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1049 [1049]

K. Henry. 8. Henry Stuphen, John Clerke, John Castellane, with diuers other, Martyrs

his Crede, MarginaliaThe Martyrdome of Henry strake him vpon the face with his fist, saying : thou shalt first be burnt, and afterward pray & prate asmuch as thou wilt. Then an other treading vppon hys breast, boūd his necke hard to a steppe of the ladder, that the bloud gushed out at his mouth and nose. This was done to strangle him withall, for they saw, that for all his sore woundes, he would not dye.

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After he was bound to the ladder, he was set vpright. Then one rūnyng vnto him, set his Halbard for þe ladder to leane against (for those countrey men vse no common hangman, but euery mā exerciseth þe office without difference) but the ladder slippyng away from the point of the Halbard, caused that the Halbard strake him through the body. Then they cast this good man with ladder & all, vppon the woode, which tombling down light vpon the one side. Then Iohn Holmeus ranne vnto him & strake hym with a mace vpon the brest, till that he was dead and stirred no more. Afterward they rosted hym vpon the coles, for the woode as often as it was set on fire, woulde not burne out. And thus this godly preacher finished his Martyrdome, which was. an. 1524. MarginaliaEx epist. Mart. Luth.Ex Epist. Mart. Luth.

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MarginaliaDiuers Martyrs secretly drowned in riuers.About the same tyme many other godly persons, and such as feared God, for the testimony of the gospell were throwen into the ryuer of Rhene, and into other ryuers where their bodies afterward were found and taken vp.

MarginaliaIohn of Diethmar, Martyr.Also in the sayd towne of Diethmar an other faithfull saint of God, named Iohn, suffered þe like Martyrdome. Thus these ij. blessed and constant Martyrs, as ij. shinyng lightes set vp of God, in testimony of his truth, offered vp the sacrifice of their confession, sealed with their bloud, in a swete odour vnto God.

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MarginaliaM. George of Hala preacher in Saxonie, Martyr.At the towne of Hala, likewise an other preacher named M. George, for ministring in both kindes, was Martyred and slayne of a lyke sorte of cut throates, set vp by Monkes and Friers to murder him, nere to the towne called Haschemburge. Ex Crisp. et Pantal.

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At Prage also in Bohemia, an other for chaūgyng his Monkery into Matrimonie, did suffer in lyke maner. Ex Lud. Rab.

MarginaliaThe towne of Miltenberge.Furthermore, in þe same yeare of our Lord aboue mēcioned. 1524. and 22. of October, the towne of Miltenberge in Germanie was taken and ransackt, and diuers of the inhabitauntes there, slayne & many imprisoned for mainteinyng and keping with them Carolostadius to be their preacher. Ex Raba. & Pantal.

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MarginaliaGaspar Tamber, George a Scriuener of Vienna, Martyrs.In the same Catalogue of holy Martyrs, likewise is to be placed Gaspar Tamber. Also an other called Georgius a Scriuener, which both were burned at Vienna, in Austria.

¶ The lamentable martyrdome of Iohn Clerke of Melden in Fraunce.

MarginaliaIohn Clerke of Melden, Martyr.MElden is a Citie in France x. miles distant frō Paris, where Iohn Clerke first was apprehended & taken, an. 1523. for settyng vp vpon þe Church doore, a certeine Bill agaynst the Popes pardons lately sent thether from Rome, in whiche Byll hee named the Pope to bee Antichrist. MarginaliaIohn Clerke scourged, for calling the pope Antichrist.For the whiche hys punishment was this, that iij. seuerall dayes he should be whipped, MarginaliaIohn Clerke marked in the forehead.and afterward haue a marke imprinted in hys forhead, as a note of infamie. His mother beyng a Christiā woman, although her husband was an aduersary, when she beheld her sonne thus pituously scourged, and ignominiously deformed in the face, constantly and boldly dyd encourage her sonne, crying with a loude voyce: blessed be Christ, and welcome be his printes and markes.

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After this execution & punishement susteined, the sayd Iohn departed that towne, and went to Roysey in Brye, & from thence remoued to Metz in Lotharinge, where he remained a certeine space, applying his vocation, being a Wollecarder by his occupation. Wher as he, þe day before that the people of that Citie should go out to the suburbes to worship certeine blind Idols nere by (after an old vse and custome amongest them receaued) beyng inflamed wt the zeale of God went out of the Citie to the place where the Images were, and brast them all downe in peeces. The next morow after, when the Canons, Priestes, and Monkes, kepyng their olde custome, had brought with them the people out of the Citie, to þe place of Idolatry, to worship as they were wont, they found al their blockes and stockes almighty, lye broken vppon the ground. At the sight wherof they beyng mightly offended in their mindes, set all the Citie on a gog to searche out the author therof. Who was not hard to be founde: for so much as this foresayd Clerke, besides that he was noted of them to be a man much addicted that way, he was also sene somewhat late in the euenyng before, to come from the same place into the Citie. MarginaliaIohn Clerke taken for casting downe Images.Wherfore he beyng suspected, and examined vpon the same, at first word confessed the fact, rendryng also the cause, which moued hym so to do. The people hearyng this, and beyng not yet acquaynted with that kind of doctrine, were moued meruelously agaynst hym, crying out vppon him in great rage. Thus his cause beyng informed to the Iudges, wherin he defēded the pure doctrine of the sonne of God, he was condemned, and led to the place of execution, where hee susteined extreme tormentes: MarginaliaThe greuous tormentes of Iohn Clerke.For first his hand was cut of from his right arme: then his nose with sharpe pynsons was violently pluckt from his face: after that both hys armes, and hys pappes were likewyse pluckt and drawen with the same instrumēt. To all them that stoode loking vpon, it was an horror to behold the greuous and doulfull sight of his paines: againe to behold his paciēce, or rather the grace of God geuyng him þe gift so to suffer, it was a wonder. MarginaliaThe constancie of this blessed Martyr.Thus quietly & constantly hee endured in his tormentes, pronouncing or, in a maner, singing the verses of the. 115. Psal. Simulachra eorum sunt argentum & aurum. &c. Their Jmages bee siluer and gold, the worke onely of mans hand. &c. The residue of his lyfe, that remained in his rent body, was committed to the fire and therwith consumed: which was about the yeare of our Lord. 1524. Ex Pantal. et Crips.

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¶ Iohn Castellane.

MarginaliaIohn Castellane, Doctor & Martyr.THe yeare next ensuyng, whiche was. 1525. maister Iohn Castellane, borne at Tourney, a doctour of Diuinitie, after that hee was called vnto the knowledge of God, and became a true preacher of his worde, and had preached in Fraunce in a place called Barleduc, also at Vittery in Partoise, at Chalon in Champaine, and in þe towne of Vike, whiche is the Chamber and Episcopall Seate of the bishop of Metz in Loraine, after he had layd some foūdation of the doctrine of the Gospell in þe towne of Metz, in returnyng from thence hee was taken prisoner by the Cardinall of Loraines seruauntes, MarginaliaDoct. Castellane caryed to the castle of whom he was caryed from Gorze to the Castell of Nommeny: MarginaliaThe zelous affection of the Citizen of Metz toward their preacher.wherupon the Citizens of Metz tooke no litle displeasure & greuance, who beyng greuously offended to haue their preacher so to be apprehended and inprisoned, within short space after tooke certaine of the Cardinals subiectes and kept thē prisoners so long, vntill the Abbot of S. Antonies in Viennois, called Theodore de Chaumont, Vicar generall, as well in causes spirituall, as temporall through the Iurisdiction both of the Cardinall, and Byshopricke of Metz, Tollouse, and Verdune, beyng furnished with a letter & commission from the Sea of Rome, came to þe said towne of Metz, & after diuers declarations made to the Prouost, & the other iustices & councellors of the Citie, hee so wrought & brought to passe, þt immediatlye the said subiectes of the Cardinal were set at libertye. MarginaliaWhosoeuer escape, the Christians are sure to suffer.But Iohn Castellane, was kept stil prisoner in the castle of Nommeny, and was most cruelly handled, from the tyme of the iiij. day of May, vntill the xij. day of Ianuary: duryng all whiche tyme he perseuered constant in the doctrine of the sonne of God. Wherupon he was caryed from Nommeny, to the towne & Castle of Vike, MarginaliaDoct. Castellane cōstant in his doctrine.alwaies perseueryng constantly in the profession of the same doctrine, so that they did procede vnto the sentence of his degradation, that he might be deliuered ouer vnto the secular power accordyng to the custome and maner. And for

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