John Foxe Bibliography | G

Galfridus, Anglicus, Promptorium parvulorum sive clericorum, lexicon anglo-latinum princes (1843-65)

Garcia Pinilla, Ignacio J. and Nelson, Jonathan Lort, 'Una Carta de Francisco de Enzinas (Dryander) en el Martirologio de John Foxe [A letter from Francisco de Enzinas (Dryander) in the martyrology of John Foxe]', Bibliothèque d'Humanisme et Renaissance, 61 (1999), 515-28.

Garcia, Ramona M., "We shall this day light such a candle": The Marian burnings and the anti-Catholic tradition in English historical writing. Unpublished Ph.D. (Boston University, 1999).

Garcia, Ramona, '"Most wicked superstition and idolatry": John Foxe, his predecessors and the development of an anti-Catholic polemic in the sixteenth-century accounts of the reign of Mary I', in David Loades (ed.), John Foxe at home and abroad (Aldershot, 2004), 79-87.

Gardiner, Stephen, Obedience in Church and State: Three Political Tracts, ed. & trans. by Pierre Janelle (Cambridge, 1930).

Garrett, Christina H., The Marian Exiles: A Study in the Origins of Elizabethan Puritanism (Cambridge, 1938, repr. 1966).

Greaves, Richard L., Society and Religion in Elizabethan England (Minneapolis, 1981).

Greaves, Richard L., 'The Role of Women in Early English Non-conformity', Church History, 52 (1983), 299-311.

George, Charles H. and George, Katherine, The Protestant Mind of the English Reformation, 1570-1640 (Princeton, 1961).

George, Charles H., 'Puritanism as History and as Historiography', Past and Present, 41 (1968), 77-104.

Gerdes, Daniel, Introductio in Historiam Evangelii Seculo XVI (1744-52).

Gerhardt, Ernst, '"No quyckar merchaundyce than lybrary bokes": John Bale's Commodification of Manuscript Culture', Renaissance Quarterly, 60:2 (2007), 408-33.

Gibbings, Richard, Stapleton's Fortress Overthrown: A Rejoinder to Martial's Reply: A Discovery of the Dangerous Rock of the Popish Church Commended by Sanders. By William Fulke, D.D., Master of Pembroke Hall, Cambridge (1848).

Gibbings, Richard, An Exact Reprint of the Roman Index Expurgatorius(1837).

Gilby, Anthony, Ad Admonition to England and Scotland to Call Them to Repentence (1558).

Gilmont, Jean-François, 'Un instrument de propagande religieuse: les martyrologes du XVIe siecle', Sources de l'histoire religeuse de la Belgique: Moyen Ages et temps modern (1968), 376-388.

Gilmont, Jean-François, 'La genese du martyrologue d'Adrien van Haemstede (1559)', Revue d'Histoire Ecclesiastique, 63 (1968), 379-414.

Gilmont, Jean-François, Jean Crespin (Travaux d'Humanisme et Renaissance 186, Geneva, 1981).

Gilmont, Jean-François, 'Les martyrologues du xvie siecle', in Silvana Seidel Menchi (ed.), Ketzerverforlung in 16 und 17 Jahrhundert (Wiesbaden, 1992), 175-192.

Gilmont, Jean-Francois, The Reformation and the book (Aldershot, 1998).

Gittings, Claire, Death, Burial and the Individual in Early Modern England (London, 1988).

Glenn, Thane P., The invented language: John Foxe, Edmund Spenser, and the rhetorical development of English as a genre of heritage in the sixteenth century. Unpublished Ph.D. (Temple University, 2006).

Gordon, Bruce (ed.), Protestant History and Identity in Sixteenth-Century Europe. 2 vols (Aldershot, 1996).

Godwin, Francis, Annales of England Containing the Reigns of Henry VIII, Edward VI and Mary (1630).

Godwin, Francis, Rerum Anglicarum Henrico VIII. Edwardo VI. Et Maria Regnantibus, Annales nunc Primu m editi (1628).

Goodman, Christopher, How Superior Powers Ought to be Obeyed of their subiects: and wherin they may lawfully by Gods Worde be Disobeyed and Resisted (1558).

Gorrie, G. E., Sermons and Remains of Hugh Latimer, Sometime Bishop of Worcester, Martyr, 1555 (1845).

Gothelf, Nichole M., Persecution, identity, and politics: The English Protestant martyr narrative and oppositional politics in early New England and Pennsylvania. Unpublished Ph.D. (University of Notre Dame, 2001).

Grabes, Herbert, 'British cultural history and church history for the continent: John Bale's Summarium (1548) and Catalogus (1557-59)', in Andreas Höfele and Werner von Koppenfels (eds), Renaissance go-betweens: cultural exchange in early modern Europe (Berlin and New York, 2005), 139-51.

Grafton, Anthony, Defenders of the Text: The Traditions of Scholarship in an Age of Science, 1450-1800 (Cambridge, London, 1991).

Graham, Michael F., 'Toward a New Biography of John Foxe', Essays in History, 32 (1989), 52-68.

Graham, Timothy and Watson, Andrew G., The Recovery of the Past in Early Elizabethan England; Documents by John Bale and John Joscelyn from the circle of Matthew Parker (Cambridge, 1998).

Green, A. J., Popery as It Was and Is. The Suffolk Martyrs, Carefully Compiled without Abridgement from F's book of Martyrs (1851).

Green, Ian M., Print and Protestantism in Early Modern England (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000).

Greenberg, Devorah, '"Foxe" as a Methodological Response to Epistemic Challenges: The Book of Martyrs Transported', in David Loades (ed.), John Foxe at Home and Abroad (London, 2004), 237-255.

Greenberg, Devorah, Reflexive Foxe: The "Book of Martyrs" transformed, 'Foxe' reinterpreted, sixteenth through twenty-first centuries. unpublished Ph.D. (Simon Fraser University, 2002).

Greenberg, Devorah, 'Community of the Texts: Producing the First and Second Editions of Acts and Monuments', Sixteenth Century Journal, 36:3 (2005), 695-715.

Greenberg, Devorah, 'In a Tradition of Learned Ministry: Wesley's "Foxe"', Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 59:2 (2008), 227-48.

Greengrass, Mark, Lloyd, Joy and Smith, Sue, 'Twenty-first-century Foxe: the online variorum edition of Foxe's Actes and Monument', in David Loades (ed.), John Foxe at Home and Abroad (Aldershot, 2004), 57-69.

Greenway, Diana E. (ed. and trans.), Henry, Archdeacon of Huntingdon, Historia Anglorum (Oxford, 1996).

Greg, Walter W., 'Books and Bookmen in the Correspondence of Archbishop Parker', The Library, 16:3 (1935), 243-279.

Gregory, Brad, Salvation at Stake: Christian Martyrdom in Early Modern Europe (Cambridge, 1999).

Gregory, W., The book of Martyrs, or, the Acts and Monuments of the Christian Church, being a Complete History of Martyrdom from the Commencement of Christianity to the Present Time ... revised, corrected and improved. Embellished with a series of superior engravings from the original designs (1815).

Griffiths, R. A., 'The Trial of Eleanor Cohham', Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, 51 (1968-9), 381-99.

Grindal, Edmund, Memorials of Archbishop Grindal: Wherein the True causes of his suspension and disgrace are impartially related. With his letter to Queen Elizabeth in vindication of prophesying. Also the address of the convocation [to obtain his pardon] in Latin and English, with remarks upon both (1710).

Grimm, Harold J., The Reformation Era, 1500-1650 (2nd ed., New York, 1973).

Guinness, Henry G., History Unveiling Prophecy or Time as an Interpreter (New York, 1905).