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Commentary on the Woodcuts
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K. Henry. 8. A Table of Martyrs which suffered in Germanie.
A Table of the names and causes of such Martyrs, which gaue their lius for the testimonie of the Gospell in Germanie, Fraunce, Spaine, Italy, and other foreine countreys, since Luthers tyme: In which Table first is conteyned within the first space betwene the lines, the persecutours, next the Martyrs, and thyrdly the causes.
¶ The Martyrs of Germanie.

¶ Of diuers whiche suffered in Germanie for the witnes of the Gospell, partly some rehearsall is made before, as of Voes, and Esch, of Sutphen, Iohn Castellane, Pet. Spengler, with a certeine godly Minister, and an other symple man of the countrey mentioned in Oecolampadius: Also of them in Diethmar and Prage, of M. George of Hala, Gaspar Tambert, Georgius of Vienna, Wolfgangus Schuch, Iohn Huglius, George Carpenter, Leonard Keyser, Wendelmuta, P. Flistede, Adol. Clarebach. and other moe. The residue folow in order of this Table here to be shewed.

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Persecutors.Martyrs.The Causes.

MarginaliaNicholas of Antwerpe, Martyr.Charles
the Em-
Two ser-
of a But-
cher dyd

One Ni-
of Ant-
At Ant-
An. 1524.

The Curate of Melza by Ant-
werpe, had vsed to preache to a
great number of people without
the towne. The Emperour hea-
ryng thereof, gaue leaue to take
the vppermost garment of all thē
that came to heare, and offred
30. gilders who so would take
the priest. Afterward, when the
people were gathered, & the Cu
rate not there, this Nicolas step-
ped vp in his place and prea-
ched. Wherfore he beyng appre-
hended by these ij. seruauntes of
a Butcher, was put in a sacke &
drowned by the Crane at Ant-

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MarginaliaIoannes Pistorius, Martyr.Margarete,
of Maximi
lian, prin-
ces of Hol
M. Mon-
M. Rose-
M. Anchu-
sanus In-
M. Ioduc9
Vicare of

Ioan. Pi-
storius, a
mā of Hol
land, and
partly of
kinne to
Eras. Ro-

The story of Pistorius is largely
set forth by Gnapheus. First he
was a priest, then he maried: af-
ter that hee preached, commyng
from Wittenberge. He spake a-
gainst the Masse and pardons,
and agaynst the subtile abuses of
priestes. He was cōmitted vnto
prison with x. malefactors, whō
he did comfort, and to one beyng
halfe naked and in daunger of
colde, he gaue his gowne. His fa
ther visiting him in prison, did
not disuade him, but bad him
be constant. At last he was con
demned, and disgraded, hauyng
a fooles coate put vpon hym. His
felow prisoners at his death song
Te Deum. Cōming to the stake
he gaue his necke willingly to the
band, wherwith he was first strā
gled, and then burned, saying at
his death: O death, where is
thy victorye?Marginalia1. Cor. 15.

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MarginaliaMathias Weibell, Martyr.Sebastiā
stein, Ab-

In Sueuia.
An. 1525.

For saying somewhat agaynste
the Abbots first Masse, and a-
gaynst carying about the reli-
ques, through the procuremēt of
the Abbot, he was hanged by
Campidonum in Sueuia.

MarginaliaA Priest, Martyr.Certeine
noble mē,
after the
of the coū
in Ger-

A cer-
teine god-
ly priest.
An. 1525.

This priest beyng commaunded
to come and geue good counsaile
to 16. coūtreymē that should be
beheaded, afterward was bid,
him self, to knele downe to haue
his head cut of, no cause nor con-
demnation further being laid a-
gaynst him, but onely of mere
hatred against the Gospell. Ex
Ioan. Gastio.

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Persecutors.Martyrs.The Causes.

MarginaliaGeorge Sherrer, Martyr.
Ex Mat. Flac. Illyrico.
The name
of the per-
not in the

At Rastat,
by Saltze-
An. 1528.

After that this George had
instructed the people in know-
ledge of the Gospell in Rastat,
x. myles distant from Saltze-
burge, he was accused of his ad-
uersaries, and put in prison,
where he wrote a cōfeßion of his
faith, which Mathias Jlliricus
hath set out with his whole story.
He was cōdemned to be burned
a lyue: but meanes was made,
that first his head should be cut
of, & his body afterward be cast
into the fire. Going toward his
death he said, crying aloud: That
you may know (sayd he) that I
die a true Christian, I will geue
you a manifest signe, and so he
did by the power of the lord: For
when his head was takē of from
his shoulders, the body fallyng
vppon his belly, so continued the
space while one might well eate
an egge. After that, softly it tur-
ned it selfe vpon the backe, and

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MarginaliaA straunge miracle of God in manuesting hys Gospell.

¶ The Martyrs of Germanie.
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In a series of examples of continental martyrs, for which he drew on Flacius Illyricus, Foxe included the story of George Scherrer of Salzburg, noteworthy for the strange miracle that proved his fidelity. Having been granted the mercy of beheading before burning, he promised to give a sign of his true faith. The small woodcut (possibly from an outside source, since it is unusual in size and style) shows the marvel. After the beheading, those present saw in slow motion (taking as long as one might to eat an egg) the decapitated body turn over and cross the right leg over the left.

crossed the right foote ouer the left, and the
right hand ouer the left. At the sight whereof
they which saw it were in a great meruel. The
Magistrates whiche before had appoynted to
haue burned the body after his beheadyng,
seyng this miracle, would not burne it, but bu-
ried it with other Christiā mens bodies, and
many by the same example were moued to bel-
eue the Gospell. Thus God is able to manifest
the truth of hys Gospell, in the middest of
persecutiō, who is to be blessed for euer. Amen.

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