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1064 [1064]

K. Henry. 8. Persecution in Germanie. Germane Martyrs.

Persecutors.Martyrs.The Causes.

MarginaliaThe assault of the Spanyardes, agaynst the Citie of Constance.ted hys purpose.
Among them whiche withstode this Spanishe Interim,
besides other, were also the Citizens of Constantia. For
the whiche, iij. thousande Spanyardes priuyly by night
came agaynst the towne of Constance, where they kylled
iij. of the watchmen of the towne, whiche watchyng in
the suburbes, went forth to vewe the noyse whiche they
heard in the woodes. The deuise of the Spanyardes was,
in the mornyng, when the Citizens were at the Sermō,
sodenly to set vpon the Citie and take it, so (no doubt)
intēding to haue gone further. But as the Lord would,
some thyng began to bee suspected in the night, by the
watchemen in the suburbes, on the otherside the water,
wherby the Consul and Citizens had intelligence to bee
in readynes. When the mornyng came, the Spanyardes
were ready at the gate to breake into þe Citie. But being
driuen frō thence & their Captaine Alphonsus slaine, they
went to the bridge which goeth ouer þe Rhene. But being
beaten also from thence, with shot and great peeces from
the walles, and a great number of them drowned in the
ryuer, the Spanyardes, breakyng down the hynder part of
the bridge, because þe Citizens should not pursue them,
they recoyled backe into the suburbes, and burned them
with the dead bodyes also that were slayne, so that the
number of þe Spanyardes that there were killed, could not
be knowen: Onely a hundreth of honest Citizens of Con
stance were missing. Ex Ioan. Sled. lib. 21.
At þe same tyme,  
Commentary   *   Close

Foxe pursued the narratives of martyrdom as conscientiously as his sources allowed. He turned initially to Sleidan. The imprisonment, and eventual release, of a woman in Augsburg for questioning a priest who carried a lighted candle to the bedside of an individual who was close to death in 1552 he had diligently found there (Sleidan [book 22], 3, pp. 214-5). Equally, stretching the embrace of those who 'suffered' for the faith to include those who were deprived of their livings, he found a place for Johannes Frisius, abbot of Neustadt, deprived in 1554 of his clerical positions. In the same vein, Foxe included the exile of around 200 suspect ministers (actually somewhat under that number) from Bohemia, to which Sleidan had alluded (Sleidanus [book 25], 3, p. 488).

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many godly Ministers of þe Churches
in Germany were in great daunger, especially such as re-
fused to receaue the Interim: of whom some were cast in
to prison. In which nūber of prisoners was Mart. Frech-
tius Superintendent of Vlmes, with iiij. other preachers
moe: also his brother George, for commyng but to hys
house to comfort hym. For the whiche cause Musculus the
same tyme, with other preachers moe, went from Aus-
burge, Brentius from Hala, Blaurerus from Constance, Bu-
cer from Strausburgh.

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MarginaliaThe Martyrdome of a godly priest.A Bishop
in Vnga-

A godly
Priest in

In Vngary a certeine godly
priest preached, that the eatyng
of fleshe is not prohibited in the
scripture: for the which the cruel
Bishop, after he had emprisoned
him certeine weekes, caused him
to be brought out, and his body
to bee tyed ouer with Hares,
geese, and hennes hanging round
about him: and so the beastly bi-
shop made dogges to be set vpon
him, whiche cruelly rente and
tore what soeuer they coulde
catch. And thus the good mini-
ster of Christ, being driuen about
the Citie with the barking of

dogges, dyed & was martyred. The sight wher-
of, as it was lamētable to the godly, so it semed
ridiculous to the wicked. But within few days
MarginaliaIust punishment of God vpon a cruell persecution.after, the impious Bishop by the stroke of Gods
iust hand, fell sicke, and became horne madde,
& so rauing without sense or witte, miserably
dyed. Ex tomo. 2. Conuiualium Sermo.
Ioan. Gastij.

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MarginaliaIohn Fridericke Duke of Saxonie.
Iohn Fri
of Saxo-
nie Ele-

Among these godly and con-
stant Saintes of Christ, may well
be recounted Iohn Fridericke
Duke of Saxonie. Who when he
had recouered agayne all his do-
minions (whiche Duke Maurice
had takē from him before, beyng
in Sueuia with his army) and at
last was takē prisoner of the Em
perour at Albis, 24. of Aprill. an
1557. yet could neuer be induced
to yeld to the Emperour in reuo-
king his faith and doctrine of
the Gospell wherin he stode: For
the which he was deteined from
his wife and children, and berei-

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Persecutors.Martyrs.The Causes.

ued of all his goodes, and caryed about with the Emperour
the space of v. yeares. This admirable constācie of that duke
was a wonder to all his aduersaries. At last, in the yeare of
our Lord. 1552. through the benefite of almighty God, he
was set agayne at libertie, and returning home to his wife
and children, continued in his Religion till the houre of hys
death. Ex Ioan. Sled. lib. 19.
MarginaliaThe Lantgraue of Heße.Much like was the case also of Philip Lātgraue of Hesse,
who likewise beyng taken and spoyled of the Emperour, con
tinued the space of fiue yeres in the cruell custody of the Spa-
nyardes, and albeit he had fined vnto the Emperour, & was
promised to be set free out of prison, the Emperour and his
counsaile dalying with their promise, expounded his prison-
ment not to be perpetuall. And though great labour and in-
terceßiō was made for him: yet all would not helpe. For whē
the Emperour sent him away, thē Mary the Emperours Si-
ster tooke him by the way, findyng cauillations against him:
wherby he was agayne committed to the handes of Spany-
ardes, till at length, through the disposing of Gods mercy, first
the Duke of Saxonie, and then 6. dayes after, the Lantgraue
also, were both freed out of long captiuitie, and sent home.
Ex Commen. Sled. lib. 19. 24.

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MarginaliaHermannus Archb. of Colen.Charles

nus Arch
bishop of
An. 1547.

With These holy martyrs a-
boue recited, may also be nūbred
Hermannus Archbish. of Colen.
Who a litle before the Empe-
rour had warre against the Pro-
testātes, had reformed his church
from certeine papisticall super-
stitions, vsing therein the ayde
and aduise of Martine Bucer.
Wherfore Charles the Emperour
sent woorde to Colen, that hee
should be deposed, whiche he pa-
ciently did suffer. In his roume
was set Adolphus earle of Schau
uenburge. Ex Sled. lib. 18.

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MarginaliaNicolas Frenchman.
Marion, wife of Augustiuus, Martyrs.
The Pre
sident or
Maior of

M. Nico-
las, Frēch
wife of
An. 1549.

M. Nicolas and Barbara his
wife: also Augustinus a Barber,
& Marion his wife borne about
Hennegow, after they had bene
at Geneua a space, came into
Germanie, thinking that way to
passe ouer into England. By the
way comming to Hennegow, Au
gustine desired M. Nicolas (be-
ause he was learned) to come to
Bergis to visite and comfort cer-
eine brethren there, whiche he
willingly did. From thence pas-
ing by Dornic (or Tornay) they
helde on theyr iorney toward En
gland. But in the way Austen
and his wife beyng knowē,
were detected to the Lieutenaunt of
Dornic, who in all spedy hast fo-
owyng after them, ouertooke thē
iiij. myles beyond Dornic. Aug
stine (how I can not tell) escaped

at that time out of their handes, and could not be found. The
souldiours then laying handes vpon Nicolas and the ij. we-
en, brought them backe agayne to Dornic. In returning by
the way, when M. Nicolas at the table gaue thankes (as the
maner is of the faithfull) the wicked ruler scorning them, and
MarginaliaBlasphemie of a Papist.swearyng like a Tyrant, sayd: Now let vs see, thou lewd he
reticke, whether thy God cā deliuer thee out of my hand. To
whō Nicholas aūsweryng agayne modestly, asked what had
Christ euer offended him, that he with his blasphemous swe
ryng did so teare him in peeces, desiryng him, that if he had
anythyng agaynst Christ, rather he would wreke his anger
vpon his poore body, and let the Lord alone. Thus they being
bound, handes and feete, were brought to Bergis, and there
layd in the doungeon. Then Duke Ariscote accompanied
with a great number of priestes, and Franciscan Friers, and

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