Textual Variations for Book 3

To the gentle reader...smithfield in the yeare of our Lord 1422, the second day of March

1563 Edition, page 399

Henricus dei gratiae Rex Angliae...vi. die Iulii Anno. Regni nostri sexto

1563 Edition, page 401

Wilhelmus permissione divina Norwicensis episcopus dilectis ...Thomam ac Johannem offeri volumus humiliter et devote etc.

1563 Edition, page 405

These degrees because ye shall not be ignoraunte...but to be abhominable and accursed before God

1563 Edition, page 414

Albeit it is not to be thought....the earth hath so long maintained without vengaunce

1563 Edition, page 414[Back to Top]

Sir Roger Onley knyght...burned in the yeare of our Lord. 1490

1563 Edition, page 423

In followinge the course and order of yeares...world, and Gods truthe and glory manifestly set forth and advaunced

1563 Edition, page 414

It is not to be marvailed at, if the tiranny of these men...By no meanes delivered but onely by death

1563 Edition, page 415

Here also I might touch some thing concerning the discord betwixt this Aneas Sylvius...convocate his cleargye together after thyr owne lust

1563 Edition, page 440

The historie of doctor Wesalianus and doctore Wesellus...about the yeare of our Lorde, 1479

1563 Edition, page 448[Back to Top]

Moreover Iacobus Wimphelingis witnesseth...Veselianus, who was condemned at Metz 1479

1563 Edition, page 451

In Alexander VI which came nexte after...Turkes against the French king

1563 Edition, page 441

Solemannus Tsaccus, kynge of kinges...hinderance and detriment of all Christendome

1563 Edition, page 474

Concerning the turkes extreme cruelty and tirrany...This was the just reward of his crueltie

1563 Edition, page 494

by the commaundement of the bishop of London, called Richard Fitzjames and

1563 Edition, page 442[Back to Top]

but so it was that the said Hun was found deade...followe the whole inquyrie and verdict of theinquest, worde for worde

1563 Edition, page 442

with other, as of Robert Johnson and Peter Turner...and shewed the keyes to the sayd Enderby

1563 Edition, page 445

The deposition of Alen Cresswell...both to hym and Syr John Studeley Vicar

1563 Edition, page 447

This farre preceeding in our storie, at the length...The storie is thus, that about fifty yeres ago there was

1563 Edition, page 452

He also illustrated divers other poyntes of Ecclesiastical doctrine

1563 Edition, page 455[Back to Top]

and it probably appeared that his words were no lyp labour...were pensive and vert sore greved

1563 Edition, page 455

I knowe he gently besought Erasmus...assembly of Princes at Wormes

1563 Edition, page 456

and the institution of the faithfull Christians...Lordes being yesterday interrogated

1563 Edition, page 462

Besydes these grievances before rehersed...Of dispensations bought for money

1563 Edition, page 430

About the same tyme, that Luther began to flourishe in Germanie...some pursued to death with fagot and fire

1563 Edition, page 468[Back to Top]

When these propositions were propounded...reformation at Constance, and afterwarde at Geneva

1563 Edition, page 491

We will not here in this place stand to recite..some great miracle of god

1563 Edition, page 495

The story of xxiiii burned in Paris...their names, we will here passe them over

1563 Edition, page 567

In this yeare of our Lorde 1545 as there...wheras the said arrest was not talked and disputed of

1563 Edition, page 684

but more manifestly by the horrible death of one named De roma... The lyke also did others in somndry places at the same time

1563 Edition, page 701[Back to Top]

And at the selfsame time came two...in with dagges. After he goeth to the towne of

1563 Edition, page 703

Moreover not farre from the town of Mussie before named...brought to this wonderful crueltie

1563 Edition, page 703

But that viperous generation wil...The Lorde turne the hartes of all

1563 Edition, page 473

Lykeas there was no place, neyther of Germanye...Germains where he might declare him self. For in

1563 Edition, page 512

In this his thought and purpose...and mindes of manye

1563 Edition, page 512[Back to Top]

This Cardinall of Yorke at all times..to death and Martyrdome

1563 Edition, page 470

Besydes that he privily by his letters...where he shall fynde it more at large

1563 Edition, page 491

Now in the yere after the deathe...Baronnesse did begin to florish and spring

1563 Edition, page 513

These and many other such like depositions...bibulis tua auribus dicta haurie valeo. Vale. The same in Englyshe

1563 Edition, page 526

Etsi nesciam pater in christo...etiam si occupatus fuero (ut sum homo) in aliquo errore etc.

1563 Edition, page 521[Back to Top]

As touching that which pertaineth to the preaching...Tuus captivus, et supplex pro te ad deum oratore T. B.

1563 Edition, page 522

Bilney not withstanding his recantation...he would resort straight to hys prayer

1563 Edition, page 533

As it is reported by him that was his scholar...fare ye wel at Horne the xvi day of June 1531

1563 Edition, page 534

The story of the godly and valiant...then his sufferings to be sene

1563 Edition, page 536

The next weake after...death and martirdome

1563 Edition, page 549[Back to Top]

Richard Bayfield, Martyr...1531 was burnyd in Smithfield

1563 Edition, page 538

Syr Thomas More, after he had brought this good...hereafter (God willyng) to be adioyned

1563 Edition, page 542

and then he was sent from lollordes tower...abjuration, and was never quiet in minde and conscience

1563 Edition, page 542

Iohn Randall. Nowe it also commeth unto my remembraunce ...albeit I know not his name

1563 Edition, page 546

Upon this or some soche lyke occasion...reade the same bookes

1563 Edition, page 547[Back to Top]

And there he was in the Lowlers tower...til the fier took his bowels and head etc.

1563 Edition, page 548

in ye house of S Thomas More lord Chauncellor of England... till the xvii day of February, and then released

1563 Edition, page 549

amonges whom being many excellent learned men...no not long amongst his frendes

1563 Edition, page 553

Whose names to recite all in order, would...(as is thought) and had the Prior over with hym.

1563 Edition, page 553

Whiche thyng was evident enough of it selfe...unto Abraham, in thy seede shall all people be blessed etc.

1563 Edition, page 554[Back to Top]

But I know not what cruel pestiferous fury hath secreatly...intreate of the death and examynation of Frith

1563 Edition, page 556

Excellentisimo in chisto principe...And in the iii yere of our consecration

1563 Edition, page 561

Articles obiected againste Jeffrey Lom...mention being made of any pennance inioyned him

1563 Edition, page 532

But nowe, we will leave the pompous and proude Cardinall...aforesaid in such sorte, and to come unto their histories

1563 Edition, page 470

A compendious discourse comprehending...testimony of the same

1563 Edition, page 507[Back to Top]

By these premises it is sufficient to iudge...minde, and the better understand the matter

1563 Edition, page 509

But forasmuch as no reasons...Moreover besydes those determynatyons in the monthe of September

1563 Edition, page 510

The same yeare there was...not tomit here untouched

1563 Edition, page 511

who reported him there as though he might...a grave merchant worthy of credit

1563 Edition, page 575

This man wrote also divers...Iacob the copies wherof ensue

1563 Edition, page 576[Back to Top]

The conuersation of maister William Tyndale...being in service with

1563 Edition, page 569

After that he had finished that worke...apprehension was as hereafter foloweth

1563 Edition, page 571

The VIII daye the commissioners that were appoynted ...not whom they myght take to be one

1563 Edition, page 573

Which her last words, declared no lesse...as unworthy for the world

1563 Edition, page 581

Friar forest hanged for papistry...not to be numbered in this catalogue

1563 Edition, page 627[Back to Top]

Upon the galowes was set in greate letters these verses...The king to be supreame head

1563 Edition, page 627

and broughte into the fredome of his spiritual kingdom...began to sette his minde to the setting forthe of the gospell

1563 Edition, page 584

And if these be the manners and facions...But now to returne againe unto the story,

1563 Edition, page 586

But howe much more commendable had it beene for thee...sodenly kindle, blessed are all they which trust in him

1563 Edition, page 589

Now ye have heard by what crafte and...But before we come to his death and execution

1563 Edition, page 590[Back to Top]

After whome a certeine man named Peake...there woulde no pardon serve

1563 Edition, page 425

how be it truth it is, that for as much as...leave it to the reporte where we had it

1563 Edition, page 581

In this yere also there was one Collins...The cause of his death was this

1563 Edition, page 626

The frutefull sede of the gospell...he yelded his spirite into the handes of the Lorde

1563 Edition, page 626

The great and almoste inynite...leave out of this Cataloge or historye

1563 Edition, page 626[Back to Top]

The setting forth of the six artycles ... at this time summoned

1563 Edition, page 642

in pretence of unity ... god hereafter neuer declare no more

1563 Edition, page 642

this presēt parliament assembled, and by the authoritye of the same, þt if any person .... Dedimus potestatem, to take the same

1563 Edition, page 643

And because disputatiōs and doubtes ... the Lorde Cromwell.

1563 Edition, page 645[Back to Top]