John Foxe Bibliography | W

Wabuda, Susan, 'Henry Bull, Miles Coverdale, and the Making of Foxe's book of Martyrs', in D. Wood (ed.), Martyrs and Matryrology, Studies in Church History, 30 (1993), 245-58.

Wabuda, Susan, 'Equivocation and Recantation during the English Reformation: The "Subtle Shadows" of Dr. Edward Crome', Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 44 (1993), 224-42.

Wabuda, Susan, 'The Woman with the Rock: The Controversy on Women and Bible Reading', in Susan Wabuda and Caroline Litzenberger (eds), Belief and Practice in Reformation England: A Tribute to Patrick Collinson from his students (Aldershot, 1998), 40-59.

Wabuda, Susan, Preaching during the English Reformation (Cambridge, 2002).

Wadding, Lucas, Scriptores Ordinis Minorum (1650, repr. 1806).

Wade, John, 'Thanksgiving from Germany in 1559: An Analysis of the Content, Sources and Style of John Foxe's Germaniae Ad Angliam Grantulatio', in David Loades (ed.), John Foxe at Home and Abroad (London, 2005), 157-222.

Wade, John, John Foxe's Latin writings: their intellectual and social context, with special reference to the period of his exile, 1554-1559. Unpublished PhD Thesis. 2 vols. (University of Sheffield, 2008).

Waldgrave, Samuel (Bishop of Carlisle), Foxe's book of Martyrs with Fifteen Illustrations (1880).

Walker, Gregory, 'Saint or schemer?: the 1527 heresy trial of Thomas Bilney reconsidered', Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 40 (1989), 219-38.

Wall, Sarah E., 'Editing Anne Askew's Examinations: John Bale, John Foxe, and Early Modern Textual Practices', in Christopher Highley and John N. King (eds), John Foxe and his World (Aldershot, 2002), 249-62.

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Walter, Henry, Doctrinal Treatises and Introductions to Different Portions of the Holy Scriptures by William Tyndale, Martyr 1536 (1848).

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Warner, J. Christopher, 'Elizabeth I, saviour of Books: John Bale's Preface to the Scriptorum Illustrium Maioris Brytainiae…Catalogus (1559)', in David Loades (ed.), John Foxe and his World (Aldershot, 2002), 91-101.

Warnicke, Retha M., Women of the English Renaissance and Reformation, Contributions in Women's Studies, 38 (Westport, London, 1983).

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Wesley, John, Acts and Monuments of the Christian Martyrs, Consisting of Extracts from the Abridgements of the Choicest Pieces of Practical Divinity, which have been published in the English Tongue (1751-68).

Wesley, John, The Christian Library (1819).

Wheeler, Jeffrey M., Palpable fictions: Religious relics, populist rhetoric and the English Reformation. Unpublished PhD Thesis. (University of Southern California, 1996).

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Whitaker, William, Disputatio de Sacra Scriptura contra hujus Temporis Papistas, imprimis R. Bellarminum…& T. Stapletonum (1588).

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White, Helen C., The Tudor books of Private Devotion (Madison, 1951).

White, Helen C., Tudor books of Saints and Martyrs (Madison, 1963).

Whitehead, Lydia, 'A Poena et Culpa: Penitence, Confidence and the Miserere in Foxe's Actes and Monuments', Renaissance Studies, 4:3 (1990), 287-299.

Whiting, Robert, The Blind Devotion of the People: Popular Religion and the English Reformation (Cambridge, 1989).

Wing, Donald G. et al, A Short Title Catalogue of books Printed in England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and British America, and of English books Printed in Other Countries, 1641-1700 (New York, 1972-88).

Winiarski, Catherine E., Adulterers, idolaters, and emperors: The politics of iconoclasm in English Renaissance drama. Unpublished PhD Thesis. (University of California, Irvine, 2007).

Wilkins, David, Concilia Magnae Britanniae et Hiberniae (1737).

Wilkinson, William, A Confutation of Certaine Articles Delivered unto the Family of Love (1579).

Williams, Glanmor, Reformation Views of Church History (London, 1970).

Williams, Glanmor, The General and Common Sort of People, 1540-1640 (Exeter, 1977).

Williams Jr, F. B., 'Lost books of Tudor England', The Library, 5:33 (1978), 1-14.

Williams, Thomas, The Strange and Cruel Martyrdom of an Englishman [T. Williams] in Dunkerke (1591).

Williams, Neville, John Foxe the Martyrologist: His Life and Times (London, 1975).

Williamson, Geoffrey A. (ed. and trans.), Eusebius, The History of the Church (London, 1965), 31-49.

Williamson, Magnus, 'Evangelicalism at Boston, Oxford and Windsor under Henry VIII : John Foxe's Narratives recontextualized', in David Loades (ed.), John Foxe at home and abroad (Aldershot, 2004), 31-45.

Winterbottom, M. and Thomson, R. M. (eds and trans.),William of Malmesbury, Gesta Pontificum Anglorum – The History of the English Bishops (Oxford, 2007).

Winters, W., John Foxe, the Martyrologist, and his Family, Transactions of the Royal Historical Society (1877).

Wilson, John, The English Martyrologe Conteyning a Summary of the Liues of the …saintes of the three kingdoms, England, Scotland, and Ireland (1608).

Wood, Anthony, Athenae Oxonienses. An exact History of all the Writers and Bishops who have had their Education in the most Antient and Famous University of Oxford, from the Fifteenth Year of King Henry the Seventh, A.D. 1500, to the Author's Death in November 1695 (Oxford, 1721).

Wooden, Warren W., Children's Literature of the English Renaissance (Kentucky, 1986).

Wooden, Warren W., 'John Foxe's book of Martyrs and the Child Reader', in Priscilla A. Ord (ed.), The Child and the Story. An Exploration of Narrative Forms. Ninth Annual Conference Papers (Boston, 1983), 147-155.

Wooden, Warren W. (ed.), The English Sermons of John Foxe (New York, 1978).

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Woodhouse, Hugh F., 'The Doctrine of the Church in Anglican Theology, 1547-1603', Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (London, 1954), 13-74.

Woolf, Daniel R., 'Speech, Text and Time: The Sense of Hearing and the Sense of the Past in Renaissance England', Albion, 18 (1986), 159-93.

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Woolf, Daniel R., Reading History in Early Modern England (Cambridge, 2000).

Woolfson, Jonathan (ed.), Reassessing Tudor Humanism (Basingstoke and New York, 2002).

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Wordsworth, Christopher, Ecclesiastical Biography; or Lives of Eminent Men Connected with the History of Religion in England: From the Commencement of the Reformation to the Revolution (1810).

Womersley, David, 'Against the Teleology of Technique', The Huntington Library Quarterly, 68:1 (2005), 95-108.

Wright, Cyril E., 'The dispersal of the Monastic Libraries and the beginnings of Anglo-Saxon studies; Matthew Parker and his circle: A preliminary study', in Bruce Dickens and A.N.L Munby (eds), Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society, 1 (Cambridge, 1953), 208-237.

Wright, Cyril E., 'The Dispersal of the Libraries in the Sixteenth Century', in C.E. Wright and F. Wormald (ed.), The English Library before 1700 (London, 1958), 148-175.

Wright, Jonathan, 'The Marian Exiles and the Legitimacy of Flight', Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 52:2 (2001), 220-43.

Wright, Paul, The New and Compleat book of Martyrs ... being Foxe's book of Martyrs, Revised and Corrected with Additions and Great Improvements (1784)Wright, Paul, Fox's Original and Complete book of Martyrs: Or an Universal History of Martyrdom ... of All the Glorious Protestant Martyrs during the Reign of Queen Mary the First. To Which will be Added a ... History of the ... Primitive Martyrs. The whole originaly composed by the Rev John Fox, A new edition now carefully revised by Paul Wright ... Assisted by other ministers of the gospel. Embellished with near 300 elegant engravings (1782).

Wright, Paul, A New Universal History of Martyrdom (1807).

Wright, Thomas, An Abridgement of the booke of Actes and Monuments of the Church: written by I. Foxe and now abridged by T. Wright (1589).

Wright, Thomas, Queen Elizabeth and Her Times: A Series of Original Letters (1838).