John Foxe Bibliography | H

Haase, Wolfgang (ed.), Rome and the Anglicans: Historical and Doctrinal Aspects of Anglican-Roman Catholic Relations (Berlin, New York, 1982).

Haddon, Walter, Contra Hieron Osorium, eiusque Odiosas Insectationes pro Evangelicae Veritatis Necessaria Defensione, Responsio Apologetica (1577).

Hageman, E. H., 'John Foxe's Henry VIII as "Justitia"', Sixteenth Century Journal, 10:1 (1979), 35-44.

Haigh, Christopher, English Reformations: Religion, Politics and Society under the Tudors (Oxford, 1993).

Hakluyt, Richard, The Principall Navigations, voyages and Discoveries of the English Nation (1589).

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Hall, Catherine, 'The One-Way Trail: Some Observations on CCCC MS 101 and G&CC MS 427', Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographic Society, 11 (1998), 272-84.

Hall, Edward, The Union of the Two Noble and Illustre Famelies of York and Lancaster (1548).

Hall, Joseph, Contemplations on the Historical Passages of the Old and New Testaments (1825).

Haller, William, The Elect Nation: The Meaning and Relevance of Foxe's Book of Martyrs (New York, 1963).

Haller, William, 'John Foxe and the Puritan Revolution', in R. F. Jones (ed.), The Seventeenth Century: Studies in the History of English Thought and Literature from Bacon to Pope (Stanford, 1951), 209-224.

Haller, William, The Rise of Pruitanism: or, the way to the New Jerusalem as set forth in Pulpit and Press from Thomas Cartwright to John Lilburne and John Milton, 1570-1643 (New York, 1957).

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Halliwell, James O., A Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words, Obsolete Phrases, Proverbs and Ancient Customs from the Fourteenth Century (1847).

Hanna, Ralph, An Oxford Library Interlude: The Manuscripts of John Foxe the Martyrologist, Bodleian Library Record (Oxford, 2002).

Hannay, Margaret P., Silent but for the Word: Tudor Women as Patrons, Translators and Writers of Religious Works (Ohio, 1985).

Hanmer, Meredith, The Auncient Ecclesiastical Histories of the First Six Hundred Yeares after Christ, Wrytten in the Greek Tongue by Three Learned Histoiographers, Eusebius, Socrates and Evargius (1577).

Hanmer, Meredith, The Ancient Ecclesiasticall Histories…written…by…Eusebius, Socrates, and Evagrius (1650).

Hamilton, Donna B., 'Richard Verstegan's "A Restitution of Decayed Intelligence" (1605): A Catholic Antiquarian Replies to John Foxe, Thomas Cooper, and Jean Bodin', Prose Studies, 22:1 (1999), 1-38.

Hamilton, Hans C. (ed.), Chronicon Domini Walteri de Hemingburgh, vulgo Hemingford nuncupati, ordinis sancti Augustini canonici regularis, in caenobio beatae Mariae de Gisburn, De Gestis Regum Angliae (2 vols, 1848-9).

Hamilton, William D., 'A Chronicle of England during the Reigns of the Tudors, from A.D. 1485 to 1559 ... By Charles Wriothesley, Windsor Herald', Publications of the Camden Society, New Series 11 & 20 (1875-77).

Hammer, Carl I., 'The Oxford Martyrs in Oxford: The Local History of their Confinements and their Keepers', Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 50:2 (1999), 235-250.

Happé, Peter, John Bale (New York, 1996).

Harding, Thomas, The Decades of Henry Bullinger, Minister of the Church of Zurich (1849).

Hardwick, Charles, A History of the Articles of Religion (1851).

Hargrave, O. T., 'Bloody Mary's Victims: The Iconography of John Foxe's book of Martyrs', The Historical Magazine of the Protestant Episcopal Church, 51 (1982), 7-21.

Hargrave, O. T., The Doctrine of Predestination in the English Reformation. Unpublished Ph.D. (Vanderbilt University, 1966).

Hargrave, O. T., 'The Predestinarian Offensive of the Marian Exiles at Geneva', The Historical Magazine of the Protestant Episcopal Church, 42 (1973), 111-23.

Hargrave, O. T., 'The Predestination Controversy among the Marian Protestant Prisoners', The Historical Magazine of the Protestant Episcopal Church, 47 (1978), 131-51.

Harrington, John, A brief View of the State of the Church of England (1653).

Harpsfield, Nicholas, Dialogi Sex [1566].

Harrison, William, The Description of England, edited by G. Edelen, Folger Documents of Tudor & Stuart Civilization (Washington, 1968).

Hart, Henry, A Godly Newe Short Treatyse (1548).

Hart, Henry, A Consultorie for all Christians (1549).

Haugaard, William P., Elizabeth and the English Reformation: The Struggle for a Stable Settlement of Religion (Cambridge, 1968).

Haugaard, William P., 'Renaissance Patristic Scholarship and Theology in Sixteenth Century England', Sixteenth Century Journal, 10:3 (1979), 37-60.

Havely, Nicholas, 'Feeding the flock with wind: Protestant uses of a Dantean trope, from Foxe to Milton', in David Loades (ed.), John Foxe at home and abroad (Aldershot, 2004), 91-103.

Hay, Denys, The Anglica Historia of Polydore Vergil (Camden Series 74, London, 1950).

Haydock, George Leo, A Key to the Roman Catholic Office: Briefly Shewing the Falsehood of Fox's Martyrology (1823).

Haydon, Colin, Anti-Catholicism in Eighteenth-Century England, a political and social study (Manchester, 1993).

Haynes, Samuel, A Collection of State Papers Relating to Affairs in the Reigns of Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary, and Elizabeth, from 1542 to 1570. Translated from Original Letters and other Authentick Memorials left by W. Cecill Lord Burghley, and Now remaining at Hatfield House (1740).

Headley, John M., Luther's View of Church History (New Haven, 1963).

Heal, Felicity, 'Appropriating History: Catholic and Protestant Polemics and the National Church', The Huntingdon Library Quarterly, 68 (2005), 109-132.

Heal, Felicity, 'What can King Lucius do for you? The Reformation and the Early British Church', English Historical Review, 120:487 (2005), 593-614.

Hearne, Thomas (ed.), Joannis Lelandi Antiquarii de rebus Britannicis collectanea (1715).

Heath [?], New book of Loyal English Martyrs and Confessors, who have endured the pains and terrours of Death, Arraignment, banishment, and imprisonment, for the mainteance of the just and legal government of these kingdoms, both in Church and State (1663).

Helgerson, Richard, Forms of Nationhood: The Elizabethan Writing of England (Chicago, London, 1992).

Henric, James, The Curtaine of Church Power (1632).

Hessels, J. H., Ecclesiae Londino-Batavae Archivum (1887-97).

Hickerson-Carey, Megan L., Women Martyrs in a Female Church: Gender in John Foxe's Acts and Monuments. Unpublished Ph.D Thesis. (Syracuse University, 2002).

Hickerson, Megan L., '"Ways of Lying": Anne Askew and the Examinations', Gender & History, 18 (2006), 50-65.

Hickerson, Megan L., Making women martyrs in Tudor England (Basingstoke, 2005)

Hickerson, Megan L., 'Gospelling Sisters "goinge up and downe": John Foxe and Disorderly Women', Sixteenth Century Journal, 35:4 (2005), 1035-51.

Hickerson, Megan L., 'Negotiating Heresy in Tudor England: Anne Askew and the Bishop of London', Journal of Biblical Studies, 46 (2007), 784-8.

Highley, Christopher and King, John N. (eds), John Foxe and His World (Aldershot, 2002).

Hildebrandt, E. F. M., English Protestant Refugees in Switzerland and the Rhineland during the Reign of Henry VIII (1983).

Hill, Christopher, Intellectual Origins of the English Revolution (Oxford, 1965).

Hill, Christopher, Antichrist in Seventeenth-Century England (Oxford, 1971).

Hill, Christopher, Society and Puritanism in Pre-Revolutionary England (London 1964, repr. 1995).

Hill, T., The Life, Martyrdom and Letters of L. Saunders ... Extracted from Fox's book of Martyrs (1858).

Hind, Arthur M., Engraving in England in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (3 vols., Cambridge, 1952-64).

Hiscock, Andrew, '"writers to solemnise and celebrate… Actes and memory": Foxe and the Business of Textual Memory', Yearbook of English Studies, 38:1-2 (2008), 68-85.

Hoak, Dale, Tudor Political Culture (Cambridge, 1995).

Hodnett, Edward, Image and Text: Studies in the Illustration of English Literature (London, 1982) .

Hog, Thomas (ed.), Nicholai Triveti, De Ordine Frat. Praedicatorum, Annales Sex Regum Angliae, qui a comitibus Andegavensibus Originem Traxerunt (1845).

Hoggart, Miles, The Displaying of the Protestants and Sondry their Practises (1556).

Holl, Karl, The Cultural Significance of the Reformation (New York, 1959).

Holland, Henry, Herwologia Anglica: hoc est, clarissimorum doctissimorum aliquo Anglorum qui flouruerunt ab anno Christi M.D…vivae effigies, vitae et elogia authorie H. H. Anglo Britanno (1620).

Hood, Sarah J. R., The Impact of Protestantism on the Renaissance Ideal of Women in Tudor England (Lincoln, 1977).

Hookes, Ellis, The Spirit of Martyrs is Risen, Several things being taken out of the book of Martyrs which they suffered for [followed by list] (1665).

Hookes, Ellis, A Christian Plea against Persecution for the Cause of Conscience: Grouped upon Scripture, Reason, Experience and Testimonies of Princes and Learned Authors [1680].

Hookes, Ellis, The Spirit of the Martyrs Revived, in a brief Compendious Collection of the Most Remarkable Passages and Living Testimonies of the True Church, Seed of God, and Faithful Martyrs in all Ages. Contained in Several Ecclesiastical Histories, and Chronological Accounts of the Succession of the True Church from the Creation, in the Times of the Fathers, Patriarchs, Prophets, Christ and the Apostles (1682).

Hookes, Ellis, The Good Spirit of the Martyrs Revived; being a collection of the Most Remarkable passages and Living Testimonies of the True Church of God and her faithful Martyrs in all ages of the world… (1718).

Hookes, Ellis, A brief view of the Great Sufferings and Living Testimonies of the true and constant Martyrs contained in the Acts and Monuments of the Church, writ by the industrious labours of John Fox…unto which is a further account annexed of some that suffered death for religion since (1719).

Hooper, John, An Answer unto my Lord of Wynchesters booke intytlyd a Detection of the Devyls Sophistrye, Wherwith He robbith the Unlernyd People of the Trew Byleef in the Moost Blessyd Sacrament of the aulter (1547).

Hooper, John, The Wordes of Maister Hooper at his Death (1559).

Hope, Andrew, 'Lollardy: The Stone the Builders rejected?', in Peter Lake and Maria Dowling (eds), Protestantism and the National Church in Sixteenth Century England (London, 1987), 1-35.

Horne, Thomas Hartwell, An Introduction to the Critical Study and Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures (1818-21).

Horst, Irvin B., The Radical Brethren: Anabaptism and the English Reformation to 1558 (Nieuwkoop, 1972).

Horstman, Carl (ed.), Nova Legenda Anglie: As collected by John of Tynemouth, John Capgrave, and others, and first printed with new lives by Wynkyn de Worde (Oxford, 1901).

Hudson, E. K., 'English Protestants and the Imitatio Christi, 1580-1620', Sixteenth Century Journal, 19:4 (1988), 541-58.

Hudson, Winthrop S., The Cambridge Connection and the Elizabethan Religious Settlement of 1559 (Durham, 1980).

Hughes, Philip, The Reformation in England (New York 1963).

Hulton, Mary, Ten Tudor Families: Coventarian Wills and Inventories (Coventry, 1987) .

Hunt, Ernest W., The Life and Times of John Hooper (c 1500-1555), Bishop of Gloucester (Lampeter, 1992).

Humphrey, Lawrence, Optimates, sive de Nobilitate, euisque Antiqua Origine, Natura Officiis, Disciplina & Recta as Christiana Institutione. Libri tres (1560).

Hus, John, Determinatio de Ablatione a Clericus. A Seasonable Vindication of the Supream Authoirty and Jurisdiction of Christian Kings, Lords, Pariaments, as well over the Possessions as Persons of Delinquent Prelates and Churchmen, or an Antient Disputation of the Famous Bohemian Martyr John Hus etc. (1660).

Hurstfield, Joel, The Historian as Moralist: Reflections on the Study of Tudor England (London, 1975).

Hutchins, Christine E., 'Sacred Concordances: Figuring Scripture and History in Foxe's Acts and Monuments', Reformation, 8 (2003), 41-62.