Textual Variations for Book 2

Againste all these so many and mighty enemyes...to persecute Wickleffe and his adherentes

1563 Edition, page 140

These are the hole force and strength of the...they had determined this iustice within his right boundes

1563 Edition, page 141

It were long in this place to rehearse...parties, and destruction of men

1563 Edition, page 143

Besides the erthquake afore saide...of oure human nature and infirmitie

1563 Edition, page 147

When these conclusions wer thus condemned...upon Saint Silvesters day

1563 Edition, page 148[Back to Top]

Here followeth the story of Robert Rigges...he never escaped or came out but died there

1563 Edition, page 153

I wish to God that our destinies had not so...hath well deserved of good studients

1563 Edition, page 150

in whom (it was very sharply noted)...or ells moste cruelly iudged to the fire

1563 Edition, page 152

Thus you have the hole sum of Wickleffes articles...Now to the disputation of Ihon Hus

1563 Edition, page 160

The publike defence of certain Articles...and learnedly disputed, but these shall suffice for this present

1563 Edition, page 161[Back to Top]

The decree of the Same sinode or councel...these mannes witnesses shall do the contrary

1563 Edition, page 156

Besides these afore mentioned, a great number of worthy...wythout persecution escaped

1563 Edition, page 154

Iohn Ball...being requited for the bloud that he had shed

1563 Edition, page 192

William Sawtrey...nullatenus omittatis

1563 Edition, page 193

An artificer a Layman...market place without the citie to be included

1563 Edition, page 224[Back to Top]

Sir Roger Acton knight...in the yeare of our Lord MiiiiCxiii in the Moneth of Ianuary

1563 Edition, page 225

The History of the most valiaunt and worthy Martyr...against the Lorde and his worde, fyrst

1563 Edition, page 313

And when they perceived that policy wolde not help...fornamed martyr about the yere of our Lord 1438

1563 Edition, page 326

Here Followeth the Historie of Maister Iohn Hus...At what tyme as

1563 Edition, page 242

An instrument of recognition...wytness of all and singuler the premisses

1563 Edition, page 245[Back to Top]

The copy of a publike testimonial of the hole university...publike notary of the dioses of Olmutz

1563 Edition, page 257

forasmuch as the varietie of mens affections...s. Ambrose the confessors day and there he at that time seeing

1563 Edition, page 294

The latter emprisonyng and death of the Lord Cobham...we thought it not be omitted

1563 Edition, page 328

Thus have you here the iudiciall processe...and had defyled so noble a history with fewer lyes

1563 Edition, page 332

Here after ensueth a memorable history...Hus and Ierome of Prague were reported in Boheme

1563 Edition, page 302[Back to Top]

For. as it is before declared, the universall church church doth ordain ...Wherupon if the universal church (as no man can deny) may depose the Pope, the generall councel may also do the same

1563 Edition, page 347

There is none other power or authoritie to be fought for...The lyke thereof semeth unto me to be happened unto the Eugenians

1563 Edition, page 363

during this contention. The Archbishop of Lions...What fearest thou? What dreamest thou?

1563 Edition, page 364

who had so great familiarity with the bishop of Albiganensis...For the decree it it self was but short, notwithstanding

1563 Edition, page 371

And Saint Austen saith, Quod Evangeio non crederet...for the other thyngs unto us to be beleved

1563 Edition, page 349[Back to Top]

When as the matter was allowed by the devines...to let the conclusion as much as in them lay

1563 Edition, page 350

After him the bishops of Cathamensis and Bosianus...were hard, and that the Cathalenes had made an end

1563 Edition, page 353

But to what purpose do I stand so long in this matter?...as Panormitan and Ludovicus do here

1563 Edition, page 356

all men beholding him , did greatly marveyle and ware amased....order observed: for on every there was

1563 Edition, page 360

We are they from whom the libertie is taken...as touching the exclusion of the inferiours

1563 Edition, page 362[Back to Top]

For it is more dangerous then hat pernicious decree....Panormitan him selfe whiche hath made the conclusion doth best knowe

1563 Edition, page 363

Now how the deposition of Eugenius did passe...Amodeus the most wise and discrete duke of Sebaudia was chosen bishop of Rome

1563 Edition, page 372

but alas howe unstable is the order of humaine thinges?...to bewaile his own chaunce, or some friend of his

1563 Edition, page 374

Wherupon they counceling amonges themselves...not being spotted with Eugenius heresy, thei had come in time

1563 Edition, page 375

But now to proceede to the nomination...their oath according to the oath of the councel

1563 Edition, page 377[Back to Top]

Who is it then that wold not think...were placed accordinge to theyr degree and order

1563 Edition, page 379

The copy of an Epistle...that Germanie desyred nothing more than peace

1563 Edition, page 382

Martinus Meyr Cancellarius Moguntini...Ex Hasthassenburga, pridie Kal. Septem. MCCCCLVII

1563 Edition, page 397

Richard Wiche...They doo against the lawe which burne men

1563 Edition, page 193

The second booke contayning the next 300 yeres following...the tenour wherof here followeth in his own wordes as ensueth

1570 Edition, page 158 | 1576 Edition, page 130 | 1583 Edition, page 129[Back to Top]

Besides this, the sayd Gregory sendeth also an other...The ende of the second booke

1570 Edition, page 172 | 1576 Edition, page 142 | 1583 Edition, page 141[Back to Top]