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K. Henry. 8. Persecution in Germanie. Henry Sutphen, Martyr.

MarginaliaThe names of the cōspirators and persecutours.Hennicke Lundane, Iohn Holneus, Laurence Hannemanus, Nicolas Weslingbourgus, Ambrose and Iohn Brenthusius, Marquardus Kremmerus, Henstedanus Ludekus, Iohannes Weslingus, & Petrus Grossus, President of Himmigstate. All these Presidents & all other, that were of Coūcel to this pretense, assembled together in the parishe of the new Churche, in the house of Maister Gunter, where also the Chauncelour was consultyng with them, how they might burne the sayd Henry, secretly commyng vpon him without any iudgement or sentence. They concluded the next day after the Conception of our Lady, to mete at Hennyng, whiche is v. mile from Meldorphe, with a great band of husbādmen. This determination thus made, they layd skoutes in euery place, that there should no newes of their pretensed mischieues come vnto Meldorphe, commaundyng that as soone as it began to waxe darke, they should all gather together. There assembled aboue v. C. men of þe countrey, vnto whom was declared þe cause of theyr assemble, and also they were instructed what was to bee done: for before, no man knew the cause of the assemble but onely the Presidentes. Whē the husbandmen vnderstode it, they would haue returned backe agayne, refusing to do such a detestable and horrible deede. MarginaliaA dronckē murther.The Presidentes with most bitter threates, kept them in obedience, and to the intent they should be þe more couragious, they gaue them iij. barrels of Hamborow beare to drincke.

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About midnight they came in armour to Meldorph. The Iacobines and Monkes, prepared torches for them, that Henry should not slip away sodēly in þe darke. MarginaliaHennegus the betrayer of the preacher.They had also with them a false betrayer named Hennegus, by whose treason they had perfect knowledge of all thyngs. With great violēce they burst into the house of þe parishe Priest, breakyng and spoylyng all thinges as the maner of that dronken people is: If they found either gold or siluer, they tooke it away. MarginaliaThe Parishe priest violently takē in his house by nyght.Whē they had spoyled all things, they violently fell vpon the parish Priest, and with great noyse cried out, kill the thief, kill the thief. Some of them tooke him by the heare of the head, and pulled him out into the durt, forcyng him to go with them as prisoner: other some cried out, saying that the parish Priest was not to be medled with all, for they had no commission to take him. MarginaliaHen. Sutphen taken and caryed away of the murtherers.After they had satisfied their lust vppon the parishe priest, with great rage and fury they ranne vpon Henry, and drawing him naked out of his bead, bound his hādes hard behind him: whom being so bound, they drue to and fro so long, that Peter Hānus, which otherwise was vnmercyful and a cruell persecuter of the word of God, willed them that they should let him alone, for that without doubt, he would folow of his own minde. Then they cōmitted the guidyng of him to Iohn Balco, who rather drue him by violence, then led him. MarginaliaHenry brought to Hemyngstede.Whē he was brought to Hemingsted, they asked of hym how and for what intent he came to Diethmar. Vnto whom he gently declared the whole cause of his coming: but they al in a rage cried out, away with him, away with him: for if we here him talke any longer, it is to be feared that he will make vs also heretickes. Then hee, beyng marueilous weary & faīt, required to be set a horsebacke, for his feete were all cut and hurt with the Ise, because he was led all the night barefoote. MarginaliaThe cruell handling of Gods Martyr.When they heard him say so, they mocked and laughed at him, saying: must we hyre a horse for an heretike? He shall go a foote whether he will or no. Because it was night, they caried him naked vnto Heyda. Afterward they brought hym to a certeine mans house named Calden, and bound him there with chaynes in þe stockes. The maister of the house, seing þe cruell dede, taking cōpassion vpō Henry, would not suffer it to be done. Wherfore he was caried away to a Priests house, the Officials seruaunt of Hamburge, and shut vp in a cupbord, and was kept by the rude people, which all the night mocked & skorned him. Amongest all other, there came vnto him, Simon in Altenuord, and Christian, parish Priest of the new Churche, both a like ignoraunt and wicked persecutors of the worde of God, demaundyng of hym why hee had forsakē his holy habite. Vnto whom he frendly aunswered by the Scriptures, but those ignoraunt persons vnderstode nothyng what he sayd. Maister Gunterus also came vnto him, enquiryng whether hee had rather to be sent to the Byshop of Breame, or receiue his punishement in Diethmar. Vnto whom Henry aūswered: if I haue preached any thyng contrary to Gods woorde, or done any wicked acte, it is in their handes to punishe me therfore. Gunterus aūswered: harke I pray you frēdes, harke, he desireth to suffer in Diethmar. The common people all the night continued drinkyng and swillyng. MarginaliaA droncken consultation.In the morning aboute viij. of the clocke, they gathered together in the market place to consult, what they should do. There the rusticall people boilyng with drincke, cryed out, burne him, burne him, MarginaliaCrucifige. the fire with the hereticke. Without doubt if we do it, we shall this day obtayne great glory and prayse both of God and man, for the longer hee liueth, the more hee will seduce with his heresy. What nede many wordes? Sure he was to die, for they had condemned this good Henry without any iudgement (his cause not beyng hard) to be burned. At last they commaunded the crier to proclaime that euery man that was at the takyng of hym, should be ready in armour to bryng him forth to the fire. MarginaliaThe bloudye broode of friers, helpe forward.Amongest all other, the Frier Franciscanes were present, encouragyng þe dronken rude people, saying: nowe ye go the right waye to worke. MarginaliaHēry brought forth to the fire.Then they bound the sayd Henry, handes, feete, and necke, and with great noyse, brought him forth to the fire. As he passed by, a certain woman standyng in her doore, beholding that pityfull sight, wept aboūdantly. Vnto whom Henry turnyng him selfe, sayd: I pray you weepe not for me. Whē hee came vnto the fire, for very weakenes he satte down vpon þe ground. By and by, there was present one of the Presidentes named Maye, whiche was euidently knowen to be corrupted & hired with money to this purpose: hee condempned the sayd Henry to bee burned, pronouncyng this sentence vpon him:

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MarginaliaA false sentence of a corrupt iudge.For somuch as this thief, hath wickedly preached agaynst the worship of our blessed Lady, by the cōmaundement and sufferaunce of our reuerēt father in Christ, the Byshop of Breame, and my Lord, I condemne hym here to be burned and consumed with fire. Vnto whom Henry aunswered, I haue done no such thyng: and liftyng vp hys eyes towardes the heauen, he sayd: O Lord forgeue them, for they offende ignorantly, not knowyng what they do. Thy name, O almighty God, is holy.

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MarginaliaThe tender compassion of a godly womā.In the meane time, a certeine woman, the wife of one Iunger, sister of Peter Hannus, offered her selfe to suffer a thousād stripes, and to geue them much money, so that they would pacifie the matter and kepe him in prison, vntill that he might pleade his matter before the whole conuocation of the countrey. Whē they heard these wordes, they waxed more madder, and threw the woman downe vnder feete, and trode vpon her, and beat the sayd Henry vnmercifully. MarginaliaThe tyrannye and fury of people agaynst thys blessed Martyr.One of the rusticall sort, strake him behynd on the head, with a sharpe dapper. Iohn Holmes of the new Church, strake hym with a mace. Other some thrust him in the backe, & in the armes. And this was not done once or twise, but as often as he began to speake. Maister Gunterus cried out encouragyng them, saying: Go to boldly, good felowes, truly God is with vs present.

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After this, he brought a Franciscane Frier vnto Henry that he should be confessed. MarginaliaWhere the offence is not done to man, confession to man there nedeth not.Whom Henry demaūded in this maner: Brother, when haue I done you iniury either by worde or deede? Or when did I euer prouoke you vnto anger? Neuer, sayd the Frier. What should I then confesse vnto you sayd he, that you thinke ye might forgeue me? The Frier beyng moued at these wordes, departed. MarginaliaThe fire would not kindle.The fire as often as it was kindled, would not burne. Notwithstandyng, they satisfied their mindes vppon him, striking and prickyng him withall kynd of weapons. The sayd Henry stādyng in the meane tyme, in his shirt before all this rude people, at þe last they hauyng gotten a great ladder, boūd him hard therunto, and cast him into the fire: and when hee began to pray and to repeate

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