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1602 [1602]

K. Edward. 6. A Dialogue. The Death of King Edward. Hys Epistles.

MarginaliaAn. 1553.Christi, reseruation of the Sacrament, with honour, with canapies, with sensyng, with knelyng, with worshyppyng and adoration, and with so much as any mā could deuise.  

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The traditions of reservation of the Sacrament, the use of incense, kneeling and adoration of the Host both during and outside Mass were ancient traditions of the Church long before the institution of the Feast of Corpus Christi and votive masses (masses which gave particular honor to an aspect of Catholic devotion through the collects, scripture readings and hymns used).

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For they thought they could not do to much to him after that the Byshop of Rome had alowed him for a God. But not fully, 200. yeare before that tyme, when this doctrine first began to budde, & yet notwithstādyng had not so preuailed but that a great number of learned and good men could know the Sacramēt to be a Sacrament, & not him selfe: MarginaliaCarolus Magnus.Charles the great, kyng of Fraunce, and Emperour of Rome demaunded of MarginaliaBertramus.a great learned mā whose name was Bertramus, what he thought by that straunge kynd of callyng down Christ from heauen, and turnyng a litle gobbet of bread into his naturall body. To whom Bertrame made aūswere in this wise: Dicimus quòd multa differentia separantur corpus in quo passus est Christus & sanguis quem in cruce pendens fudit, & hoc corpus quod in mysterio passionis Christi quotidie à fidelib9 celebratur. Etenim hoc corpus pignus & species est, illud autē ipsa veritas. Apparet ergo quod tā multa differētia separētur, quantum est inter pignus & eam rem pro qua pignus traditur, & quantum inter imaginem & rem eam cuius imago est, & quantum inter speciem & veritatē. This vve say, that there is a great difference and separatiō betvvixt the body in the vvhich Christ suffered and the bloud vvhich he sheed vppon the Crosse, and this body vvhich euery day is celebrated in the mystery of the Passion of Christ. For this body is a pledge and a similitude, but the other is the very truth it selfe. Ergo, it appeareth that these tvvo are separated a sunder by no lesse difference thē is betvven a pledge and the thyng vvherof the pledge is geuen, or then is betvvene an Image of a thyng and the thyng it selfe vvherof the Image is, or thē is betvvene the forme of a thyng and the veritie it selfe. MarginaliaBertramus. Ioan. Scotus. Druthmarus.This wrote Betramus, Druthmarus & many other, & yet were neuer in all their tyme once reproued of heresie. This wrote Ioannes Scotus also, in whose lyfe tyme men had not eyes to espy his heresies. MarginaliaBertramus condemned for an hereticke 200. yeares after hys death.But about. 200. yeare after his death, he was iudged and condemned for an hereticke, & his bokes burned in a Coūcel holdē at Vercellæ in Lombardy in þe yeare of our Lord God. 1015. Since which tyme euen vntill this day although Idolatry had great increase, yet there neuer wanted some good men which boldly would professe and set foorth the truth, although they were well assured that their worldly reward should be spyte, malice, imprisonyng, sword, fyre and all kyndes of tormentes. Thus so shortly and in so fewe wordes as I could, I haue declared to you what Christ meante by these wordes: This is my body, what the Apostles thought therin, and in what sort they deliuered them to their successours, in what sense and meanyng the holy fathers and olde writers, and the vniuersall and Catholicke Church  
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Protestants attempted to claim the title of 'Universal' or 'Catholic', but Roman Catholics would respond that Protestant teachings could not be found in much of Christendom, and that they virulently disagreed amongst themselves about such fundamental doctrines as Christ's presence in the Eucharist.

hath euermore taken them.

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¶ The ende and deceasse of king Edward the sixt.

MarginaliaThe deceasse of Kyng Edward. 6.
An. 1553.
THus hauing discoursed thynges done and past vnder the raigne of kyng Edward, such as semed not vnfruitfull to be knowen, we wyl now draw to the end and death of thys blessed kyng, our yong Iosais. Who about a yeare and a halfe after the death of the Duke of Somerset hys Vncle, in the yere of our Lord. 1553. entring into the. xvij. yeare of hys age, & the. vij. yeare of hys reigne in the moneth of Iune, was taken from vs, for our synnes no doubt. Whom if it had so pleased the good wyll of the Lord to haue spared with longer lyfe, not vnlyke it was by all coniectures probably to be esteemed by those hys toward & blessed begynnings, but proceedyng so as hee began he would haue reformed such a cōmon wealth here in þe realme of Englād, as by good cause it might haue ben said of him, that was sayd in the old tyme of the noble Emperour Augustus in reformyng and aduaunsing the Empyre of Rome: quam quum ille lateritiam (vt aiebat) accepit, marmoream reliquit.  

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Death of Edward VI

Suetonius, De vita Caesarum, 2.28.

MarginaliaEx Suetonio.Whych Empyre he receyued (he sayd) of brickle slate, but he left it of fyne marble. But the condition of this realme and the customable behauiour of English people (whose propertie is cōmonly to abuse the lyght of the Gospell when it is offered) deserued no such benefyte of so blessed a reformation, but rather a contrary plague of deformation, such as happened after hys raygne, as ye shall heare (the Lord graunting) in the next Queenes dayes that followed.

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Thus then thys godly & vertuous Impe  

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I.e., 'scion' or royal heir.

, in the time & moneth aboue mentioned was cut from vs, of whose worthye lyfe and vertues haue bene partly afore declared. Neuertheles, to haue some monumēt of him remayning to testifie of the good nature and gentle disposition of that Prince, we wyll adde here for a remembraunce, this litle Epistle of hys own hand writyng to þe Archb. of Canterbury his Godfather as foloweth.

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¶ An Epistle of yong Prince Edward to the Archb. of Canterbury hys Godfather.

MarginaliaPrince Edward when he wrote thys Epistle semeth to be very yonge, not aboue vij. yeares of age, lying then at Antile.IMpertio te plurima salute colendissime Præsul, & charissime Susceptor. Quia abes longè a me, vellem libenter audire te esse incolumem. Precor autem vt viuas diu, & promoueas verbum Dei. Vale. Antilæ decimo octauo Iunij.

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Tum in Christo filius ED-VVARDVS Princeps.  

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Cattley/Pratt, VI, 350, fn 2: 'Prince Edward, when he wrote this epistle, seemed to be very young, not above seven years of age, lying then at Ampthill'.

¶ An other Epistle of the yong Prince Edward, to the Archbishop hys Godfather.

MarginaliaAn other Epistle of Prince Edward to hys godfather.ET si puer sum colendißime Susceptor, nō tamē immemorsum vel officij ergate mei, vel humanitatis tuæ quam indies mihi exhibere studes. Non exciderunt mihi humanissima tuæ littere pridie diui Petri ad me datæ. Quibus ante hac respondere nolui, non quòd illas neglexerim, aut non meminerim, sed vt illarum diuturna mediatione fruerer, fideliq̀ memoria reponerem, atq̀ demum bene ruminatis pro mea virilire responderē. Proinde affectum erga me tuum verè paternum, quam in illis expressisti, amplector & veneror, optoq; vt multos viuas annos, tuoq̀ pio ac salubri consilio pergas esse mihi venerandus pater. Nam pietatem ante omnia mihi amplectendam & exosculandam esse duco, quoniam diuus Paulus dicti: Pietas ad omnia vtilis est.  

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1 Tim. 4:8.

Marginalia1. Tit. 4  
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I.e., 1 Tim. 4.

Optime valeat tua paternitas in plurimos annos. Hartefordiæ tertio decimo Ianuarij.

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Tui studiosissimus EDOVAR-
DVS Princeps.

¶ The aunswere of the Archbishop to Prince Edvvardes Epistle.

MarginaliaAlludit ad verba Terentij in Concordia.
The aunswere of Thomas Cranmer Archbyshop of Cant. to the Epistle of Prince Edward.
NOn magis poterit ipsa me seruare salus (fili in Christo charissime) quā salus tua  

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An allusion to Terence's Adelphi 4.7, 44.

. Mea vita non dicenda est vita absq; tua et salute & valitudine. Quapropter cum te incollumem ac saluum intelligo, vitam etiam mihi integram esse & incolumem sentio. Neq; certè absentia mea tam est iniocunda tibi quàm sunt lirteræ tuæ periocundæ mihi. Quæ arguunt tibi iuxta adesse & ingenium dignum tanto principe, & præceptorem dignum tanto ingenio. Ex quibus tuis litteris te sic litteras video colere, vt interim doctrinæ celesus tua nequaqum minima sit cura: quæ cuicunq; sit curæ, non potest illum quæuis cura frangere. Perge igitur qua via incœpisti Princeps illustrissime, & Spartam quam nactus es hanc orna, vt quam ego per litteras video in te virtutis lucem, eadem olim illuminet vniuersam tuam Angliam. Non scriba prolixius, tum quidem vt me intelligas bteuitate nonnihil affici, tum etiam quod credam te ætate quidem adhuc paruulum paruo gaudere, et similem simili: tum etiam præterea no impolita mea oratio in causa sit, quò generosa illa tua indoles barbariæ vitium contrahat.

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¶ The report of the Princes Scholemaister in commendation of hys towardnes to the Archb.

MarginaliaThys letter seemeth to be written by D. Coxe  

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Richard Cox must have discharged a supervisory role in the education of the prince as Edward grew older, because this eminent humanistic scholar received appointment first as dean of Christ Church (1546) and then as chancellor of the University of Oxford (1548). Loach, Edward VI, pp. 11-12.

.RIght honorable and my syngular good Lorde, after my most harty commendations: the oportunitye of this messenger forceth me to write at this time, hauing littell matter but onely to signify vnto your grace, that my Lordes Grace your Godson is mery and in health, and of such towardnes in learning, godlynes, gentlenes and all honest qualities, that both you and I and al this realme ought to thinke him & take him for a singular gift sent of God, an Impe worthy of such a father: for whom we are bound sine intermissione  
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'without intermission'.

to render to God most harty thankes, with most humble request of his long and prosperous continuance. He hath learned almost foure bookes of Cato to construe, to parse, and to say without booke  
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Cox refers King Edward's mastery of moralistic verses in the four books of Disticha Catonis. It was a set text for younger schoolboys, who then continued their study of Latin with Cato's De officiis and De copia, in addition to Erasmus's edition of Cato's works.

. And of his own courage now in the latter booke he wyll needes haue at one time. xiiij. verses whych hee

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