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K. Henry. 8. A Table of the Frenche Martyrs.

Persecutors.Martyrs.The Causes.

led to his prison felowes, exhortyng them to put their confi-
dence in the Lord, and told them that he had spoken for thē,
and declared their miseries vnto the President. He thanked
MarginaliaAymond seaketh for hys prison fellowes.moreouer the Keper, and desired him to be good to his poore
prisoners. And so taking his leaue of them, and desiring them
to pray for him, also geuing thākes to the Maistres keper, for
her gentlenes shewed vnto him, he proceded forward toward
his execution. As he came agaynst the Churche of S. An-
drew, they willed him to aske mercy of God, and of blessed S.
Mary, and of S. Iustice. I aske mercy (said he) of God, and
of his Iustice, but the virgin, blessed S. Mary, I neuer offen
ded, nor did that thing, for the which I should aske her mer-
cy. From thence he passed forwarde to the Churche of S. Le-
gia, preachyng still as he went. Then spake one of the souldi-
ours to the driuer or carter, willing hym to driue a pase, for
here is preachyng, sayd he, enough. To whom said Aymond,
He that is of god, heareth the wordes of god. &c.MarginaliaIohn. 8.
In paßing by a certain Image of our Lady, great offence was
taken agaynst him, because he alwayes called vpō Christ Ie
sus onely, and made no mention of her. Wherupon he liftedMarginaliaFilioli, custodite vos a simulachris. 1. Ioan. 5.
his voyce to God, praying, that he would neuer suffer him to
inuocate any other, sauing him alone. Commyng to the place
where he should suffer, he was tumbled out of the carte, vpon
the grounde, testifying to the Magistrates and to the peo-
ple standyng by, that he dyed for the Gospell of Iesu Christ
and for his worde. More he would haue spoken, but he
could not be suffered, by the tumultuous vexing of the offi-
cers, criyng: dispatche, dispatch him, let him not speake. Thē
he speaking a fewe wordes softly in the eare of the litle Car-
melite, whom he had conuerted: was byd to steppe vp to the
stage. Where the people beginnyng to geue a litle audience,
MarginaliaThe wordes of Aymond to the studentes.thus he sayd: O Lord make hast to helpe me, tary not, do not
despise the worke of thy handes. And you my brethren, that
be studentes, and scholers, I exhorte you to study and learne
the Gospell, for the worde of God abydeth for euer: labour to
know the will of God, and feare not them that kill the body,
but haue no power vpon your soules. And after that, my
flesh (sayd he) repugneth meruelously against the spirite, but
shortly I shall cast it away. My good maisters, I besech you
pray for me. O Lord my God, into thy hādes I commend my
soule. As he was oft repetyng the same, the hangman tooke
and haled him vpon the steppes, in such sorte, that he stran-
gled him. And thus the blessed Sainct gaue vp his life:
Whose body afterwarde was with fire consumed.

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MarginaliaFraunces Bribard.
An. 1544.

Frances Bribard was sayd to
be the secretary of the Cardinall
of Bellay. Who beyng also for
the Gospell condemned, after
his tongue was cut of, did with
like cōstancie, susteine the sharp-
nes of burnyng. Ibidem.

MarginaliaWilliam Hußon, Martyr.The hye
Court of
A widow
kepyng a
house, in
the subur
bes of

an Apo-

William Husson Apothecary,
commyng from Bloys to Roan,
was lodged with a certaine wi-
dow in the suburbes of the Citie.
Who asking of her, at what time
the Counsaile or Parlament dyd
rise, she sayd at x. of the clocke.
About which tyme & houre he
wēt to the Palace, & there scat-
tered certeine bookes concernyng
Christiā doctrine, and the abuse
of mens traditions. Whereat the
coūsaile was so moued, that they
commaunded all the gates of the
Citie to be locked, and diligent
searche to bee made in all Jnnes
and hostles, to finde out the au-
thor. Then the widow told of the

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Persecutors.Martyrs.The Causes.

At Roan.
an. 1544.

partie which was there, and as-
ked of the rising of the counsaile,
& shortly vpō the same, toke his
horse and rode away. Then were
postes sent out through all quar-
ters, so that the sayd Williā was
takē by the way riding to Diepe,
and brought agayne to Roan.
Who there beyng examined, de-
MarginaliaThe boldnes of a constant Martyr.clared his faith boldly, and how
hee came of purpose to disperse
those bookes in Roan, and went
to do the like at Diepe.
The weeke ensuing, he was cō
demned to be burned aliue. Af-
ter the sentence geuen, hee was
brought in a carte, accompanied
with a Doctor Carmelite Frier,
before the great Churche, who
puttyng a torch in his hand, re-

quired him to do homage to the Jmage of our Lady: whicheMarginaliaCustodite vos a simulachris. 1. Ioan. 5.
because he refused to doe, his tongue was cut out. The
Frier then making a Sermon, whē he spake any thyng of the
mercies of God, the said William hearkened to him: but whē
he spake of the merites of Saintes, and other dreames, he tur-
ned away his head. The Frier looking vpon the countenāce
of Husson, lift vp his hand to heauen: saying with great ex-
clamation, that he was damned, and was possessed with a de
uill. When the Frier had ceased his Sermon, this godly Hus-
son had his handes and feete bounde behind his backe, andMarginaliaCrueltie of the aduersaryes.
with a pully was lifted vp into the ayre, and when the fire
was kindled, he was let downe into the flame, where the bles-
sed martyr, with a smilyng and cherefull countenaunce loo-
ked vp to heauen, neuer mouyng nor stirryng, till he let down
his head, and gaue vp his spirite. All the people there present
were not a litle astonied therat, and were in diuers opiniōs,
some saying, that he had a deuill, other mainteyned the con-
trary, saying, if he had a deuill, hee should haue fallen into
MarginaliaFrier Delanda conuerted.This Carmelite Frier aboue sayd, was called Delanda,
whiche after was conuerted, and preached the Gospell. Ex
Gallic. hist. Ioan. Crisp. lib. 2.

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MarginaliaIames Cobard, Martyr.Three
Duke of

a Schole-
and ma-
ny other,
taken the
same time.
An. 1545.

This Iames, Scholemaster in
the Citie of S. Michaell in the
Dukedome of Barēs in Loraine,
disputed with iij. priestes, that
the Sacrament of Baptisme, and
of the Supper did not auayle, vn-
les they were receaued with
fayth: whiche was as much to
say, as that the Masse did profite
neither the quicke nor the dead.
For the which, and also for his
confeßion, whiche he beyng in
prison sent of his owne accorde,
by his mother vnto the iudge, he
was burned, & most quietly suf-
fered. Ex Ioan. Crisp.

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MarginaliaXiiij. Martyrs.
Peter Clerke, Iohn Clerke, brethrē & Martyrs.

brother to
burnt be-
fore, pag.

These xiiij. dwelt at Melda,
a Citie in Fraunce x. miles from
Paris. Where William Bricone-
tus being there Bishop, did much
good, brought to them the light
of the Gospell, and reformed the
Churche. Who straitly being ex-
amined for the same, relented:
But yet these with many other,
remained constant. Who after
the burnyng of Iames Pauane
before mentioned, and seyng su-

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