Textual Transpositions for Book 7

Amonges other burthenes and grievances...so farre different in releasing these conditions

1563 Edition, page 430 | 1570 Edition, page 1027 | 1576 Edition, page 857 | 1583 Edition, page 883

Cabrier, and battered it with his ordenaunce...escaped their furye, were

1563 Edition, page 703 | 1570 Edition, page 1124 | 1576 Edition, page 949 | 1583 Edition, page 976

The Merindolians seing all burn around them...that they should immediately flie from thence

1563 Edition, page 702 | 1570 Edition, page 1123 | 1576 Edition, page 949 | 1583 Edition, page 976

And especially amonst the advocates and men of understanding...sodayne death of the President Chassane

1563 Edition, page 686 | 1570 Edition, page 1115 | 1576 Edition, page 940 | 1583 Edition, page 967

The historye or martirdome of George Carpenter...the 16 daye of August, in the yere of our Lord 1527

1563 Edition, page 488 | 1570 Edition, page 1055 | 1576 Edition, page 881 | 1583 Edition, page 908[Back to Top]

the yere of our Lord 1526 the byshop of Constance...the story of Ihon Hus and the emperor Sigismund

1563 Edition, page 487 | 1570 Edition, page 1055 | 1576 Edition, page 881 | 1583 Edition, page 908

The history of a good pastoure...The Lord graunt his spirite to all those which suffer for his name

1563 Edition, page 483 | 1570 Edition, page 1051 | 1576 Edition, page 877 | 1583 Edition, page 904

Ihon Castellane...greatly confirmed by that his precious death

1563 Edition, page 480 | 1570 Edition, page 1049 | 1576 Edition, page 876 | 1583 Edition, page 902

Henry Sudphen came to Brem not to the intent...as it was set a fire woulde not burne out

1563 Edition, page 474 | 1570 Edition, page 1045 | 1576 Edition, page 872 | 1583 Edition, page 899

Item whatsoever he be that receveth any ecclesiasticall offices...wel understand and know

1563 Edition, page 430 | 1570 Edition, page 1028 | 1576 Edition, page 857 | 1583 Edition, page 884[Back to Top]

The historie of a certaine Iewe...it to a place hard without the towne and buried it

1563 Edition, page 492 | 1570 Edition, page 1145 | 1576 Edition, page 969 | 1583 Edition, page 996

Hertofore also pertaineth that which...upon their gownes and peltches

1563 Edition, page 452 | 1570 Edition, page 1008 | 1576 Edition, page 840 | 1583 Edition, page 866

I touched before in the time of Pope Alexander the sixt...the decay and ruine of the Romish bishop

1563 Edition, page 452 | 1570 Edition, page 1007 | 1576 Edition, page 840 | 1583 Edition, page 866

a certaine monk in Thuringe...neverbe able to resist him etc

1563 Edition, page 452 | 1570 Edition, page 1007 | 1576 Edition, page 839 | 1583 Edition, page 865

To this may be adioyned a certaine prophetical vision or dreame... rise agane from the dead

1563 Edition, page 452 | 1570 Edition, page 1006 | 1576 Edition, page 838 | 1583 Edition, page 865[Back to Top]

Henry Voz and John Esch frier Augustines...he before hadde renounced, fled unto Luther

1563 Edition, page 473 | 1570 Edition, page 1044 | 1576 Edition, page 871 | 1583 Edition, page 898

There was sent a power to Costa...many also dyed for hunger

1563 Edition, page 703 | 1570 Edition, page 1124 | 1576 Edition, page 950 | 1583 Edition, page 977[Back to Top]