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K. Hen. 8. A Table of Martyrs which suffered in Germanie.

Persecutors.Martyrs.The Causes.

MarginaliaBertrand thrise tormented.them in that quarell. Then was he thrise put to the pyne
b?ke, torm?ted most miserably, to vtter his setters on: which
he would neuer do. Then proceded they to the sentence, more
like tyrannes then Christen m?. By the tenour of which sen-
tence, this was his punishm?t: First he was draw? fr? the ca-MarginaliaThe miserable & tragicall handling of Bertrand.
stle of Dornic, to the market place, hauing a balle of yron put
in his mouth. Then he was set vpon a stage, where his rightMarginaliaThe ryght hand & foote of Bertrand pressed of, with hoate yrons.
hand, wherwith he tooke the hoste, was crushed and pressed
betwene two hoate yrons, with sharpe yron edges firye redde,
till the forme and fashion of his hand was mishaped. In lyke
maner they brought other like yrons for his right fote, made
fire hoate, whereinto, of his own accorde, he put his foote, to
suffer as his hand had done before, with meruelous constan-
cie and firmenes of minde. That done, they tooke the balle of
MarginaliaThe tonge of Bertrand cut of.yron out of his mouth, and cut of his toung, who notwithstan
dyng, with continuall crying, ceased not to call vppon God:
wherby the hartes of the people were greatly moued: Wher-
uppon the tormentours thrust in the yron balle into hys
mouth agayne. From thence they brought him downe to the
lower stage, he going to the same no lesse chearefully & quiet
ly, th? if no part of his body had bene hurt. There his leggesMarginaliaThe burnyng and Martyrdome of Bertrand.
and his handes were bo?d behynd him with an yron cheyne
goyng about his body, & so he was let down flat vp? the fire:
wh? the foresaid gouernour there st?ding by & loking pon,
caused to be let vp agayne, and so downe and vp agayne, till
at last the whole body was spent to ashes, which he comma?
ded to be cast into the riuer. Wh? this was done, the Chapell
where this Massegod was so entreated, was lockte vp, and
the bord wherupon the Priest stode, was burnt: the marble
stone wherup? the hoste did light, was brok? in peeces. And
finally for somuch as the sayd Bertrand had receaued his do
ctrine at Wesell, commaundement was geuen, that no per-
son, out of that countrey should go to Wesell, or there occupy,
vnder incurryng the daunger of the Emperours Placard.
Ex Crisp. Pantal. et Adriano.

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MarginaliaTrouble in Bohemia.
Two hun-
dreth Mi-
nisters of
An. 1555.

The same yeare two hun-
dreth Ministers and Preachers
of the Gospell, were banished out
of Bohemia, for preachyng a-
gaynst the superstition of the Bi-
shop of Rome, and extollyng the
glory of Christ. Ex C?ment.
Ioan. Sled. lib. 25.

MarginaliaPersecution in Locarne.
The Prea
chers of

Locarne is a place beyond the
Alpes, yet subiect to the Helue-
tians. When these also had recea
ued the Gospell, and the fiue Pa
ges of the Heluetians aboue m?-
tioned, were not well pleased
therewith, but would haue them
punished, and great contention
was among the Helueti?s about
the same, it was concluded at
l?gth, that the Ministers should
be exiled: Whom the Tygurines
did receaue. Ex Pant.

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MarginaliaFraunces Warlut, Alexander Dayken, Martyrs.
der Day-

After these ij. good men being
borne in the lower partes of Ger
manie, had bene conuersaunt
in diuers reformed Churches in
other countreys, at last for con-
science sake, they returned home
agayne to do good in their owne
co?trey of Dornic, & therabout.
So vppon a tyme, as the people
there resorted to a backe field or
woode without the Citie, with a
certaine preacher to heare the
word of God and to pray, the ad-
uersaries hauyng therof some in-
telligence, so pursued them, that

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Persecutors.Martyrs.The Causes.

At Dornic.
An. 1562.

they tooke of them aboue 30. of
whom these two, among the rest,
were apprehended, and thinking
no lesse but that they shoulde be
burned, they beganne to singe
Psalmes. At length beyng
broughte foorth, firste one,
th? the other, they were both be-
headed. And where the iudges
had entended to quarter their
bodies, and to set them vp by the
hye wayes, yet was it so proui-
ded, God working in the hartes
of the people, that they were both
committed to sepulture. Ex Lud

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MarginaliaThe father with hys two sonnes and hys daughter, Martyred.Earle of

Iames Fa-
ber, his fa-
ther in
Faber, s?ne
of Iames.
Anna wife
of Gillot9,
and daugh
ter of Iames Fa-

These in the cause of Gos
pell suffred at Palence.
Iames Faber being an olde m?
sayd: that although he could not
aunswere or satisfie them in rea
sonyng, yet he would constantly
abide in the truth of the Gospell.
Anna hys daughter beyng
with child, was respited: after
she was deliuered, she folowed
her husband and father in the
lyke Martyrdome.

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MarginaliaMichella, wife of Iames Clerke, Martyr.
Thys Iames Clerke before was burned.

At Vall?ce
An. 1550.

Michella, wife of Iames
Clerke, whiche was before bur-
ned, when she was offered to be
maryed, and to be caryed out of
the countrey to some reformed
Churche, refused so to do, but
would abyde the aduenture of
her vocation, and so was con-
demned with Gillotus to be bur
ned. Ex Crisp.

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MarginaliaGodfride a Tayler, Martyr.
dus Ha-
At Dornic
An. 1552.

This Godfride a Tayler, was
tak? & c?demned at Dornic or
Tournay. Wh? they had c?d?ned
him by the name of an hereticke,
Nay (sayd he) not an hereticke,
but a serua?t of Iesus Christ vn-
profitable. When the hangman
went about to strangle hym to
diminishe his punishment, he re-
fused it, saying that he would a-
byde the sentence that the Iudges
had geuen. Ex eod.

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Besides these Germanes aboue specified, a
great number there was both in the hyer, and
lower co?treys of Germanie, which were secret
lye drowned, or buryed, or otherwise in prison
made away, whose names although they be not
know? to vs, yet they are registred in the boke
of lyfe. Furthermore, in the Dutch boke of A-
drian, diuers other be n?bred in the Catalogue
of these Germane Martyrs, which likewise suf
fered in diuers places of the lower co?trey: the
names of certein wherof be these. At Bergis or
Berghen in Hennegow, were burnt in the yere
of our Lorde. 1555. Iohn Malo, Damian Wi-

MarginaliaDiuers in the lower countreyes Martyred.Iohn Malo, Damian
Witroke, Weldrewe
Carlier, Iohn Porceau.
Iulian. van den Swerde,
Adrian Lopphen. Bawdwyne.

trocke, Waldrew Carlier buried
quicke, Iohn Porceau. At Aste
suffered also one Iulian. an. 1541.
and Adrian Lopphen. an. 1555.
At Brusels an. 1559. one Baw-
dwine beheaded. An other called

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