John Foxe Bibliography | B

Babington, Churchill (ed.), Polychronicon Ranulphi Higden monachi Cestrensis; together with the English translations of John Trevisa and of an unknown writer of the fifteenth century (9 vols, Rolls Series, 1865-1886).

Backus, Irena, 'Lawrence Tomson (1539-1608) and Elizabethan Puritanism', Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 28 (1978), 17-29.

Baddeley, T., A Sure Way to Find Out the True Religion, in a Conversation between a Father and his Son (1820).

Bagchi, David, 'Luther and the Problem of Martyrdom', in D. Wood (ed.), Martyrs and Martyrology: Studies in Church History, 30 (1993), 185-207.

Bagshaw, Christopher (?), A True Relation of the Faction begun at Wisbich (1601).

Bailey, A., 'A Legal View of Cranmer's Execution', English Historical Review, 7 (1892), 466-470.

Bainton, Roland H., The Travail of Religious Liberty: Nine Biographical Studies(Philadelphia, 1951).

Bainton, Roland H., Women of the Reformation in France and England (Minneapolis, 1973).

Bale, John, A Brefe Chronycle Concernynge the Examinacyon of the Blessed Martyr of Christ Syr John Old castll, the Lorde Cobham (1544).

Bale, John, The Image of Bothe Churches after the Moste Wonderfull and Heavenly Revelacion of Sainct John the Evangelist (1545).

Bale, John, The actes of Englysh votaryes comprehendynge their vnchast practyses and examples by all ages, from the worldes begynnynge to thys present yeare (1546).

Bale, John, A treatyse made by Johan Lambert […] (1548?).

Bale, John, A Brefe Chronycle Concerning the Examinacyon and Death of the Blessed Martyr of Christ Syr John Oldecastell the Lorde Cobham, etc. [1548].

Bale, John, The First Two Partes of the Actes, or Unchast Examples of the English Votaryes, Gathered Out of their Own Legendes and Chronycles (1548/1551/1560).

Bale, John, Illustrium Majoris Britanniae Scriptorum […] (1548/9).

Bale, John, The Laboriouse Journey and Serche of Johan Leylande, for Englandes Antiquitees, Geven of Hym as a New Yeares Gyfte to Kyng Henry the VIII (1549).

Bale, John, The apology of Iohan Bale agaynste a ranke papist […] (1550).

Bale, John, Scriptorum illustriu[m] maioris Brytannie quam nunc Angliam & Scotiam uocant catalogus (1557-9).

Bale, John, Acta Romanorum Pontificum (1558).

Bale, John, A Declaration of Edmonde Bonners Articles, Concerning the Cleargye of London Dyocese whereby that Exercrable Antychriste, is in his Righte Colours Reueled in the Yeare of our Lord a. 1554 (1561).

Bale, John, The Pageant of Popes, Contayning the Lyves of All the Bishops of Rome from the Beginninge of Them to the Yeare of Grace 1555 (1574).

Bale, John, The First Two Partes of the Actes, or Unchast Examples of the English Votaryes, Gathered Out of their Own Legendes and Chronycles (The English Experience, 906, 1979).

Ball, Bryan W., A Great Expectation: Eschatological Thought in English Protestantism to 1660 (Leiden, 1975).

Barlow, Thomas, The Genuine Remains of…Dr. T. Barlow (1693).

Barnes, Robert, Two Treatises, the First on Justification by Faith only…the second on the sinfulness of Man's Natural Will…to which is prefixed a preface containing some account of the Life and Death of Dr. Barnes Extracted from the book of Martyrs, by John Wesley (1739).

Barnes, Robin B., Prophecy and Gnosis: Apocalypticism in the Wake of the Lutheran Reformation (Stanford, 1988).

Barnett, S. J., 'Where was Your Church before Luther? Claims for the Antiquity of Protestantism Examined', Church History, 68:1 (1999), 14-41.

Barry, Jonathan, 'Literacy and Literature in Popular Culture: reading and writing in historical perspective', in Tim Harris (ed.), Popular Culture in England c.1500-1800 (Basingstoke, 1995), 69-94.

Bartlett, I. Ross, The comfort of the meek: John Foxe as popular hagiographer in the Marian sections of the "Acts and Monuments". Unpublished Th.D. (University of Victoria, 1992).

Bartlett, I. Ross, 'John Foxe as Hagiographer: The Question Revisited', Sixteenth Century Journal, 26 (1995), 771-89.

Baskerville, E. J., A Chronological Bibliography of Propaganda and Polemic Published in English, 1553-1558 (Philadelphia, 1979).

Baskerville, E. J., 'John Ponet in Exile: A Ponet Letter to John Bale', Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 37 (1986), 442-47.

Battenhouse, Roy W., Marlowe's Tamburlaine (Nashville, 1964).

Barstow, A. L., 'The First Generation of Clergy Wives: Heroines or Whores?', The Historical Magazine of the Protestant Episcopal Church, 52 (1983), 3-16.

Bauer, Walter E., John Foxe as Historian. Unpublished Ph.D. (Cornell University, 1932).

Bauckham, Richard, Tudor Apocalypse: Sixteenth Century apocalypticism, millenarianism, and the English Reformation: From John Bale to John Foxe and Thomas Brightman (Oxford, 1978).

Baunthumley, Jacob, A Brief Historical Relation of the Most Material Passage and Persecution of the Church of Christ, from the Death of Our Saviour to the Time of William the Conqueror. Collected out of the Acts and Monuments of the Church, written by Mr. Foxe and compiled in the first three books of the said book of Martyrs written by the same author, collected by Jacob Bauthumley (1676).

Baumer, Franklin Le Van, 'Thomas Starkey and Marsilius of Padua', Politica, 2:6 (1936), 188-309.

Bayer, Mark, 'Staging Foxe at the Fortune and the Red Bull', Renaissance and Reformation, 27:1 (2003), 61-94.

Bayly, Thomas, The Life and Death of that Renowned John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester (1740).

Becon, Thomas, The Jewel of Joye (1553).

Bede, Bedae Opera Historica, Ecclesiastical history of the English nation, based on the version of Thomas Stapleton, 1565 ; books IV-V: Lives of the abbots ; letter to Egbert / with an English translation by J.E. King (London, 1930).

Beer, Barrett L., 'London Parish Clergy and the Protestant Reformation, 1547-1559', Albion, 18 (1986), 386-91.

Beilin, Elaine V., 'Anne Askew's Self Portrait in the Examinations', in Margaret P. Hannay (ed.), Silent but for the Word (Ohio, 1985), 77-91.

Beilin, Elaine V. (ed.), The Examinations of Anne Askew (New York, Oxford, 1996).

Bennett, H. S., English books and Reader 1457 to 1557, being a study in the History of the Book Trade from Caxton to the incorporation of the Stationers' Company (Cambridge, 1952).

Bennett, H. S., English books and Readers 1558 to 1603, being a Study in the History of the book Trade in the Reign of Elizabeth I (Cambridge, 1965).

Bernard, George W., The Tudor Nobility (Manchester, 1992).

Bernard, George W., 'Anne Boleyn's Religion', Historical Journal, 36 (1993), 1-20.

Bernard, George W., 'The Church of England, c.1529-1642', History, 75 (1990), 183-206.

Berry, W. G., Foxe's book of Martyrs (London, 1926).

Bett, Henry, Joachim of Flora (London, 1931).

Betteridge, Thomas, Tudor Histories of the Reformation, 1530-1583 (Aldershot, 1999) .

Betteridge, Thomas, 'Anne Askew, John Bale and Protestant History', Journal of Medieval and Modern Studies, 27 (1997), 265-84.

Betteridge, Thomas, 'The Place of Sodomy in the Historical Writings of John Bale and John Foxe', in Thomas Betteridge (ed.), Sodomy in Early Modern Europe (Manchester and New York, 2002), 11-26.

Betteridge, Thomas, 'Truth and History in Foxe's Acts and Monuments', in Christopher Highley and John N. King (eds), John Foxe and his World (Aldershot, 2002), 145-59.

Beza, Theodore, Tractatio de Repudiis et Divortiis: in qua Pleraeque de Causis Matrimonialibus (quas Vocant) incidents Controveriae ex Verbo Dei Deciduntur (1573).

Beza, Theodore, The Treasure of Truth ... Turned into English by John Stockwood. Whereunto are added, these Godly Treatyses. One of I. Foxe. In which the Chiefest Poyntes of the Doctrine of God his Election are ... Set Forth ... The Other of Ant. Gylbie wherein the Doctrine of God his Election ... is ... Handled [1576].

Beza, Theodore, The treasure of Truth Touching the Grounde Worke of Man his Salvation (1581).

Beza, Theodore, Iesu Christi D.N. Novum Testamentum, sive Novum Foedus etc (1582).

Bietenholz, P. G. (ed.), Contemporaries of Erasmus: A Biographical Register of the Renaissance and Reformation (Toronto, 2003).

Bietenholz, Peter G., 'Printing and the Basle Reformation, 1517-65', in Jean-François Gilmont (ed.) and Karia Maag (trans.), The Reformation and the Book (London, 1998), 235-263.

Bietenholz, P. G., Basle and France in the Sixteenth Century: The Basle Humanists and Printers in Their Contacts with Francophone Culture, Vol. CXII, Travaux d'Humanisme et Renaissance (Geneva, 1971).

Bilton, Henry, The History of the English Martyrs…to the end of the Reign of Queen Mary the 1st (1720).

Birrell, Thomas A., English Monarchs and their books: From Henry VII to Charles II (London, 1987).

Blagdon, Francis William, The book of Martyrs, or, Christian Martyrology, Containing an Authentic and Historical Relation of Many Dreadful Persecutions against the Church of Christ, from the Death of Abel to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century...Including every important relation in Fox's book of martyrs also all the essential parts of every work on the subject which has appeared since that publication, the whole carefully revised, corrected and amended, with some original matter. (1803).

Blagdon, Francis William, An Universal History of Christian Martyrdom, Being a Complete and Authentic Account of the Lives, Suffering and Triumphant Deaths of the Primitive Martyrs in All Parts of the World ... originally composed by John Fox, with notes commentaries and ill. (1807).

Blanchard, Amos, book of Martyrs, or, a History of the Lives Sufferings and Triumphant Deaths of the Primitive and Protestant Martyrs from the Introduction of Christianity to the Latest Periods of Pagan, Popish, Protestant and Infidel Persecutions ... a Sketch of the French Revolution as Connected with Persecution. Compiled from Fox's book of Martyrs and other authentic sources (1832; also 1835 edition).

Bolgar, R. R., The Classical Heritage and its Beneficiaries (London, 1954).

Borot, Luc, 'Richard Overton and radicalism: the new intertext of the civic ethos in mid seventeenth-century England', in Glenn Burgess and Matthew Festenstein (eds), English radicalism, 1550-1850 (Cambridge, 2007), 37-61.

Boucher, Jonathan, Glossary of Archaic and Provincial Words (1831 -1832).

Bowker, Margaret, 'The Henrician Reformation and the Parish Clergy', in Christopher Haigh (ed.), The English Reformation Revised (Cambridge, 1987), 75-93.

Bowler, M., 'Marian Protestants and the Idea of Violent Resistance to Tyranny', in Peter Lake and Maria Dowling (eds), Protestantism and the National Church in the Sixteenth Century (London, 1987), 124-43

Boyd, Jann E., Learning to know: Representations of the conscience in the writings of Kateryn Parr, Anne Askew, and Jane Grey. Unpublished Ph.D. (The University of Saskatchewan, 2006).

Bracken, James K., Come ye Blessed, Go ye Cursed: The World of John Foxe's 'Acts and monuments', also known as 'The book of Martyrs', Third International John Foxe Colloquium 'John Foxe and His World' (Ohio, 1999).

Braght, Thieleman J. van, The Bloody Theater or Martyrs Mirror of the Defenseless Christians Who Baptized Only upon Confession of Faith, and Who Suffered and Died for the Testimony of Jesus, their Saviour, from the Time of Christ to the Year A.D. 1660 (Scottdale, Pennsylvania, Waterloo, 1987).

Bramley-Moore, William, Acts and Monuments,the book of Martyrs, Revised with Notes and an Appendix. With illustrations by G. H. Thomas, John Gilbert, G. Du Maurier, J. D. Watson, A. B. Houghton, W. Small, A. Paquier, R. Barnes, M. E. Edwards,T. Morten, etc. (1866).

Bray, Thomas, Papal Usurpation and Persecution as it has been exercised in Ancient and Modern Times with Respect both to Princes and People…as a supplemental to the book of martyrs etc. (1712).

Bremer, Francis J., 'Foxe in the wilderness: the Book of Martyrs in seventeenth-century New England', in David Loades (ed.), John Foxe at home and abroad (Aldershot, 2004), 105-15.

Brice, Thomas, A Compendious Register in Metre, conteining the Names and Suffryngs of the Membres of Jesus Christ (1559).

Bridgewater, John, Concertatio Ecclesiae Catholicae in Anglia, Adversus Calvinopapistas et Puritanos etc (1583).

Brietenburg, Mark, 'The Flesh Made Word: Foxe's Acts and Monuments', Renaissance and Reformation, 25:4 (1989), 381-407.

Brigden, Susan, London and the Reformation (Oxford, 1991).

Bromwich, John, 'The First Book Printed in Anglo-Saxon Types', in Bruce Dickins and A.N.L. Munby (eds), Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society , 3 (Cambridge, 1963), 265-291.

Brook, V. J. K., A Life of Archbishop Parker (Oxford, 1962).

Brooks, Peter N. (ed.), Cranmer: Primate of All England. A catalogue of a quincentenary exhibition at the British Library 27.10.89 - 21.01.90 (London, 1989).

Brooks, Peter N., Thomas Cranmer's Doctrine of the Eucharist (Basingstoke, 1992)

Brooks, Peter N. (ed.), Reformation Principle and Practice: Essays in Honour of Arthur Geoffrey Dickens (London, 1980).

Brown, John, John Bunyan: His Life, Times and Work, rev. and ed. by F. M. Harrison (London, 1928).

Brown, William J., 'Rowland Taylor, the Protestant Martyr, 1509-1555', Transactions of the Worcestershire Archaeological Society (1954).

Brown, William J., The Life of Rowland Taylor LL.D., Rector of Hadleigh in the Deanery of Bocking (London, 1959).

Brown, William J., 'Marlow's Debasement of Bajazet; Foxe's Actes and Monuments and Tamburlaine, Part I', Renaissance Quarterly, 24 (1971), 24-38.

Bruce, J. and Perowne, T. T., The Correspondence of Matthew Parker, D.D., Archbishop of Canterbury, Comprising Letters Written by and to Him, from A.D. 1535 to his Death, A.D. 1575 (1853).

Bruce, John, The Works of Roger Hutchinson (1842).

Bucer, Martin, De Regno Christi Iesu Servatoris Nostri, Libri ii. Ad Edwardum VI. Angliae Regem, etc. (1557).

Buckley, Theodore A., Foxe's book of Martyrs ... abridged from Milner's edition (1853).

Budny, Mildred, Insular, Anglo-Saxon, and Early Anglo-Norman Manuscript Art at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge: An Illustrated Catalogue (Cambridge, 1997).

Bull, Henry, An Exposition vpon the .23. Psalme of Dauid full of Frute full and Comfortable Doctrine, written…by Iohn Hooper…Whereunto is Annexed an Apologye of his, Agaynst such as Reported that he Cursed Quene Mary, with certaine Godlye and Comfortable Letters in the Ende (1562).

Bullinger, Heinrich, A Hundred Sermons upon the Apocalips of Iesu Christe etc (1561).

Bunny, Francis, Truth and Falsehood, of a Comparison betw[een] the Truth now Taught in England and the Romish Church (1595).

Burgh, William, Lectures on the Second Advent of our Lord Jesus Christ, and Connected Events: With an Introduction on the Use of Unfulfilled Prophecy (1832).

Burnet, Gilbert, The History of the Reformation of the Church of England(1829).

Burnet, Jacques-Charles, Manuel du librarie et de l'amateur de livres (1842–1844).

Burns, Richard, The Ecclesiastical Law (1842).

Burrage, Champlin, The Early English Dissenters, in the Light of Recent Research, 1550-1641 (Cambridge, 1912).

Burton, Henry, Babel no Bethal: That is the Church of Rome No True Visible Church of Christ (1629).

Buscher, Hans, Heinrich Pantaleon und sein Heldenbuch (Basel, 1946).

Butterworth, Charles C., 'Erasmus and Bilney and Foxe', Bulletin of the New York Public Library (1953).

Byman, Seymour, 'Ritualistic Acts and Compulsive Behaviour: The Pattern of Tudor Martyrdom', American Historical Review, 83 (1978), 625-43.

Byman, Seymour, 'Suicide and Alienation: Martyrdom in Tudor England', The Psychoanalytical Review, 61 (1974), 355-373.

Byrd, Helen R., Narrative, history, and theology in John Foxe's "Actes and Monuments": A problem in definition. Unpublished Ph.D. (University of Maryland College Park, 1996).