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K. Henry. 8. Persecution in the dioces of Lincolne.

that they ought not to worship moe Gods then one. &c.

MarginaliaWickleffes Wicket.And as touchyng the Sacramēt and the right doctrine therof, they had their instructiō partly out of Wickleffes Wicket, MarginaliaThe Sheppardes Calender.partly out of the Shepardes Calendare: where they read: That the Sacrament was made in remembraunce of Christ, and ought to bee receaued in remembraunce of his body. &c. MarginaliaEx Regist. Io. Longland. fol. 102.Moreouer they alleged and folowed the wordes of Christ spoken at the supper, at what tyme hee sittyng with his disciples, and makyng with them his maundy, tooke bread, and blessed, and brake, and gaue to his disciples: And said, eate ye: this (reaching forth his arme, and shewyng the bread in his hand, and then notyng his owne naturall bodye, and touchyng the same, and not the bread consecrate) is my body, whiche shalbe betrayed for you: do this in remembraunce of me: And likewise tooke the wyne, and bad them drinke, saying: this is my bloud, whiche is of the new Testament. &c.

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MarginaliaFol. 45.Item, that Christ our Sauiour sitteth on the right hand of the father, and there shalbe vnto the day of dome: Wherfore they beleued, that in the Sacrament of the aultar was not the very body of Christ.

MarginaliaFol. 32.Item (sayd one of thē) men speake much of the Sacrament of the altare, but this will I byde by, that vpon sharethursday,  

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I.e., Maundy Thursday.

Christ brake bread vnto his disciples, and bad them eate of it, saying, it was his flesh & bloud. And then he went frō them, and suffered paßion: and then hee rose from death to life, and ascended into heauen, and there sitteth on the right hand of the father, and there he is to come, vnto the day of dome, when he shall iudge both quicke and dead. And therefore howe hee should be here in the forme of bread, he sayd, they could not see.

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Such reasons and allegations as these, & other like, taken out of the Scripture, and out of the Shepardes Kalendar, Wickleffes Wicket, and out of other bookes, they had amōgest them. And although there was no learned man with them, to ground them in their doctrine, yet they conferring and communing together among them selues, did conuert one an other, the Lordes hand working with them maruelously: MarginaliaThe byshop complayneth to the kyng.So that in short space, the number of these Knowen or Iust fast men (as they were then termed) dyd excedinglye increase, in such sorte, that the byshop seing the matter almost paste hys power,  

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Notice how Foxe manages to subtly suggest how extensive Lollardy was, all of which is designed to show that there was a True Church before Luther.

was driuen to make hys complaint to the kyng, and required hys ayde for suppression of these men. Wherupon kyng Henry, being then younge, and vnexperte in the bloudye practises and blynde leadinges of these apostolicall prelates, incensed with hys suggestions and cruell complaintes, directed downe letters to hys Shriffes, Bayliffes, officers, and subiectes, for the ayde of the bishop in this behalfe: the tenor of which letters here insueth.  
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This document has not survived and it was probably copied into the lost courtbook of Bishop Longland.

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¶ The copie of the kinges letter for the ayde of Iohn Longland byshop of Lincolne, agaynst the seruauntes of Christ, falsely then called heretiques.

MarginaliaThe copye of þe kinges letter.HEnry the viij. by the Grace of God, kyng of England and of Fraunce, Lorde of Ireland, defender of þe fayth: to all Maiors, Shiriffes, Bayliffes and Constables, and to all other our officers, ministers, and subiectes, these our letters hearing or seing, and to euery of them, greting. For asmuch as the right reuerēd father in God, our trusty ans right well beloued Counsaillour the Bishop of Lyncolne hath nowe within his dioces no small number of heretiques, as it is thought, to his no litle discomfort & heauinesse: We therefore beyng in will and mynde safely to prouide for the sayd right reuerend father in God and his officers, that they ne none of them, shall bodilye be hurt or dammaged by any of the sayde heretickes or their fautours, in the executyng and ministryng of Iustice vnto the sayd heretickes accordyngly to the lawes of holy Churche: doe straitlye charge and commaunde you and euery of you, as ye tender our high displeasure, to be aydyng, helpyng and assistyng the sayd righte reuerende father in God, and his sayd officers in the executyng of Iustice in the premisses, as they or any of them shall require you so to do, not fayling to accomplishe our commaundement and pleasure in þe premisses, as ye entend to please vs, and will aunswere to the contrary at you vttermost perils. Yeuen vnder our Signet at our Castle of Wyndesor the xx. day of October the xiij. yeare of our reigne.

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The Byshop thus beyng armed no lesse with the authoritie of the kynges letter, then incited with his owne fiercenes, forslacked no tyme, but eftsones to accomplishe his moodie violence vpon the poore flocke of Christ called before him, sitting vpon his tribunall seate, both these afore named persons, and all other in his dioces which were neuer so litle noted or suspected to incline towarde those opinions: of whom, to such as had but newlye bene taken, and had not before abiured, hee inioyned most straite and rigorous penaunce. MarginaliaThe cruell falsehode of Byshop Longland.The other in whom he could finde any relaps, yea albeit they submitted them selues neuer so humblie to his fauourable courtesie, and though also at his request, and for hope of pardon, they had shewed themselues great detecters of their brethren, beyng moreouer of him feed and flattered thereunto, yet notwithstanding, cōtrary to his fayre wordes, and their expectation, he spared not, but read sentence of relaps agaynst them, committyng them to the secular arme to bee burned.

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And first, as touchyng them, who being brought to abiuration, were put to their penaunce, long it were to recite þe names of all. Certaine, I thought to recite here in a Catologue, first recityng the persons, afterward the rigorous penaunce to them enioyned.

¶ The names of them whiche were abiured in the dioces of Lyncolne, the yeare of our Lord. 1521.  
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Notice how often the same individuals and families occur as in previous, similar lists.

VVilliam Colyns.
Iohn Colyns.
Ioon Colyns.
Robert Colyns.
Iohn Hackar.
Iohn Brabant, the father.
Iohn Brabant his sonne.
Iohn Brabant, the younger sonne.
Iohn Edmundes.
Edward Pope.
Henry Phyppe.
Iohn Steuenton.
Ioanne Steuenton.
Robert Bartlet.
Thomas Clerke.
Iohn Clerke.
Richard Bartlet.

VVilliam Phyppe.
Iohn Phpype.
Thomas Couper.
VVilliam Litlepage.
Iohn Litlepage.
Ioanne Litlepage.
Iohn Say.
Iohn Frier.
Richard Vulford.
Thomas Tredway.
VVilliam Gudgame.
Roger Heron.
Fraunces Funge.
Robert Pope.
Roger Dods.
Iohn Harrys.
Robert Bruges.

Iohn Stampe.
Ioane Stampe.
Richard VVhyte.
Bennet VVard.
Iohn Baker.
Agnes VVellys.
Marian Morden.
Isabell Morwyn.
Iohn Butler.
Iohn Butler the younger.
Robert Carder.
Richard Bernard.
Ioanne Bernard.
Iohn Grace.
Iohn Frenche.
Iohn Edynges.

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¶ The townes and villages and countreis, where these foresayd persons did inhabite, are named chiefly to be these.

MarginaliaThe names of the townes where they dwelled.

Missenden the great.
Missenden the lesse.



