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K. Henry. 8. The death of Zuinglius and Oecolampadius. An epistle of Zuinglius.

The Bernates, who were purposed the same tyme to achiue warre against the Vnterualdians bordering nere vnto them,when they heard of this discomfiture of the Tigurines, to comforte them agayne desired them to bee of good cheare and courage, promising that they would not fayle, but come and reuenge their quarell. Agayne, whē the Tigurines had assembled their power together, whiche was the eight day after the battell, and had receaued ayde from the Schaffusians, Mullusians, Sangalles, and from Basil, (the Bernates at this time were nothing hasty) out of the whole number they chose out certeine ensignes, MarginaliaAn other skyrmishe betwene the Tigurines and the fiue Pagemen, in Suitzerland.whiche settyng forth in the night, lay in the hill besides Mecinge, intendyng, when the Moone was vp, to take the towne of Tugie lying nere at hand, vpon the sodayne. Which whē their enemies had perceaued, which were encāped not farre frō thē, with all speede & most all secret maner came vpō thē beyng at rest, þe xxiiij. day of October, and to put them in more feare, made a wonderful clamorous outcrye: so it fell out in conclusion, that many on both parties were slayne. And albeit the fiuepage men had the vpperhand, yet would they of Zuricke nothyng relent in their religion. MarginaliaPeace concluded betwene the Protestātes and the Papistes, in Suitzerland.At the last through mediation, a peace was concluded, and thus the matter agreed, that the Tigurines, Bernates, and Basilians should forsake the league, whiche they had lately made with the Citie of Strausburgh, and the Lantgraue: likewise should the fiuepagemen geue ouer their league & compositiō made with Ferdinandus: and hereof obligations were made and sealed in the latter end of Nouember.

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MarginaliaThe death of Oecolampadius, an. 1531.Oecolampadius the preacher of the Citie of Strausburgh aboue recorded, hearyng of the death of Zuinglius his deare frend, tooke therat inward grief and sorow, in somuche that it is thought to haue increased hys disease, and so he also departed this life, the same yeare and moneth of Nouember aboue mentioned, beyng of þe age of 49. yeres, elber thē M. Luther by one yeare. MarginaliaThe Cōmentaries of Oecolampadius vpon the Prophets.Although this Oecolāpadius then dyed, yet his learned & famous Cōmentaries vpō þe Prophets, wt other worthy workes, which he left behind him, liue still, and shall neuer dye.

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MarginaliaThe death of Iohn Fridericke Duke of Saxonie.The next yeare folowyng, whiche was. an. 1532. in the moneth of August, died also the worthy & memorable prince Iohn Fridericke Duke of Saxonie, who for testimonie of Christ and of his Gospell, susteined such trials, so many bruntes, and so vehement cōflictes with the Emperour, and that especially at the Councell assembled at Auspurge, that vnles the almightie hand of the Lord had susteined hym, it had not bene possible for hym or any prince to haue endured so constant and vnremoueable, agaynst so many persuasiōs and assaultes, as he dyd to the end. After hym succeded Iohn Fridericke his sonne. &c.

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And thus haue ye the hystory of Zuinglius, and of the Churche of Suitzerland, with their procedynges & troubles, from the first begynnyng of their reformation of religion, set forth and described. Wherunto we will adde one certeine Epistle of the sayd Zuinglius, taken out of his other Epistles, and so therewith close vp his story. Whiche Epistle I thought here to recorde, especially for that in the same, amōg other matters, profitably is expoūded the true meanyng of the Apostle writyng to the Corinthians, concernyng how to iudge the Lordes body, to the entent that the simple therby may the better be informed. The wordes of his letter be these, as folow.

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¶ Huldrichus Zuinglius N. fratri in Domino.

GRatiam & pacem in Domino. Accipe igitur Charis. Frater. &c.In Englishe thus.

MarginaliaA letter of Vldricus Zuinglius.Vnto your questions propounded to me in your former letters (welbeloued brother) I haue sente you here myne aunswere. Firste I am also in the same minde with you, that the Lordes Supper is a very thākes geuyng: for so the Apostle hym selfe meaneth, saying: ye shall shewe forth the Lordes death. Marginalia2. Cor. 10.Where the worde of shewyng forth signifieth as much as praysing, or thankes geuyng. Wherfore seyng it is an Eucharist, or a thankesgeuyng, in my iudgement no other thyng ought to be obtruded to mens consciences, but onely with due reuerence to geue thankes. Neuertheles yet this is not to be neglected, that euery man do proue and examine him selfe, for so we ought to search and aske our owne consciences, what faith we haue in Christ Iesus, whiche if it be sound and syncere, we may approche without stay, to this thākes geuing. For he that hath no faith, and yet faineth or pretendeth to haue, eateth his owne iudgement: for he lyeth to the holy Ghost. And where as you suppose, þt Paule in this place doth not reproue thē, which sitte at þe table eatyng of meates offered to Idols, I dissent frō you therin. For Paule a litle before, writeth vehemently agaynst those arrogant persōs, whiche braggyng vpon their knowledge, thought they might lawfully eate of such meates offered to Idols, sittyng and eatyng at the Lordes table: you can not (sayth he) be partakers both of the Lordes table, and the table of deuills. &c. Wherfore S. Paules meanyng is, that euery one shoulde trye and examine him selfe what fayth he hath. MarginaliaThe place of S. Paul of iudging the Lordes body, expounded.Wherupon it foloweth, that he whiche hath a right fayth, must haue no part nor felowshyp with those thynges, whiche bee geuen to Idols, for hee is nowe a member of an other body, that is, of Christ: so that he cā not ioyne hym self now to be one body with Idolaters. And therfore those bee they, which do not iudge or discerne the Lordes bodye, MarginaliaWho be they that iudge not the Lordes body.that make no difference betwene the Churche of Christ, and the Churche of Idolaters. For they whiche sitte at the Lordes table eating of Idolemeates, do make no difference at all, betwene the Lordes Supper and the Supper of the deuill, whiche be they whom Paule sayth, not to iudge the bodye of the Lorde, that is, whiche make no discrepance nor geue any more regard to Christes Churche, then to the Churche of deuils. Whereas if we would iudge our selues, that is, if we would thorouly searche and examine our owne consciences, as we should, in cōming to the table of the Lord, we findyng any faith in vs, would neuer go to the table, or make therof the feast of deuils. Wherfore your iudgement herein is not amysse in expoundyng the worde of iudgyng in S. Paul, to signifie as much as consideryng, perpendyng, and inquiring.

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MarginaliaIesus toke bread.To your second question, I aunswere: That Iesus tooke bread, and brake. &c. Also, he tooke the cup. &c. Ista verba sunt peculiariter agentis, non hospitaliter inuitantis, that is: these wordes declare the Action of one whiche properly doth a thyng, and not the hospitalitie of one whiche inuiteth an other to eate. Touchyng your third question out of the vi. chap. of Iohn: Doth thys offend you? herein I do full agree with you.

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MarginaliaThe word Easter.As for this worde Ostren, whiche is your fourth questiō, I vnderstand therby, the time of the great feast or solemnitie, whiche we kepe in remembraunce of the great diliueraunce of Gods people, from the thraldome now of Satā, before from the thraldome of Pharao. Neither is it greatly materiall with what worde we expresse the thyng, so the thyng it selfe be one & the analogie and consonancie of the Scripture bee kept: For the Scripture calleth Christ both the lambe, & S. Paul calleth hym our Easter or Passeouer. Nowe your worde Wanderfest well pleaseth me, for the Passeouer, or Pæsah.

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MarginaliaThe descending of Christ into hell, expounded.To your fifte interrogation, of Christ descendyng into hell, I suppose this particle was inserted into the Crede, by the sentence of the fathers, to declare howe the fathers were redemed by the death of Christ, whiche dyed in the fayth. For Christ lead away captiuitie wherwith they were holden, with him vp into heauen: so that his goyng downe into hell, MarginaliaCircumscriptiue.
Vt mors illius cos qui erant apud inferos redimeret.
non sic intelligatur, quasi circumscriptiue, sed potentionaliter, that is, be not so vnderstanded, as circumscriptiuely, which is, when a thyng is present by circumscription of any one place: but by power, whiche is, by the operation of his spirite, which is not comprehended in any certeintye of place, but without prescription of certeine place, is diffused euery where: so that the Article of Christes descendyng into hell, importeth as much, as that his death redemed them, whiche were in hell. Whereunto S. Peter also semeth to haue respecte, where he sayth: Marginalia* 1. Pet. 3.* The Gospell also was preached to them which were dead: that is, that they also did feele the good tydynges of the Gospell, theyr redemption by the sonne of God: and that they whiche rose agayne with Christ in spirite, bee nowe with hym in heauen, who neuerthelesse in fleshe shalbe iudged, what tyme the sonne of God and of mā shall come to iudge both the quicke and dead. Returne to the places of Peter, the one is in hys first Epistle: the other is in the latter, and so be you contented with this present aunswere rashed vp in haste. Fare ye hartely well. And comforte my William, the good aged father, by the grace of God whiche is in you. Commende me to Iohn Eggenberge. From Zuricke the first day of September. an. 1527.

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