John Foxe Bibliography | C

Cais, John, De Antiquitate Cantabrigiensis academiae (London, 1568).

Calfhill, James, An Answer to John Martiall's Treatise of the Cross (1846).

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Carlson, David R., English Humanist books; writers and Patrons, manuscript and print, 1475-1525 (Toronto, 1993).

Cattley, Stephen Reed, The Acts and Monuments of John Foxe: A New and Complete Edition (1841)

Cattley, Stephen Reed., The Acts and Monuments, Carefully Revised with Notes and Appendices (1853-54).

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Christmas, Henry, Select Works of John Bale, D.D., Bishop of Ossory, Containing the Examinations of Lord Cobham, William Thorpe, and Anne Askew, and the Image of Both Churches (1849).

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Clarke, Samuel, A General Martyrologie Containing a Collection of All the Greatest Persecutions which have befallen the Church of Christ from the Creation to our Present Times, Both in England and Other Nations: Whereunto are Added Two and Twenty Lives of English Modern Divines, as Also the Life of the Heroical Admiral of France slain in the Partisan Massacre and of Joane Queen of Navar Poisoned a Little Before…having two late persecutions inserted, the one in Piemont, the other in Poland (1640).

Clarke, Samuel, Continuation of the Histories of Forreine Martyrs from the Happy Reign of the Most Renowned Queen Elizabeth to These Times, with Sundry Relations of those Bloudy Massacres, executed upon the Protestants in the Cities of France in the Yeare 1572: Whereunto are Annexed the Two Famous Deliverences of our English Nation, the One from the Spanish Invasion in 88, the Other from the Gunpowder Plot (1641).

Clarke, Samuel, The Saints Nosegay, or, a Posie of 741 Spiritual Flowers both Fragrant and Fruitfull, Pleasant and Profitable (1642).

Clarke, Samuel, England's Covenant Proved Lawful and Necessary also at this time both by Scripture and Reason together with sundry answers to the usual objections made against it (1643).

Clarke, Samuel, A Mirrour or Looking-Glasse both for saints and sinners etc. (1646).

Clarke, Samuel, A General Martyrologie containing a collection of all the Greatest Persecutions which have befallen the church of Christ from the Creation to our Present Times; Whereunto are added the Lives of Sundry Modern Divines, Famous in their Generation for learning and piety, and most of them great sufferers in the Cause of Christ (1651).

Clarke, Samuel, A Mirrour or Looking Glass both for saints and sinners held forth in some thousands of Examples (1654, 1671).

Clarke, Samuel, England's Remembrancer, a True and Full Narrative of those Two Never to be Forgotten Deliverances, etc. (1657).

Clarke, Samuel, A Collection of the Lives of Ten Eminent Divines Famous in their Generations for Learning, Prudence, Piety, and Painfulness in the Work of the Ministry: Whereunto is added the Life of Gustavus Ericson, King of Sweden, who first reformed Religion in that Kingdome, and of some other eminent Christians (1662).

Clarke, Samuel, A Looking-Glass for Persecutors containing multitudes of Examples of God's severe, but righteous judgement, upon Bloody and Merciless haters of his children in all times, from the beginning of the world to this present age: Collected out of the Sacred Writers, both Ancient and Modern (1674).

Clarke, Samuel, The Lives of Two and Twenty English Divines Eminent in their Generations for Learning, Piety and Most of them sufferers in the cause of Christ, together with the Lives of Gustavus Ericson, King of Sweden, Jaspar Coligni, Admiral of France (who was slain in the Massacre of Paris), and Joan, Queen of Navar, who died a few dayes before that Bloody Massacre: Also the Effigies of some of the Eminent Divines in Copper-plates (1677).

Clarke, Samuel, The History of the Glorious Life, Reign and Death of the Illustrious Queen Elizabeth containing an account by what means the Reformation was promoted and established, and what obstructions it met with etc. (1682).

Clarke, Samuel, The Lives of Sundry Persons in this Later Age in Two Parts; i. of Divines, ii. Of Nobility and Gentry of both Sexes (1683).

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Coats, Catherine R., (Em)bodying the Word: Textual Resurrections in the Martyrological Narratives of Foxe, Crespin, de Beze and d'Aubigne, Renaissance and Baroque Studies and Texts (Michigan, 1992).

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Cobbin, Ingram, Foxe's book of Martyrs: A Complete and Authentic Account of the Lives, Sufferings, and Triumphant Deaths of the Primitive and Protestant Martyrs, in All Parts of the World. With notes, comments, and illustrations by Rev. J. Milner. New and corrected edition with an essay on popery, and additions to the present time, by Rev. Ingram Cobbin (1848-49).

Cobbin, Ingram, Foxe's book of Martyrs ... with Notes, Commentary and Illustrations, by Rev. J. Milner, M.A. A new and corrected edition with an essay on popery, and additions to the present time (1850).

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Collinson, Patrick, Godly People: Essays on English Protestantism and Puritanism, History Series no. 23 (London, 1982).

Collinson, Patrick, 'If Constantine, Then Also Theodosius: St. Ambrose and the Integrity of the "Elizabethan Ecclesia Anglicana"', Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 30 (1979), 205-231.

Collinson, Patrick, Elizabethan Puritanism (1983).

Collinson, Patrick, 'Truth and Legend: The Veracity of John Foxe's book of martyrs', in A. C. Duke and C. A. Tamse (eds), Clio's Mirror: Historiography in Britain and the Netherlands (Leyden, 1985), 31-54.

Collinson, Patrick, From Iconoclasm to Iconophobia: The Cultural Impact of the Second English Reformation (The 1985 Stanton Lecture, 1986).

Collinson, Patrick, 'A Chosen People? The English Church and the Reformation', History Today, 36:3 (1986), 14-20.

Collinson, Patrick, The Birthpangs of Protestant England: Religious and Cultural Change in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (New York, 1988).

Collinson, Patrick, The Elizabethan Puritan Movement (4th ed., Oxford, 1990).

Collinson, Patrick, 'De Republica Anglorum or: History with the Politics Put Back', in Patrick Collinson (ed.), Elizabethan Essays (London, 1994), 1-29.

Collinson, Patrick, 'Windows in a Woman's Soul: Questions about the Religion of Queen Elizabeth I', in Patrick Collinson (ed.), Elizabethan Essays (London, 1994), 87-118.

Collinson, Patrick, 'Truth, Lies and Fiction in Sixteenth Century Protestant Historiography', in Donald R. Kelley and David H. Sacks (eds), The Historical Imagination in Early Modern Britain: history, rhetoric, and fiction, 1500-1800 (Cambridge, 1997), 37-68.

Collinson, Patrick, 'John Foxe and National Consciousness', in Christopher Highley and John N. King (eds), John Foxe and his World (Aldershot, 2002), 10-34.

Collinson, Patrick, 'Night schools, conventicles and churches: continuities and discontinuities in early Protestant ecclesiology', in Peter Marshall and Alec Ryrie (eds), The Beginnings of English Protestantism (Cambridge, 2002), 209-35.

Collinson, Patrick, Elizabethans (London, 2003).

Coolidge, John S., The Pauline Renaissance in England: Puritanism and the Bible (Oxford, 1970).

Cooper, W. R., 'A Newly Identified Fragment in the Handwriting of William Tyndale', Reformation, 3 (1998), 323-348.

Cooper, W. R., 'Richard Hunne', Reformation, 1 (1996), 221-5.

Cornwall, R. D., 'The Search for the Primitive Church: The Use of the Early Church Fathers in the High Church Anglican Tradition', Anglican and Episcopal History, 59:3 (1990), 303-29.

Corrie, George E., Sermons by Hugh Latimer (Cambridge, 1987).

Cotton, Clement, The Mirror of Martyrs (1613).

Cotton, Clement, The Mirror of Martyrs in a Short View, Lively Expressing the Force of their Faith, the Fervency of their Love, the Wisdom of their Sayings, the Patience of their sufferings &c. (1625).

Coverdale, Miles, The Letters of the Martyrs: collected and published in 1564 (1837).

Cowell, H. J., English Protestant Refugees in Strasbourg, 1553-58 (Huguenot Society Proceedings, London, 1937).

Cox, John E., The Works of Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury, Martyr 1556 (1844–1846).

Cragg, Gerald R., Freedom and Authority: A Study of English Thought in the Early Seventeenth Century (Philadelphia, 1975).

Craig, John S., 'The Marginalia of Dr. Rowland Taylor', Historical Research, 64 (1991), 411-20.

Cranmer, Thomas, An Answer…vnto a Crafty and Sophisticall Cauillation Deuised by Stephen Gardiner Douctour of Law, Late Byshop of Winchester, against the Trewe and Godly Doctrine of the Moste Holy Sacrament of the Body and Bloud of our Sauiour Iesu Christe etc. (1551).

Cranmer, Thomas, The Copy of Certain Lettres Sent to the Quene, and also to Doctour Marin, etc. [1556].

Cranmer, Thomas, All the Submyssyons and Recantations of T. Cranmer (1556).

Cranmer, Thomas, An Aunswere by the Reuerend Father in God Thomas Archbyshop of Canterbury…Vnto a Craftie and Sophisticall Cauillation ,Deuised by Stephen Gardiner…Reuised, and corrected by the sayd Archbyshop at Oxford before his Martyrdome etc (1580).

Cranmer, Thomas, A Defence of the True and Catholike Doctrine of the Sacrament of the Body and Bloud of our Sauiour Christ (1825).

Cranmer, Thomas, A Short Instruction into Christian Religion, being a Catechism set forth by Archbishop Cranmer in MDXLVIII: Together with the same in Latin, translated from the German by Justus Jonas in MDXXXIX (1829).

Cressy, David, 'Books as Totems in Seventeenth Century England and New England', Journal of Library History, 21:1 (1986), 92-106.

Cressy, David, Bonfires and Bells: National Memory and the Protestant Calendar in Elizabethan and Stuart England (London, 1989).

Cressy, David and Ferrell, Lori Anne (eds), Religion and Society in Early Modern England: A Sourcebook (London, New York, 1996).

Crombie, J. M., The History of Christian Martyrdom. New edition, illustrated. Revised by the Rev. J. M. Crombie. Life of John Foxe ... translated from the Latin by the Rev. J. Milner (1871).

Cross, Claire M., 'An Example of Lay Intervention in the Elizabethan Church', in G. J. Cuming (ed.), Studies in Church History, 2 (Cambridge, 1965), 273-82.

Cross, Claire, 'No Continuing City: Exiles in the English Reformation 1520-1570', History Review (1998), 17-22.

Cross, Claire, Church and People, 1450-1660 (Oxford, 1999).

Cumming, John, Fox's book of Martyrs: The Acts and Monuments of the Church (1844).

Cummings, Brian, 'Images in books : Foxe Eikonoklastes', in Tara Hamling and Richard L. Williams (eds), Art re-formed: re-assessing the impact of the Reformation on the visual arts (Newcastle, 2007), 183-200.

Cyprian, Caecil, Opera (1521).