John Foxe Bibliography | A
by Matthew Phillpott

This bibliography contains the works referenced in the textual commentaries and biographical entries prepared for this edition. It therefore contains texts and references directly related to the study of John Foxe and the Acts and Monuments up to and inclusive of the year 2008. It does NOT contain the bibliography from the prefatory essays that are also part of this project. Neither does it contain a comprehensive list of Foxe's own sources. It should be noted that for pre-twentieth-century entries only author, title (sometimes reduced) and date are given. Thereafter full titles and location of publication are also provided. Where square brackets have been used this means that the date is approximate. Works without identified author appear under [anon.] by default. Multiple works by the same author are ordered in order of date of publication.

Acheson, Robert J., Radical Puritans in England, 1550-1660, Seminar Studies in History (London, 1990).

Achinstein, Sharon, 'John Foxe and the Jews', Renaissance Quarterly, 54:1 (2001), 86-120.

Adams, Barry, John Bale's "King John" (San Marino, 1969).

Adams, S. L., The Protestant Cause: Religious Alliance with Western European Calvinist Communities as a Political Issue in England, 1558-1629, D.Phil. thesis (University of Oxford, 1973).

A., J., An Historical Narration of the Judgement of English Bishops, Martyrs etc (1631).

Anderson, A. H., 'The books of Thomas, Lord Paget (c.1544-1590)', Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society, 6:4 (1975), 226-42.

Anderson, Judith H., 'Metaphor, Metonymy, Vestments and Foxe', Reformation, 8 (2003), 63-77.

Anderson, Judith H., Translating investments: metaphor and the dynamic of cultural change in Tudor-Stuart England (New York, 2005).

Andrews, William E., A Critical and Historical Review of Fox's book of Martyrs, Shewing the Inaccuracies, Falsehoods, and Misrepresentations in that Work of Deception (1824-26).

Alexander, Gina, 'Bonner and the Marian Persecutions', History, 60 (1975), 374-91.

Allison, F. and Rogers, D. M., A Catalogue of Catholic books in English Printed Abroad or Secretly in England, 1558-1640 (Biographical Studies, London, 1956).

[Anon.], The Praier and Complaynte of the Plowman unto Christe: Writte[n] not longe after the yere of oure Lorde A thousand and thre hundred. [1531].

[Anon.], A Breuyat chronicle containing al the kynges from Brute to this daye (London, 1556).

[Anon.], Two Leaves of a Poem describing the Sufferings of the Church in the Reign of Q. Mary [1565].

[Anon.], The Fierie Tryall of God's Saints, as a Counterpoyze to J. W., Priest, in his English Martyrologe (1611).

[Anon.], The Most Rare and Excellent History of the Dutchesse of Suffolkes Calamity (1624).

[Anon.], A Table of the First Ten Persecutions of the Primitive Church (1625).

[Anon.], The Royal Martyrs…the State Martyrology (1660/1662).

[Anon.], The Spirit of the Martyrs is Risen, and the Spirit of the Old Persecutor is Risen and Manifest [1665].

[Anon.], The Woman's Glory: or, a History of Several Eminent Persons that Suffered as Martyrs for the Truth of the Gospel. Taken out of Mr. Taylor's Martyrology now in press (1683).

[Anon.], Idem Iterum, or, the History of Queen Mary's Big Belly from Mr. Fox's Acts and Monuments and Dr. Heylin's History [1688].

[Anon.], The True Briton's Vade Mecum; or Queen Anne's Legacy to her Good People of England With the lives, condemnation and death of six sisters, virgins and martyrs, in the reign of Queen Mary the I by a divine…lately deceased (1716).

[Anon.], Martyrs in Flames (1729).

[Anon.], A Select History of the Lives and Sufferings of the Principal English Protestant Martyrs: Chiefly of those executed in the Bloody Reign of Queen Mary. Carefully extracted from Fox and other writers…Adorned with Copper plates (1746).

[Anon.], The book of Martyrs: or, the History of Paganism and Popery . Abstracted from the best authors, both antient and modern (1764).

[Anon.], The book of Martyrs: or Compleat History of Martyrs from the Crucifixion of our Blessed Saviour to the Present Times (1764-65).

[Anon.], The book of Martyrs: or, the History of Paganism and Popery from the Birth of Christ to the Late Conspiracy against King William III . Abstracted from the best authors, both antient and modern (1765).

[Anon.], Fox's Original and Complete book of Martyrs; or an Universal History of Martyrdom. A New Edition. Now Carefully Revised, Corrected and Improved by a Minister of the Gospel (1782).

[Anon.], An Entire New Work, Fox's Martyrology or a New book of the Sufferings of the Faithful (1784).

[Anon.], Catalogus Historico-criticus Librorum Variorum (1793).

[Anon.], Martyrology and a Complete History of Persecutions. By the Reverend Mr. John Fox, M.A., late of Magdalen College, Oxford. Now revised, corrected and improved with many additional articles relative to the acts and monuments of the church (1794).

[Anon.], Fox's Original and Complete book of Martyrs ... Embellished with near 300 elegant engravings (1794).

[Anon.], New book of Martyrs in Quarto. With engravings from original designs (1795).

[Anon.], book of Martyrs. An Account of Holy Men Who Died for the Christian Religion, Cheap Repository Tracts (1795).

[Anon.], The History of Dr. Rowland Taylor, Martyr, 1555, from the Acts and Monuments of John Fox [c 1800].

[Anon.], The book of Martyrs, or Christian Martyrology: Containing an Authentic and Historical Relation of Many Dreadful Persecutions against the Church of Jesus Christ, from the Death of Abel to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century (1803).

[Anon.], An Universal History of Christian Martyrdom ... Originally compiled by the Rev. John Fox, M.A. And now entirely re-written and corrected, with many important additions, and copious historical Notes, Commentaries and Illustrations (1807).

[Anon.], The History of the Persecutions of the Church of Rome: and Protestant Martyrology ... Including the Substance of Fox's book of Martyrs (1810).

[Anon.], An Abridgement of the book of Martyrs (1810).

[Anon.], The History of Dr. R. Taylor, Martyr, 1555. From the Acts and Monuments of J. F. (1815).

[Anon.], A Sermon of Cuthbert Bysshop of Duresme made upon Palme Sondaye Laste Past (1823).

[Anon.], book of Martyrs, or, a History of the Lives, Suffering, [and] Triumphant Deaths of the Primitive as Well as Protestant Martyrs (1833).

[Anon.], The Beacon: A History of Protestant Martyrdom ... Originally Composed under the Title "The Acts and Monuments of the Christian Martyrs" by the Rev. John Foxe, M.A. A new edition, greatly improved and corrected (1839).

[Anon.], Epistolae Tigurinae (1858).

[Anon.], Rawlings White, Welsh Fisherman ... Chiefly Compiled from Foxe (1859).

[Anon.], Protestant Martyrs. With an introductory preface by Robert Maguire (1863).

[Anon.], The book of Martyrs, Cassell's Penny Library (1868).

[Anon.], The Martyr Leaflets ... from Foxe's book of Martyrs (1873).

[Anon.], The Explanation of the Apocalypse by Venerable Beda (1878).

[Anon.], The book of Martyrs: a History of the Persecution of the Protestants, by John Foxe, Nicholsons' Home Library (1880).

[Anon.], Foxe's book of Martyrs (Preface by the Rt. Rev. Samuel Waldegrave, D.D., Lord Bishop of Carlisle) (1880).

[Anon.], 'The Marian Persecution', Church Quarterly Review (1891).

[Anon,], 'List of English Refugees at Frankfort-am-Main, 1557', Huguenot Society Proceedings (1894).

[Anon.], The book of Martyrs ... with a Memoir of the Author and a Preface by Rev. S. G. Potter (1894).

[Anon.], The book of Martyrs, A record by John Foxe (London, 1931).

Arber, Edward, Transcript of the Registers of the Company of Stationers (1875-94).

Arber, Edward, A False Fearful Imagination of Fire at Oxford University (from the Acts and Monuments) (1877).

Arber, Edward, The Imprisonment of Elizabeth (from the Acts and Monuments) (1882).

Arber, Edward, A Brief Discourse of the Troubles begun at Frankfort 1554-1558 A.D. Attributed to William Whittingham, Dean of Durham, 1575 A.D. (A Christian Library, London, 1907).

Arblaster, Paul, 'John Foxe in the Low Countries, 1566-1914', in David Loades (ed.), John Foxe at home and abroad (Aldershot, 2004), pp. 137-49.

Aston, Margaret, Lollards and Reformers: Images of Literacy in Late Medieval Religion (London, 1984).

Aston, Margaret, England's Iconoclasts: Laws against Images (Oxford, 1988).

Aston, Margaret, The King's Bedpost: Reformation and Iconography in a Tudor Group Portrait (Cambridge, 1993).

Aston, Margaret and Ingram, Elizabeth, 'The Iconography of the Acts and Monuments', in David Loades (ed.), John Foxe and the English Reformation (Aldershot, 1997), pp. 66-142.

Auguestijn, Cornelis, Erasmus: His Life, works and influence, trans. J. C. Grayson (Toronto, 1991).

Aylmer, John, An Harborowe for Faithfull and Trewe Subiectes, etc., The English Experience 423 (Amsterdam, 1972).

Aylmer, John, An Harborrow for Faithfull and Trewe Subjects (1559).

Ayre, John, The Sermons of Edwin Sandys, D.D., successively Bishop of Worcester and London, and Archbishop of York (ob.1588): to which are added some miscellaneous pieces by the same author (1841).

Ayre, John, The Early Works of Thomas Becon, S.T.P., Chaplain to Archbishop Cranmer, Prebendary of Canterbury etc. Being the Treatises Published by Him in the Reign of King Henry VIII (1843).

Ayre, John, The Catechism of Thomas Becon, S.T.P., Chaplain to Archbishop Cranmer, Prebendary of Canterbury etc, with Other Pieces Written by Him in the Reign of King Edward the Sixth (1844).

Ayre, John, Prayers and Other Pieces of Thomas Becon (1844).

Ayre, John, The Works of John Jewel, Bishop of Salisbury (ob.1571) (1845-50).

Ayre, John, The Works of John Jewel, Bishop of Salisbury. The Third Portion, containing Apologia Eccleslae Anglicane: An apology of the Church of England; The Defence of the Apology (1848).

Ayre, John, The Works of John Whitgift, D.D., Master of Trinity College, Dean of Lincoln etc, afterwards successively Bishop of Worcester and Archbishop of Canterbury (1851-53).

Ayris, Paul, 'Thomas Cranmer's Register', in Paul Ayris and David Selwyn (eds), Thomas Cranmer, Churchman and Scholar (Woodbridge, 1993), pp. 303-11.

Aziz, Jeffrey H., Of grace and gross bodies: Falstaff, Oldcastle, and the fires of reform. Unpublished Ph.D. (University of Pittsburgh, 2007).