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K. Henry. 8. Persecution in Germanie. John Castellane, Martyr.

somuch as the forme and maner of the sentence and processe of disgrading is notable, & hath bene reported vnto vs worde for word, we haue thought good here to annexe the same, to declare the horrible blasphemies ioined with grosse and brutish subtilty, in those highe misteries which the enemies of the truth do vse in their processe agaynst the children of God, wherby euery man, euen the most ignoraunt, may euidently perceyue the horrible blyndnes, that these vnshamefast Catholickes are blinded withall.

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¶ The sentence of the degradation.

MarginaliaThe sentence of his degradatiō
Ex actis episcopalibus.
COncerning the processe inquisitorie, formed and geuen in forme of accusation against thee Iohn Castellane, priest and Religious mā of the Fryer Eremites of the order of S. Austine: vnderstandyng likewise thy confeßion which thou hast made of thine owne good will, maintayning false and erronious doctrine: and marking also besides this, the godly admonitions, and charitable exhortations, which we made vnto thee in the towne of Metz, which thou, like vnto the serpent Aspis, haste refused, and geuen no eare vnto: also considering thine aunsweares made and reiterate vnto our interrogatories, by meanes of thine othe, in the which deuilishly thou haste hidden and kept backe, not onely the truth, but also following the example of Caine, hast denied to confesse thy sinnes and mischieuous offence: and finallye, hearing the great nūber of witnesses, sworne & examined against thee, their persons & despositions diligently considered, and all other thinges worthye of consideration, being iustlye examined: the reuerent maister Nicholas Sauin, doctor of diuinitie, and inquisitour of the fayth, aßistant vnto vs, hath entred processe ngainst thee, and geuen full information therof: this our purpose & intent being also cōmunicate vnto diuers Maisters & Doctors, both of the Ciuill and Canon lawes here present, which haue subscribed and signed hereunto, wherby it appeareth that thou Iohn Castellane, hast oftentimes and in diuers places, openly and manifestly spread abroad and taught many erronious propositions, full of the heresie of Luther, contrary and against the catholike fayth, and the veritie of the Gospell, and the holy Apostolike seate, and so accursedly loked backe, & turned thy face, that thou arte founde to bee a lyer before almightie God. It is ordayned by the sacred rules of the Canon lawe, that such as through the sharpe dartes of their venimous tongue, do peruert the Scriptures, and goe aboute with all their power to corrupt and infecte the soules of the faythfull, shoulde be punished and corrected with most sharpe correction, to the end that others should be afraide to attempte the like, and applye them selues the better to the studie of Christian concorde, through the examples set before their eyes, as well of seueritie, as of clemencie. For these causes and others rising vppon the sayd processe, by the Apostolike authoritie, and also the authoritie of our sayd reuerend Lord the Cardinall, which we do vse in this our sentence definitiue, which we sitting in our iudgement seate, declare in these writinges, hauing God onely before our eyes, and surely considering, that what measure we do meate vnto other, the same shall be measured to vs againe: MarginaliaTrue you say: for your measure is death definatiue, and therfore looke you for þe same measure agayne at Gods hād.We pronounce and declare sentenciallye and definitiuelye, thee Iohn Castellane, being here present before vs, and iudge thee because of thy desertes, to bee excommunicate with the most great excommunication, and therwithall to be culpable of treason against the diuine maiestie, and a mortall enemie of the Catholike fayth, and veritie of the Gospell: also to be a manifest hereticke, and a follower and partaker of the execrable Marginalia* If Luther be to be noted of crueltie, which teacheth al mē and killeth no man: what thē is to be noted in the pope, which killeth all Gods children, and teacheth none?* crueltie of Martyn Luther, a stirrer vp of olde heresies alreadie condemned, and therfore, as thou oughtest to be deposed and depriued of all priestly honour and dignitie, of all thy orders, of thy shauing, and Religious habite: also of thy Ecclesiasticall benefices, if thou haste any, and from all priueledge of the clergie: so we here presently do depose, depriue, & seperate thee as a rotten member, from the communion and companie of all faythfull, and being so depriued, we iudge that thou oughtest to bee actuallye disgraded: that done, we leaue thee vnto the secular powers, committing the degradation and actuall execution of thys our sentence, vnto the reuerent Lorde and byshop here present, with the authoritie and commaundement aforesayd.

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Thys sentence being thus ended, with their Catholike sermon also, the sayd byshop of Nicopolis sitting in hys pontificalibus, in þe iudgement seate, being Suffragan of Metz, wt the clergie, nobles & people about him, proceded to the disgrading (as they call it) of þe sayd maister Iohn Castellane. Thus the sayd maister Iohn Castellane being made readye to hys degradation by the officers of the sayd byshop, was appareled in hys priestly attyre, & afterward brought forth of the chappell, by the priestes which were therunto appoynted, with all hys priestly ornamentes vpon hym, and holdyng hys hands together, he kneled downe before the byshop. MarginaliaDoct. Castellane disgraded.Then the officers gaue him the Chalice in hys handes with wyne and water, the Patine and the Host: all which things the sayd Byshop, whiche disgraded hym, tooke from him saying: we take away from thee, or commaund to be taken from thee, all power to offer sacrifice vnto God, and to say Masse as well for the quicke, as the dead.

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MarginaliaPriestes annoynted fingers.Moreouer, þe Bishop scraped þe nayles of both his hādes with a peece of glasse, saying: by this scrapyng we take away from thee, all power to sacrifice, to consecrate, and to blesse, whiche thou hast receiued by the annoyntyng of thy handes. MarginaliaThe Chesille.Then he toke from him the Chesille, saying: by good right we do dispoyle thee of this priestly ornamēt, whiche signifieth charity: for certeinly thou hast forsaken the same & all innocencye. MarginaliaThe Stole.Then takyng away the Stole, hee sayd: thou hast vilenously reiected and despised the signe of our Lord, which is represented by this Stole: wherfore we take it away from thee, and make thee vnable to exercise and vse þe office of priesthode, and all other thynges appertainyng to priesthode. The degradation of the order of priesthode beyng thus ended, they proceded to þe order of Deacon. MarginaliaThe Gospell booke.Then the ministers gaue hym the booke of the Gospels, whiche the Byshop tooke away, saying: we take away from thee all power to read the Gospels in the Church of God, for it appertaineth onely to such as are worthy. MarginaliaThe Dalmatike.After this, he spoyled hym of the Dalmatike, whiche is the vesture that the deacons vse, saying: we depriue thee also of this Leuiticall order, for so much as thou hast not fulfilled thy ministery and office. MarginaliaThe Stole behynde hys backe.After this, the byshop tooke away the Stole from behynd hys backe, saying: we iustly take away from thee þe white Stole whiche thou haddest receiued vndefiledly, whiche also thou oughtest to haue borne in the presence of our Lord: and to the ende that the people dedicate vnto the name of Christ may take by thee example, we prohibite thee any more to exercise or vse the office of Deaconship. Then they proceded to the disgradyng of Subdeaconship, & MarginaliaThe Epistle booke.taking away from him the booke of þe Epistles, and his Subdeacons vesture, deposed him from readyng of the Epistles in the Churche of God: and so orderlye procedyng vnto all the other orders, MarginaliaBennet and Collet.disgraded hym from the order of Bennet and Collet, MarginaliaExorcist.from the order of Exorciste, MarginaliaLectorship.frō þe Lectorship, MarginaliaDorekeper.and last of all, frō the office of Dore keper, MarginaliaThe Church doore keyes.takyng from hym the keyes, and commaundyng him hereafter not to open or shut þe Reuestrye, MarginaliaRyngyng of Belles.nor to ring any more Belles in the Churche. That done, the Byshop went forward to disgrade him from his first shauing, MarginaliaThe Surplyce.and taking away his Surplice, sayd vnto him: by the authority of God almighty, the Father, the Sonne, and the holy Ghost, and by our authoritie, we take frō thee all clerkly habite, and despoile thee of all ornament of religion: Also we depose and disgrade thee of all order, benefite and priuiledge of the clergy, and as one vnworthy of that profession, we commit thee to the seruitude and ignominy of the secular estate. MarginaliaThe popes clergie accompteth the seculare state ignominious and seruile.Then the Byshop tooke the sheres, and began to clippe his head, saying in this maner: we cast thee out, as an vnthankefull childe, of the Lordes heritage, wherunto thou wast called: MarginaliaThe royall signe of priesthoode.and take awaye frō thy head, the crowne which is þe royall signe of priesthode, through thine owne wickednes and malice. The Byshop also added these woordes: that whiche thou hast song with thy mouth, thou hast not beleued with thy harte, nor accomplished in worke, MarginaliaSinging in the church.wherfore we take from thee the office of singyng in the Church of God.

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