John Foxe Bibliography | N

Nares, Robert, A Glossary: or Collection of Words, Phrases, Names and Allusions to Customs, Proverbs, etc. which have been Thought to Require Illustration in the Works of English Authors, particularly Shakespare and His Contemporaries (1822).

Neal, Daniel, The History of the Puritans or Protestant Non-Conformists, from the Reformation (to the Act of Toloration…in 1689): with an account of their Principles, etc. (1732-38).

Nevinson, Charles, The Later Writings of John Hooper, Together with his Letters and Other Pieces (1852).

New, John F. H., Anglican and Puritan: The Basis of their Opposition, 1558-1640 (London, 1964).

Newcombe, David G. and Pidd, Michael (eds), Facsimile of John Foxe's Book of Martyrs (Version 1.0 on CD-ROM, The British Academy (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001).

Newcombe, David, 'Electric Foxe: A Digital Case History', in David Loades (ed.), John Foxe: An Historical Perspective (Aldershot, 1999), 238-46.

Newman, John H., The Protestant Idea of Antichrist, Essays Critical and Historical (1872).

Nice, Jason A., '"The Peculiar place of God": Early Modern Representations of England and France', English Historical Review, 121:493 (2006), 1002-1018.

Nichols, John, Illustrations of the Manners and Expences of Antient Times in England, in the Fifteenth, Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, Deduced from the Accompts of Churchwardens, and Other Authentic Documents (1797).

Nichols, John G., Narratives of the Days of the Reformation, Chiefly from the Manuscripts of John Foxe the Martyrologist; with Two Contemporary Biographies of Archbishop Cranmer (1859).

Nichols, John G., The Chronicle of Queen Jane, and of Two Years of Queen Mary, and especially of the Rebellion of Sir Thomas Wyat (1850).

Nichols, John G., 'The Diary of H. Machyn, Citizen and Merchant Taylor of London, from A.D. 1550 to A.D. 1563', Publications of the Camden Society, 42 (1848).

Nicholson, William, The Remains of Edmund Grindal, D.D., Successively Bishop of London and Archbishop of York and Canterbury (ob.1583) (1843).

Nicolas, Nicholas Harris, Notitia Historica: Containing Tables, Calendars, and Miscellaneous Information, for the Use of Historians, Antiquaries, and the Legal Profession (1824).

Nicolas, Nicholas Harris, The Chronology of History (1838).

Nieman, Meghan, 'Foxe's Female Martyrs and the utility of Interiority', Dalhousie Review, 85:2 (2005), 295-305.

Noble, Terry (ed.), Wycliffe's New Testament, translated by John Wycliffe and John Purvey (Vancouver: Terence P. Noble, 2001).

Northcote, Arthur F., Notes on the History of Monk's Eleigh (Ipswich, 1930).

Norton, David, A History of the Bible as Literature (Cambridge, 1993).

Norwood, Frederick A., 'The Marian Exiles: Denizens or Sojourners?', Church History, 13:2 (1944), 100-110.

Nussbaum, Damian, 'Laudian Foxe-Hunting? William Laud and the Status of John Foxe in the 1630s', Studies in Church History, 33 (1997), 329-42.

Nussbaum, Damian, The Reception of John Foxe's Acts and Monuments, 1563-1641 (Cambridge, 1998).

Nussbaum, Damian, 'Reviling the Saints or Reforming the Calendar? John Foxe and his "Kalendar" of Martyrs', in Susan Wabuda and Caroline Litzenberger (eds), Belief and Practice in Reformation England: A Tribute to Patrick Collinson from his Students (Aldershot, 1998), 113-36.