John Foxe Bibliography | M

MacColl, Alan, 'The Construction of England as a Protestant 'British' nation in the Sixteenth Century', Renaissance Studies, 18:4 (2004), 582-608.

MacCulloch, Diarmaid, 'The Myth of the English Reformation', Journal of British Studies, 30:1 (1991), 1-19.

MacCulloch, Diarmaid, Thomas Cranmer: A Life (New Haven, 1996).

MacCulloch, Diarmaid, Tudor Church Militant (London, 1999).

MacCulloch, Diarmaid, The Boy King: Edward VI and the Protestant Reformation (New York, 2001).

MacCulloch, Diarmaid, The Reformation (New York, 2003).

Macek, Eellen, 'The Emergence of a Feminine Spirituality in the book of Martyrs', Sixteenth Century Journal, 19:1 (1988), 63-80.

MacFarlane, Jean E., Antichrist in English Literature, 1380-1680. unpublished Ph.D. (University of Florida, 1980).

Madan, Martin, Lives of the Primitive Martyrs from the Birth of Our ... Saviour, to the Reign of Queen Mary I. With the life of Mr. J. F (1776).

Madan, Martin, The book of Martyrs: Containing an Account of the Sufferings & Death of the Protestants in the Reign of Queen Mary the First. Now carefully revis'd and corrected with a recommendatory preface by the Rev. M. Madan (1776).

Madan, Martin, New and Complete book of Martyrs ... with Preface by the Rev Mr. Madan. Illustrated with copper plates (1784).

Madden, Frederic (ed.), Matthaei Parisiensis, Historia Anglorum. 3 vols. (Rolls Series. London, 1866-9).

Maclure, Millar, The Paul's Cross Sermons, 1534-1642 (Toronto and London, 1958).

Maguire, R., Protestant Martyrs Condensed from Foxe's Acts and Monuments of the Christian Church. Introductory preface by R. Maguire (1855).

Maitland, Charles, The Apostles' School of Prophetic Interpretation: With its History Down to the Present Time (1849).

Maitland, Samuel R., Facts and Documents Illustrative of the History, Doctrine and Rites, of the Ancient Albigenses and Waldenses (1832).

Maitland, Samuel R., A Review of Foxe the Martyrologist's History of the Waldenses (1837).

Maitland, Samuel R., Six Letters on Foxe's Acts and Monuments (1837).

Maitland, Samuel R., 'Remarks on the New Edition of Foxe's Work, and on the Work Itself', British Magazine January-June [1838].

Maitland, Samuel R., Notes on the Contributions of the Rev. George Townsend ... to the New Edition of Foxe's Martyrology (3 parts) (1841-42)

Maitland, Samuel R., Remarks on the Rev. S. R. Cattley's Defence (1842).

Maitland, Samuel R., Essays on Subjects Connected with the Reformation in England (1849).

Malham, John, The book of Martyrs, Containing an Authentic Account of the Lives, Persecutions, and Sufferings of the Holy Martyrs, and Forming a Complete History of Martyrdom, from the Commencement of Christianity to the Present Time, by John Fox. Rev. & improved by John Malham (1811).

Malham, John and Pratt, T. (eds), Fox's book of Martyrs ... Revised and Improved by John Malham: re-edited by T.Pratt (1813).

Malham, John, The book of Martyrs or the Acts and Monuments of the Christian Church ... by John Fox, Revised and Improved by J. Malham (1814).

Maltby, Judith D., Prayer book and People in Elizabethan and Early Stuart England (Cambridge, 1998).

Manchester, Andrea, Chronicling the English Reformation: The historical works of Richard Grafton. Unpublished PhD Thesis. (Kent State University, 2007).

Manley, Keith A., 'The SPCK and English book Clubs before 1720', Bodleian Library Record, 13:3 (1989), 231-43.

Manning, R. B., 'The Spread of the Popular Reformation in England', Sixteenth Century Essays and Studies, 1 (1970), 35-52.

Mapstone, Kathryn L., Anglo-Saxons in the print and polemic of Tudor England. Unpublished PhD Thesis. (Boston College, 2001).

Marcombe, David, 'Spiral Hospital: a saga of the Reformation in John Foxe's Lincolnshire', in David Loades (ed.), John Foxe at home and abroad (Aldershot, 2004), 3-22.

Marin, J., A short Account of the Life and Sufferings of Elias Neau upon the Gallies and in the Dungeons of Marseilles for the constant Profession of the Protestant Religion (1749).

Marmion, J. P., The London Synod of Cardinal Pole (Keele, 1974).

Marshall, Peter, 'The Rood of Boxley, the Blood of Hailes and the Defence of the Henrician Church', Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 46 (1995), 689-96.

Marshall, Peter (ed.), The Impact of the English Reformation, 1500-1640 (London, New York, 1997).

Marshall, Peter, 'Papist as Heretic: The Burning of John Forrest, 1538', Historical Journal, 41 (1998), 351-74.

Marshall, Peter and Ryrie, Alec, The Beginnings of English Protestantism (Cambridge, 2002).

Marshall, Peter, Religious Identities in Henry VIII's England (Aldershot, 2006).

Marshall, Peter, 'The Shooting of Robert Packington', Religious Identities in Henry VIII's England (Aldershot, 2006), 61-79.

Marsillius of Padua, The Defence of Peace (1535).

Martin, C, Les Protestantes Anglais refugies a Geneve au temps du Calvin, 1555-1560 (Geneva, 1915).

Martin, Joseph W., 'English Protestant Separatism at its Beginning', Sixteenth Century Journal, 7 (1976), 55-74.

Martin, Joseph W., 'The Protestant Underground Congregations of Mary's Reign', Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 35 (1984), 319-338.

Martin, Joseph W., 'A Sidelight on Foxe's Account of the Marian Martyrs', Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research, 58:138 (1985), 248-251.

Martin, Joseph W., Religious Radicals in Tudor England (London, 1989).

Martyn, John R. C. (ed. & trans.), The Letters of Gregory the Great, vol. 1 (Toronto, 2004).

Mason, Thomas, The book of Martyrs, or, the History of the Church from the beginning of Christianity to the Conclusion of the Reign of Q. Mary I...extracted from the 3 large volumes of the famous Mr. John Fox and divers other books, by the Rev., Mr. Thomas Mason; and now rendered into modern English with considerable improvements from late authors by the compiler of the original institution of the Church of England (1747-48).

Matthews, William, British Diaries: An Annotated Bibliography of British Diaries between 1442 and 1942 (Berkeley [California], 1950).

Maxwell, James, The Mirror of Religious Men, and of Godly Matrones (1611)

Mayhew, G., 'Religion, Faction and Politics in Reformation Rye', Sussex Archaeological Collections, 120 (1982), 139-60.

McCusker, Honor, 'Books and Manuscripts formerly in the possession of John Bale', The Library, 4:16 (1935), 144-65.

McEachem, Claire and Shuger, Debora (eds), Religion and Culture in Renaissance England (Cambridge, 1997).

McGee, J. S., 'Conversion and the Imitation of Christ in Anglican and Puritan Writing', Journal of British Studies, 15 (1976), 21-39.

McGrath, Peter Vincent, Papists and Puritans under Elizabeth I (London, 1967).

McKisack, May, Medieval History in the Tudor Age (Oxford, 1971).

McKitterick, David, Andrew Perne: Quatercentenary Studies (Cambridge, 1991).

McLelland, Joseph C., The Visible Words of God: An Exposition of the Sacramental Theology of Peter Martyr Vermigli, AD 1500-1562 (Edinburgh, 1957).

McNeil, J. T., 'John Foxe, Historiographer, Disciplinarian, Tolerationist', Church History, 43 (1974), 216-29.

McQuade, '"Except that they had offended the Lawe": Gender and Jurisprudence in the Examinations of Anne Askew', Literature & History, 3 (1994), 4-6.

Meister, Deborah A., The burning bush: Tudor martyrs and the construction of subjectivity in the English Renaissance. Unpublished PhD Thesis. (University of California, Los Angeles, 1999).

Melanchthon, Philip and Peucer, Caspar (eds), Chronicon Carionis (Wittenberg, 1580).

Mendham, Joseph, Memoirs of the Council of Trent (1834-36).

Metz, G. Harold, 'Thomas More, Thomas Cromwell, and Jack Faulkner', Notes and Queries, 32 (1985), 28-30.

Migne, J. P. (ed.), Patrologiae Cursus Completus, Series Latina. 221 vols. (1841-65).

Miller, John, Religion in the Popular Prints, 1600-1832 (Cambridge, 1986).

Milne, A. T., Creation, H. J. et al, Writings on British History, 1935-1974 (London, 1937).

Milner, John, Foxe's book of Martyrs a Complete and Authentic Account of the Lives, Sufferings, and Triumphant Deaths of the Primitive and Protestant Martyrs in All Parts of the World, with notes, commentary, etc., assisted by original communications from learned and eminent ministers, new and corrected with an essay on popery (1851).

Milner, John, Brief Remarks on the Censure of Mr. Fox's Acts and Monuments... by Mr. Milner, in his History of Winchester. By a Country Incumbent (E. Spencer) (1801).

Milner, John, Das Christliche Martyretium oder Gesschichte von dem Leben, den Leiden, und dem Tode der Christlichen Martyren in allen Theilen der Erde nach dem Englischen des John Foxe und des John Milner bearbeitat (1817-18).

Milner, J. F., An Universal History of Christian Martyrdom: Being a Complete and Authentic Account of the Lives, Sufferings, and Triumphant Deaths of the Primitive as Well as of Protestant Martyrs in All Parts of the World ... originally composed by the Rev. John Fox, MA; with notes, commentaries and illustrations by the Rev. J. Milner, M. A. New edition greatly improved and corrected (1838).

Milner, Joseph, The History, Civil and Ecclesiastical, and Survey of Antiquities, of Winchester (1798).

Milner, Joseph, The End of Religious Controversy, in a Friendly Correspondence between a Religious Society of Protestants and a Roman Catholic Divine. Addressed to the ... Bishop of St. David's, (T. Burgess,) in answer to his ... 'Protestant's Catechism' (1818).

Milner, Joseph, Letters to a Prebendary: Being an Answer to Reflections on Popery, by the Rev. J. Sturges ... With remarks on the opposition of Hoadlyism to the doctrines of the Church of England. [1833].

Milner, Joseph, The History of the Church of Christ (1834).

Milward, Peter, Religious Controversies of the Elizabethan Age: A Survey of Printed Sources (Lincoln, 1977).

Milward, Peter, Religious Controversies of the Jacobean Age: A Survey of Printed Sources (London, 1978).

Minton, Gretchen E., Imaginative space and the construction of community: The drama of Augustine's two cities in the English Renaissance. Unpublished PhD Thesis. (University of British Columbia, 1999).

Minton, Gretchen E., '"The Same Cause and Like Quarell" : Eusebius, John Foxe, and the Evolution of Ecclesiastical History', Church History, 71:4 (2002), 715-42 .

Molen, R. J. Van der, 'Anglican Against Puritan: Ideological Origins during the Marian Exile', Church History, 42:1 (1973), 45-57.

Montagu, Richard, The Acts and Monuments of the Church before Christ incarnate (1642).

Monter, William, Judging the French Reformation: Heresy Trials by Sixteenth-Century Parlements (Cambridge, 1999).

Montrose, Louis A., '"Eliza, Queen of Shepheardes" and the Pastoral of Power', English Literary Renaissance, 10 (1980), 153-82.

Morgan, Irvonwy, The Godly Preachers of the Elizabethan Church (London, 1965).

Morgan, John P., Godly Learning: Puritan Attitudes towards Reason, Learning and Education, 1560-1640 (Cambridge, 1986).

Mortimer, Charles G. and Barber, S. C., The English Bishops and the Reformation, 1530-1560, with a Table of Descent (London, 1936).

Morton, Thomas, An Exact Discoverie of Romish Doctrine in the Case of Conspiracie and Rebellion (1605).

Moss, Alex, Printed Commonplace-Books and the Structuring of Renaissance Thought (Oxford, 1996).

Moss, Jean D., '"Godded with God": Hendrik Niclaes and his Family of Love', Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, 71 (1981), pt. 8.

Mottram, Stewart, Empire and nation in early English Renaissance literature (Cambridge, 2008).

Moynahan, Brian, William Tyndale (London, 2002).

Mozley, J. F., John Foxe and his Book (London, 1940).

Mozley, J. F., Coverdale and his Bibles (London, 1953).

M., R. B., Martyrs in Flames: or the History of Popery (1692).

Mullaney, Steven, 'Reforming resistance: Class, Gender, and Legitimacy in Foxe's Book of Martyrs', in Arthur F. Marotti and Michael D. Bristol (eds), Print, Manuscript and Performance: The Changing Relations of the Media in Early Modern England (Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 2000), 235-51.

Mueller, Janel, 'Pain, Persecution, and the Construction of Selfhood in Foxe's Acts and Monuments', in Claire McEachern and Debora Shuger (eds), Religion and Culture in Renaissance England (Cambridge, 1997), 161-187.

Muller, Richard A., Dictionary of Latin and Greek Theological Terms: Drawn Principally from Protestant Scholastic Theology (Grand Rapids, 1985).

Muller, Richard A., Post Reformation Reformed Dogmatics (Grand Rapids, 1993).

Muller, James A., Stephen Gardiner and the Tudor Reaction (London, 1926).

Munday, Anthony, et al., The First Part of the True and Honorable Historie of the Life of Sir John Oldcastle (1600).

Murphy, Michael, 'John Foxe, Martyrologist and "Editor" of Old English', English Studies, 49 (1968), 516-523.

Myles, Anne G., 'Restoration Declensions, Divine Consolations: The Work of John Foxe in 1664 Massachusetts', New England Quarterly, 80:1 (2007), 35-68.

Mynors, R. A. B., Thomson, R. M., and Winterbottom, M. (eds and trans.),William of Malmesbury, Gesta Regum Anglorum – The History of the English Kings (Oxford, 1998).