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K. Henry. 8. A Table of Frenche Martyrs.

Persecutors.Martyrs.The Causes.

MarginaliaXiiij. blessed Martyrs at Meaux.
A French church set vp in Meaux.
Ex Lud. Rab. Lib. 6.
The Frā
of Sor-
bone, and

Ioh. Bri-
Tho. Ho-
Ioh. Bau
Ioh. Pi-
Peter Pi-
Iohn Mathe-
ron, a
At Meaux.
An. 1546.

perstition to growe more and
more, beganne to congregate
in Mangins house, and to set
vp a Churche to them selues, af-
ter the example of the Frenche
church in Strausburgh. For their
minister, they chose Pet. Clerke.
First they begīnyng with 20. or
30. did grow in short tyme, to 3.
or 4. hūdreth. Wherupō the mat
ter beyng knowen to the Senate
of Paris, the chamber was beset,
where they were, and they taken.
Of whom 62. men and wemen
were bound, and brought to Pa-
ris, singing Psalmes, especially
the Psalme. 79. To these it was
chiefly obiected, that they beyng
lay men, would minister the Sa-
crament of the body and bloud
of the Lord. Of these 62. 14.
chiefly did stand fast, whiche
were condemned, and rackt, to
confesse moe of their felowes, but
they vttered none: the rest were
scourged and banished the coun-
trey. These 14. were sent to son-
drie monasteries to be cōuerted:
but that would not be. Thē they
beyng sent in a cart to Melda, or
Meaux, to be burned, by the
way, iij. miles frō Paris, a certein
Weauer, called Couberon, by
chaūce meting thē, cried to thē a
loude, byddyng them be of good
cheare and to cleaue fast to the
Lorde: Who also was taken,
and bounde with them in the
carte. Commyng to the place of
execution, whiche was before
Mangins house, it was tolde
them, that they whiche would
be cōfessed, should not haue their
tonges cut out, the other should.
Of whom vij. there were, which
to saue their tongues, confessed:
other vij. would not. Of the first
was Steuen Mangin, who ha-
uyng his tonge first cut, notwith-
stāding spake so that he might
be vnderstande, saying thrise:
The Lordes name be blessed. As
they were in burning, the people
songe Psalmes. The Priestes

MarginaliaNote how God maketh these aduersaries with their owne songe, to prayse the sacrifice of these holy Martyrs agaynst their wils.seyng that, would also sing their songes: * O Salutaris
Marginalia* O Salutaris hostia, id est, O wholesome sacrifice, is a songe which the Papistes vse in praise of the sacrifice of their Masse.hostia, and Salue regina, while the sacrifice of these holy
martyrs were finished. Their wyues beyng compelled to see
their husbandes in tormentes, were after put in prison, from
whēce they being promised to be let go if they would say that
their husbandes were damned, refused so to say.

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Iohn An
seller, pro


Peter Chapot first was a correc-
tor to a Printer in Paris. After
he had bene at Geneua, to doe
good to the church of Christ, like
a good mā, he came with bokes
of holy Scripture into Fraunce,
and dispersed them abroad vnto
the faithful. VVhich great zeale
of his, caused him to be apprehen
ded of Iohn Andre, whiche was
the common promotour to Liset
the President, and to the Sorbo-

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Persecutors.Martyrs.The Causes.

nistes M.
Deane of
Iohn Pi-

At Paris.
An. 1546.

nistes. Thus good Chapot beyng
taken and brought before the Cō
missaries, rendered promptly ac-
coumpt of his faith: vnto whom
he exhibited a supplication, or
writing, wherin he learnedlye
informed the Iudges, to doe
their office vprightly. Then were
iij. Doctors of Sorbone aßigned,
Nicolas Clerici, Iohn Picarde,
and Nic. Maillard, to dispute
with him. VVho whē they could
finde no aduauntage, but rather
shame at his handes, they waxed
angry with the Iudges, for let-
ting thē dispute with heretickes.
This done, the Iudges consul-
tyng together vpon the condem-
nation, could not agree: so that
Chapot (as it semed) might haue
escaped, had not a wicked per-
son, the reporter of the proces,
sought and wrought his condem
nation: whiche condemnation
was at length concluded thus:

that he should bee burned quicke, onely the cuttyng of hys
tongue was pardoned. The Doctour appointed to be at hys
executiō, was Maillard, with whō he was greatly encūbred:
For this frier called vpō him still, not to speake to the people:
but he desired him that he might pray. Then he bad hym
pray to our Lady, and confesse her to be his Aduocate. He cō
fessed, that she was a blessed Virgin, and recited the Lordes
Prayer and the Crede, and was about to speake of the
Masse: but Maillard would not let him, making hast to
his execution, and sayd, vnles he would say Aue Maria, hee
should be burnt quicke. Thē Chapot prayed: O Iesu, sonne of
Dauid, haue mercy vpon me. Maillard then bad hym say
Iesus, Maria, and so he should be strangled. Chapot agayne
excused that he was so weake, he could not speake. Say, sayd
Maillard, Iesus Maria, or els thou shalt be burned quicke.
As Chapot was thus striuyng with the Frier, sodeinly
as it happened, Iesus Maria escaped out of his mouth. ButMarginaliaTo geue neuer so litle to the aduersaries is a great matter.
he by and by repressing him selfe, O God, said he, what haue
I done? Pardon me, O Lord, to thee only haue I sinned. Thē
Maillard commaunded the corde to bee pluckt about hys
necke to strangle him: notwithstandyng yet he felt some-
thyng the fire. After all thinges done, Maillard all full of
anger went to the counsaile house, called la Chāber ardante,
declaryng what an vprore had there almost happened a-
mongest the people, saying that he would complaine vpon
the iudges, for suffering those heretickes to haue their tonges.
MarginaliaThe cutting of tonges how and by whom it came, in Fraunce.Wherupon immediatly a decree was made that all whiche
were to bee burned, vnlesse they recanted at the fire, should
haue their tongues cut of. VVhiche law diligently afterward
was obserued. Ex Ioan. Crisp. lib. 6.

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M. Peter
of the
of Paris.


After the burnyng of those
xiiij. whose names be described
before, this Saintinus (whiche
was a lame cripple) with his
wife remoued out of Meaux, to
Montbeliard, where when he
had continued a while in safe li-
bertie of religion, and sawe him
selfe there to doo no good, but to
be a burden to the Churche, cast
in his minde to returne home to
Meaux agayne, and so did.
Where at last, as hee was sellyng
certein small wares in the fayre,
he was there knowen and appre-
hended. Wherof when informa-
tion was geuen, he beyng exami-

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