John Foxe Bibliography | E

Eck, Johann, Enchiridion locorum Communium adversus Lutheranos (1535).

Eden, Robert, The Examinations and Writings of John Philpot, B.C.L., Archdeacon of Westminster, Martyr 1555 (1842).

Edwards, David L., Christian England. Vol. II: From the Reformation to the Eighteenth Century (New York and Oxford, 1983).

Eland, George E., Thomas Wotton's Letter-book, 1574-1586 (London, 1960).

Ellies-Dupin, Louis, A New History of Ecclesiastical Writers (1695-99).

Elliott, Edward B., Horae Apocalypticae: Or a Commentary on the Apocalypse, Critical and Historical (1862).

Elton, Geoffrey R., The Tudor Revolution in Government: Administrative Changes in the Reign of Henry VIII (Cambridge, 1953).

Elton, Geoffrey R., Policy and Police: The Enforcement of Reformation in the Age of Thomas Cromwell (Cambridge, 1972).

Elton, Geoffrey R., Reform and Renewal: Thomas Cromwell and the Commonweal (Cambridge, 1973).

Elton, G. R., Palliser, D. M., English, D., Gee, Austin et al., Annual Bibliography of British and Irish History (1976 onward).

Elton, Geoffrey R., 'Luther in England', Luther in die Neuzeit: Wissenschaftliches Symposion des Vereins fur Reformationsgeschichte; Herausgegeben von Bernd Moeller (1983).

Elton, Geoffrey R., 'Persecution and Toleration in the English Reformation', in William J. Sheils (ed.), Persecution and Toleration: Papers read at the Twenty-second summer Meeting and the Twenty-third Meeting of the Ecclesiastical History Society, Studies in Church History, 21 (Oxford, 1984), 163-87.

Elton, Geoffrey R., 'Review Essay: Reformation in Historical Thought', History and Theory, 25:3 (1986), 336-342.

Elton, Geoffrey R., The Parliament of England, 1559-1581 (Cambridge, 1986).

Enssle, Neal, 'Patterns of Godly Life: The Ideal Parish Minister in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century English Thought', Sixteenth Century Journal, 28 (1997), 3-28.

Emerson, Everett, English Puritanism from John Hooper to John Milton (Durham, 1968).

Emmison, Frederick G., Elizabethan Life: Morals and the Church Courts, mainly from Essex archdiaconal records (Chelmsford, 1973).

Erasmus, Desiderius, Greek Testament (1527).

Escobedo, Andrew, 'The millennial border between tradition and innovation: Foxe, Milton and the idea of historical progress', in Richard Connors and Andrew C. Gow (eds), Anglo-American millenialism, from Milton to the Millerites (Leiden, 2004), 1-42.

Escobedo, Andrew, Nationalism and historical loss in Renaissance England: Foxe, Dee, Spenser, Milton (Ithaca [NY], 2004).

Escobedo, Andrew S., Narrative and national identity in Renaissance England. Unpublished Ph.D. (University of California, Berkeley, 1997).

Escobedo, Andrew S., 'The book of Martyrs: Apocalyptic Time in the Narrative of the Nation', Prose Studies, 20:2 (1997), 1-17.

Eusebius, Thesaurus Temporum (1658).

Evenden, Elizabeth, Patents and Patronage: The Life and Career of John Day, Tudor Printer. Unpublished Ph.D Thesis. (University of York, 2002).

Evenden, Elizabeth and Freeman, Thomas S., 'John Foxe, John Day and the Printing of the "Book of Martyrs"', in Robin Myers, Michael Harris and Giles Mandelbrote (eds), Lives in Print: Biography and the Book Trade from the Middle Ages to the 21st Century (London, 2002), 23-54.

Evenden, Elizabeth and Freeman, Thomas S., 'Print, Profit and Propaganda: The Elizabethan Privy Council and the 1570 Edition of Foxe's "Book of Martyrs"', English Historical Review, 19:484 (2004), 1288-1307.

Evenden, Elizabeth, 'The Fleeing Dutchmen? The influence of Dutch immigrants upon the print shop of John Day', in David Loades (ed.), John Foxe at Home and Abroad (Aldershot, 2004), 63-77.

Evenden, Elizabeth, 'The Michael Wood Mystery: William Cecil and the Lincolnshire Printing of John Day', Sixteenth Century Journal, 35:2 (2004), 383-394.