Navigate the 1563 Edition
PrefaceBook 1Book 2Book 3Book 4Book 5
Thematic Divisions in Book 5
1. Preface to Rubric 2. The Rubric 3. Mary's First Moves 4. The Inhibition5. Bourne's Sermon 6. The True Report7. The Precept to Bonner 8. Anno 15549. From 'The Communication' to 'A Monition' 10. Bonner's Monition11. Mary's Articles for Bonner 12. The Articles 13. From Mary's Proclamation to the 'Stile'14. From the 'Stile' to the 'Communication' 15. The 'Communication' 16. How Thomas Cranmer ... 17. Cranmer18. Ridley 19. Latimer20. Harpsfield's Forme 21. 1563's Disputational Digest22. Political Events up to Suffolk's Death 23. Between Mantell and the Preacher's Declaration 24. The Declaration of Bradford et al 25. May 19 to August 1 26. August 1 - September 3 27. From Bonner's Mandate to Pole's Oration 28. Winchester's Sermon to Bonner's Visitation 29. Pole's Oration 30. From the Supplication to Gardiner's Sermon 31. From Gardiner's Sermon to 1555 32. From the Arrest of Rose to Hooper's Letter 33. Hooper's Answer and Letter 34. To the End of Book X 35. The Martyrdom of Rogers 36. The Martyrdom of Saunders 37. Saunders' Letters 38. Hooper's Martyrdom 39. Hooper's Letters 40. Rowland Taylor's Martyrdom 41. Becket's Image and other events 42. Miles Coverdale and the Denmark Letters 43. Bonner and Reconciliation 44. Robert Farrar's Martyrdom 45. The Martyrdom of Thomas Tomkins 46. The Martyrdom of Rawlins/Rowland White47. The Martyrdom of Higbed and Causton 48. The Martyrdom of William Hunter 49. The Martyrdom of Pigot, Knight and Laurence 50. Judge Hales 51. The Providential Death of the Parson of Arundel 52. The Martyrdom of John Awcocke 53. The Martyrdom of George Marsh 54. The Letters of George Marsh 55. The Martyrdom of William Flower 56. Mary's False Pregnancy57. The Martyrdom of Cardmaker and Warne 58. John Tooly 59. The Examination of Robert Bromley [nb This is part of the Tooly affair]60. Censorship Proclamation 61. The Martyrdom of Thomas Haukes 62. Letters of Haukes 63. The Martyrdom of Thomas Watts 64. Martyrdom of Osmund, Bamford, Osborne and Chamberlain65. The Martyrdom of Ardley and Simpson 66. The Martyrdom of John Bradford 67. Bradford's Letters 68. William Minge 69. The Martyrdom of John Bland 70. The Martyrdom of Frankesh, Middleton and Sheterden 71. Sheterden's Letters 72. Martyrdom of Carver and Launder 73. Martyrdom of Thomas Iveson 74. John Aleworth 75. Martyrdom of James Abbes 76. Martyrdom of Denley, Newman and Pacingham 77. Examinations of Hall, Wade and Polley 78. Richard Hooke 79. Martyrdom of William Coker, et al 80. Martyrdom of George Tankerfield, et al 81. Martyrdom and Letters of Robert Smith 82. Martyrdom of Harwood and Fust 83. Martyrdom of William Haile 84. Examination of John Newman 85. Martyrdom of Robert Samuel 86. George King, Thomas Leyes and John Wade 87. William Andrew 88. William Allen 89. Martyrdom of Thomas Cobb 90. Martyrdom of Roger Coo 91. Martyrdom of Catmer, Streater, Burwood, Brodbridge, Tutty 92. Martyrdom of Hayward and Goreway 93. Martyrdom and Letters of Robert Glover 94. John and William Glover 95. Cornelius Bungey 96. Martyrdom of Wolsey and Pigot 97. Life and Character of Nicholas Ridley 98. Ridley and Latimer's Conference 99. Ridley's Letters 100. Life of Hugh Latimer 101. Latimer's Letters 102. Ridley and Latimer Re-examined and Executed103. More Letters of Ridley 104. Life and Death of Stephen Gardiner 105. Martyrdom of Webb, Roper and Park 106. William Wiseman 107. Examinations and Martyrdom of John Philpot 108. John Went 109. Isobel Foster 110. Joan Lashford 111. Five Canterbury Martyrs 112. Life and Martyrdom of Cranmer 113. Letters of Cranmer 114. Martyrdom of Agnes Potten and Joan Trunchfield 115. Persecution in Salisbury Maundrell, Coberly and Spicer 116. William Tyms, et al 117. The Norfolk Supplication 118. Letters of Tyms 119. John Hullier's Execution120. John Hullier 121. Christopher Lister and five other martyrs 122. Hugh Lauerocke and John Apprice 123. Katherine Hut, Elizabeth Thacknell, et al 124. Martyrdom of John Harpole and Joan Beach 125. Thomas Drury and Thomas Croker 126. Thomas Spicer, John Deny and Edmund Poole 127. Thomas Rede128. Persecution of Winson and Mendlesam 129. William Slech 130. Avington Read, et al 131. Wood and Miles 132. Adherall and Clement 133. A Merchant's Servant Executed at Leicester 134. Thirteen Burnt at Stratford-le-Bow135. Persecution in Lichfield 136. Hunt, Norrice, Parret 137. Martyrdom of Bernard, Lawson and Foster 138. John Careless 139. Letters of John Careless 140. Martyrdom of Julius Palmer 141. Guernsey Martyrdoms 142. Dungate, Foreman and Tree 143. Martyrdom of Joan Waste 144. Three Men of Bristol145. Martyrdom of Edward Sharpe 146. Four Burnt at Mayfield at Sussex 147. John Horne and a woman 148. Northampton Shoemaker 149. Prisoners Starved at Canterbury 150. More Persecution at Lichfield 151. Exhumations of Bucer and Phagius along with Peter Martyr's Wife152. Pole's Visitation Articles for Kent153. Ten Martyrs Burnt at Canterbury154. The 'Bloody Commission'155. Twenty-two Prisoners from Colchester156. Five Burnt at Smithfield157. Stephen Gratwick and others158. Edmund Allen and other martyrs159. Edmund Allen160. Alice Benden and other martyrs161. Richard Woodman and nine other martyrs162. Ambrose163. The Martyrdom of Simon Miller and Elizabeth Cooper164. Rose Allin and nine other Colchester Martyrs165. John Thurston166. Thomas More167. George Eagles168. Richard Crashfield169. Fryer and George Eagles' sister170. John Kurde171. Cicelye Ormes172. Joyce Lewes173. Rafe Allerton and others174. Agnes Bongeor and Margaret Thurston175. Persecution at Lichfield176. Persecution at Chichester177. Thomas Spurdance178. Hallingdale, Sparrow and Gibson179. John Rough and Margaret Mearing180. Cuthbert Simson181. William Nicholl182. Seaman, Carman and Hudson183. Three at Colchester184. A Royal Proclamation185. Roger Holland and other Islington martyrs186. Richard Yeoman187. John Alcocke188. Alcocke's Epistles189. Thomas Benbridge190. Stephen Cotton and other martyrs191. Alexander Gouch and Alice Driver192. Three at Bury193. The Final Five Martyrs194. William Living195. The King's Brief196. William Browne197. Some Persecuted at Suffolk198. Elizabeth Lawson199. Edward Grew200. The Persecuted of Norfolk201. The Persecuted of Essex202. Thomas Bryce203. The Persecuted in Kent204. The Persecuted in Coventry and the Exiles205. Thomas Parkinson206. The Scourged: Introduction207. Richard Wilmot and Thomas Fairfax208. Thomas Greene209. Bartlett Greene and Cotton210. Steven Cotton's Letter211. Scourging of John Milles212. Scourging of Thomas Hinshaw213. Robert Williams214. Bonner's Beating of Boys215. A Beggar of Salisbury216. John Fetty217. James Harris218. Providences: Introduction219. The Miraculously Preserved220. Christenmas and Wattes221. Simon Grinaeus222. John Glover223. Dabney224. Alexander Wimshurst225. Bosom's wife226. The Delivery of Moyse227. Lady Knevet228. Crosman's wife229. Congregation at Stoke in Suffolk230. Congregation of London231. Robert Cole232. Englishmen at Calais233. John Hunt and Richard White234. Punishments of Persecutors235. Tome 6 Life and Preservation of the Lady Elizabeth236. The Westminster Conference237. Nicholas Burton238. Another Martyrdom in Spain239. Baker and Burgate240. Burges and Hoker241. Justice Nine-Holes242. Back to the Appendix notes243. A Poor Woman of Exeter244. Those Burnt at Bristol: extra material245. Priest's Wife of Exeter246. Gertrude Crockhey
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Unavailable for this Edition
1694 [1613]

If the king and Quene gaue him in cōmaundement to set them forth, let him shew some record therof. If not, how can he auoyde the iuste reprehension of a cruel inclination, disposed to murther? And as concerning the articles, because they are in print already, and the matter not necessary to be repeated, we referre the reader. As concerning the commissiō, for þt it hath

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not bene in print heretofore, to geue more euydence of his cruel disposition, we haue here notified the same as we found it in his owne recordes, to thentent that the reder perusing and consyderynge the same, maye the better iudge whether we say true or no. The copye of thys his foresayde commission in his owne wordes, thus followeth.

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A Commission or a writ set forth by Boner, for inquisition of suche as followed the true doctrine of Christ, and of his Gospell.

MarginaliaA cōmissiō directed out by Boner, for inquisition.EDmundus permissione diuina London. Episcopus dilectis nobis in Christo magistris Edwardo Mowell Archidiacono nostro Exessiæ, Thomæ Moorton & Iohanni Kingston in legibus Baccalaureis præsbyteris nostris in partibus, Commissarijs generalibus salutem, gratiam, & benedictionē. Quia vt accepimus, & ad nostrum nuper peruenit auditum quod nonnulli iniquitatis filij in comitatu Essexiæ & Hartfordiæ nostrarum London. diocœs. & iurisdictionis commorantes & degentes, de & super crimine hæreticæ prauitatis apud bonos & graues non mediocriter suspecti & infamati diu extiterunt, et in præsenti existunt, nonnullosq̀ errores ac opiniones hæreticas & dānabiles sicuti informamur a diu iā (quod absq̀ graui cordis nostri dolore referre non possumus) in magnam diuinæ maiestatis offensam ac grauem sāctæ orthodoxæ fidei (saltem quantum in eis fuit) subuersionem, deniq; in plurmorū christi fideliū pernitiosū exemplū seminarūt, sparserūt ac publicarūt, dictosq̀ errores & hæreses tenuerūt ac defēderūt, ac inter cætera, ob notā et suspitiones huiusmodi cæteraq̀ præmissa, per iustitiarios & ministros serenissimæ Regiæ maiestatis in ea parte deputatos, eorū aliqui custodiæ carceris iuste cōmissi & mācipati hoc tēpore existūt: Nos igitur Edmūd. Episcopus antedictus volētes, quātū possumus, tāti facinoris labē ex diœcesi nostra Lond. extirpare, & eradicare, ac eidē morbo puigili circūspectionis industria occurrere, nec nō prauitatē & labē criminis ac suspitionis huiusmodi depellere ac exterminare volētes, sez ne oues ipsæ morbidæ totū reliquū gregē nobis diuinitus commissū suo malo exēplo inficiūt & cōtaminent, ad cognoscendū igitur & procedendū contra huiusmodi facinorosos, & alios quoscūque, cuiuscumq̀ sexus infra loca prædicta degentes et commorantes, de et super crimine hæresis irretitos & suspectos siue diffamatos, atque de ipsis hæreticis, ac eorū libris reprobatis, fautoribus quoq̀ receptatoribus, ac defensoribus inquirēdū, et inquiri faciēdū, eosque iuxta iuris exigentiam & morem in similibus hactenus vsitatum, examinandum, nec non quoscumque testes idoneos, contra eosdem et eorum quemlibet recipiendum, admittendum, iurandum, et examinandum ac ad meliorem vitæ frugem conuertendum et reducendum, ipsosque etiam hæreticos super crimine hæresis vehementer suspectos, confessos, ac conuictos ac eorum fautores, receptores, et defensores huiusmodi (si et quatenus eorum errores et opiniones damnatas respuere, abnegare, renunciare, et abiurare, atque ad vnitatem sanctæ matris catholicæ ecclesiæ redire voluerint) abiurandū et abiurari faciendū, ac ad gremiū eiusdē ecclesiæ catholicæ et cōmunionē Christifidelium recipiendū, admittendū, et restituendū, a sentētiaq̀ excōmunicationis ac alijs sētentijs, cēsuris et pœnis ecclesiasticis propter præmissa incursis absoluendum: alioquin contra eosdem delinquentes et eorū quemlibet ad vlteriora et grauiora procedēdū, ac sententias et decreta quæcumq̀ etiā relapsus, si res ita exegerit, contra eos iuxta iuris exigentiam ferendū et fulminandū, necnon auxiliū brachij secularis contra tales (si ac quotiens opus fuerit) inuocādum et requirendū, huiusmodiq̀ hæreticos, obstinatos et impœnitentes, vel in hæresim relapsos excōmunicandos, denūciandos, atq̀ brachio seculari iuxta canonicas sanctiones, pœna hæresis puniendos, relinquendos, et tradendos, atq̀ prout sacri canones volunt, ac iuxta huius incliti regni Angliæ statuta & consuetudinē laudabilē tradēdos et deliberandos, cætera quoq̀ omnia et singula in præmissis aut circa ea necessaria seu quomodolibet requisita faciendū, excercendū, exequendū et expediēdū, etiāsi maiora de se exigunt et requirunt, quā præsētibus est expressū, et prout nosmet ipsi faceremns et expediremus si præmis. personaliter interessemus, vobis cōiunctim et cuilibet vestrū per se diuisim et in solidū (de quorū sana doctrina, morū grauitate, consciētiæ puritate et circumspectionis industria in hijs et alijs plurimū cōfidimus) vices nostras cōmittimus ac plenā in domino tenore præsētium cōcedimus potestatē, vosq̀ cōiunctim vt præfertur et diuisim vicarios mostros in spiritualibus generales, et Cōmißarios speciales, quoad præmissa cum cuiuslibet cohertionis canonicæ potestate exequēdi quæ decreueritis, seu alter vestrum decreuerit in hac parte ordinamus, præficimus & deputamus per præsētes, aßumpto vobis in præmissis in actorum vestrorum scribā Iohāne Boswel, Notario publico, vel eo impedito, quocumq̀ alio idoneo Notario eiusmodi deputato, mādantes quatenus de executione præsētium atq̀ de omni eo quod in et circa præmissa vel eorū aliquod per vos aut aliquē vestrum factum, gestū, seu expeditum fuerit nos de tēpore in tēpus quā citius poteritis, ac prout negotij huiusmodi qualitas vel necessitas exegerit et postulauerit debite certificare curetis. Datum in manerio nostro de Fulhā. 10. die mensis Iunij. Anno domini. 1557. et nostræ translationis anno decimo octauo.

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The story and blessed suffering of George Egles, otherwise termed Trudgeouer, a most painefull trauailer in Christes Gospel, who for the same gospel most cruelly was martyred by the cruell Papistes.  
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George Eagles

Foxe's first account of George Eagles appeared in the Rerum on pp. 726-28. (This was the last narrative of a Marian martyr which would appear in the Rerum. Because of Foxe's having to complete the Latin martyrology in haste, the work concluded with a list of those executed from March 1556 until the end of Mary's reign).

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The Rerum account of Eagles was faithfully translated in the 1563 edition. This account was based entirely on information from individual informants. More material from individual informants was added in the 1570 edition. These accounts were on two themes: more detailed and graphic accounts of the physical torments which Eagles had to endure (which demonstrated his constancy and stoicism) and equally detailed and graphic accounts of the divine punishments inflicted on those responsible for Eagles' death (demonstrating that he died a martyr and not a traitor). The account of Eagles was unchanged after the 1570 edition.

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MarginaliaG. EaglesMarginaliaAugust. 2AMong other martyrs of a singuler vertue and constancye, one George Eagles deserueth not least admiration, but is so much the more to bee commended, for that he hauing litle learning or none, most manfullye serued and fought vnder the banner of Christes churche.
