John Foxe Bibliography | S

Sanders, Gabrielle S., The gendering of martyrdom: Sixteenth-century English martyrology and the defense of the Protestant Church. Unpublished PhD Thesis. (University of Rochester, 2007).

Sanders, Vivienne, 'The Household of Archbishop Parker and the influencing of public opinion', Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 34: 4 (1983), 534-547.

Sands, Kathleen, 'John Foxe: Exorcist', History Today, 51:2 (2001), 37-43.

Schaff, Philip (ed.), A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church (reprint edition. Buffalo, 1980-86).

Schenk, Wilhelm, Reginld Pole, Cardinal of England (London, New York, 1950).

Schmuck, S., 'The 'Turk' as Antichrist in John Foxe's Acts and Monuments (1570)', Reformation, 10 (2005), 21-44.

Schoeck, R. J., 'Early Anglo-Saxon Studies and Legal Scholarship in the Renaissance', Studies in the Renaissance, 5 (1958), 102-110.

Scholefield, James, The works of James Pilkington (1842).

Schwyzer, Philip, 'The Beauties of the Land: Bale's Books, Aske's Abbeys, and the Aesthetics of Nationhood', Renaissance Quarterly, 57:1 (2004), 99-125.

Schwyzer, Philip, Literature, nationalism, and memory in early modern England and Wales (Cambridge, 2004).

Scribner, Robert, 'Luther Myth: Historiography of the Reformers', in R. Scribner (ed.), Popular Culture and Popular Movements in Germany (London, 1987), 301-22.

Selwyn, David G., 'Thomas Cranmer's Writings: A Bibliographical Survey', in Paul Ayris and David Selwyn (eds), Thomas Cranmer, Churchman and Scholar (Woodbridge, 1993), 281-302.

Selwyn, David G., 'Thomas Cranmer and the Dispersal of medieval libraries; The Provenance of some of his medieval manuscripts and printed books', in J. Carley and C. Tite (eds), Books and Collectors 1200-1700 (London, 1997), 281-294.

Seymour, M. Hobart, The Acts and Monuments of the Church, Containing the History and Sufferings of the Martyrs, wherein is Set Forth at Large the Whole Race and Course of the Church, from the Preliminary Dissertation on the Difference between the Church of Rome that Now Is and the Ancient Church of Rome that Then Was. By John Foxe, with a memoir of the author by his son. A new edition with five appendices containing accounts of the massacres in France; the destruction of the Spanish Armada; the Irish Rebellion in the year 1641; the gun powder treason; and a tract, showing the executions of papists in Queen Elizabeth's reign, were for treason and heresy. The whole carefully revised, corrected, and condensed (1838).

Shagan, Ethan, Popular Politics and the English Reformation (Cambridge, 2003).

Sharpe, James A., Early Modern England: A Social History, 1550-1760 (London, 1987).

Sherman, William H., Used Books: Marking Readers in Renaissance England (Philadelphia, 2008).

Sherr, M. F., 'Religion and the Legal Profession: A Study of the Religious Sensibilities of Sixteenth Century London Lawyers', The Historical Magazine of the Protestant Episcopal Church, 45 (1976), 211-24.

Shrank, Cathy, 'John Bale and reconfiguring the 'medieval' in Reformation England', in Gordon McMullan and David Matthews (eds), Reading the medieval in early modern England (Cambridge, 2007), 179-92.

Smith, John H., 'John Foxe on Astrology', English Literary Renaissance, 1:3 (1971), 210-225.

Smith, John H., Two Latin Comedies by John Foxe the Martyrologist: Titus et Gesippus. Christus Triumphans (Ithaca, 1973).

Simpson, Alan, Puritanism in Old and New England, Charles R. Walgreen Fondation Lectures (Chicago, 1955).

Sleidan, John, De Statu Religionis et Reipublicae, Carolo Quinto, Ceasare, Commentarii (1555).

Sleidan, John, A Famouse Cronicle of Oure Time, called Sleidanes Commentaries, Concerning the State of Religion and Common Wealth, duringe the Raigne of the Emperour Charles the Fift (1560).

Smart, Stefan J., 'John Foxe and the Story of Richard Hun, Martyr', Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 37 (1986), 1-14.

Smart, Stefan J., 'Favourers of God's Word'? John Foxe's Henrician Martyrs Unpublished PhD Thesis. (University of Southampton, 1988).

Smart, Stefan J., Favourers of God's Word? John Foxe's Henrician Martyrs (Southampton, 1989).

Smith, John H., 'Sempronia, John Lyly, and John Foxe's Comedy of Titus and Gesippus', Philological Quarterly, 48.4 (1969) 554-61.

Smith, Nigel, Perfection Proclaimed: Language and Literature in English Radical Religion, 1640-1660 (Oxford, 1989).

Southey, Robert, Book of the Church (1824).

Southwell, Henry, The New book of Martyrs: or Complete Christian Martyrology. Containing an Authentick and General Historical Account of the Many Dreadful Persecutions against the Church of Christ in All Parts of the World, a History of Martyrs from the Crucifix of our Blessed Saviour to the Present Times (1764 -65).

Southwell, Henry, The New book of Martyrs, or Complete Christian Martyrology, etc. Including all those in Fox's book as also those of other Christian writers [1770].

Southwell, Henry, The New and Complete book of Martyrs, or Christian martyrology ... Including ... Fox's book of Martyrs, but Likewise the Essence of All Other Works on that Subject (1795).

Spalding, J. C., 'The Reformatio Legum Ecclesiasticarum of 1552 and the Furthering of Discipline in England', Church History, 39 (1970), 162-71.

Sprunger, Keith L., 'John Foxe's Vision of Printing and Progress', Mennonite Life, 24 (1990), 24-27.

Stadtwald, Kurt, 'Pope Alexander III's Humiliation of Emperor Frederick Barbarossa as an Episode in Sixteenth-Century German History', Sixteenth Century Journal, 23:4 (1992), 755-768.

Stamp, John S., Martyrologia, or, Records of Religious Persecution, being a New and Comprehensive book of Martyrs of Ancient and Modern Times. Compiled partly from the Acts and Monuments of John Foxe, and partly from other genuine and authentic documents printed and in manuscript (1848-49).

Stapleton, Thomas (ed.), The History of the Church of England: Compiled by Venerable Bede, Englishman (1565).

Stapleton, Thomas, A Counterblast to M. Hornes vayne blaste against M. Fekenham (1567).

Stapleton, Thomas, A Counterblast to M. Hornes Vayne Blaste Against M. Fekenham (Facsimile, Ilkley, 1976).

Starkey, David, Six Wives: The Queens of Henry VIII (London, 2004).

Starkey, Thomas, A Dialogue between Pole and Lupset, edited by T. F. Mayer (Camden Fourth Series, London, 1989).

Staveley, Thomas, The History of Churches in England ... both Cathedral and Rural (1773).

Steinman, Martin, Johannes Oporinus Ein Basler Buichdrucker um die Mitte des 16. Jahrhunderts (Basel, 1967).

Stevens, William, Martyrological Biography: Memoirs of the Life and Martyrdom of J. Bradford (1832).

Stevenson, J. (ed. & trans.), Simeon of Durham; A History of the Kings of England (1858, facsimile reprint 1987).

Stone, J. M., 'John Foxe's book of errors', The Month, 95 (1900), 352-69.

Stow, John, A summarye of the Chronicles of Englande (1565, 1570).

Stow, John, The Chronicles of England, from Brute unto this Present Yeare 1580 (1580).

Stow, John, The Annales of England from the First Inhabitants untill 1592 (1592).

Strongman, Sheila, 'John Parker's Manuscripts: An edition of the lists in Lambeth Palace MS 737', in Brian Jenkins and David McKitterick (eds), Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society, 7 (1981), 1-27.

Stubbs, William (ed.), Chronica Magistri Rogeri de Houedene. 4 vols. (Rolls Series, London, 1868-71).

Strype, John, Historical Collections of the Life and Acts of the Right Reverend Father in God, John Aylmer, Lord Bishop of London in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth (1701).

Strype, John, The History of the Life and Acts of the Most Reverend Father in God, Edmund Grindal, the First Bishop of London, and the Second Archbishop of York and Canterbury successively, in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth (1710).

Strype, John, The Life and Acts of Matthew Parker: The First Archbishop of Canterbury in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth (4 vols, London, 1711).

Strype, John, Ecclesiastical Memorials, relating chiefly to Religion and the Reformation of it, and the Emergencies of the Church of England, under King Henry VIII, King Edward VI and Queen Mary I (1721).

Strype, John, The Life and Acts of Matthew Parker, the First Archbishop of Canterbury, in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth (1821).

Strype, John, The Life and Acts of John Whitgift, D.D., the Third and Last Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth (1822).

Strype, John, Annals of the Reformation and Establishment of Religion, and Other Various Occurrences in the Church of England, during Queen Elizabeth's Happy Reign (1824).

Strype, John, Memorials of Archbishop Cranmer (1848-54).

Summit, Jennifer, 'Monuments and Ruins: Spenser and the problem of the English Library', English Literary History, 7:1 (2003), 1-34.

Suothern, R. W. (ed.), Eadmer, The life of St Anselm, archbishop of Canterbury (London, 1962).

Sutherland, N. M., 'The Marian Exiles and the Establishment of the Elizabethan Regime', Archiv für Reformationgeschichte, 78 (1987), 253-86.

S., W., The True Chronicle History of Thomas Lord Cromwell (1602).

Symson, Patrick, A Short Compend of the Historie of the First Ten Persecutions (1613-16).