John Foxe Bibliography | J

Jack, Sybil M. (ed.), Rulers, Religion and Rhetoric in Early Modern England: A Festschrift for Geoffrey Elton from his Australasian Friends (Sydney, 1988).

Jacob, Giles, A New Law-Dictionary: Containing the Interpretation and Definition of Words and Terms used in the Law (1686-1744).

Jacob, Margaret C., The Radical Enlightenment: Pantheists, Freemasons and Republicans (London, 1981).

Jaech, S. L. J., 'British Library MS Sloane 2578 and Popular Unrest in England, 1554-56', Manuscripta, 29:1 (1985), 30-41.

James, Montague R., A Descriptive Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the library of Corpus Christi College Cambridge. 2 vols. (Cambridge, 1912).

James, Thomas, An Explanation of Enlarging of the Ten Articles (1625).

Jenkyns, Henry, The Remains of Thomas Cranmer (1833).

Jelsma, Auke J., 'Women Martyrs in a Revolutionary Age: A Comparison of books of Martyrs', in Auke J. Jelsma (ed.), Frontiers of the Reformation: Dissidence and Orthodoxy in Sixteenth-Century Europe (Aldershot, 1998), 41-56.

Jelsma, Auke J., Adriaan van Haemstede en zijn Martelaarsboek (Boekencentrum, 1970).

Jerome, Sancti Hieronymi Operum Tomus Primus (1693-1706).

Jones, John M., The making of character: A study of biography in John Foxe's "Book of Martyrs". Unpublished Ph.D. (University of South Carolina, 1993).

Jones, Norman L., 'Matthew Parker, John Bale, and the Magdeburg Centuriators', Sixteenth Century Journal, 12:3 (1981), 35-49.

Jones, Norman L., Faith by Statute: Parliament and the Settlement of 1559, Studies in History no. 32 (London, 1982).

Jones, Norman L., 'A Bill Confirming Bishop Bonner's Deprivation and Reinstating Bishop Ridley as the Legal Bishop of London, from the Parliament of 1559', Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 33:4 (1982), 580-585.

Jones, Norman L., The English Reformation: Religion and Cultural Adaptation (Oxford, 2002).

Jones, Ruth A., John Foxe and the Humanist Concept of History. Unpublished PhD (University of Missouri-Columbia, 1990).

Jones, Theophilus, A History of the County of Brecknock (1805 -1809).

Jones, Whitney R. D., The Tudor Commonwealth, 1529-59: A study of the impact of the social and economic developments of mid-Tudor England upon contemporary concepts of the nature and duties of the commonwealth (London, 1970).

Jordan, Jeremiah S., New book of Martyrs (1795).

Jordan, Wilbur K., The Development of Religious Toleration in England from the Beginning of the English Reformation to the Death of Queen Elizabet (London, 1932-40).

Jordan, William K., Edward VI: The young King (London, 1968).

Jotischsky, Andrew, 'Gerard of Nazareth, John Bale and the Origins of the Carmelite Order', Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 46 (1995), 214-36.

Jung, Eve-Maria, 'On the Nature of Evangelism in Sixteenth Century Italy', The Journal of the History of Ideas, 14:4 (1953), 511-527.