John Foxe Bibliography | L

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Leaver, Robin A., The Liturgy of the Frankfurt Exiles, 1555 (Nottingham, 1984).

Leder, Joseph, Toleration and the Reformation (London, 1960).

Leitch, Rory, Shakespeare, Foxe and the idea of enormity in the English chronicle plays. Unpublished Ph.D. (Dalhousie University, 2006).

Lerer, Seth, 'Books and Readers in the Long fifteenth Century', Huntingdon Library Quarterly, 70:3 (2007), 453-460.

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Levin, Carole, 'Women in the "book of Martyrs" as Models of Behaviour in Tudor England', International Journal of Women's Studies, 4:2 (1981), 196-207

Levin, Carole, 'John Foxe and the Responsibilities of Queenship', in Mary Beth Rose (ed.), Women in the Middle Ages and Renaissance: Literary and Historical Perspectives (Syracuse, 1982), 113-33.

Levin, Carole, 'Lady Jane Grey: Protestant Queen and Martyr', in Margaret P. Hannay (ed.), Silent but for the Word (Ohio, 1985), 272-74.

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Loach, Jennifer and Tittler, Robert (eds), The Mid-Tudor Polity, c.1540-1560 (London, 1980).

Loach, Jennifer, Parliament and the Crown in the Reign of Mary Tudor, Oxford Historical Monographs (Oxford, 1986).

Loach, Jennifer, 'The Marian Establishment and the Printing Press', English Historical Review, 101 (1986), 135-48.

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Loades, David, 'The Essex Inquisitions of 1556', Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research, 35 (1962), 87-97.

Loades, David, 'The Enforcement of Reaction, 1553-1558', Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 16 (1965), 54-66.

Loades, David, 'The Origins of English Protestant Nationalism', in Stuart Mews (ed.), Studies in Church History (Oxford, 1982), 297-307.

Loades, David, 'The Bishops of the Restored Catholic Church under Queen Mary', in B. Vogler (ed.), Miscellanea Historiae Ecclesiastica, 8 (Louvain, 1987), 343-55.

Loades, David, The Reign of Mary Tudor: Politics, Government and Religion in England, 1553 -58 (2nd ed., London, 1991).

Loades, David, The Oxford Martyrs (New Haven, 1992).

Loades, David, 'John Foxe and the Traitors: The Politics of the Marian Persecution', in D. Wood (ed.), Martyrs and Martyrology: Studies in Church History, 30 (1993), 231-44.

Loades, David (ed.), John Foxe and the English Reformation (Aldershot, 1997).

Loades, David, 'Books and the English Reformation prior to 1558', in Karin Maag and Jean-Francis Gilmont (eds & trans.), The Reformation and the Book (2nd ed., Aldershot, 1998), 264-291.

Loades, David (ed.), John Foxe: An Historical Perspective (Aldershot, 1999).

Loades, David M., John Foxe: Essays (Oxford: Davenant Press, 2001).

Loades, David, 'Afterword: John Foxe in the Twenty-First Century', in Christopher Highley and John N. King (eds), John Foxe and his World (Aldershot, 2002), 277-89.

Loades, David, 'The John Foxe Project', History Compass, 1:1 (2003), 1-3.

Loades, David (ed.), John Foxe at Home and Abroad (Aldershot, 2004).

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Luther, Martin, A Frutfull Sermon of the Moost Evangelicall Wryter M. Luther, Made of the Angelles upon the xviii Chapt. of Mathew (Translated and prefaced by John Foxe) [1547(?)].

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