

[In the flesh of Jesus Christ], that the rigour of the law may be mitigated, and that their lyfe may be spared.

1576 Edition, page 1975[Back to Top]
John Fronton saying the 'Ave Maria'

Foxe text Latin

Aue Maria gratia plena dominus tecum, benedicta tua in mulieribus, & benedictus fructus ventris tui Iesus. Amen.
Sancta Maria mater Dei ora pro nobis peccatoribus.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord be with you, blessed are you among women, and blessed be Jesus, the fruit of your womb. Amen.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners.

1576 Edition, page 1978[Back to Top]
Letter from Steven Cotton to his brother.

Foxe text Latin

qualis Magister talis Seruus

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

As is the master so is the slave

1576 Edition, page 1982[Back to Top]
Foxe marginal note

Foxe text Latin

Obsequium amicos, Veritas odium parit.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

Obedience produces friends, Truth produces hatred.

1576 Edition, page 1997[Back to Top]
The Lady Elisabeth, quoting

Foxe text Latin

Tanquam ouis

Foxe text translation

Like a sheep [to the slaughter]

1576 Edition, page 2012[Back to Top]
Varro, Res Rusticae, 3. 2. 1.

Foxe text Latin

Malum consilium consultori pessimum

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

Bad advice is very bad for a counsellor

Actual text of Varro, Res Rusticae, 3. 2. 1

candidati tabella dimidiata aedificemus nobis? Opinor, inquam, non solum, quod dicitur, malum consilium consultori est pessimum, sed etiam bonum consilium,
qui consulit et qui consulitur, bonum habendum.

[cf. A. Otto, 1890, p. 90]

1576 Edition, page 2014[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative

Foxe text Latin

ex opere operato

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation: (See website below)

from the work performed

cf. the following website

This website states: The Catholic teaching that the grace of a sacrament is always conferred by the sacrament itself.Ex opere operatoliterally means 'from the work performed.' Provided that the Catholic receiving the sacrament freely chooses to receive its graces, the grace conferred by the sacrament will be efficacious (effective).

1576 Edition, page 2016[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative, quoting Isaiah 50. 11.

Foxe text Latin

In Doloribus dormietis.

Foxe text translation

In sorowe shall you sleepe.

Actual text of Isaiah. 50. 11. (Vulgate)

[de manu mea factum est hoc vobis] in doloribus dormietis.

1576 Edition, page 2030[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative, citing Isaiah. 1. 15.

Foxe text Latin

Manus vestrae plenae sunt sanguine &c.

Foxe text translation

Your handes be full of bloud.

Actual text of Isaiah. 1. 15.

[et cum multiplicaveritis orationem non audiam] manus vestrae sanguine plenae sunt.

[Accurate citation]

1576 Edition, page 2031[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative, citing Isaiah. 1. 16.

Foxe text Latin

Lauamini, mundi estote &c.

Foxe text translation

Be you washed, and make yourselues cleane &c.

Actual text of Isaiah. 1. 16. (Vulgate)

lavamini mundi estote

[Accurate citation]

1576 Edition, page 2031[Back to Top]
St. Basil

Foxe text Greek

?? ??? ?????? ???? ????????.

Foxe text translation

Not every dreame is straight waie a Prophecie.

Actual text of St. Basil

1576 Edition, page 1952[Back to Top]
Foxe marginal note

Foxe text Greek

[This similitude holdeth]???? ??? ??????????.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

[This similitude holdeth] in accordance with his opposition.

1576 Edition, page 1965[Back to Top]

Foxe text Latin

Ipsa solum nomen regium ferebat, caeterum omnem regni potestatem Pharisaei possidebant.

Foxe text translation

She onely reteined to her selfe the name and title of the kyngdome, but all her power she gaue to the Phariseis to possess &c.

Actual text of Josephus, De antiquit. 13.16. 2 (= XIII. 409).

?? ??? ??? ????? ??? ????????? ????? ????, ??? ?? ??????? ?? ??????????

[Thexxx???? was Queen Alexandra, widow of Alexander Jannaeus, a Jewish king, who had just died in 79 BC]

1576 Edition, page 2017[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative

Foxe text Latin

congregatio regentium & non regentium

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

a gathering of rulers and non rulers

1583 Edition, page 1983[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative

Foxe text Latin

Salue festa dies, etc.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

Hail, festive day, etc.

1583 Edition, page 1987[Back to Top]
Bonner in a letter to Poole

Foxe text Latin

a promiscua plebe

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

from the common people

1583 Edition, page 1997[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative.

Foxe text Latin

Ite missa est.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

Go, this is the dismissal

[This is sung by the priest celebrating the Mass,

1583 Edition, page 2003[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative.

Foxe text Latin

Legem talionis

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

Law of retaliation.

[cf. Tertullian, adv. Marc. xiv. in Migne PL vol. 2, col. 0508B

ergo et legalis talio non retributionem injuriae permittebat.]

1583 Edition, page 2003[Back to Top]
Foxe marginal note, citing Virgil, Aeneid, 3. 56-7.

Foxe text Latin

Auri sacra fames quid non Mortalia cogis pectora.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

Why, sacred longing for gold, do you not constrain the hearts of men?

Actual text of Virgil, Aeneid, 3. 57-8

quid non mortalia pectora cogis,
auri sacra fames!

[Accurate citation of words, line order reversed, but note that the citation is repeated with the correct word order at Page 2009, Column 2, Marginal Note]

1583 Edition, page 2009[Back to Top]
Foxe marginal note

Foxe text Latin

Fallacia equiuoci.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

With ambiguous mistake.

1583 Edition, page 2011[Back to Top]
Foxe marginal note

Foxe text Latin

Ait, Aio.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

He says, I say

1583 Edition, page 2015[Back to Top]
Richard Woodman, citing St. Augustine

Foxe text Latin

Crede, & manducasti.

Foxe text translation

Beleue, and thou has eaten.

Actual text of St. Augustine, In Ioan. Evang. cap. 6. tract. xxv. 12. P.L. vol. 035, Col. 1602

Utquid paras dentes et ventrem? crede, et manducasti.

1583 Edition, page 2016[Back to Top]
Vulgate, Gal. ii. 20

Translated into English - no Latin text

1583 Edition, page 2037[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative

Foxe text Latin

cum gladiis et fustibus

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

with swords and clubs

1583 Edition, page 2037[Back to Top]
An allusion from an Epigram of Ennius in Cicero

Foxe text Latin

Si fas caedendo coelestia scandere cuiquam est,
Bonnero coeli maxima porta patet.

[Note different start to the second line in1570]

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

If it is right for any man to ascend to heaven through blows, to Bonner lies open the mighty gate of heaven.

Actual text of Cicero, de republica, Fragments, sect. 6. line 3

Si fas endo plagas caelestum ascendere cuiquam est,
Mi soli caeli maxima porta patet,

cf. Seneca the Younger, Epistlae Morales ad Luc. Letter 108. 34. 5.

Ennium hoc ait Homero [se] subripuisse, Ennio Vergilium; esse enim apud Ciceronem in his
ipsis de re publica hoc
epigramma Enni:
si fas endo plagas caelestum ascendere cuiquam est,
mi soli caeli maxima porta patet.

cf. Lactantius, Divinarum Institutionum lib. I, de falsa religione deorum, Migne P.L., col. 0211B

Apud Ennium sic loquitur Africanus; Si fas endo plagas coelestum ascendere cuiquam est, Mi soli coeli maxima porta patet.

1583 Edition, page 2067[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative, quoting Bonner's words to Milles

Foxe text Latin

In nomine patris & filii, & spiritus sancti, Amen.

Foxe text translation

In the name of the Father, and of the Sonne, and of the holy Ghost.

1583 Edition, page 2069[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative, citing St. Paul

Translated into English - no Latin text.

1583 Edition, page 2077[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative, possibly alluding to I John, 2. 23.

Translated into English - no Latin text.

1570 Edition, page 2091 | 1583 Edition, page 2077[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative, citing I John, 5. 21

Translated into English - no Latin text.

1570 Edition, page 2091 | 1583 Edition, page 2077[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative

Foxe text Latin

In visceribus Iesu Christi, vt iuris rigor mitigetur, atque vt parcatur vitae

Foxe text translation

[In the flesh of Jesus Christ], that the rigour of the law may be mitigated, and that their life may be spared.

1583 Edition, page 2079[Back to Top]
John Fronton saying the 'Ave Maria'

Foxe text Latin

Aue Maria gratia plena Dominus te cum, benedicta tu in mulieribus, & benedictus fructus ventris tui Iesus. Amen.
Sancta Maria mater Dei ora pro nobis peccatoribus.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord be with you, blessed are you among women, and blessed be Jesus, the fruit of your womb. Amen.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners.

1583 Edition, page 2082[Back to Top]
Letter from Steven Cotton to his brother.

Foxe text Latin

qualis Magister talis Seruus

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

As is the master so is the slave

1583 Edition, page 2086[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative.

Foxe text Latin

qui facit mirabilia solus.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

who alone makes miracles.

1583 Edition, page 2097[Back to Top]
Foxe marginal note

Foxe text Latin

Obsequium amicos, Veritas odium parit.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

Obedience produces friends, Truth produces hatred.

1583 Edition, page 2102[Back to Top]
Dr. Edwin Sandys, Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge, quoting from Joshua. 1. 16-18.

Foxe text Latin

Responderuntque ad Iosue atque dixerunt, Omnia quae precepisti nobis faciemus, & quocunque miseris ibimus: sicut obediuimus in cunctis Mosi ita obediemus & tibi, tantum sit dominus Deus tuus tecum sicut fuit cum Mose, qui contradixerit ori tuo, & non obedierit cunctis sermonibus quos preceperis ei, moriatur: tu tantum comfortare & viriliter age.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Cattley-Pratt 1877)

And they answered Joshua, saying, All that thou commandest us we will do, and whithersoever thou sendest us we will go. According as we hearkened unto Moses in all things, so will we hearken unto thee: only the Lord thy God be with thee, as he was with Moses. Whosoever he be that doth rebel against thy commandment, and will not hearken unto thy words in all that thou commandest him, he shall be put to death: only be strong and of a good courage.

Actual text of Joshua. 1. 16-18 (Vulgate)

responderuntque ad Iosue atque dixerunt omnia quae praecepisti nobis faciemus et quocumque miseris ibimus: sicut oboedivimus in cunctis Mosi ita oboediemus et tibi tantum sit Dominus Deus tecum sicut fuit cum Mose: qui contradixerit ori tuo et non oboedierit cunctis sermonibus quos praeceperis ei moriatur tu tantum confortare et viriliter age.

[Accurate citation, apart from Foxe'sIosuaein place of the Vulgatead Iosue]

1583 Edition, page 2110[Back to Top]
The Lady Elisabeth, quoting

Foxe text Latin

Tanquam ouis

Foxe text translation

Like a sheepe [to the slaughter]

1583 Edition, page 2118[Back to Top]
Varro, Res Rusticae, 3. 2. 1.

Foxe text Latin

Malum consilium consultori pessimum

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

Bad advice is very bad for a counsellor

Actual text of Varro, Res Rusticae, 3. 2. 1

candidati tabella dimidiata aedificemus nobis? Opinor, inquam, non solum, quod dicitur,
malum consilium consultori est pessimum, sed etiam bonum consilium,
qui consulit et qui consulitur, bonum habendum.

[cf. A. Otto, 1890, p. 90]

1583 Edition, page 2121[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative

Foxe text Latin

ex opere operato

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation: (See website below)

from the work performed

cf. the following website

This website states: The Catholic teaching that the grace of a sacrament is always conferred by the sacrament itself.Ex opere operatoliterally means "from the work performed." Provided that the Catholic receiving the sacrament freely chooses to receive its graces, the grace conferred by the sacrament will be efficacious (effective).

1583 Edition, page 2122[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative

Foxe text Latin

ad sempiternam clementiae illius memoriam

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

for an everlasting memory of her clemency

1583 Edition, page 2138[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative, citing Isaiah. 1. 15.

Foxe text Latin

Manus vestrae plenae sunt sanguine &c.

Foxe text translation

Your handes be full of bloud.

Actual text of Isaiah. 1. 15.

[et cum multiplicaveritis orationem non audiam] manus vestrae sanguine plenae sunt.

[Accurate citation]

1583 Edition, page 2138[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative, citing Isaiah. 1. 16.

Foxe text Latin

Lauamini, mundi estote &c.

Foxe text translation

Be you washed, and make yourselues cleane &c.

Actual text of Isaiah. 1. 16. (Vulgate)

lavamini mundi estote

[Accurate citation]

1583 Edition, page 2138[Back to Top]
Disputation at Westminster, citing I Corinthians 14 (13) 28.

Foxe text Latin

taceat in ecclesia

Foxe text translation

let him hold his peace in the church

Actual text of I Corinthians 13 (14) 28 (Vulgate)

[si autem non fuerit interpres] taceat in ecclesia

[Accurate citation]

1583 Edition, page 2143[Back to Top]
Disputation at Westminster, citing St. Ambrose.

Foxe text Latin

Per hos enim impletur confirmatio preces, qui respondent Amen.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

For confirmation is accomplished through these prayers, which respond Amen(?)

Actual text of St. Ambrose, In Psalm. XL Enarratio. 36 in Migne PL. vol. o14. col. 1084C

Sicut enim cum sacerdos benedicit, populus respondet, amen, confirmans benedictionem sibi, quam plebi sacerdos a Domino deprecatur; ita in psalmo responsum est:Fiat, fiat;quasi: Amen, amen. Amen autem confirmationis verbum evidenter ostenditur in Evangelio, ubi Dominus confirmans sermonem suum dicit:Amen dico vobis(Matth. XIX, 23).

[Possibly a reference to this passage of Ambrose]

1583 Edition, page 2143[Back to Top]
Disputation at Westminster, citing St. John, 4. 24

Foxe text Latin

in spiritu et veritate

Foxe text translation

Not translated, apart from 'must praye'

Translation (Wade 2004)

in spirit and in truth

Actual text of St John, 4. 24 (Vulgate)

[et eos qui adorant eum] in spiritu et veritate oportet adorare.

1583 Edition, page 2143[Back to Top]
Disputation at Westminster, citing Psalm 102 (101).

Foxe text Latin

vt populi conueniant in vnum, & annuncient nomen Domini in Sion, & laudes eius in Hierusalem.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

When the people gather together as one, and declare the name of the Lord in Sion, and his praises in Jerusalem.

Actual text of Psalm 101 (102). 22-23 (Vulgate from the Greek)

ut adnuntiet in Sion nomen Domini et laudem suam in Hierusalem in conveniendo populos in unum et reges ut serviant Domino.

Actual text of Psalm 101 (102). 22-23 (Vulgate from the Greek)

ut narretur in Sion nomen Domini et laudatio eius in Hierusalem cum congregati fuerint populi simul et regna ut serviant Domino.

[It would seem that Foxe's text is based on the translation from the Greek, although the verse order has been reversed.]

1583 Edition, page 2143[Back to Top]
Disputation at Westminster, citing I Corinthians xiv.

Foxe text Latin

orabo spiritu, orabo & mente. Publice orare, est vota communia mente ad Deum effundere, & ea spiritu, hoc est, lingua testari

Foxe text translation

Citation from I Corinthians not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

I shall pray with the spirit, and I shall also pray with understanding.

Foxe text translation of remainder

Common prayer is to lifte vp our common desires to God with our myndes, and to testify the same outwardly with our tongues.

Actual text of I Corinthians 13 (14) 15 (Vulgate)

quid ergo est orabo spiritu orabo et mente

[The source of the remainder of the Latin is unclear. Nothing found in searching Migne.]

1583 Edition, page 2143[Back to Top]
St. Augustine, De Magistro, cap. i.

Foxe text Latin

Nihil opus est (inquit) loquutione, nisi forte vt sacerdotes faciunt, significandae mentis causa, vt populus intelligat.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

There is no need (he says) of speaking, except perhaps that the priests do (this), for the sake of indicating their minds, that the people may understand.

Actual text of Augustine, De Magistro, I. 2 in the Corpus Christianorum Series Latina XXIX, Aurelii Augustini Opera Pars II, 2.

Quare non opus est locutione, cum oramus, id est sonantibus uerbis, nisi forte, sicut sacerdotes faciunt, significandae mentis suae causa, non ut deus, sed ut homines audiant

[Clearly this passage of Augustine is being cited, but note the way that Foxe leaves outcum oramus, id est sonantibus uerbisin line 2 andnon ut deusin line 4]

1583 Edition, page 2143[Back to Top]
St. Augustine, De Doctrina Christiana, lib. 4. cap. 10. 24.

Foxe text Latin

loquendi omnino nulla est causa, si quod loquimur non intelligunt, propter quos vt intelligant loquimur.

Foxe text translation

There is no cause why wee shoulde speake if they for whose cause we speake vnderstande not our speaking.

Actual text of Augustine, De Doctrina Christiana, lib. 4. cap. 10. 24. Migne, P.L. Vol. 034. Column 0100

cum loquendi omnino nulla sit causa, si quod loquimur non intelligunt, propter quos ut intelligant loquimur?

[Accurate citation, apart from Augustine's subjunctivesitbeing replaced by Foxe's indicativeestin Line 1]

1583 Edition, page 2144[Back to Top]
Justin Martyr, Apol. 1. 67

Foxe text Latin

Die solis vrbanorum ac rusticorum coetus, fiunt vbi Apostolorum prophetarumque literae, quoad fieri potest praeleguntur: Deinde cessante lectore, praepositus verba facit adhortatoria, ad imitationem tam honestarum rerum inuitans. Post haec consurgimus omnes, & preces offerrimus, quibus finitis profertur (vt diximus) panis, vinum & aqua: tum praepositus quantum potest, preces offert, & gratiarum actiones, plebs vero Amen accinit.

Foxe text translation

Vppon the Sonday assemblies are made both of the citizens and countreymen, whereas the writings of the Apostles and of the Prophets are red, as much as may be. Afterwards when the Reader doth cease, the head minister maketh an exhortation, exhortyng them to follow so honest thyngs. After this, we rise altogether and offer praiers, which beyng ended (as we haue sayde) bread, wine & water are brought forth. Then the hed Minister offreth prayers and thanksgeuing, as much as he can and the people answereth, Amen.

Actual text of Justin Martyr

[Insert Latin text – the citation is accurate with regard to the translation in Saint Justin Martyr, tr. T.B. Falls, Catholic University of America Press, 1948.]

1583 Edition, page 2144[Back to Top]
St. Ambrose on I Corinthians, 14. (13) 2.

Foxe text Latin

Super illud qui enim loquitur linguis.
Hoc est quod dicit, quia qui loquitur incognita lingua, etc.

Foxe text translation

[Citation from I Corinthians 14. (13) 2 not translated:On that, for who speaks in tongues(Wade 2004)]
This is it that he sayth, because he which speaketh in an vnknowen tongue,etc.

Actual text of I Corinthians. 13. (14) 2 (Vulgate)

qui enim loquitur lingua non hominibus loquitur sed Deo.

[Not an exact citation, but clearly this verse is meant]

Actual text of St. Ambrose

Nothing found in search of Migne.

[Is this, and the Latin passages which follow on this page of theA & Ma Foxian paraphrase of Ambrose's comments on the passage in I Corinthians?]

1583 Edition, page 2144[Back to Top]
St. Ambrose on I Corinthians, 13. (14). 16.

Foxe text Latin

Super illud si benedixeris spiritu.
Hoc est, si laudem dei lingua loquaris ignota etc.

Foxe text translation

[Citation from I Corinthians 14. (13) 16 not translated:On that, if you bless with the spirit(Wade 2004)]
That is (sayth Ambrose) if thou speake the prayse of God in a tongue vnknowen,etc.

Actual text of I Corinthians. 13. (14) 16 (Vulgate)

ceterum si benedixeris spiritu.

Actual text of St. Ambrose

Nothing found in search of Migne. See note on Page 2120, Column 2, Line 2 above.

1583 Edition, page 2144[Back to Top]
St. Ambrose on I Corinthians 14. 16.

Foxe text Latin

Quum enim intelligit & intelligitur, &c.

Foxe text translation

For when hee vnderstandeth, and is vnderstanded, etc.

Actual text of St. Ambrose

Nothing found in search of Migne. See note on Page 2120, Column 2, Line 2 above.

1583 Edition, page 2144[Back to Top]
St. Ambrose on I Corinthians, 14. 26.

Foxe text Latin

omnia ad aedificationem fiant.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

Let everything be done to edify.

Actual text of I Corinthians 13. (14) 26 (Vulgate)

omnia ad aedificationem fiant

[Accurate citation]

Foxe text Latin

Conclusio haec est vt nihil incassum in ecclesia geratur: hocque elaborandum magis, vt et imperiti proficiant, ne quid sit corporis per imperitiam tenebrosum.

Foxe text translation

Let all things be don to edifie This is the conclusion that nothing shoulde be done in the church in vayne, and that thys thing ought chiefly to be laboured for, that the vnlearned also might profite, lest any parte of the body should be darke through ignoraunce.

Actual text of St. Ambrose

Nothing found in search of Migne. See note on Page 2120, Column 2, Line 2 above.

1583 Edition, page 2144[Back to Top]
St. Ambrose on I Corinthians 13. (14) 28.

Foxe text Latin

Si non fuerit interpres, taceat in ecclesia.

Foxe text translation

If there be no interpreter, let him kepe silence in the church.

Actual text of I Corinthians. 13. (14). 28 (Vulgate)

si autem non fuerit interpres taceat in ecclesia.

Foxe text Latin

Hoc est, intra se tacite oret aut loquatur deo, qui audit muta omnia. In Ecclesia enim ille debet loqui qui omnibus prosit.

Foxe text translation

That is, let him pray secretly, or speake to God within hym selfe which heareth al domme thinges, for in the Church he ought to speake which maye profyte al men.

Actual text of St. Ambrose

Nothing found in search of Migne. See note on Page 2120, Column 2, Line 2 above.

1583 Edition, page 2144[Back to Top]
St. Jerome, on I Corinthians, 14. (13). 16.

Foxe text Latin

Quomodo qui supplet locum idiotae etc.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

How shall he who occupies the position of an outsider,etc.

Foxe text Latin

Per illum, qui supplet locum ideotae, laicum intelligit, qui nullo gradu ecclesiastico fungitur.

Foxe text translation

It is the laye men sayth hee, whom Paule here vnderstandeth to be in the place of the ignorante man which hath no Ecclesiasticall office. Howe shall hee answer Amen to the praier that he vnderstandeth not?

[This seems to be something of a paraphrase]

Actual text of St. Jerome

Nothing found in search of Migne.

[Is this, and the two Latin passages which follow on this page of theA & Ma Foxian paraphrase of Jerome's comments on the passage in I Corinthians?]

1583 Edition, page 2144[Back to Top]
St. Jerome, on I Corinthians, 14 (13). 2. (?)

Foxe text Latin

Nam si orare lingua. &c.
Hoc dicit, quoniam si quis incognitis aliis linguis loquatur, mens eius non ipsi efficitur sine fructu, sed audienti. Quicquid enim dicitur, ignorat.

Foxe text translation

[This is Paules meanyng, sayth Hierome.] If any man speaketh in strange & vnknown tongs, his mynd is not to hymselfe without fruit and profite, but he is not profited that heareth hym.

Actual text of Jerome

Not apparently a direct quotation from I Corinthians, 14. 2.

Nothing found in search of Migne. See note on Page 2120, Column 2, Line 64 above.

1583 Edition, page 2145[Back to Top]
St. Jerome, on Paul, Galatians. 18.

Foxe text Latin

Quod autem (Amen) consensum significet audientis, &c.

Foxe text translation

That (Amen) signifieth the consent of the hearer,etc.

Actual text of Jerome, lib. 3. ad Gal Migne, P.L. vol. 026. Col. 0438C

Quod autem Amen consensum significet audientis, etc.

[Accurate citation]

1583 Edition, page 2145[Back to Top]
Chrysostom on Paul, I Cor. xiv, 16

Foxe text Latin

[Marginal Note: Idem eodem loco, in illa verba si ingrediatur infidelis, aut indoctus] En rursus amussi (quod dicitur) saxum applicat, ecclesiae aedificationem vbique requirens, etc.

Foxe text translation

[Marginal Note:And the same writer vpon the same chapter, vppon these words: How shall hee that occupieth the roume of the vnlearned: say Amen]
Behold againe, he applieth the stone vnto the squire (as the Prouerbe is) requiring the edifieng of the Congregation in all places.

1583 Edition, page 2145[Back to Top]

Foxe text Latin

Quin & in precibus viderit quis populum multum simul offerre, tum pro energumenis, tum pro paenitentibus. Communes enim preces & a sacerdote & ab illis fiunt, & omnes dicunt vnam orationem, orationem misericordia plenam. Iterum, vbi excluserimus a sacerdotalibus ambitibus eos qui non possunt esse participes sanctae mensae, alia facienda est oratio, et omnes similiter surgimus.

Foxe text translation

Yea in the prayers you may see the people offer largely, both for the possessed and the penitents. For the Priestes and the people pray altogether commonly, and all one prayer, a prayer full of mercy and pity. And excluding out of the Priests limites all such as cannot bee pertakers of the holy table, another prayer must be made, [and all after one sort lye downe vppon the earth,] and all agayne after one sort ryse vp together.

Actual text of Chrysostom II ad Cor. Hom. 18. § 3.

1583 Edition, page 2145[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative.

Foxe text Latin

Et cum spiritu tuo.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

And with thy spirit.

1583 Edition, page 2145[Back to Top]
St. Augustine, Enarratio ii. sermo ad plebem.

Foxe text Latin

Quid hoc sit, intelligere debemus. etc.

Foxe text translation

What this should be we ought to vnderstand:

Actual text of St. Augustine, Enarratio ii. sermo ad plebem. Migne, P.L. Vol. 036. Col. 0157

quid hoc sit intelligere debemus, etc.

[Possibly just being used by Foxe as a suitable phrase remembered from his reading of St. Augustine for his current context in I Corinthians]

1583 Edition, page 2145[Back to Top]

Foxe text Latin

Iubemus vt omnes Episcopi pariter et Praesbiteri. &c.

Foxe text translation

We commaund that all bishops & priests [do celebrate the holy oblation and the praiers vsed in holy baptisme,etc.]

1583 Edition, page 2145[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative citing Romans, 10. 10.

Foxe text Latin

Corde creditur ad iustitiam, ore autem fit confessio ad salutem.

Foxe text translation

With the heart a man beleeueth vnto righteousnesse, and with the mouth confession is made vnto saluation.

Actual text of Romans, 10. 10 (Vulgate)

corde enim creditur ad iustitiam ore autem confessio fit in salutem

[Accurate citation]

1583 Edition, page 2145[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative, spoken by the Bishop of Chester.

Foxe text Latin

cum applausu populi.

Foxe text translation

with the reiosing of the people.

1583 Edition, page 2147[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative.

Foxe text Latin

per Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

through Christ our Lord. Amen.

1583 Edition, page 2148[Back to Top]
Nicholas Ridley in a treatise, citing Deuteronomy. 27. 15.

Foxe text Latin

Maledictus homo qui facit sculptile & conflatile, &c. ponitque illud in abscondito, &c.

Foxe text translation

Cursed is the man which maketh a grauen or molten image, &c. and setteth it in a secret place, [and all the people shall say, Amen.]

Actual text of Deuteronomy. 27. 15.

maledictus homo qui facit sculptile et conflatile abominationem Domini opus manuum artificum ponetque illud in abscondito.

[Accurate citation, apart from Foxe's present tenseponitfor the futureponetin the Vulgate.]

1583 Edition, page 2151[Back to Top]
Nicholas Ridley in a treatise, citing Deuteronomy. 4. 19.

Foxe text Latin

Ne forte errore deceptus adores ea & colas.

Foxe text translation

Least peraduenture thou beyng deceiued, should bow downe to them and worship them.

Actual text of Deuteronomy. 4. 19 (Vulgate)

ne forte [oculis elevatis ad caelum videas solem et lunam et omnia astra caeli et] errore deceptus adores ea et colas.

[Accurate citation, though 13 words missing from the middle of the sentence.]

1583 Edition, page 2151[Back to Top]
Nicholas Ridley in a treatise, citing Deuteronomy. 7. 4.

Foxe text Latin

Quia seducit filium tuum ne sequatur me.

Foxe text translation

For she will seduce thy sonne, that he shall not follow me.

Actual text of Deuteronomy. 7. 4 (Vulgate)

quia seducet filium tuum ne sequatur me.

[Accurate citation, except for Foxe's present tenseseducitfor the Vulgate futureseducet. Probably a mistake in the Foxe Latin citation, since his translation ofseducitis a future tense.]

1583 Edition, page 2151[Back to Top]
Nicholas Ridley in a treatise, citing the Wisdom of Solomon. 15. 4.

Foxe text Latin

Vmbra pictura labor sine fructu, &c.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

a labour without fruit in the shadow of a picture,etc.

[Presumablypicturais a printing error forpicturae]

Actual text of Solomon (Sapientia). 15. 4 (Vulgate)

nec umbra picturae labor sine fructu effigies sculpta per varios colores.

[Foxe's citation would seem to havepicturainstead of the correctpicturae.]

1583 Edition, page 2152[Back to Top]
Nicholas Ridley in a treatise, citing Tertullian, Lib. de corona militis. cap. 10.

Foxe text Latin

Filioli custodite vos ab idolis, non iam ab idolatria quasi ab officio, sed ab idolis. ab ipsa effigie eorum.

Foxe text translation

Little Children keepe your selues from the shape it selfe, or forme of them.

Actual text of Tertullian, lib. de corona militis, cap. 10. in Migne, P.L. Vol. 002, Col. 0091A

Joannes:Filioli, inquit,custodite vos ab idolis(I Joan. V, 21), non iam ab idololatria quasi ab officio, sed ab ipsa effigie eorum.

[Accurate citation]

1583 Edition, page 2152[Back to Top]
Nicholas Ridley in a treatise, citing Wisdom of Solomon 14. 11.

Foxe text Latin

Nam laquaei pedibus insipientium sunt.

Foxe text translation

They bee snares and trappes for the feete of the ignoraunt,etc.

Actual text of Wisdom of Solomon, 14. 11 (Vulgate)

et in muscipulum pedibus insipientium.

[An interesting substitution ofmuscipulumforlaquaei,especially as Phaedrus haslaquaeos, et muscipulatogether at 4. 1. 8.]

1583 Edition, page 2152[Back to Top]
Nicholas Ridley in a treatise.

Foxe text Latin

Nihil magis est certum, quam quod ex dubio factum est certum.

Foxe text translation

Nothing is more certayne or sure, then that which of doubtfull is made certayne.

1583 Edition, page 2152[Back to Top]
Nicholas Ridley in a treatise, citing Zephirus on Tertullian.

Foxe text Latin

Qui locus persuadendi frigeret penitus, nisi perpetuo illud teneamus: Christianos tunc temporis odisse maxime statuas cum suis ornamentis, &c.

Foxe text translation

Which place of persuasion were very cold, and to no purpose at all, except we hold this alwayes, that Christians in those dayes did hate most of all Images with their trimme decking and ornaments.

Actual text of Zephirus

1583 Edition, page 2153[Back to Top]
Nicholas Ridley in a treatise, citing Lactantius, lib. Diuin. instit. 2. cap. 19.

Foxe text Latin

Non est dubium, quin religio nulla sit, vbicunque symulachrum est.

Foxe text translation

It is not to be doubted that there is no religion wheresoeuer is any Image.

Actual text of Lactantius, lib. 2. de origine erroris. cap. 19. in Migne, P.L. Vol. 006. Col. 0344B

Quare non est dubium quin religio nulla sit, ubicumque simulacrum est.

[Accurate citation]

1583 Edition, page 2153[Back to Top]
Nicholas Ridley in a treatise, citing St. Augustine, De ciuitate Dei. lib. 4. cap. 31.

Foxe text Latin

Quum Varro existimauerit castius sine symulachris obseruari religionem, quis non uidet, quantum appropinquauerit veritati?

Foxe text translation

When as Varro thought religion might bee kepte more purely without Images, who doth not see how neare he came to the truth?

Actual text of St. Augustine De ciuitate Dei. lib. 4. cap. 31. in Migne, P.L. Vol. 041. Col. 0138

[Varro...] castiusque existimat sine simulacris observari religionem, quis non videat quantum propinquaverit veritati?

[Accurate citation fromcastiusin Line 1]

1583 Edition, page 2153[Back to Top]
Nicholas Ridley in a treatise, citing St. Augustine, in Psal. 113.

Foxe text Latin

Plus valent symulachra ad curuandam infoelicem animam, quam ad docendam.

Foxe text translation

Images haue more force to bow downe and crooke the sillie soule, then to teach it.

Actual text of St. Augustine, Enarrat. in Psal. 113. Sermo II. 6: in Sancti Aurelii Augustini Enarrationes in Psalmos CI - CL, Turnholti 1956, p. 1645

Plus enim ualent simulacra ad curuandam infelicem animam [quod os habent, etc.]

[Accurate citation]

1583 Edition, page 2153[Back to Top]
Nicholas Ridley in a treatise, citing St. Augustine, in Psal. 113.

Foxe text Latin

Quiuis puer imo quis bestia scit non esse Deum quod vident, cur ergo spiritus sanctus toties mouet cauendum quod omnes sciunt?

Foxe text translation

Euery child, yea euery beast knoweth that it is not God which they see, why then doth the holy ghost so oft geue warnyng to beware of that thyng which all do know?

Actual text of St. Augustine, in Psal. 113

Quis puer [interrogatus non hoc certum esse respondeat ] Cur ergo tantopere Spiritus sanctus curat scripturarum plurimis locis haec insinuare atque inculcare uelut inscientibus, etc.

[The exact text is not evident in sermo II of Augustine on Psalm 113, but the context is definitely indicated in this extract from Section 3 on p. 1643 of Turnholti 1956 – see previous note]

1583 Edition, page 2153[Back to Top]
Nicholas Ridley in a treatise, citing St. Augustine.

Foxe text Latin

Quoniam quum ponuntur in templis, & semel incipiunt adorari a multitudine, statim nascitur sordidissimus affectus erroris.

Foxe text translation

For when they are set in Churches, & begin once to be worshipped of the multitude or common people, straightway springeth vp a most filthy affection of errour.

Actual text of St. Augustine, Enarrat. in Psal. 113. Sermo II. 3: in Sancti Aurelii Augustini Enarrationes in Psalmos CI - CL, Turnholti 1956, p. 1643

… ] cum adorari atque honorari a multitudine coepit, parit in unoquoque sordidissimum erroris affectum, [

[Although Foxe's Latin text is not an exact quotation from thissermo, it is clear from the overall context that Ridley is citing thissermoon Psalm 113]

1583 Edition, page 2153[Back to Top]
Nicholas Ridley in a treatise, I Corinthians 11. (10). 22.

Foxe text Latin

Annon habetis domos ad edendum ac bibendum? An ecclesiam Dei contemnitis?

Foxe text translation

Haue you not houses to eat and drinke in? Do you contemne the church of God?

Actual text of I Corinthians 10. (11). 22 (Vulgate)

numquid domos non habetis ad manducandum et bibendum aut ecclesiam Dei contemnitis

[While clearly this passage in Corinthians is being cited, it would appear that either Foxe has a Latin text other than the Vulgate, or he is translating into Latin from the Greek text]

1583 Edition, page 2153[Back to Top]
Nicholas Ridley in a treatise, citing Tertullian.

Foxe text Latin

Sed non eodem ritu, nec eodem habitu, nec eodem apparatu, quo agitur apud Idola.

Foxe text translation

But not after such a rite or ceremonie, nor after such a fashion, nor wyth such preparation or sumptuousnesse, as it is done before the Idols.

Actual text of Tertullian, de corona militis. lib. 10. in Migne, P.L. Vol. 002, Col. 0090B

sed non eodem ritu, nec eodem habitu, nec eodem apparatu, quo agitur apud idola.

Accurate citation – see below Line 86, where the expression is couched in the positive]

1583 Edition, page 2153[Back to Top]
Nicholas Ridley in a treatise, citing St. Augustine.

Foxe text Latin

in honorabili sublimitate.

Foxe text translation

in an honourable place of estimation.

Actual text of St. Augustine, Letters. quaestio tertia. De sacrificiorum distinctione in Migne, P.L. Vol. 033. Col. 0377

cum his locantur sedibus, honorabili sublimitate.

[Accurate citation]

1583 Edition, page 2153[Back to Top]
Nicholas Ridley in a treatise, citing Tertullian.

Foxe text Latin

eodem ritu, & eodem habitu

Foxe text translation

after the same manner and fashion [which the Papists did vse]

Actual text of Tertullian: de corona militis. lib. 10. in Migne, P.L. Vol. 002, Col. 0090B

sed non eodem ritu, nec eodem habitu.

[Presumably the same citation as above on Line 77, but this time couched in the positive]

1583 Edition, page 2153[Back to Top]
Nicholas Ridley in a treatise, citing Epiphanius.

Foxe text Latin

Quum venissem ad villam quae dicitur Anablatha, vidissemque ibi praeteriens lucernam ardentem, & interrogassem quis locus esset, didicissemque esse Ecclesiam, & intrassem vt orarem: inueni ibi velum pendens in foribus eiusdem ecclesiae tinctum atque depictum, & habens imaginem quasi Christi vel sancti cuiusdam, non enim satis memini cuius fuit, cum ergo hoc vidissem in Ecclesia Christi contra authoritatem scripturarum, hominis pendere imaginem, scidi illud, &c. Et paulo post. Et praecepi in ecclesia Christi istiusmodi vel a quae contra religionem nostram veniunt non appendi, &c.

Foxe text translation

When I came to a village called Anablatha, & sawe there as I passed by, a candle burnyng, & enquiring what place it was, and learning that it was a church, & had entred into the same to pray, I found there a vaile or cloth hanging at the dore of the same church, died and painted, hauing on it the image of Christ as it were, or of some Saint (for I remember not well whose it was) Then when I sawe this, that in the Church of Christ against the authoritie of the scriptures the image of a man did hang, I cut it in pieces, &c. And a little after. And commaunded that such maner of vailes or clothes which are contrary to our religion, be not hanged in the church of Christ.

Actual text of Epiphanius, Epistolae secundum ordinem temporum ad amussim digestae in Migne, P.L. Vol. 022, Cols. 0526-7: epistola li s. epiphanii ad joannem Episcopum Jerosolymorum A Hieronymo Latine reddita

[et] venissem ad villam quae dicitur Anablatha, vidissemque ibi praeteriens lucernam ardentem, et interrogassem, quis locus esset, didicissemque esse ecclesiam, et intrassem ut orarem: inveni ibi velum pendens in foribus ejusdem ecclesiae tinctum atque depictum, et habens imaginem quasi Christi, vel sancti cujusdam; non enim satis memini, cujus imago fuerit. Cum ergo hoc vidissem, [et detestatus essem in ecclesia Christi contra auctoritatem Scripturarum hominis pendere imaginem,] scidi illud, etc. [praecepere] in ecclesia Christi istiusmodi vela, quae contra religionem nostram veniunt, non appendi. etc.

[Accurate citation]

1583 Edition, page 2153[Back to Top]
Nicholas Ridley in a treatise, citing Petrus Crinitus, de honesta disciplina. lib. 9. cap. 9 ex libris Augustatibus.

Foxe text Latin

Valens, & Theodosius Augusti Imperatores praefecto praetorio ad hunc modum scripserit. Quum sit nobis cura diligens in rebus omnibus superni numinis religionem tueri. Signum saluatoris Christi nemini quidem concedimus coloribus lapide aliaue materia fingere, insculpere aut pingere, sed quocunque reperitur loco tolli iubemus, grauissima poena eos mulctando qui contrarium decretis nostris, & imperio quicquam tentauerint.

Foxe text translation

Valens and Theodosius the Emperours, wrote to the high Marshall or Lieuetanant, in this sort. Where as wee are very carefull that the religion of almighty God should be in all thinges kept. We permit no man to cast, graue, or paint the Image of our Sauiour Christ, either in colors, stone, or other matter: but wheresoeuer it be found, wee commaund it to be taken away, punishing them most greuously that shall attempt any thing contrary to our decrees and Empire.

Actual text of Petrus Crinitus, de honesta disciplina. lib. 9. cap. 9.

[Not in Migne, but see Portuguese website at:

[Sed libitum est] verba ex libris Augustalibus [referre quo id totum melius innotescat, quoniam et] Valens et Theodosius Augusti Imper. praefecto praetorio ad hunc modum scripserunt : Cum sit nobis cura diligens in rebus omnibus superni numinis religionem tueri, signum Salvatoris Christi nemini quidem concedimus coloribus lapide aliave materia fingere, insculpere aut pingere, sed quocumque reperitur tolli iubemus, gravissima poena eos mulctando, qui contrarium decretis nostris et imperio quicquam tentaverint.

[Accurate citation, except for omission oflocoon line 11]

1583 Edition, page 2153[Back to Top]
Nicholas Ridley in a treatise, citing Tertullian.

Foxe text Latin

Quod primum verum, quod posterius adulterinum.

Foxe text translation

What as is first, that is true, & that that is latter is counterfeit.

Actual text of Tertullian, Lib. adversus Praxeam. 2. in Migne, P.L. Vol. 002. Col. 0157B

id esse verum, quodcumque primum; id esse adulterum, quodcumque posterius.

[While this is not a word for word quotation, Foxe is clearly citing this passage in Tertullian]

1583 Edition, page 2154[Back to Top]
Nicholas Ridley in a treatise, citing the Concilium Eliberinum.

Foxe text Latin

Placuit in ecclesiis picturas esse non debere, ne quod colitur aut adoratur in parietibus depingatur.

Foxe text translation

Wee decree that pictures ought not to be in churches, least that be painted vpon the walles which is worshipped or adored.

Actual text of the Concilium Eliberinum

Not found in searches.

[This Council, the first in Spain, was held in early in the fourth century (possibly as early as 300) at Elliberis, or Illiberis, in Spain, and included idolatry in its agenda]

1583 Edition, page 2154[Back to Top]
Nicholas Ridley in a treatise, citing St. Ambrose. Epist. lib. 5. 29. [acc. Foxe, but see Migne reference below]

Foxe text Latin

Sed neque imperiale est libertatem dicendi negare, neque sacerdotale quod sentiat non dicere. Item in causa vero Dei quem audies, si sacerdotem non audies cuius maiore peccatur periculo, quis tibi verum audebit dicere, si sacerdos non audeat?

Foxe text translation

But neither is it the part of an Emperour to deny free libertie of speaking, not yet the duety of a priest not to speake what hee thinketh. And agayne, In gods cause whome wilte thou heare, if thou wilt not heare the priest to whose great peril the fault should be committed? Who dare say the truth vnto thee, if the priest dare not?

Actual text of Ambrose, Litterae. Prima Classis. XL. 2 and 4. Migne, P.L. Vol. 016. Colls. 1101D and 1103A

Sed neque imperiale est libertatem dicendi denegare, neque sacerdotale in causa vero Dei quem audies, si sacerdotem non audias, cujus majore peccatur periculo? Quis tibi verum audebit dicere, si sacerdos non audeat?

[Accurate citations, except that Foxe has a futureaudiesfor the subjunctiveaudiasin line 3]

1583 Edition, page 2154[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative, citing Isaiah. 56. 10.

Foxe text Latin

Canis mutus non valens latrare.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

A dumb dog not having the strength to bark.

Actual text of Isaiah. 56. 10 (Vulgate)

[universi] canes muti non valentes latrare

[Accurate citation]

1583 Edition, page 2158[Back to Top]
The saying 'of an ancient Doctor of the Catholike Church'.

Foxe text Latin

Dicimus Eucharistiam Panem uocari in scripturis, Panis in quo gratiae actae sunt, &c.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

We say that the Eucharist is called Bread in the scriptures, Bread in which thanks have been given.

1583 Edition, page 2162[Back to Top]
Letter from John Meluyn.

Foxe text Latin

Christi electis Salutem.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

To the chosen of Christ Greetings.

1583 Edition, page 2163[Back to Top]
Letter from John Meluyn, citing 4 Esdras. 8. 1.

Foxe text Latin

Hoc Seculum fecit altissimus propter multos, futurum autem propter paucos.

Foxe text translation

The almighty Lorde hath made this worlde for many: but the world or life to come but for a few.

Actual text of 4 Esdras. 8. 1 (Vulgate)

[et respondit ad me et dixit] hoc saeculum fecit Altissimus propter multos futurum autem propter paucos.

[Accurate citation]

1583 Edition, page 2163[Back to Top]
St. Matthew. 20. 16.

Foxe text Latin

Pauci elect.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

Few are chosen.

Actual text of St. Matthew. 20. 16. (Vulgate)

[multi sunt enim vocati] pauci autem electi.

[Accurate citation]

1583 Edition, page 2163[Back to Top]
St. Luke. 13. 23.

Foxe text Latin

Pauci qui saluabuntur.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

There are few who will be saved.

Actual text of St. Luke. 13. 23. (Vulgate)

ait autem illi quidam Domine si] pauci sunt qui salvantur.

[Note that while the citation is correct, the tense of the Vulgatesalvanturis present]

1583 Edition, page 2163[Back to Top]
II Timothy. 2. 19.

Foxe text Latin

Cognouit Dominus qui sunt eius.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

The Lord knows who are his.

Actual text of II Timothy. 2. 19. (Vulgate)

cognovit Dominus qui sunt eius.

[Accurate citation]

1583 Edition, page 2163[Back to Top]
Psalm 16 (15). 3.

Foxe text Latin

Sanctis qui sunt in terra, et preclaris his toto animo delector.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

To the saints who are on earth, and to the outstanding in whom I am delighted with my whole mind.

Actual text of Psalm 15 (16). 3. (Vulgate from the Hebrew)

sanctis qui in terra sunt et magnificis omnis voluntas mea in eis

Actual text of Psalm 15 (16). 3. (Vulgate from the Greek)

sanctis qui sunt in terra eius mirificavit mihi omnes voluntates meas in eis.

[It would seem that Foxe's citation is closer to the translation from the Hebrew]

1583 Edition, page 2163[Back to Top]
St. John. 15. 19.

Foxe text Latin

Ego vos elegi e mundo.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

I chose you out of the world.

Actual text of St. John 15. 19 (Vulgate)

[quia vero de mundo non estis sed] ego elegi vos de mundo.

[Accurate citation]

1583 Edition, page 2163[Back to Top]
St. John. 18. 36.

Foxe text Latin

Regnum meum non est de hoc mundo.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

My kingdom is not of this world.

Actual text of St. John. 18. 36 (Vulgate)

regnum meum non est de mundo hoc.

[Accurate citation]

1583 Edition, page 2163[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative.

Foxe text Latin

Venite ad iuditium.

Foxe text translation

Come vnto iudgement.

1583 Edition, page 2163[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative.

Foxe text Latin

Bene dixit, dixit bene, gratias egit.

Foxe text translation

He spake heauenly and well, he gaue thankes.

[Not a literal translation, but it does seem to be this passage]

1583 Edition, page 2163[Back to Top]
John Meluyn, citing St. Augustine. Tract. in Ioan. xxv. 12. tom. 3.

Foxe text Latin

Quid paras dentem et ventrem, crede et manducasti.

Foxe text translation

Why preparest thou thy tooth and belly? Beleeue and thou has eaten.

Actual text of St. Augustine, Tract. in Ioan. xxv. 12. in Migne, P.L. Vol. 035. Col. 1602

[Ut]quid paras dentes et ventrem? crede, et manducasti.

[Accurate citation except for Foxe's singulardentemfor the pluraldentesin Augustine]

1583 Edition, page 2163[Back to Top]
Foxe text marginal note.

Foxe text Latin

Ecclesia eum paucis diebus habuit quantum ad humanitatem, modo fide tenet, occulis [sic] non videt.

Foxe text translation (Line 1)

The Church had him but a few dayes touching his humanitie, nowe they haue him by fayth, with these eyes they do not see him.

1583 Edition, page 2164[Back to Top]
Latimer in a sermon.

Foxe text Latin

misericordiam volo & non sacrificium.

Foxe text translation

I had rather haue mercy done, than sacrifice [or oblation].

1583 Edition, page 2167[Back to Top]

Foxe text Latin

Amantium irae amoris integratio est

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2003)

The tiffs of lovers is the renewal of love

Actual text of Terence, Andria, Act 3, Scene 3, Line 25 (Perseus search)

Amantium irae amoris integratio est

[Accurate citation]

1583 Edition, page 2169[Back to Top]
Foxe text narrative. Ric. Dinothus. Ex Commentariis de Statu Gallico. part. 4.

Foxe text Latin

profluuio sanguinis illum laborasse certum est. Constans fert fama, illum dum e variis corporis partibus sanguis emanaret, in lecto saepe volutatum, inter horribilium blasphemarium diras, tantam sanguinis vim proiecisse, vt paucas post horas mortuus fuerit.

Foxe text translation

Certayne it is, that his sickenes came of bleeding. The constant report so goeth, that his bloud gushing out by diuers partes of his body, he tossing in his bedde, and casting out many horrible blasphemies, [layed vpon pillowes with his heeles vpward, and head downeward,] voyded so much bloud at his mouth, that in a few houres he dyed.

Actual text of Dinothus

1583 Edition, page 2177[Back to Top]
Foxe marginal note

Foxe text Greek

[This similitude holdeth]???? ??? ??????????.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

[This similitude holdeth] in accordance with his opposition.

1583 Edition, page 2068[Back to Top]

Foxe text Latin

Ipsa solum nomen regium ferebat, caeterum omnem regni potestatem Pharisaei possidebant.

Foxe text translation

She onely reteined to her selfe the name and title of the kyngdome, but all her power she gaue to the Phariseis to possess &c.

Actual text of Josephus, De antiquit. 13.16. 2 (= XIII. 409).

?? ??? ??? ????? ??? ????????? ????? ????, ??? ?? ??????? ?? ??????????

[The???? was Queen Alexandra, widow of Alexander Jannaeus, a Jewish king, who had just died in 79 BC]

1583 Edition, page 2123[Back to Top]
St. Basil, Epist. 63 (207 in Benedictine numbering)

Foxe text Latin

Caeterum ad obiectum in psalmodiis crimen quo maxime simpliciores terrent calumniatores. etc.

Foxe text translation

As touching that is layed to our charge in Psalmodies and songs wherwith our slaunderers doe fraie the simple, etc.

Actual Greek text of Basil (Loeb edition, edited by R.J. Deferrari, Heinemann, 1930)

xxx ???? ?? ?? ??? ???? ?????????? ???????, ? ??????? ???? ???????????? ???????? ?? ???????????? ????, eetc.

[Accurate citation in Latin of the original Greek text]

1583 Edition, page 2144[Back to Top]
St. Basil

Foxe text Greek

?? ??? ?????? ???? ????????.

Foxe text translation

Not every dreame is strait waye a Prophecie.

Actual text of St. Basil

1583 Edition, page 2057[Back to Top]
Chrysostom, on I ad Cor. cap. xiv

Foxe text Latin and Greek

Cum populus semel audiuit, ??? ???? ?????? ??? ??????, statim omnes respondent, Amen.

Foxe text translation

When the people once heare these wordes (world without end) they all forthwith answer, Amen.

1583 Edition, page 2145[Back to Top]
Nicholas Ridley in a treatise, citing II Corinthians. 6. 16. and Josephus, Antiqu. libr. 17. cap. 8; lib. 18. cap. 5 & 15.

Foxe text Latin

Quid templo Dei cum simulachris.

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

What has the temple of God to do with images?

Actual text of II Corinthians. 6. 16 (Vulgate)

qui autem consensus templo Dei cum idolis.

[The wordconsensus, 'agreement', is missing from Foxe's Latin citation. The Greek text is:
???? ?? ????????????? ??? ???? ???? ???????;which also has the word for 'agreement' (?????????????), so Foxe's citation does not look particularly accurate.]

Actual text of Josephus, Antiqu. libr. 17. cap. 8; lib. 18. cap. 5 & 15.

1583 Edition, page 2152[Back to Top]
Nicholas Ridley in a treatise, citing Athenasius, contra Gentes. 1. 7.

Foxe text Greek

? ??? ??????? ??????? ??? ??? ?????? ???? ??? ?????? ??????, ?? ?? ??? ????? ???? ?????, ?? ?????? ???? ????? ???????, ???? ?? ??????.

Foxe text translation

The inuention of Images came of no good but of euill and what so euer hath an euill beginning can neuer in any thing be iudged good seing it is wholly nought.

Actual text of Athenasius

1583 Edition, page 2152[Back to Top]