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Actes and Monuments of the Church.

cher and chaplain to the English house, till he was disturbed by sir Thomas More, and by þe accusation of one Barloo, was caried to London from Andwarp  

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This took place in 1532.

accompanied with the lx. aforesaid, as is mentioned afore in the martirdome of maister Frith, and after that time neuer came to Andwarpe againe, but continued in London at the Stocks  
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The Stocks was a market in central London.

teaching childrē, both the Greke and Laten tongue. And liued with honestye, not without persecution, vnmaried and yet toward mariage, and was made free of the grocers, and God did intercept, both the marriage and the fredome, and maried him to his sonne Iesus Christ, and broughte him into the fredome of his spiritual kingdom, to raign with him. And thus muche brieflye touching the fyrste eduction and brynging vp of Ihon Lambarte. Nowe it followeth more at large to discourse and declare the whole proces and order of his doings and disputations with the order and manner of his deathe and condempnatyon.

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WHich deathe and punishment of his happened in this yeare, beynge so much the more lamentable in that it was first occasioned & afterwarde brought to pas by no other then by such, whōe for the common society of the profession of the Gospel it had bene more mete to haue ben authors of his sauegard, rather then the causers of his destruction. But this is the accustomed craft and malice of that auncient serpēt, which entermedleth him self in al congregations, enuying all mennes felicitye and welfare, reioysing in nothing but in the death and bloud of innocents: MarginaliaThe common practyse of Sathan to stir vp discord amongste brethren.seking occasions of sedition not only amongst the wicked but the good also, stirring brethren oftentimes to cōtention amōgst them selues, and that so craftely, that his polycies can neuer be perceiued vntill the mischefe be doone. I would to God that as this is a cōmen complaint to al countries, so this oure region of England amongst other wer fre from it, and not more infect herewith then the reast. Where now in a manner shall a manne finde more slaughter of the commons, subuersion of the nobles, burninge of good men, and mooste cruell contentions which are neuer in a manner ended, but with bloudshed? That mischeuous disturber of humain concord and quyetnesse doothe so incessantly rage. But as I am here forsed to speake against my wil, so (wold to God) that euen with my owne contumelye and hatred I might engraue more mekenesse in the harts of our men. Which notwithstanding I doubte not but it will shortlye come to passe by the moste prosperous successe of learning, which daily florisheth more and more in England, and as it is to be hoped, forain examples and greater experience of thinges wyllbring a more ciuility to this, which is already obtaind by learning. But because we wil not passe our boundes to farre: we will returne againe to the matter as touchinge Ihon Lambert, intēding to make declaratiō of his cause, euen from the first beginninge, so farre forthe as we coulde attayne vnto the knowledge there of.

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So sone as the darke cloudes of ignoraunce were driuen away, and that the brightnesse of the Gospel began to shine in Englande, there was one at the same time, although not of the nomber of them which sustained the fyrste assaults of the aduersaries, named Ihon Lambert, who partly for the crueltye of the time, & partly for the desire of learning (which he was alwaies inclined vnto) departed into forrayne landes being but a yonge man, wheras he vnderstode learning did most florish. MarginaliaLambert returneth agayn to EnglandeFrō whēce after a few yeres he retourned again, hopyng the time hadde bene amended, for that by the meanes of Quene Anne and Cromwell, and the abolishing of the Pope, all thinges semed more prosperous and quiet in Englande: and began to set his minde to the setting forthe of the gospell. But for so much as priests in those daies coulde not be suffred to haue wiues, he conuerted his whole laboure and study to teaching of children, wherin after he hadde continued with great commendation and profite it happened that he was present at a Sermon at S. Peters churche in London. he that preached was named Doctor Tailor, MarginaliaDoctor Tailor byshoppe of Lincoln who after died in the towre. 1554.a manne in those daies not farre disagreing from the gospell, and afterward in þe time of king Edward was made bishop of Lincolne, and afterwarde again in þe time of Quene Mary was cast into the Tower where he ended his life in pryson although not among the martirs, yet amonge the confessors of Christe. When the Sermone was doone, Lambert hauing gotten oportunity, went gently vnto the preacher to talk with him, he declared the matter and vttred diuers argumentes wherin he desired to be fatisfied. All the whole matter or controuersye was as concerning the Sacrament of the body & bloud of Christ. Tailor excusing him self at that present with other businesse, willed him to wryte his minde, and to come againe at more leysure. MarginaliaThe fyrste occasion of Lamberts trouble.

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Lambert was contented and departed, and wythin a while after, when he hadde wrytten his minde, he came again vnto him. MarginaliaLambertes arguments.The sum of his arguments were ten, whiche he comprehended in wrytinge, approuinge the truthe of the cause partly by the scriptures, and partlye by reason and the doctours. The whiche arguments, althoughe they came not all vnto oure handes, yet such men as were present at those affaires reported them to be of great force and

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