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K. Henry. 8. A Table of the Frence Martyrs.

Persecutors.Martyrs.The Causes.
MarginaliaClaudius Thierry, Martyr.
At Orle-
An. 1549.

The same yeare, and for the
same doctrine of the Gospell, one
Claudius also was burned at the
sayd towne of Orleance, being ap
prehended by the way, comming
from Geneua to his coūtrey. Ex
Ioan. Crisp.

MarginaliaLeonard Galimard, Martyr.
At Paris.
An. 1549.

This Leonard, for the confes-
sion likewise of Christ and hys
Gospell, was taken and brought
to Paris, and there by the sen-
tence of the counsaile, was iud-
ged to be burnt the same tyme as
Florent Venote, aboue menti-
oned, did suffer at Paris. Ex
Ioan. Crisp.

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MarginaliaMacæus Moreau, Martyr.
At Troyes
An. 1550.

He was burned in Troyes in
Campaine (a towne in Fraūce)
remaynyng constant to the ende,
in the Gospell for the whiche he
was apprehended. Ex eodem.

MarginaliaIoh. Godeau, Gabriell Berandine, Martyrs.
Ioan. Go
An. 1550.

These ij. were of the Church
of Geneua. Afterwarde for their
frendly admonishyng a certeine
Priest, whiche in his Sermon
had abused the name of God,
they were taken at Chambe-
riace, Godeau standyng to his
confession, was burned. Ga-
briell, thoughe hee beganne a
litle to shrinke for feare of the
tormentes, yet beyng confirmed
by the constāt death of Godeau,
recouered agayne, and standyng
likewise to his confeßion, first
had his tongue cut out. Who not-
withstandyng, throughe Gods
might did speake so as he might
be vnderstand: whereupon the
hangman beyng accused for not
cuttyng of his toungue rightly,
said that he could not stoppe him
of his speach. And so these ij. af-
ter they had confirmed many in
in Gods truth, gaue their lyfe
for Christes Gospell. Ibidem.

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MarginaliaThomas Sanpaulinus, Martyr.Ioan. An
Peter Li-
set, Pre-
sident of
the Coū-
sell of
dus, Doc
tor Sor-
tus, Cō-


This Thomas a yong man of
the age of xviij. yeares, comming
from Geneua to Paris, rebuked
there a man for swearyng. For
the whiche cause he beyng suspe-
cted for a Lutherā, was folowed,
and watched whether he went,
& was taken & brought before
the counsaile of Paris, and put in
prison, where he was racked, and
miserably tormented, to the intēt
he should either chaunge his opi-
nion, or confesse other of his pro-
fession. His tormentes and rac-
kinges were so sore, through the
setting on of Maillard and other
Sorbonistes, that the sight therof
made Aubertus one of the Coun
saile, a cruell and vehement ene-
mie agaynst the Gospell, to turne
his backe and weepe. The young
man, when he had made the tor-
menters wery with racking, and

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Persecutors.Martyrs.The Causes.

At Paris.
An. 1551.

yet would vtter none, at last
was had to Maulbert place in
Paris, to be burned. Where he
beyng in the fire, was pluckt
vp agayne vppon the Gybbet,
and asked whether hee would
turne. To whom he sayd, that he
was in his way towarde God,
and therfore desired them to let
him go. Thus this glorious mar-
tyr remaining inexpugnable, glo
rified the Lorde with constant
confession of his truth. Ibid.

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MarginaliaMauryce Secenat, Martyr.
In Pro-
An. 1551.

He first hauyng interrogati-
ons put to him by the Lieutenāt
of that place, made his aunswe-
res thereunto, so as no great ad-
uauntage could be takē therof.
But he beyng greatly compun-
cted and troubled in his con-
science for dissemblyng with the
truth, and called afterward be-
fore the Lord chief iudge, aun-
swered so directly, that he was
condemned for the same and bur
ned in Prouince. Ex eodem.

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MarginaliaIohannes de Puteo, Martyr.A Citizē
of Vzez.

Putte, or
de Puteo,
At Vzes.
In Pro-
An. 1551.

This Medicus beyng a Carpen
ter and vnlettered, had a contro-
uersie about a certain pitte with
a Citizen of the towne of Vzez,
where he dwelled. He, to cast this
Medicus in the law, frō the pitte,
accused him of heresie, brynging
for his witnesses, those labourers
whom Medicus had hyred to
worke in his vinyeard: where-
fore, he being examined of the Sa
crament of the Lordes Supper,
was condemned and burned. At
Vzez in Prouince. Ex eodem.

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MarginaliaClaudius Monerius, Martyr.The go-
of Lions.
The Of-
ficiall of
the Arch-
deacon of

At Lions.
an. 1551.

This man beyng well instru-
cted in the knowledge of Gods
worde, for the which he was al-
so driuen from Auernia, came to
Lions, and there taught childrē.
He hearing of the L. Presidentes
comming to the Citie, went to
geue warnyng to a certeine fa-
miliar frend of his, and so condu
cted him out of the towne. In re-
turnyng agayne to comfort the
mans wife and children, hee
was taken in his house: and so
he confessing that, whiche hee
knew to be true, and standyng to
that, whiche he confessed, after
much affliction in prisons and
doungeons, he was condemned
and burned at Lions. He was
noted to bee so gentle and mylde
of conditions, & constant with-

all, and also learned, that certein of the Iudges could not for-
beare weeping at his death.
The sayd Monerius being in prison, wrote certein letters,
but one specially very comfortable, to all the faithfull, which
the Lord willing, in the end of these historyes shalbe inser-
ted. He wrote also the questions and interrogatories of the
Officiall, with his aunsweres likewise to the same, whiche
summarilye we haue here contracted as foloweth.

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MarginaliaThe Sacrament.What beleue you of the Sacrament? is the body of
Christ in the bread, or no?
