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Actes and Monumentes of the Church.
¶ Iniunctions exhibited. Anno. 1538.

IN the name of God Amē  

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These are the second Royal Injunctions of Henry VIII and they establish the programme set forth in Cromwell's Injunctions of 1536. They were a triumph for the evangelical cause and Foxe prints them in full, without amendment.

, by the auctority and commissyon of the moste excellent prince, Henry by the grace of God, king of England and of Fraunce, defensor of the fayth, Lorde of Ireland, and in earth supreame hed vnder Christ, of the churche of England, I Thomas Lorde Crumwell, Lord priuy seale vicegerent to the kynges said highnes for all his iurisdiction Ecclesyastycall wythin this realme, do for the aduauncemēt of the true honor of almighty god, encrease of vertue and discharge of the kinges maiesty, geue & exhibite vnto you N. these Iniunctions folowing, to be kept obserued and fulfylled vpon the pain here after declared.

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Fyrst, that ye shal truely obserue and kepe al and singuler the kinges highnes Iniunctions geuen vnto you heretofore in my name by hys graces autority, not only vpon the pains therin expressed, but also in your default now after this second monition continued, vppon further punishment to be straightly extended towards you by the kinges highnes arbitrement or hys vicegerent aforesaid.

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MarginaliaFor the bible to be set vp in churches.Item, that ye shall prouide on this syde the feast of N.  

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I.e. Easter 1539.

next comming, one boke of the whole Bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set vp in some conueniēt place within the said churche that ye haue cure of, wheras youre parishoners may most commodiously resort to the same & read it. The charges of which booke shalbe ratably borne betwene you the parson & parishoners aforsaid. That is to say, thone half by you, & thother half by thē. ¶ Item, that ye shal discourage no man priuely not apertly frō the reading or hearing of the said bible, but shal expresly prouoke, stirre and exhort eueri person to read the same as that which is the very liuely woord of God, that euery Christen person is bounden to enbrace, beleue and folow, if he loke to be saued, admonishing thē neuertheles to auoid all contention & alteration therin, & to vse an honest sobriety in the inquisytion of the true sence of the same, & to refer thexplication of the obscure places to men of higher iudgemente in scripture. ¶ MarginaliaThe lordes prayer to be learned in EnglyshItem that ye shal euery sonday & holy day through the yere, openly & plainly recite to your parishners, twise or thrise together or oftner if nede require, one article or sentence of the Paternoster or Crede in Englishe, to the entent they may learne the same by hart, and so frō day to day to geue thē one like lesson or sentence of the same, til they haue learned the hole Pater noster & Crede in English by rote, & as they be taught euery sentēce of the same by rote ye shal expound & declare thunderstāding of the same vnto thē, exhorting all parēts & housholders, to teach their children & seruāts the same, as they are bound in conscience to do, and that don ye shal declare vnto thē the x. commaundemēts one by one euery sōday & holy day til thei be likewise perfect in the same. ¶ Itē that ye shal in confessions euery lent examin euery person that commeth to cōfessyon to you, whether they can recite tharticles of our faith, & the Pater noster in English, and hear thē say the sameperticulerlye, where in if they be not perfect, ye shal declare to the same, that euery christen person ought to know the same before they should receiue the blessed sacrament of thaltare and monish them to learn the same more perfectlye by þe next yere folowing, or els like as they oughte not to presume to come to Gods bord without perfect knowledge of the same, and if they do, it is to the great pearill of their soules, so ye shall declare vnto thē, that ye loke for other Iniunctiōs frō the kings highnes by that time, to stay and repele al such from Gods bord, as shall be found ignoraunte in the premisses wherfore ye do thus admonish, to thentent they shuld both eschue the peril of their souls, as also the worldly rebuke that they might incurre hereafter by the same.

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MarginaliaSermons quarterly to be madeItē, that ye shal make or cause to be made in the said church, & euerye other cure ye haue, one sermō euery quarter of a yere at the least, wherin ye shal purely and sincerely declare the very gospel of Christ, & in the same exhort your hearers to the works of charity, mercy, and fayth, specially prescribed and commaunded in scrypture, & not to repose their trust or affiance in other workes deuised by mennes fantasyes, besides scripture, as in wādering to Pilgrimages offering of mony, candels, or Tapers to fained relikes or Images, or kissynge or lickyng the same, saying ouer a nōber of beades not vnderstanded ne minded on, or such like superstition, for the doing wherof, ye not only haue no promise of reward in scripture, but contrarywise greate threates and maledictions of God, as thinges tendynge to Idolatrye and superstition, whiche of all other offences God almighty doothe mooste detest and abhorre, for that the same demynysheth mooste hys honoure and glorye.

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MarginaliaPilgrimages pulled downe.Item, that such fained Images, as ye know in any of your cures to be so abused with Pylgrymages or offeringes of anye thynge made there vnto, ye shall for auoiding of that mooste detestable offence of Idolatrye, forthwyth take downe wythoute delaye, and shall suffer from henceforthe no Candels, Tapers, or images of waxe, to be set afore any Image or pycture, but onlye the lighte that commenlye goeth a crosse the Churche by the roode lofte, the lyghte afore the Sacrament of the aultare, and the lyght aboue the sepulchre, whiche for the adornyng of the Churche and deuine seruice ye shall suffer to remaine still, admonishyng your parishners that Images serue for none other purpose, but as the bookes of vnlearned menne that can no letters, wherby they might be other waies admonished of the liues and conuersatyon of thē that the saide Images doo represente. Whyche Images if they abuse for any other intent than for suche remembraunces, they commit Idolatrye in the same to the greate daunger of theyr soules, and therefore the kinges highnesse graciouslye tenderinge the weale of hys subiectes soules, hathe in parte all readye and more wyll here after trauail, for the abolishinge of such Images, as might be occasion of so great offence to God, and so great a daunger to the soules of his louing subiectes.

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Item that in al such benefices or cures as ye haue, whervpon ye be not your self resident, ye shal apoynt such Curates in your stead as both canne by habilitye, and wyll also promptly exe-
