John Foxe Bibliography | T

Tanner, Joseph, Daniel and the Revelation: The Chart of Prophecy, and Our Place in It. A Study of the Historical and Futurist Interpretation (1898).

Tanner, Norman P. (ed.), Heresy Trials in the Diocese of Norwich, 1428-31 (Camden 4th Series, 20, 1977).

Tanner, Norman P. (ed.), Kent Heresy Proceedings, 1511-12 (Maidstone, 1997).

Taylor, Andrew W., 'The Reformation of History in John Bale's Biblical Dramas', in Teresa Grant and Barbara Ravelhofer (eds), English historical drama, 1500-1660 : forms outside the canon (Basingstoke, 2008), 58-97.

Taylor, John, The Booke of Martyrs (1631).

Taylor, Matthew, England's Bloody Tribunal: or, Popish Cruelty Display'd. Containing a Compleat Account of the Persecution, Sufferings, Tortures and Triumphant Deaths, of the Most Pious English Protestant Martyrs (1769, repr. 1770).

Thompson, Edward M. (ed.), Robertus de Avesbury de gestis mirabilibus Regis Edwardi Tertii, (1889).

Thompsett, Fredrica H., 'Women Inclined to Holiness: Our Reformation Ancestry', The Historical Magazine of the Protestant Episcopal Church, 51 (1982), 337-346.

Thompson, Edward M. (ed.), Chronicon Angliae, ab Anno Domini 1328 usque ad Annum 1388: Auctore Monacho Quodam Sancti Albani (1874).

Thomson, John A. .F., 'John Foxe and some Sources for Lollard History: Notes for a Critical Appraisal', in G. J. Cuming (ed.), Studies in Church History, 2 (Cambridge, 1965), 251-257.

Thomson, John A. F., The Later Lollards, 1414 –1520 (London, 1965).

Thorpe, William, The Examinacion of Mater W. Thorpe, The Examinacion of Syr J. Oldcastell. (1530).

T., N., Martyrologia Alphabetike, or an Alphabethical Martyrology containing the Trails and Dying Expressions of Many Martyrs of Note Since Christ extracted out of Foxe's Acts and Monuments of the Church with an alphabetical List of God's Judgements…together with an appendix of things pertinent to martyrology (1677).

Todd, James H., Discourses on the Prophecies Relating to Antichrist in the Writings of Daniel and St. Paul (1840).

Todd, W. J., A Dictionary of the English Language, founded on that of Dr. Samuel Johnson (1882).

Tollemache, William B., The Whore of Babylon in English Reformation literature, 1547-1660. Unpublished PhD Thesis. (New York University, 1999).

Tonna, Elizabeth P., The English Martyrology, abridged from Fox (1837).

Took, Patricia, Government and the Printing Trade, 1540-1560. Unpublished PhD Thesis. (University of London, 1978).

Townsend, Aubrey, The Writings of John Bradford, M.A., Fellow of Pembroke Hall, Cambridge, and Prebendary of St Pauls, Martyr 1555 (1848-53).

Townsend, George, Remarks on the Errors of Mr. Maitland, in his Notes on the Contributions of the Rev. G. Townsend to his New Edition of Foxe's Martyrology. Part 1. On the Memoir of Foxe Ascribed to his Son. (1842).

Townsend, G. and Cattley, S. G., Acts and Monuments. A new and complete edition: with a preliminary dissertation by G. Townsend (1837-41).

Townsend, George, The Acts and Monuments of John Foxe, with a Life of the Martyrologist, and Vindication of the Work by George Townsend (1843-49).

Trenow, Frederick W., The Credibility of John Foxe the 'Martyrologist' (1868).

Trew, J., 'The Causes of Contention in the King's Bench as Concerning Sects in Religion', in R. Laurence (ed.), Authentic Documents Relative to the Predestination Controversy (1819).

Trinterud, Leonard J., 'The Origins of Puritanism', Church History, 20 (1951), 37-57.

Trinterud, Leonard J., Elizabethan Puritanism (New York, 1971).

Trueman, Carl R., Luther's Legacy: Salvation and English Reformers, 1525-1556 (Oxford, 1994), 121-56.

Truman, James C. W., "Lives there who loves his pain?": Suffering and subjectivity in early modern England, unpublished Ph.D. (The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2001).

Tucker Brooke, C. F., 'The Renascence of Germanic Studies in England, 1559-1689', PMLA, 29:2 (1914), 135-151.

Tudor, Philippa, 'Protestant books in London in Mary Tudor's reign', London Journal, 15:1 (1990), 19-28.

Tumbleson, Raymond D., Catholicism in the Protestant imagination: Nationalism, religion, and literature in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century England. Unpublished PhD Thesis. (University of Washington, 1993).

Tunstall, Cuthbert, A Sermon of Cuthbert Bysshop of Duresme made upon Palme Sondaye Laste Past (1539).

Turner, Andred J. and Muir, Bernard J. (eds), Eadmer of Canterbury, Lives and Miracles of Saints Oda, Dunstan, and Oswaldr (Oxford, 2006).

Turner, Sharon, The History of the Reigns of Edward the Sixth, Mary and Elizabeth (1829).

Tutchin, John, A New Martyrology; or, the Bloody Assizes: Now Exactly Methodized in one Volume. Comprehending a Compleat History…of all those Eminent Martyrs who fell in the West of England, and Elsewhere, from…1678 to 1689 (1689).

Tutchin, John, The Western Martyrology: or, Bloody Assizes ... The fifth edition [of "A New Martyrology"]. To which is now added ... an account of the barbarous whippings of several persons in the West. Also the trial and case of Mr. John Tutchin ... never before printed. (1873).

Tuve, Rosemond, 'Ancients, Moderns, and Saxons', English Literary History, 6:3 (1939), 165-190.

Twysden, Roger (ed.), Historiae Anglicanae Scriptores X (1652).

Tyacke, Nicholas (ed.), England's Long Reformation, 1500-1800 (London, 1998).

Tyndale, William, The New Testament, 1526 [translated from the Greek by William Tyndale]. Facsimile Edition. (London, 1976).

Tyson, Gerald P. and Wagonheim, Sylvia S., Print and Culture in the Renaissance: Essays on the Advent of Printing in Europe (Newark and London, 1986).