John Foxe Bibliography | F

Faber, G. S., A Dissertation on the Prophecies, that have been Fulfilled, are Now Fulfilling, or will Hereafter be Fulfilled, Relative to the Great Period of 1260 years (1807).

Facey, J., 'John Foxe and the Defence of the English Church', in P. Lake and M. Dowling (eds), Protestantism and the National Church in Sixteenth Century England (1987), 162-92.

Fairfield, Leslie P., 'John Bale and the Development of Protestant Hagiography in England', Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 24 (1973), 145-60.

Fairfield, Leslie P., John Bale, Mythmaker for the English Reformation (West Lafayette, 1976).

Fehrenbach, Robert. J. and Leedham-Green, Elisabeth, Private Libraries in Renaissance England: A Collection and Catalogue of Tudor and Early Stuart book-lists, Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies (Marlborough, 1992,1994, 1998).

Felch, Susan, 'Shaping the Reader in the Acts and Monuments', in David Loades (ed.), John Foxe and the English Reformation (Aldershot, 1997), 52-65.

Fenlon, Dermot, Heresy and Obedience in Tridentine Italy: Cardinal Pole and the Counter Reformation (Cambridge, 1972).

Fenn, John, The Paston Letters (1849).

Ferch, David L., '"Good books Are a Very Great Mercy to the World": Persecution, Private Libraries, and the Printed Word in the Early Development of the Dissenting Academies, 1663-1730', Journal of Library History, 21 (1986), 350-61.

Ferguson, Arthur B., 'Circumstances and the Sense of History in Tudor England: The Coming of the Historical Revolution', Medieval and Renaissance Series, 3 (1968), 170-205.

Fernandes, Isabelle, 'Martyrs, pouvoir et pouvoirs du martyre dans The Acts and Monuments de John Foxe', in Françoise Knopper and Jean-Louis Breteau (eds), Protestantisme(s) et autorité =Protestantism and authority (Anglophonia, 17) (Toulouse, 2005), 63-73.

Finch, George, 'A Brief Reply to "A Sure Way to Find Out the True Religion" by a Member of the Reformed Catholic Church', British Society for Promoting the Religious Principles of the Reformation, 19 (1841).

Finlayson, Michael G., Historians, Puritanism, and the English Revolution: The Religious Factor in English Politics Before and After the Interregnum (Toronto, 1983).

Fines, John, 'Heresy Trials in the Diocese of Coventry and Lichfield, 1511-12 (With an appendix on the reliability of John Foxe)', Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 14:2 (1963), 160-74.

Fines, John, 'The Post-Mortem Condemnation for Heresy of Richard Hunne', English Historical Review, 78:308 (1963), 528-31.

Fines, John, A Biographical Register of Early English Protestants, 1525-1558 (Abingdon, 1981-85).

Finlayson, Michael G., 'Puritanism and Puritans: Labels or Libels?', Canadian Journal of History, 8 (1973), 201-33.

Firth, Katherine, The Apocalyptic Tradition in Reformation Britain, 1530-1645 (Oxford, 1979).

Fish, Simon, A Supplicacyon for the Beggers (1529).

Fisher, R. M., 'The Origins of Divinity Lectures at the Inns of Court, 1569-1585', Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 29 (1978), 145-63.

Flacius, Matthias, Catalogus Testium Veritatis, qui ante nostram aetatem Pontifici Romano, eiusque erroribus reclamarunt: iam denuo longe quam antea & emendatior & auctior editus (1562).

Flacius, Matthias; Wigand, Johann; Judix, Mattheus; and Köppe, Martin, (Magdeburg Centuries) Ecclesiastica Historia, integram Ecclesiæ Christi ideam, quantum ad Locum, Propagationem, Persecutionem, Tranquillitatem, Doctrinam, Hæreses, Ceremonias, Gubernationem, Schismata, Synodos, Personas, Miracula, Martyria , Religiones extra Ecclesiam, et statum Imperii politicum attinet, secundum singulas Centurias, perspicuo ordine complectens: singulari diligentia et fide ex vetustissimis et optimis historicis, patribus, et aliis scriptoribus congesta: Per aliquot studiosos et pios viros in urbe Magdeburgica (1559-74).

Flacius, Matthias (ed.), Johannis Hus et Hieronymi Pragensis confessorum Christi historia et monumenta, 2 vols. (Nuremberg, 1558).

Fletcher, Anthony, 'The First Century of English Protestantism and the Growth of National Identity', in Stuart Mews (ed.), Studies in Church History (Oxford, 1982), 261-83.

Foster, Stephen, The Long Argument: English Puritanism and the Shaping of New England Culture, 1570-1700 (Chapel Hill, 1991).

Fox, Alistair, 'John Foxe's Acts and Monuments as Polemical History', Parergon, 14 (1976), 45-51.

Foxe, John, De Non Plectendis Morte Adulteris Consultatio (1548).

Foxe, John, De Lapsis in Ecclesiam Recipiendis (1549).

Foxe, John, De Censura Sive Excommunicatione Ecclesiastica (1551).

Foxe, John, Commentarii Rerum in Ecclesisa Gestarum (1554).

Foxe, John, Christus Triumphans, Comoedia Apocalyptica (1556).

Foxe, John, De Predicamentis Tabulae [1557].

Foxe, John, Ad Inclytos ac Praepontentes Angliae Proceres, Ordines, & Status, Totamque eius Gentis Nobilitatem, pro Afflictis Fratribus Supplicatio (1557).

Foxe, John, Locorum Communium Tituli (1557).

Foxe, John, Germania ad Angliam Gratulatio (1559).

Foxe, John, Rerum in Ecclesia Gestarum (1559).

Foxe, John, A Friendly Farewell, which Master Doctor Ridley did Write, unto All his True Lovers and Frendes in God, a Litle Before that He suffred (1559).

Foxe, John, Syllogisticon [1560-64].

Foxe, John, Actes and Monuments of these latter and perilous dayes, touching matters of the Church wherein ar comprehended and described the great persecutions & horrible troubles, that haue bene wrought and practised by the Romishe Prelates, speciallye in this Realme of England and Scotlande, from the yeare of our Lorde a thousande, unto the tyme nowe present (1563).

Foxe, John, The First Volume of the Ecclesiasticall history contaynyng the Actes and Monumentes of thynges passed in euery kynges tyme in this Realme, especially in the Church of England principally to be noted, with a full discourse of such persecutions, horrible troubles, the sufferyng of Martyrs and other thinges incident, touchyng as wel the sayd Church of England as also Scotland, and all other foreine nations, from the primitue tyme till the reigne of K. Henry VIII (1570).

Foxe, John, Le Triomphe de Iesu Christ: Comedie Apocalptique (1571-72).

Foxe, John, The Gospels of the fower Euangelistes translated in the olde Saxons tyme out of Latin into the vulgare toung of the Saxons (1571).

Foxe, John, Pandectae Locorum Communium (1572).

Foxe, John, The Whole Workes of W. Tyndall, John Frith and Doct. Barnes Three Worthy Martyrs and Principall Teachers of this Churche of England Collected and Compiled in One Tome together (1573).

Foxe, John, A Sermon of Christ Crucified Preached at Paules Cross…Newly Reconished by the Authour (1575).

Foxe, John, Ecclesiasticall History, Contayning the Actes and Monumentes of Thinges Passed in every Kynges Time, in this Realme, Especailly in the Churche of England Principally to be noted …from the Primitive Time, till the Reigne of King Henry the Eyght (1576).

Foxe, John, A Sermon of Christ Crucified, Preached at Paules Crosse the Friday before Easter (1577).

Foxe, John, De Oliva Evangelica Concio, in Baptismo ludaei Habita Londini etc (1578).

Foxe, John, Sermon Preached at the Christening of a Certain Jew (1578).

Foxe, John, Christ Jesus Triumphant (1579).

Foxe, John, The Pope Confuted/Papa Confutatus (1580).

Foxe, John, Against Ierome Osorius, Byshopp of Silvane in Portingall and Against his Slanderous Invectives. An Aunswere Apologeticall: For the Necessary Defence of the Evangelicall Doctrine and Vertie. First taken in hand by M. Walter Haddon, then undertaken and continued by M. John Foxe, now Englished by James Bell (1581).

Foxe, John, De Christo Gratis Iustificante. Contra Osorianam Iustitiam…Iesuiticam (1583).

Foxe, John, Actes and Monuments of Matters Most Speciall and Memorable, Happenyng in the Church, with an Vniversall History of the Same, Wherein is Set Forth at Large the Whole Race and Course of the Church, from the Primitive Age to these Latter Tymes of Ours…Especially in this Realme of England and Scotland (1583).

Foxe, John, Eicasmi seu Meditationes in Sacram Apocalypsim (1587).

Foxe, John, Disputatio…contra lesuitas et eorum Argumenta, quibus Inhaerentem iustitiam ex Aristotele Confirmant (1589).

Foxe, John, Actes and Monuments of Matters Most Speciall and Memorable, Happening in the Church, with an Universall History of the Same. Wherin is set foth at large the whole race and course of the Church, from the primitive age to these latter times of ours…especially in this Realme of England and Scotalnd (1596).

Foxe, John, A Sermon of Christ Crucified, Preached at Paules Crosse the Friday before Easter by I. Foxe (1609).

Foxe, John, Actes and Monuments of Matters Most Speciall and Memorable, Happening in the Church, with an Universall Historie of the Same. Wherein is set forth at large the whole race and course of the Church, from the primitive age to these latter times of ours…especially in this Realme of England and Scotland (1610).

Foxe, John, A Blowe for the Pope touching the Popes Prerogatiues. Extracted word for word out of the booke of Martyrs (1631).

Foxe, John, Actes and Monuments of Matters Most Speciall and Memorable, Happening in the Church, with an Universall Historie of the Same. Wherein is set forth at large the whole race and course of the Church from the primitive age to these latter times of ours…especially in this Realme of England and Scotland. Incorporating the Treatise of Affictions (1632).

Foxe, John, Reformatio Legum Ecclesiasticarum (1641).

Foxe, John, Acts and Monuments of Matters Most Speciall and Memorable, Happening in the Church, with an Universall Historie of the Same. Wherein is set forth at large the Whole Race and Course of the Church, from the Primitive age to these times of ours…especially in this Realme of England and Scotland (1641).

Foxe, John, Time and the End of Time, or, Two Discourses: The First about Redemption of Time, the Second about Consideration of our Latter End (1670).

Foxe, John, The Door of Heaven Opened and Shut…or, a discourse on Matt xxv, concerning the Absolute Necessity of a Timely Preparation for a Happy Eternity (1676).

Foxe, John, Acts and Monuments of Matters Most Special and Memorable etc. (1684).

Foxe, John, Of Free Justification by Christ. Written First in Latine by John Foxe, Author of the book of Martyrs, against Osorius etc., and now translated into English, for the benefit of those who Love their own souls, and would not be mistaken in so great a point (1694).

Foxe, John, The Book of Martyrs, with an Account of the Acts and Monuments of the Church and State from the Time of our Blessed Saviour to the Year 1701…Abstracted from the Best Authors and Original Papers (1702).

Foxe, John, The Benefit and Invention of Printing: By J.F., that Famous Martyrologist, extracted out of his 'Acts and Monuments', volume 1 (1704), pp. 803-4.

Foxe, John, The book of Martyrs, containing an account of the suffering and Death of Protestants in the Reign of Queen Mary the first, carefully revised and corrected with a recommendatory preface by an impartial hand (1732, 1741).

Foxe, John, The book of Martyrs, Containing an Account of the Suffering and Death of the Protestants in the Reign of Queen Mary the First (1754).

Foxe, John, A Sermon of Christ Crucified ... newly recognized by the author. (With a Recommendatory Preface by the Rev. Mr. Whitfield) (1759).

Foxe, John, The book of Martyrs Containing an Account of the Suffering and Death of Protestants in the Reign of Queen Mary I. Originally written by Mr. John Foxe and now revised and corrected by the reverend Madan. Illustrated with copper plates (1760).

Foxe, John, The History of the Ten Persecutions in the Primitive Church. To which is added an account of the martyrdom of John Huss and Jerome of Prague ... extracted from the martyrology of Mr. John Fox (1761).

Foxe, John, Christ Jesus Triumphant, ('British Reformers', 1831).

Foxe, John, Of Free Justification by Christ. Written first in Latine by John Foxe, Author of the book of Martyrs, Against Osorius etc. And Now Translated into English, for the Benefit of Those Who Love their Own Souls, and Would Not be Mistaken in So Great a Point, ('British Reformers', 1831).

Foxe, John, A Sermon of Christ Crucified ... newly recognized by the author, ('British Reformers', 1831).

Foxe, John, A Sermon of Christ Crucified ... newly recognized by the author (With a Recommendatory Preface by the Rev. Mr. Whitfield) (1838).

Foxe, John, The Acts and Monuments of J. Foxe Carefully Revised (1853-57).

Foxe, John, Time and the End of Time ... by J. F. author of the "book of Martyrs" (or rather by John Fox, Minister of the Gospel) With an account of the life of the author (1855).

Foxe, John, Foxe's book of Martyrs (Abridged) (1859).

Foxe, John, The book of Martyrs. Condensed from the larger editions, with original illustrations printed in colours by Kronheim. Running title: History of Christian Martyrdom, and abridgement of the author's work, the first complete English edition of which was published in 1563 under title: Actes and Monuments of these latter perilous dayes, 1869).

Foxe, John, The book of Martyrs, with 41 full page colour plates (1871).

Foxe, John, Foxe and the English Reformation c1539-1587. Collected MS sources from the British Library (London, 2003).

Fox, Levi (ed.), English Historical Scholarship in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, Statford-upon-Avon Dugdale Society (London, New York, 1956).

France, Candace M., "Great trouble and vexation the righteous shall sustain": Selected Protestant literary representations of the English Reformation, 1538—1599. Unpublished Ph.D. (Washington State University, 2000).

Frantzen, Allen, '"Bede and Bawdy Bale": Gregory the Great, Angels, and the "Angli"', in A. Frantzen and J.D. Niles (eds), Anglo-Saxonism in the Construction of Social Identity (Florida, 1997), 25-32.

Frantzen, Allen J., Desire for Origins; New Language, Old English, and Teaching the Tradition (London, 1990).

Fries, Maureen, 'Feminae Populi: Popular Images of Women in Medieval Literature', Journal of Popular Culture, 14 (1980), 79-86.

Freeman, Thomas S., '"A Solemne Contestation of Diverse Popes": A Work by John Foxe?', English Language Notes, 31 (1994), 35-42.

Freeman, Thomas S., 'Notes on a Source for John Foxe's Account of the Marian Persecution in Kent and Sussex', Historical Research, 67 (1994), 203-11.

Freeman, Thomas S., 'A Library in Three Volumes: Foxe's book of Martyrs in the Writings of John Bunyan', Bunyan Studies, 5 (1994), 47-57.

Freeman, Thomas S., "Great Searching Out of bookes and Autours": John Foxe as an Ecclesiastical Historian. Unpublished PhD Thesis. (Rutgers University, 1995).

Freeman, Thomas S., 'Research, Rumour and Propaganda: Anne Boleyn in Foxe's book of Martyrs', Historical Journal, 38:4 (1995), 797-819.

Freeman, Thomas S., 'Fox, Winram and the Martyrs of the Scottish Reformation', Sixteenth Century Journal, 27 (1996), 23-46.

Freeman, Thomas S. and Borges, Marcelo J., '"A Grave and Heinous Incident against our Holy Catholic Faith": Two Accounts of William Gardiner's Desecration of the Portugese Royal Chapel in 1552', Historical Research, 69 (1996), 1-17.

Freeman, Thomas S., '"The Reik of Maister Patrick Hammyltoun": John Foxe, John Winram and the Martyrs of the Scottish Reformation', Sixteenth Century Journal, 27:1 (1996), 43-60.

Freeman, Thomas S., '"The Reformation of the Church in this Parliament": Thomas Norton, John Foxe and the Parliament of 1571', Parliamentary History, 16 (1997), 131-47.

Freeman, Thomas S., 'The Importance of Dying Earnestly: The Metamorphosis of the Account of James Bainham in Foxe's book of Martyrs', Studies in Church History, 33 (1997), 267-288.

Freeman, Thomas S., 'John Bale's "Book of Martyrs?": The Account of King John in Acts and Monuments', Reformation, 3 (1998), 175-223.

Freeman, Thomas S., 'New Perspectives on an Old book: The Creation and Influence of Foxe's book of Martyrs', Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 49 (1998), 317-28.

Freeman, Thomas S., 'Texts, Lies and Microfilm: Reading and Misreading Foxe's "book of Martyrs"', Sixteenth Century Journal, 30 (1999), 23-46.

Freeman, Thomas S., '"The Good Ministrye of Godlye and Vertuouse Women": The Elizabethan Martyrologists and the Female Supporters of the Marian Martyrs', Journal of British Studies, 39:1 (2000), 8-33.Freeman, Thomas S, 'Fate, Faction and Fiction in Foxe's book of Martyrs', Historical Journal, 43:3 (2000), 601-24.

Freeman, Thomas S. and Wall, Sarah E., 'Racking the Body, Shaping the Text: The Account of Anne Askew in Foxe's "book of Martyrs"', Renaissance Quarterly, 54:4:1 (2001), 1165-96.

Freeman, Thomas S., 'Early Modern Martyrs', Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 52 (2001), 696-701.

Freeman, Thomas S., 'Dissenters from a Dissenting Church: The Challenge of the Freewillers, 1550-1558', in Peter Marshall and Alec Ryrie (eds), The Beginnings of English Protestantism (Cambridge, 2002), 129-58.

Freeman, Thomas S., '"As True a Subiect being Prysoner": John Foxe's Notes on the Imprisonment of Princess Elizabeth, 1554-5', English Historical Review, 117:470 (2002), 104-16.

Freeman, Thomas S., 'The Prison writings of the Marian Martyrs', in Sofia B. Gajano and Raimundo Michetti (eds), Europa Sacra: Raccolte agiografiche e identita politiche in Europa fra Medioevo ed Eta moderna (2002).

Freeman, Thomas S., 'Providence and Prescription: The Account of Elizabeth in Foxe's "book of Martyrs"', in Susan Doran and Thomas S. Freeman (eds), The Myth of Elizabeth (Basingstoke, 2003), 33-35.

Freeman, Thomas S., 'Offending God: John Foxe and English Protestant Reaction to the Cult of the Virgin Mary', Studies in Church History, 39 (2004), 228-38.

Freeman, Thomas S., 'Through a Venice Glass Darkly: John Foxe's Most Famous Miracle', Studies in Church History, 41 (2005), 307-20.

Freeman, Thomas S., 'Joan of Contention: The Myth of the Female Pope in Early Modern England', in Kenneth Fincham and Peter Lake (eds), Religious Politics in Post-Reformation England (Woodbridge, 2006), 60-79.

Frere, Walter H., The English Church in the reigns of Elizabeth and James I, 1558-1625 (London, 1904).

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Fritze, R. H., 'Root or Link? Luther's Position in the Historical Debate over the Legitimacy of the Church of England, 1558-1625', Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 37 (1986), 288-302.

Frontain, Raymond-Jean, '"David in his most Hevynes": Bale's King Johan and the Politicization of the Penitential David Tradition', Cathiers Elisabethains, 62 (2002), 1-10.

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