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1604 [1604]

K. Edward. 6. Talke betwene Lady Mary and Byshop Ridley.

MarginaliaAn. 1553.After dyner was done, the Bishop being called for by the sayd Lady Mary, resorted againe to her Grace, betwene whom this communication was, first the Bishop beginning in maner as foloweth.

MarginaliaBish. Ridley offereth to preach before the Lady Mary.Bish. Madame, I came not onely to do my duty to see your Grace, but also to offer my selfe to preach before you on Sonday next, if it wyll please you to heare me. At this her countenance chaunged, and after silence for a space, she aunswered thus.

Mary. My Lord, as for this last matter, I pray you make the aunswer to it your selfe.

Bish. Madame, cōsidering myne office & calling, I am bound of dutye to make to your Grace this offer, to preach before you.

Mary. Well, I pray you make the aunswere (as I haue sayd) to this matter your selfe: for you knowe the aunswere well inough. But if there be no remedy but I must make you aunswer, this shall be your aunswere: MarginaliaLady Mary refuseth to heare Byshop Ridley to preach before her.The doore of the parish church adioyning shalbe open for you if you come, and ye may preach if you list, but neither I, nor none of myne shall heare you.

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Bish. Madame, I trust you wil not refuse Gods word.

Mar. I can not tell what ye call Gods word. That is not Gods word now, that was Gods word in my Fathers dayes.

Bish. Gods word is all one in all times, but hath bene better vnderstanded and practised in some ages, then in other.

Mar. You durst not for your eares haue aduouched that for Gods worde in my Fathers dayes, that nowyou doo. And as for your new bookes, I thanke God I neuer read none of thē: neuer did, nor neuer will do.

And after many bitter wordes against the forme of Religion then established, and against the gouernment of the Realme, and the lawes made in the yong yeares of her brother, which she sayd she was not bound to obey tyll her brother came to perfite age,  

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Foxe is (deliberately?) misunderstanding Mary's point. Her statement was not made in the expectation of Edward VI's premature death. She was instead maintaining - as she and her ministers would do throughout her reign - that being a minor, Edward VI could not be Supreme Head of the Church, and his religious legislation lacked legal force until he came of age - which he never did.

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and then affirmed she woulde obey them:MarginaliaIt is lyke she was perswaded by witches and blinde prophecies that King Edward should not liue so longe. She asked the Bishop whether he were one of the Counsell: He aunswered No. You might well inough (sayd she) as the Counsell goeth nowe adayes. And so shee concluded with these wordes: My Lord, for your gentlenes to come and see me, I thanke you: but for your offering to preach before me, I thanke you neuer a whit.

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Then the sayd Bishop was brought by Syr Thomas Wharton to the place where he dyned, and desyred to drinke. And after he had dronke, he paused a little whyle, looking very sadly, and sondainly brake out into these wordes: Surely I haue done amysse. Why so, quoth Syr Thomas Wharton? MarginaliaByshop Ridley repenteth to haue drōke there where gods word was refused.For I haue dronke (sayth he) in that place where Gods word offered hath bene refused: whereas if I had remembred my duty, I ought to haue departed immediately, and to haue shaked of the dust of my shooes for a testimonie agaynst this house.  

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The symbolism of Ridley's action is based on Luke 10: 10-11. Ridley is saying that Mary has rejected God's Word and those conveying it.

These wordes were by the sayd Bishop spoken with such a vehemencie, that some of the hearers afterward confessed their heare to haue stand vpright on theyr heades. This done, the sayd Bishop departed, and so returned to hys house. Testified by a certayne reuerend personage yet aliue, being then the Byshops Chapleine.

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¶ And thus making an end of this ninth booke, touching the story & reigne of Kyng Edward, and hauing also somwhat sayd before of the nature & disposition of the Lady Mary, wherby the way may be prepared the better to the troubles of the next booke following: we intend (the grace of God assisting vs therein) now further to procede in describing the actes and procedings of the foresayd lady Mary, cōming now to be Quene, and aduaunced next after this godly King Edward, to the crowne of thys Realme of England.

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The end of the ninth Booke.