John Foxe Bibliography | R

Ramsay, Alexander, Paston Letters by John Fenn (1849).

Rankin, Mark, 'Rereading Henry VIII in Foxe's Acts and Monuments', Reformation, 12 (2007), 69-102.

Ratcliff, E. C., 'The Liturgical Work of Archbishop Cranmer', Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 7 (1956), 189-203.

Ray, John, A Complete Collection of English Proverbs (1817).

Raynor, Brian, John Firth: Scholar and Martyr (Peterborough, 2000).

Read, Conyers, Bibliography of British History: Tudor Period, 1485-1603 (Oxford, 1959).

Reay, Barry, Popular Culture in Seventeenth Century England (London, Sydney, 1988).

Rechtien, J. G., 'John Foxe's Comprehensive Collection of Commonplaces', Sixteenth Century Journal, 9:1 (1978), 83-9.

Redworth, Glyn, In Defence of the Church Catholic: The Life of Stephen Gardiner (Oxford, 1990).

Reed, Michael, The Age of Exuberance, 1550-1700, The Making of Britain, 1066 - 1939 (London, 1986).

Reese, Max M., The Puritan Impulse: The English Revolution, 1559-1660 (History Topic books, London, 1975).

Reimer, Margaret R., "Cats will to kind": William Baldwin, the writing of Protestant politics and the first English novel. Unpublished PhD Thesis. (Purdue University, 1999).

Rex, Richard, 'The Execution of the Holy Maid of Kent', Historical Research, 64:155 (October, 1991), 216-20.

Rex, Richard, Henry VIII and the English Reformation (Basingstoke, 1993).

Rex, Richard, 'The early impact of Reformation theology at Cambridge University, 1521-1547', Reformation and Renaissance Review, 2 (1999), 38-71.

Reynolds, Edward, Mediatations on the Holy Sacrament of the Lords Last Supper (1639).

Rhodes, J. T., 'English books of Martyrs and Saints of the Late Sixteenth and Early Seventeenth Centuries', Recusant History, 22 (1994), 7-25.

Ribadeneira, Pedro, The Lives of Saints (1730).

Richardson, James, Popery Unmasked ... in which our Martyrologist, John Fox, is Defended Against the Author's Misrepresentations; the Errors of Rome are Detected and Exposed: and the Unaltered Hostility of Popery to Protestantism is Clearly Evinced (1825).

Richmond, Legh, The Fathers of the English Church: Or, a Selection from the Writings of the Reformers and Early Protestant Divines of the Church of England. With Memorials of their Lives and Writings from Fox and Bishop Bale (1807-12).

Richmond, Legh, The Life, Story, Martyrdom, and Selections from the Writings of J[ohn]. H[ooper]. (Epistles to Divers Friends. - A Declaration of Christ and of his Office. - A Godly Confession and Protestation of the Christian Faith. - An Homily to be Read in the Time of Pestilence. - A Declaration of the Ten Commandments. - A Confession of the Christian Faith. - Expositions upon the ... Psalms) (1808).

Riddle, Donald W., The Martyrs: A Study in Social Control (Chicago, 1931).

Ridley, Jasper G., Thomas Cranmer (Oxford, 1962).

Ridley, Jasper G., Bloody Mary's Martyrs: The Story of England's Terror (London, 2001).

Ridley, Nicholas, Certe Godly, Learned and Comfortable Conferences betwene D. N. Rydley and M. H. Latymer (1556).

Ridley, Nicholas, An Answer unto a Crafty Cauillation by S. Gardiner, another edition revised and corrected b ythe Archbyshop [Grindal?] (1580).

Riordan, Michael and Ryrie, Alec, 'Stephen Gardiner and the making of a Protestant villain', Sixteenth Century Journal, 34:4 (2003), 1039-63.

Rittenhouse, Jonathan C., A Critical Edition of "Sir John Oldcastle". Unpublished Ph.D. (University of Toronto, 1980).

Roberts, Julian and Watson, Andrew G., John Dee's Library Catalogue (London, 1990).

Roberts, Julian, 'Bibliographical Aspects of John Foxe', in David Loades (ed.), John Foxe and the English Reformation (Aldershot, 1997), 36-51.

Roberts, Penny, 'Martyrologies and Martyrs in the French Reformation: Heretics to Subversives in Troyes', in D. Wood (ed.), Martyrs and Martyrology: Studies in Church History, 30 (1993), 221-9.

Robertson, James C. (ed.), Materials for the History of Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury (4 vols, 1879).

Robinson, Benedict Scott, '"Darke Speech": Matthew Parker and the Reforming of History', Sixteenth Century Journal, 29:4 (1998), 1061-1083.

Robinson, Benedict Scott, 'John Foxe and the Anglo-Saxons', in Christopher Highley and John N. King (eds), John Foxe and his World (Aldershot, 2002), 54-72.

Robinson, Hastings, The Zurich Letters, Comprising the Correspondence of Several English Bishops and Others with Some of the Helvetian Reformers, during the Early Part of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. Translated from authenticated copies of the autographs preserved in the archives of Zurich (1842).

Robinson, Hastings, Original Letters Relative to the English Reformation, written during the Reigns of King Henry VIII, King Edward VI, and Queen Mary, chiefly from the Archives of Zurich (1846 – 1847).

Robinson, Marsha S., 'Doctors, Silly Poor Women, and Rebel Whores: The Gendering of Conscience in Foxe's Acts and Monuments', in Christopher Highley and John N. King (eds), John Foxe and his World (Aldershot, 2002), 235-48.

Robinson, Marsha S., Writing the Reformation: Acts and Monuments and the Jacobean History Play (Aldershot, 2002).

Rogers, Dirk W., John a Lasco in England (American University Studies Series 7, Theology and Religion, 168, New York, 1994).

Rosdell, Christopher, A Godlie and Short Discourse. Shewing not onely what Time the inhabitants of the land First Receyved the Christian Faith, but also what maner of Doctrine (1589).

Rothwell, Harry (ed.), The Chronicle of Walter of Guisborough previously edited as the Chronicle of Walter of Hemingford or Hemingburgh (London, 1957).

Rowley-Williams, J. A., Image and Reality: The Lives of Aristocratic Women in Early Tudor England. Unpublished PhD Thesis. (University of Wales, 1998).

Rubin, Miri, 'Choosing Death? Experiences of Martyrdom in Late Medieval Europe', in D. Wood (ed.), Martyrs and Martyrology: Studies in Church History, 30 (1993), 185-208.

Ruinart, Thierri, Acta Primorum Martyrum (1713).

Rupp, Ernest G., 'The recantations of Thomas Bilney', The London Quarterly and Holborn Review, 167 (1942), 182-4.

Rupp, Ernest G., Studies in the Making of the English Protestant Tradition mainly in the Reign of Henry VIII (Cambridge, 1947).

Rupp, Ernest G., Six Makers of English Religion, 1500-1700 (London and New York, 1957).

Ryan, Lawrence V., 'The Haddon-Osorio Controversy, 1563-1583', Church History, 22:2 (1953), 132-154.

Ryan, William G. (ed. and trans.), Jacobus De Voragine, The Golden Legend: Readings on the Saints (2 vols, Princeton, 1993).

Ryrie, Alec, 'The Unsteady Beginnings of English Protestant Martyrology', in David Loades (ed.), John Foxe: An Historical Perspective (Aldershot, 1999), 52-66.

Ryrie, Alec, The Gospel and Henry VIII: Evangelicals in the Early English Reformation (Cambridge, 2003).

Ryrie, Alec, '"A Saynt in the Devyls Name": Heroes and Villains in the Martyrdom of Rober Barnes', in Thomas S. Freeman and Thomas F. Mayer (eds), Martyrs and Martyrdom in England, c. 1400-1700 (Woodbridge, 2007), 144-65.