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K. Hen. 8. A Table of the Frenche Martyrs.

Persecutors.Martyrs.The Causes.

At Paris.
an. 1554.

taken by certaine priestes at Bur
ges, and there deliuered by the
sayd priestes, vnto the Officiall.
After a few dayes, the kings Iu-
stices tooke him frō the Officiall,
& sent him to Paris, wher, after
great rebukes & tormentes, he
suffered in the prison, & firmely
persistyng in the professiō of the
truth, by their capitall sentence
was adiudged to haue hys tōgue
cut out, and so was burned at
Maulbert place in Paris. Ex
Ioan. Crispi.

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MarginaliaWilliam Alencon, Martyr.
A sherman, Martyr.
False bre

A certeyn
At Mont-
an. 1554.

This Alencon did much good
in the prouinces of Fraunce, by
carying bookes. Commyng to
Montpelliers, he was there circū
uented by false brethren, dete-
cted, and layd in prison. In his
faith he was firme and constant
to the end of his martyrdome,
beyng burned the vii. of Ianu-
ary. an. 1554.
There was the same tyme at
Montpelliers, a certain sherman
or clothworker, who had bene
long in durance for religion, but
at length for feare, and infirmi-
tie, he reuolted. To whom it was
inioyned by the iudges, to make
publicke recantation, and to bee

present also at the burning of Alencon aforesayd. At the be-
holdyng of whose death and constancie, it pleased God to
strike into this man such boldnes, that hee desired the Iudges,
that either he might burne with this Alencon, or els bee
brought agayne into prison, saying that hee would make no
other recantatiō, but so. Wherfore within iii. dayes after, he
was likewise condemned to the fire and burned, in the towne
aforesayd. Ex Ioan. Crisp.

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MarginaliaParis Panier, Martyr.
Panier a
At Dola.
an. 1554.

At Dola was beheaded a good
and godly lawyer named Paris
Panier, for constant standyng to
the Gospell of Christ. an. 1554.
Ex Pantal.

MarginaliaPeter du Val, Martyr.
Peter du
Val Shoo-
At Nismes
an. 1554.

At Neumaus in Delphinate,
Peter du Val susteined sore and
greuous rackings and torments:
wherewith his body beyng bro-
ken, dissolued, and maymed, yet
hee notwithstandyng, manfully
abydyng all their extremitie,
would name and vtter none.
Then was he had to the fire, and
there consumed. an. 1554. Ex
Ioan. Crisp.

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MarginaliaIohn Filieul, Iuliā Leuille, Martyrs.Gilles le
naunt for
the Mar-
shall of S.
and In-
for þe Pro
uince of

Filieul or

These two bleßed and constāt
martyrs, as they were goyng to-
warde Geneua, with one of their
sonnes and a daughter, were ap-
prehended by Gilles le Pers, who
in the way ouertaking thē, and
most wickedly and Iudasly pretē
ding great fauour to them and to
their religion, whiche hee (as he
sayd) supposed thē to be of, with
these and many other fayre
wordes circumuented and allu-
red them, to confesse what was

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Persecutors.Martyrs.The Causes.

Ioh. Ber-
an other
tor or coū

At San-
an. 1554.

their faith, whether they went
with their childrē, & also that
their wyues were at Geneua.
When they had declared this, the
wretched traytor gaue a signe to
his horsemen, and so were these
simple Sainctes of Christ, entrap
ped, and brought to the Castle of
Niuerne. Beyng in prison, they
were examined of many things:
whereunto they aunswered vp-
rightly, accordyng to their faith.
MarginaliaTrāsubstātiation.First touchyng the Sacra-
mēt, they affirmed the transub-
stātiatiō of the Bishop of Rome,
to bee agaynst the Article of
the Crede, whiche sayth, that
Christ is gone vp to heauen, and
there sitteth at the right hand of
God: and therefore the bread

and wyne muste needes remayne in theyr properties,
bearyng notwithstanding, a Sacrament or a holy signe
of the bodye and bloude of the Lorde. For like as byMarginaliaA similitude betwene the bread, and the bodye of Christ.
bread and wyne the hart of man is comforted: so the body of
Christ crucified, and his bloud shed, spiritually hath the lyke
operation in the soules of the beleuers.
MarginaliaThe Masse.For the Masse, they sayd it was a thing most superstitious,
and mere Idolatrie. And if we put any part of saluation ther
in, they sayd it was vtterlye a robbing of the paßion of
Christ the sonne of God, and that it was not once to
bee named out of a Christen mouth. Also that they
whiche saye that Peter either was pope, or author of
the sayd Masse, are farre deceaued. And as for tur-
nyng bread into the body of Christ, by the wordes of consecra
tion, it was an errour (they sayd) more of madde mē, then any
sad men: for as much as God is neither subiect to men, nor to
the tongues or exorcismes of men. Purgatory they denyed to
be any, saue onely the bloud of Christ Iesu.
MarginaliaHonour to God, not to Saints.Furthermore, as they would not bereft the Sainctes of
God of their due honour: so neither the Sainctes them selues
(sayd they) will be contented to robbe God of hys honour,
onely due to hym.
As touchyng cōfession, their opiniō was, that the woūdes
and causes of conscience, belong to no man, but only to God.
After these aunsweres geuen and written, they were sent
to the Monastery of Sāpeter, there to be disputed with. That
done, the matter came to be debated among the Iudges, what
was to be done with them. Some would their goodes to be ta
ken by Inuentory, and them to be banished. But Bergeronius
at last, caused to be determined that they should bee burned,
and first to heare Masse. From that Court, they appealed to
the court of Paris: but the matter there was nothing amēded.
Where behold the iudgemēt of god: In the meane time, while
they were at Paris, the wretched persecutor Gilles le Pers,
MarginaliaNote the iust vengeaunce of God, vpon a wicked persecutor.was sodenly strockē madde & dyed in a frenesy: which made
many mē to wonder, & especially the martyrs, to be more cō-
stāt. At last the decree of the sentence was read agaynst thē:
First for speaking against the Sacramēt: which they denyed.
Secōdly, for speaking agaynst Baptisme: which also they de-
nyed. Thirdly, for speaking contumely agaynst the Saintes:
whiche they in like maner denied. After this the officer,
MarginaliaTormē cause them to recante, threatned them with torments:
whiche they susteined very extreme, the space from after
dyner, till iii. of the clocke. When all that would not turne
them, he sent to them a Frier Dominicke, a man captious and
sophisticall, to presse them in disputation. But as he could do
no hurt vnto thē, so could they do no good vpon hym. When
the time of their execution did approche, the officer afore-
sayd, put into theyr handes being tyed, a wodden crosse,
whiche they tooke with their teeth and flonge it awaye:
for the whiche the officer commaunded both their tongues to
be cut of. Wherin appeared an other meruelous worke of the
Lord: For neuertheles that their tongues were takē frō them,
to the entent they should not speake: yet God gaue thē vtte-
rance, their tonges being cut out, to speake at their death: say

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