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K. Hen. 8. A Table of the Frenche Martyrs.

Persecutors.Martyrs.The Causes.

MarginaliaPeter Gaudet Martyr.A certain
knyght of
vncle to
thys Pe-

of Rhodes.
An. 1533.

This Peter beyng at Geneua
with his wife, was trayned out
from thence by his vncle, and
put in prison for defense of the
Gospell, and after long torments
there susteined, was burned. vid.

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MarginaliaQuoquillard, Martyr.
An. 1534.

At Bezanson, in the coūtie of
Burgundie, this Quoquillarde
was burned for the confession
and testimonie of Christes Gos
pell. Ex Ioan. Crisp.

MarginaliaNicholas a Scriuener, Ioan. de Poix, Steuē Burlet, Martyrs.
Nicolas, a
Ioan. de
Steuē Bur
An. 1534.

These three were executed and
burned for the like cause of the
gospell, in the citie of Arras: na-
mely, Nicolas a Scriuener, Ioan.
de Poix. Steuen Burlet. Ex
Ioan. Crispi.

MarginaliaMary Becaudella, Martyr.A Gray
Frier in
the Citie
of Ro-

Mary Be
At Foun-
An. 1534.

This Mary beyng vertuously
instructed of her maister where
she liued, and beyng afterward
at a Sermon, where a Frier prea
ched, after the Sermon, founde
fault with his doctrine, and refu
ted the same by scriptures. Wher
at he disdaynyng, procured her
to be burned at Foūtaines. Ibid.

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MarginaliaIohn Cornon, Martyr.
Ioh. Cor
An. 1535.

Iohn Cornon a husband man
of Mascon, and vnlettered,
but to whō God gaue such wise-
dome, that his iudges were ama-
sed, whē he was condemned by
their sentēce, & burned. Ex Cris.

MarginaliaMartyn Gonyn, Sartyr.George
The Pro
of the Ci-
ty of Gra
in Frāce.
The In-

In Dol-
An. 1536.

This Martin beyng taken for
a spye in the borders of Fraunce,
toward the Alpes, was commit-
ted to prison. In his goyng out,
his Ialor espied about him, let-
ters of Farellus, and of Peter Vs-
ret. Wherfore, beyng examined
of the kinges Procurator, and of
the Inquisitour, touchyng hys
faith, after he had rendred a suf-
ficient reason therof, he was cast
into the riuer and drowned. Ex
Ioan. Crisp.

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MarginaliaClaudius Paynter, a Goldsmyth, Martyr.The kins
folkes &
of thys
an offi-

a Golde-
At Paris.
An. 1540.

Claudius goyng about to con-
uerte his frendes and kinsfolkes
to his doctrine, was by them com
mitted to Morinus a chief Cap-
taine, who condemned him to be
burned: but the hye parlament
of Paris, correctyng that sentēce,
added moreouer that he shoulde
haue his tonge cut out before, &
so to be burned. Ex Ioan. Crisp.

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MarginaliaSteuē Brune, Martyr.Gaspar
the By-

Brune a
At Ruti-

Steuen Brune was persecu-
ted of Augerius, who after hys
confeßion geuē of hys faith, was
iudged to be burned. Which pu-
nishment he tooke so constantly,
that it was to them a wonder.
His aduersaries cōmaūded after
his death, to be cryed that none
should make any more mention
of hym, vnder payne of heresie.
Pantalion addeth moreouer,

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Persecutors.Martyrs.The Causes.

MarginaliaThe Martyr not harmed with the fyre.Domicel
lus, a
cane and
An. 1540.
that at the place of his burnyng
called Planuol, the Wynde rose
& blew the fire so frō him, as he
stode exhortyng the people, that
he there continued aboue the
space of an houre, in manner,

not harmed or scarse touched with any
flame: so that all the woode beyng wasted a-
waye, they were compelled to begynne the
fire agayne with new fagottes, and vessels of
oyle, and such other matter: and yet neither
could he with all this, be burned, but stode safe.
Then the hangman tooke a staffe, and let driue
at his head. To whom the holy martyr beyng
yet alyue, sayd: When I am iudged to the fire,
do ye beate me with staues lyke a dogge? With
that the hangman with his pyke, thrust hym
through the belly and the guttes, and so threw
him downe into the fire and burned his body
to ashes, throwyng away his ashes afterward
with the wynd. Ex Ioan. Crisp.

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MarginaliaConstātine Northmā, with three other. Martyrs.
tinus, a
Citizen of
with iij.
An. 1542.

These iiij. for defence of the
Gospell, beyng condemned to be
burned, were put in a doung-
cart. Who therat reioysing, sayd
that they were reputed here as
excrementes of this world, but
yet their death was a sweete o-
dour vnto God. Ex Ioan. Crisp.

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MarginaliaIohn du Beck, Martyr.
Ioan. du
Bec, priest
An. 1543.

For the doctrie of the Gos-
pell he was degraded, and con-
stantlye abyd the torment of fire
in the chief Citie of Campaine.
Ex Ioan. Crispi.

MarginaliaAymundus a Via, Martyr.The Pa-
of the
towne of
S. Faith
in An-
Also o-
ther pri-
estes of
the same
cus and
hys ser-

de La-
An. 1343.

This Aymonde preached the
Gospell at S. Faithes in An-
gewe, where he was accused by
the parish priest there, and by o-
ther priestes moe, to haue taught
false doctrine, to the great decay
of their gaynes. Wherupon, whē
the Magistrates of Bordeaux
had geuen commaundement, and
had sent out their Apparitour to
apprehend him, he hauing intel-
ligence therof, was willed by his
frendes, to flye and shift for him
selfe: but hee woulde not,
saying, that he had rather neuer
to haue bene borne, then so to do.
MarginaliaThe office of a good shepeheard to stand by his flocke.It was the office of a good shep-
heard (he sayd) not to flye in time
of perill, but rather to abyde the
daunger, lest the flocke be scatte-
red: or els lest peraduenture, in
so doyng, he should leaue some
scruple in their mindes, thus to
thinke, that he had fedde them

with dreames and fables, contrarye to the worde of God.
Wherfore besechyng them to moue hym no more therin, hee
tolde them, that he feared not to yelde vp both bodye and
soule in the quarell of that truth, which he had taught: say-
ing with S. Paule, that hee was readye not onely to bee
bound for the testimonie of Christ, in the Citie of Bor-
MarginaliaAct. 21.deaux, but also to dye. To contracte the long story hereof
to a brief narration, the Sumner came, and was in the Citie
iij. dayes: during whiche time Aymundus preached iij. Ser-
mons. The people in defense of their preacher, flew vpon the
Sumner, to deliuer him out of his hādes. But Aymund desi-
red them not to stoppe his martyrdome: seyng it was the will
of God that he should suffer for hym, he would not (sayd he)
resist. Thē the Cōsuls suffered the Sūner, & so Aymund was
caried to Bordeaux. Where many witnesses, the most part

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