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K. Henry. 8. A Table of the Frenche Martyrs.

Persecutors.Martyrs.The Causes.
The Martyr.

I worship Iesus Christ in heauen sittyng at the right
hand of God the father.
MarginaliaPurgatorye.What say you by Purgatory?
The Martyr.

For somuch as there is no place of mercy after this
lyfe, therfore no nede there is of any purgati?, but neces-
sarye it is, that we be purged before we passe hence.
MarginaliaSupremacie.Of the Pope what thincke you?
The Martyr.

I say, he is a Byshop, as other Byshops are, if he be a
true folower of S. Peter.
MarginaliaVowes.What say you of vowes?
The Martyr.

No man can vowe to God so much, but the lawe re-
quireth much more then he can vowe.
MarginaliaPraying to saintes.Are not Saintes to be Inuocated?
The Martyr.

They can not pray without fayth, and therfore it is in
vayne to call vnto th?. And agayne, God hath appoin-
ted his Aungels about vs, to minister in our necessities.

Is it not good to salute the blessed virgine with Aue
The Martyr.

When she was on this earth, she had then nede of the
Aungels gretyng, for then she had nede of saluation, as
well as other: but nowe she is so blessed, that no more
blessing can be wished vnto her.
MarginaliaImages.Are not Images to be had?
The Martyr.

For that the nature of man is so prone to Idolatrie,
euer occupyed and fixed in those thynges, whiche lye be-
fore his eyes, rather then vp? those whiche are not sene,
Images therfore are not to be set before Christi?s. You
know, nothyng is to be adored, but that whiche is not
sene with eyes, that is God alone, whiche is a spirit, and
him we must worship onely in spirite and truth.

What say you by the Canonicall or ordinary houres
for prayer?
The Martyr.

To houres and tymes, prayer ought not to be tyed.
But when soeuer Gods spirite doth moue vs, or when
any necessitie driueth vs, then ought we to pray.
Then the Officiall asked what he thought of holy oyle,
Salt, with such other like. To wh? the Martyr aunswe-
Marginalia* Maranatha is an Hebrue word mentioned 1. Cor. 16 and signifieth curse or malediction, to the losse of al that a man hath: and therof commeth Maranismus. vid. Ric., that all these things were a mere * Maranismus, that
is, sauored of the law of Maranorum, and of the superstiti-
on of the Iewes.

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MarginaliaRenate Poyet, Martyr.
At Sal-
mure in
An. 1552.

Renate Poyet, the sonne of
Willi? Poyet, which was Cha?-
celour of Fraunce, for the true
and syncere professing of the
word of God, constantly suffered
martyrdome, and was burned in
the Citie of Salmure, an. 1552.
Ex Crisp.

MarginaliaIoh. Ioyer, with hys seruaunt, Martyrs.
Ioyer, &
hys ser-
uaunt, a
young m?.

These ij. commyng from Ge-
neua to their countrey, with cer-
taine bookes, were apprehended
by the waye, and at length had
to Tholouse. Where the maister
was first cond?ned. The seruant
beyng younge, was not so pr?pt
to aunswere them, but sent them
to his maister, saying that hee
should aunswere th?. Wh? they
were brought to the stake, the
young man first goyng vp, began
to weepe. The maister fearyng

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Persecutors.Martyrs.The Causes.

At Tho-
an. 1552.

lesse, hee would geue ouer ranne
to him, and hee was comforted,
and they began to sing. As they
were in the fire, the maister stan
dyng vpright to the stake, shif-
ted the fire from him, to his ser-
uaunt, beyng more carefull for
him, then for him selfe: and wh?
he sawe him dead, hee bowed
down into the flame, and so ex-
spired. Ex Crisp. & alijs.

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MarginaliaHugh Grauier, Martyr.
a scholmai
ster and
minister after of
in the Co?
tie of New
At Burge.
an. 1552.

At Burge in Bresse, a dayes
iourney from Lions, this Gra-
uier was burned. Hee commyng
fr? Geneua, to Newcastle, there
was elected to be minister. But
first, he goyng to see his wiues
fr?des, at Masc?, there as he was
comming away out of the towne,
was taken vpon the bridge, with
all his companie: and in the end,
he willing the wemen and reste
of the company to lay the faulte
in hym for brynging them out,
was sentenced to be burnt, not-
withstandyng the Lordes of
Berne sent their Herauldes to
saue his life, and also that the of-
ficiall declared him to bee an ho-
nest man, and to hold nothyng,
but agreyng to the Scriptures.
Ex Ioan. Crisp. lib. 3.

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MarginaliaV. studentes Martyrs.
Martiall Alba.
Petrus Scriba.
Bernard Seguine.
Charles Faber.
Peter Nauihere.
the gouer-
nour or
deputie of
rius, Offi-
ciall to the
shop of
Three or-
ders of Fri
Iudge Me-
Doct. Cu-
nubanus, a
Gray frier.
Iudge Vi-
us Iudge.

Peter Na
At Lyons.
an. 1553.

These v. studentes, after they
had remained in the Vniuersitie
of Lausanna a certain time, c?
sulted among them selues, beyng
all French m?, to returne home,
euery one to his countrey, to the
intent they might instruct their
parentes, and other their frendes
in such knowledge, as the Lord
had geuen to them. So taking
their iourney from Lausanna,
first they came to Geneua, where
they remayned a while. From
thence they w?t to Li?s. Where
they sittyng at the table of one
that mette them by the way, and
desired them home to his house,
were apprehended and led to
prison: where they continued
a whole yeare, that is, from the
first day of May, to the xvi. of
the sayd moneth agayne. As they
were learned, and well exercised
in the Scriptures: so euery one
of th? exhibited seuerally a lear-
ned confession of his faith, and
with great dexteritie, throughe
the power of the Lordes spirite,
they confounded the Friers, with
whom they disputed: especiallye
Peter Scribe or Scriuener, and
They were examined sonder-
ly of the Sacram?t of the Lordes
body, of Purgatory, of confessi?,
and Inuocation, of freewill, and
and of the supremacie. &c. Al-
thoughe they approued their
cause by good Scripture, and re-
futed their aduersaries in reaso-
nyng, yet right being ouercome

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by might
KKk. iiij.