Textual Transpositions for Book 6

After that it hadde pleased the bishoppes to disgrade this man...In the yeare of our Lord M.CCCC.xxxvi.

1563 Edition, page 414 | 1570 Edition, page 812 | 1576 Edition, page 669 | 1583 Edition, page 692

This doctour Wesalia being complained upon unto Diotherus the Archbishop of Mentz...concerning the proceeding out of the Holy Ghost

1563 Edition, page 448 | 1570 Edition, page 879 | 1576 Edition, page 723 | 1583 Edition, page 748

The yeare of our Lorde, 1485, Marche IX...and so was she assoyled and did penance

1570 Edition, page 942 | 1576 Edition, page 777 | 1583 Edition, page 801

Doctour Vesalus. About the same time was also Doctor Veselus...And thus much for the story of doctor Weselianus and Weselus

1563 Edition, page 451 | 1570 Edition, page 886 | 1576 Edition, page 729 | 1583 Edition, page 754

Paule Craws a Bohemian....unto punishment this good manne Thomas muste be disgraded

1563 Edition, page 412 | 1570 Edition, page 811 | 1576 Edition, page 668 | 1583 Edition, page 691[Back to Top]

William by the sufferance of god bishop of Norwich...about the middest of Lent wasdisgraded and burned in Smithfield

1563 Edition, page 405 | 1570 Edition, page 806 | 1576 Edition, page 664 | 1583 Edition, page 687

Henry by the grace of God...apeare the tenour wherof here ensueth

1563 Edition, page 401 | 1570 Edition, page 803 | 1576 Edition, page 661 | 1583 Edition, page 684

John Florence a Turner...Sir William White priest and other (as they called them) Lolardes

1563 Edition, page 400 | 1570 Edition, page 802 | 1576 Edition, page 660 | 1583 Edition, page 683

The examination being ended, after these...to get the triumph over secular divines etc.

1563 Edition, page 450 | 1570 Edition, page 880 | 1576 Edition, page 724 | 1583 Edition, page 750[Back to Top]