John Foxe Bibliography | P

Paccius, Vincentius, Theatrum Annoymorum et Pseudonymorum ex Symbolis et Collatione Virorum per Europam Doctissimorum (1708).

Page, R. I., 'Anglo-Saxon Texts in Early Modern Transcripts', edited by John Harnson and Nigel Hancock, Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society, 6 (Cambridge, 1977), 69-83.

Page, R. I., 'The Parker Register and Matthew Parker's Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts', edited by Brian Jenkins and David McKitterick, Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society, 8 (Cambridge, 1986), 1-17.

Palliser, David M., 'Popular reactions to the Reformation during the years of uncertainty 1530-1570', in Felicity Heal and Rosemary O'Day (eds), Church and Society in England, Henry VIII to James I (London, 1977), 35-56.

Pantaleon, Heinrich, Martyrum Historia […] Commentarii Pars Secunda (1563).

Parish, Helen L., Monks, Miracles and Magic. Reformation Representations of the Medieval Church (London, 2005).

Parker, John L., God among thieves: Marx's christological theory of value and the literature of the English Reformation. Unpublished PhD Thesis. (University of Pennsylvania, 1999).

Parker, Matthew, A Testimonie of Antiquitie […] (1566).

Parker, Matthew (ed.), Flores historiarum per Matthaeum Westmonasteriensem […] (1570).

Parker, Matthew (ed.), Matthaei Paris, monachi Albanensis, Angli, historia maior[…] (1571).

Parker, Matthew, De Antiqvitate Britannicæ Ecclesiæ & Priuilegiis Ecclesiæ Cantuariensis, cum Archiepiscopis eiusdem (1572).

Parker, Matthew, Ælfredi Regis res gestæ (1574).

Parker, Thomas H. L. (ed.), English Reformers, Library of Christian Classics 26 (London, 1966).

Parry, Glyn J. R., A Protestant Vision: William Harrison and the Reformation of Elizabethan England (Cambridge, 1987).

Parry, Glyn J.R., '"Elect Church or Elect Nation?": The Reception of the Acts and Monuments', in David Loades (ed.), John Foxe: An Historical Perspective (Aldershot, 1999), 167-81.

Parry, Glyn J.R., 'John Foxe, "Father of Lyes" and the Papists', in David Loades (ed.), John Foxe and the English Reformation (Aldershot, 1997), 295-305.

Parsons, Robert, An Epistle of the Persecutions of Catholickes in Englande [1582].

Parsons, Robert, The Warn-word to Sir Francis Hastings Wast-word (1602).

Parsons, Robert, A Treatise of Three Conversions of England from Paganism to Christian Religion (1603-04).

Patterson, Annabel M., Censorship and Interpretation: The Conditions of Writing and Reading in Early Modern England (Madison, 1984).

Patterson, Annabel M., Reading Holinshed's Chronicle (Chicago, 1994).

Patterson, Annabel M., 'Sir John Oldcastle as symbol of Reformation historiography', in Donna B. Hamilton and Richard Strier (eds), Religion, Literature, and politics in post-Reformation England 1540-1688 (Cambridge, 1996), 6-26.

Pearce, E. C., 'Matthew Parker', The Library, 4:3 (1925), 209-228.

Pearson, David, 'A Cambridge bookseller's Accounts of 1572', Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society, 9:3 (1989), 230-47.

Pearson, G., The Writings and Translations of Myles Coverdale, Bishop of Exeter (1844).

Pearson, G., The Remains of Myles Coverdale, Bishop of Exeter (1846).

Peel, Albert, The Second Parte of a Register, Being a Calendar of Manuscripts under the Title Intended for Publication by the Puritans about 1593, and now in Dr. Williams's Library, London (Cambridge, 1915).

Peile, John, Biographical Register of Christ's College, 1505-1905, and of the Earlier Foundation, God's House, 1448-1505 (Cambridge, 1910).

Penny, Andrew, Freewill or Predestination: The Battle over Saving Grace in Mid-Tudor England (London, 1990).

Penny, Andrew, 'John Foxe's Victorian Reception', Historical Journal, 40 (1997), 111-42.

Penny, Andrew, 'John Foxe and the Development of Prophetic Interpretation', in David Loades (ed.), John Foxe and the English Reformation (Aldershot, 1997), 252-77.

Penny, D. A., 'Family Matters and Foxe's Acts and Monuments', Historical Journal, 39 (1996), 599-618.

Penny, D.A., John Foxe, Evangelicalism and the Oxford Movement (Lewiston, 2002).

Perry, Edith Weir, Under Four Tudors: being the story of Matthew Parker sometime Archbishop of Canterbury (London, 1940).

Peryn, William, Thre Godly and Notable Sermons (1546).

Pettegree, Andrew, Foreign Protestant Communities in Sixteenth Century London (London, 1986).

Pettegree, Andrew, 'The Latin Polemic of the Marian Exiles', in James Kirk (ed.), Humanism and reform: the Church in Europe, England and Scotland, 1400-1643: essays in honour of James K. Cameron, Subsidia, 8 (1991), 305-330.

Pettegree, Andrew, Emden and the Dutch Revolt: Exile and the Development of Reformed Protestantism (Oxford, 1992).

Pettegree, Andrew, Marian Protestantism: Six Studies (Aldershot, 1996).

Pettegree, Andrew, 'Printing and the Reformation: The English Exception', in Peter Marshall and Alec Ryrie (eds), The Beginnings of English Protestantism (Cambridge, 2002), 157-179.

Philpot, John, The Trew Report of the Dysputacyon had and begonne in the Convocacyon Hous at London the xviii daye of Cotobre MDLIII (1554).

Philpot, John, The Examinacion of the Constant Martir of Christ, J. Philpot [1559].

Pilkington, John, John Foxe A Godly Exposition upon Nehemiah (1585).

Pineas, Rainer, Tudor and Early Stuart Anti-Catholic Drama (Nieuwkoop. 1972).

Plumb, D.J., 'The Social and Economic Spread of Rural Lollardy: A Reappraisal', in W. J Sheils and D. Wood (eds), Studies in Church History, 23 (Oxford, 1986), 111-30.

Plumb, D. J., John Foxe and the Later Lollards of the Thames Valley (Cambridge, 1987).

Pocock, Nicholas (ed.), Troubles Connected with the Prayer Book of 1549 (London, 1884).

Pogson, Rex H., Reginald Pole, Papal Legate in England in Mary Tudor's Reign (Cambridge, 1972).

Pogson, Rex H., 'Reginald Pole and the Priorities of Government in Mary Tudor's Church', The Historical Journal, 18:1 (1975), 3-20.

Pollard, A. W. and Redgrave, G. R., A Short Title Catalogue of books Printed in England, Scotland and Ireland, and of English books Printed Abroad, 1475-1640 (London, 1926).

Ponet, John, A Shorte Treatise of Politike Power, and of the True Obedience which Subiectes Owe to Kynges and Other Civile Governours, with an exchortacion to All True Naturall Englishe Men (1556).

Poole, Reginald L. and Bateson, Mary (eds), Index Britanniae Scriptorum: John Bale's Index of British and other writers with an introduction by Caroline Brett and James P. Carley (2nd ed., Cambridge, 1990).

Porter, Harry C., Puritanism in Tudor England, History in Depth (London, 1970).

Porter, Roy (ed.), Myths of the English (Oxford, 1992).

Porter, Todd M., Obedience to God or man? Responses to persecution in the reign of Mary I, 1553—1558. Unpublished PhD Thesis. (Yale University, 2006).

Powell, K. G., The Marian Martyrs and the Reformation in Bristol (Bristol, 1973).

Pratt, Josiah, The Acts and Monuments of John Foxe with a Life and Defence of the Martyrologist by the Late Rev. George Townsend. 3rd ed., revised and corrected with appendices, glossary, and indices (1853-70).

Pratt, Josiah, Acts and Monuments ... also an Introduction, Biographical and Descriptive, by the Rev. John Stoughton (1877).

Pratt, T., Fox's book of Martyrs, or, the Acts and Monuments of the Christian Church being a Complete History of the Lives, Sufferings, and Deaths of the Christian Martyrs, from the Commencement of Christianity to the Present Period. Revised and improved by John Malham; re-edited by T. Pratt (1830).

Prynne, William, The Antipathy of the English Lordly Prelacy both to Regal Monarchy and Civil Liberty (1641).

Prynne, William, A Seasonable Vindication of the Supream Authority and Jurisdiction of Christian Kings, Lords, Parliaments, as well over the Possessions, as Persons of Delinquent Prelates and Churchmen; or, an Antient Disputation of the Famous Bohemian Martyr John Hus in justification of John Wickliff's 17. Article. Transcribed out of the printed works of John Hus and Mr. John Fox his Acts and Monuments…with an additional appendix thereunto of proofs (1660).

Pucci, Michael S., 'Reforming Roman Emperors : John Foxe's Characterization of Constantine in Acts and Monuments', in David Loades (ed.), John Foxe: An Historical Perspective (Aldershot, 1999), 29-51.