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1585 [1585]

K. Edvvard. 6. The Kinges letter for the Duke hys Vncle. The Lordes letter agaynst hym.

The effect of the proclamation set out agaynst the Lord Protectour.  

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This is an abridged, but essentially accurate version of a proclamation issued by Edward VI. (For the full text see Troubles Connected with the Prayer Book of 1549, ed. Nicholas Pocock, Camden Society, First series 38 (London, 1884), pp. The proclamation was printed by Foxe's friend Richard Grafton and it is possible that he provided Foxe with a copy.

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late happened wythin the realme.

2 The losse of the kinges peeces in Fraunce.

3 That he was ambitious and sought hys own glory, as appeared by building of most sumptuous and costly houses in the tyme of the kinges warres.

4 That he esteemed nothing the graue counsell of the Counsaylours.

5 That he had sowed diuision betwene the nobles, the gentlemen, and the commons.

6 That the nobles assembled them selues together at London for none other purpose but to haue caused the Protector to haue liued within limites, and to haue put such order for the suretie of the kings Maiestie as appertained: whatsoeuer the Protectors doinges were, which they sayd were vnnaturall, ingrate, and trayterous.

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7 That the Protector sclaundered the Counsayle to the king, and did that in hym lay, to cause variance betwene the kyng and the Nobles.

8 That he was a great traytor, and therefore the lordes desired the Citye and Commons to ayde them to take him from the kyng.

And in witnes and testimony of the contentes of the sayd proclamation, the Lordes subscribed their names, which were these.

The Lord Rich Lordthe kings house &
Chauncellour.L. Warden of the
The Lord S. Iohn L.Cinque portes.
great Maister andSir Ioh. Gage knight,
President of theConstable of the
The L. Marques ofSyr W. Peter knight,
The Earle of War-Syr Edward North
wicke Lorde greatKnyght.
Chamberlaine.Sir Edw. Mountague
The Earle of Arūdellchief Iustice of the
L. Chamberlaine.common place.
The Earle of Shrews-Syr Rafe Sadler.
bury.Syr Iohn Baker.
The Earle of South-Syr Edw. Wootton.
hātō Wriothesley.Doctor Wootton
Syr Tho. CheyneyDeane of Cant.
knight, treasurer ofSyr Rich. Southwell.

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MarginaliaThe lordes comming into the Guild hall.After the aforesayd proclamation was proclaymed, the Lords or the most part of them still continuing and lying in London, came the next day to the Guilde hall, during the time that the Lord Maior and hys brethren sat in their Court or inner chamber, and entred & communed a long while with the Maior, and at the last the Maior and hys brethren came forth vnto the common Counsaile, where was read the kings letter sent to the Maior and Citizens, commaunding them to ayde hym with a thousand well appointed men out of their Citie, and to send the same in all speede to hys Castle at Wynsore.

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This letter by name was directed to Syr Henry Amcottes Knight Lord Maior, to Syr Rouland Hill Knight Maior electe, and to the Aldermen and common Counsell of the Citie of London. The day and date of the letter was the vj. of Octob. in the third yeare of his reigne, beyng assigned with the hand of the kyng, and of the Lord Protectour, the contentes of which letter, for the satisfaction of the reader are here to be seene in maner and forme as foloweth.

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EDWARD. ¶ By the King.

MarginaliaThe copye of the kinges letter sent to the L. Maior, Aldermen and Citizens of London, in the behalfe of the Lord Protector.  

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This letter has not survived.

TRustie & welbeloued we grete you well. We charge and commaunde you most earnestly to giue order withall spede for the defence and perseruation of that our Citie of London for vs, and to leauy out of hand and to put in order as many as conueniently you may, well weapened and arayed, kepyng good watch at the gates, and to send vs hether for the defence of our person, one thousand of that our Citie of trustie and faithfull men to attende vppon vs and our most entirely beloued Vncle Edward Duke of Somerset Gouernour of our person and Protectour of our Realmes, dominions, and subiectes, well harnessed, and with good and conuenient weapon: so that they doe make their repayre hether vnto vs this night, if it be possible, or at the least to morow before none, and in the meane tyme to do what as appertainethvnto your duety for ours and our sayd Vncles defence agaynst all such as attempt any conspiracy or enterprise of violence agaynst vs or our sayd Vncle, and as you know best for our preseruation and defence at this present. Yeuen vnder our signet at our honour of Hampton Court the vj. of October the third yeare of our raigne.

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You shall further giue credite to our trusty and welbeloued Owen Cleydon the bearer hereof, in all such thynges as hee shall further declare vnto you on the behalfe of vs and our sayd Vncle the Lord Protectour.

Edward Somerset.

This letter of the king and of the Lorde Protectour was not so secretely deuised, nor so speedely sent, but the Lordes keeping at London, had knowledge immediately thereof (by the meanes as some suppose, of the the Lord Paget, who was then with the King and the Protector, but the truth þe Lord knoweth) being there ready furnished with their own bands of seruing men and other souldiours, and men of armes. Who forthwith vpon the same addressed their letters in semblable wyse to the sayde Lorde Maior and Aldermen, in the kinges name, not onely for supportation of armed men to serue their purposes, and for a sufficient watch to fortifie their Citie, but also that they shoulde not obey any such letters, proclamations, or Iniunctions sent to them from the Duke. Which letter of the Lordes at the same instance came likewise to the Lord Maior and his brethren, the. vj. day of the said moneth of October. The tenour and copy of which letter here ensueth.

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¶ To our very good Lord the Lord Maior, Aldermen, and Citizens of London.

MarginaliaThe letter of the Lords sent to the Lorde Maior and Counsell of Londō, against the Lord Protectour.AFter our ryght hartye  

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This letter has not survived.

commendations vnto your good Lordship: knowing your hartye fauour and earnest zeales to the preseruation of the person of the kinges Maiestie and of this realme, and other his maiesties Realmes and dominions, we haue thought good to aduertise you, that notwithstanding all the good aduise and counsell that we could geue to the Duke of Somerset to stay hymselfe within reasonable limites, and to vse his gouernment now in the tender age of his maiestie in such sort as might tend to hys highnes suretye, to the conseruation of his estate, and to his own honour: the sayd Duke neuertheles still continuing in his pride, couetousnes, and ambition, ceaseth not dayly by all the wayes and meanes hee can deuise, to enrich him selfe without measure, and to impouerish hys Maiestye. MarginaliaCrimes layd to the Lorde Protectour by the Lordes.He buildeth in foure or fyue places moste sumptuously, and leaueth the poore soldiours vnpayd of their wages, vnuictualled and in all thinges so unfurnished, as the losses lately sustayned to the greatest dishonour that euer came to the kyng & this Realme, do declare. He soweth dayly diuision betwene the Nobles and Gentlemē, and the Commons. He rewardeth and entertayneth a number of those that were Captaines of the Commons in these late Insurrections: and finally in such wyse subuerteth all lawes, Iustice, and good order (as it is euident) that putting hys trust in the Commons, and perceiuing that the Nobles and Gentlemen shoulde be an impediment to hym in hys deuilish purposes, he laboureth first to haue them destroyed, and thinketh after easely inough to atchieue hys desyre, which it appeareth plainly is to occupye the kinges Maiesties place: For hys doinges, whosoeuer lyst to beholde them, doe manifestly declare that he myndeth neuer to render account to his Maiesty of his proceedinges,

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MarginaliaInste iudicate filij hominum.These thyngs, with many moe to long to recite, cōsidered, we pondered with our selues that either we must trauell for some reformation, or we must in effect as it were consent with hym to the destruction of our soueraigne Lord and Countrey. Wherupon laying a part all respectes, and restyng onely vppon our dueties, we ioyned in Counsell and thought quietly to haue treated the matter with him. Who perceiuyng that we ioyned for the kyng & would haue such order as might bee for the suretie of his Maiesties person and the common wealth, streight put him selfe in force and resteth at playne point (as it appeareth) either to go through with his detestable purpose in sorte as hee hath done, or to trye it by the sword. Now for asmuch as we see presently that vnlesse there be a reformation, the person of the Kynges Maiestie is in most certeine daunger, & this Realme our natu-

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