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1082 [1082]

K. Henry. 8. A Table of the Frenche Martyrs.

Persecuters.Martyrs.The Causes.

ing, we byd sinne, the flesh, the world, and the deuill fare well
for euer: with wh? neuer we shall haue to do hereafter. Di-
uers other wordes they spake besides, whiche the people did
heare and note. At last, when the tormentor came to smere
them with brymstone and gunpouder: Goe to, sayd Filio-
lus, salt on, salt on the rotten and stynsling flesh. Finally, as
the flame came burstyng vp to their faces, they persistyng con
stant in the fire, gaue vp their lyues, and finished their mar-
tyrdome. Ex Ioan. Crisp. Ex Henr. Pantal. & alijs.

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MarginaliaDenys Vayre, priest, and Martyr.William
Ioh. L?g-
loys, the

At Rhoan.
an. 1554.

In the same yeare suffered at
Rhoan, Denis Vayre. Who first
leauyng his popishe priesthode,
went to Geneua, where he lear-
ned the arte of booke byndyng,
and brought many tymes, bookes
into Fraunce. After that, in the
reigne of K. Edward vi. he came
to Gerzey, and there was mini-
ster, and preached. After the
death of king Edward, the tyme
not seruyng him to tary, thin-
king to returne agayne to Ge-
neua, hee came into Normandie
with his bokes, into a town cal-
led Fuellie: Where as he goyng
out to hyre a carte, Willi? L?-
loys, with Iohn Langloys his bro
ther, came in, & stayd his bokes,
& him also which had the custo-

die of th?. Denys, albeit he might haue escaped, yet hearyng
the keper of his bookes to be in trouble, came and presentyng
him selfe, was committed, the other was deliuered. First, af-
ter two monethes and a halfe imprisonment, he was char-
ged to bee a spye, because hee came out of Englande.
Then from that prison, hee was remoued to the Bishops pri-
son, and then to Rhoan: where sentence was geuen, that he
should be burned aliue, & thrise lifted vp & let down agayn
into the fire. After the sent?ce geu?, they threatned him with
many terrible tormentes, vnles he would disclose such as hee
knew of that side. To whom hee aunswered, that the sounder
part of all Fraunce, and of the Senate, was of that religion:
notwithstanding he would vtter no mans name vnto them.
And as for their torm?tes, he said, he passed not: for if he were
killed with racking, th? he should not fele the burnyng of the
fire. When they saw him so litle to passe for their tormentes,
they left that, and proceded to his burnyng: and first they
put a Crosse in his handes, whiche he would not hold. Then
because he, c?myng by the Image of the virgin Mary, would
not adore the same, they cryed, cut out his tongue: and so they
cast him into the fire, where he should bee thrise taken vp:
but the flame went so hye, that the hangman beyng not able
to come neare him, cried to the people standing by, to helpe:
and so did the officers with their staues, lay vp? the people,
to helpe the tormentors, but neuer a man would styrre. And
thys was the end and martyrdome of that blessed Denys. Ex
Henr. Pantal. lib. 10.

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MarginaliaA Marchaunt hanged for iesting agaynst the Friers.? There was a riche marchaunt of Paris, who sayd in ieste
to the Friers of S. Frances: you weare a rope about your bo-
dies, because S. Frances once should haue bene h?ged, & the
pope redemed him vp? that c?dition, that all his life after, he
should weare a rope. Vp? this, the Franciscan Friers of Pa-
ris caused him to be apprehended and layd in prison, and so
iudgement passed vpon him, that he should bee hanged: but
he to saue his life, was contented to recant, and so dyd. The
Friers hearyng of his recantation, commended him, saying, if
he continued so, he should be saued, and so calling vpon the
officers, caused them to make hast to the gallowes, to hange
him vp, while he was yet in a good way (sayd they) least hee
fall agayne. And so was this marchant, notwithstandyng his
recantation, hanged, for iestyng agaynst the Friers. Ex Pan
tal. lib. 7.

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To this marcha?t, may also be adioyned the brother of Ta-
mer, who wh? he had before professed the truth of the gospell,

Persecuters.Martyrs.The Causes.

MarginaliaThe iudgementes of God.and afterward by the counsaile and instruction of his bro-
ther, was remoued from the same, fell in desperation and such
sorow of mynde, that he hanged him selfe. Ex Ioan. Manlio
in Dictis Phil. Melanct.  
Commentary   *   Close

'Ex Ioan. Manlio in dictis Phil.' - i.e. Johannes Manlius' book, commonly known as 'De dictis Philippi Melancthonis' - in reality Locorum Communium Collectanea, a Joh. Manilo, pleraque ex lectionibus Ph. Melancthonis excerpta (Basil: 1563).

MarginaliaThomas Galbergne, Martyr.
gne, a co-
uerlet ma-
ker.At Tour-
an. 1554.

This Thomas had copyed out
certaine spirituall songes out of
a booke in Geneua, whiche he
brought with him to Tournay,
and sent the same to one of his
fellowes. Thys booke beyng e-
spied, hee was called for of the
Iustice, and examined of the
booke, whcih he sayd conteyned
nothyng but that was agre-
ing to the Scripture, and that he
would st?d by. Then he was had
to the Castell, & after xix. dayes,
was brought to the towne house,
and there adiudged to the fire,
whereunto hee went cherefully,
singing Psalmes. As he was in
the flame, the warden of the Fri
ers stode crying: Turne Thomas,

Thomas, yet it is tyme: remember him that came at the last
houre. To whom he cryed out of the flame agayn with a loud
voyce, and I trust to be one of that sort: and so callyng vp-
on the name of the Lorde, gaue vp his spirite. Ex Crisp.
lib 4.
MarginaliaNich. Paule, Martyr.Adde also to this, one Nicolas Paul beheaded at Gaunt.
These two should haue bene placed among the Dutche Mar
tyrs in the Table before.

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MarginaliaRichard Feurus, Martyr.Latrun-
or vnder
or exami-
ner of
His At-

Feurus a
At Lyons.
An. 1554.

Feurus a Goldsmith borne at
Rhoan, first beyng in England
and in London, there receaued
the tast and knowledge of Gods
word, as in his own epistle he re-
cordeth. Th? he went to Geneua,
where he remayned ix. or x.
yeres. From thence returning to
Lyons, there was apprehended,
and condemned. Then he appea-
led to the hye Court of Pairs,
through the motion of his fr?des.
Where in the way, as he was led
to Paris he was mette by certein
whom he knew not, and by them
taken from his kepers, and so set
at libertie whiche was. an. 1551.
After that, continuyng at Ge
neua, about the space of 3. yeares,
he came vpon busines, to the pro

uince of Dolphenie, and there as he found fault with the
grace sayd in Latine, hee was detected and taken in
his Inne in the night, by the vndermarshall, or him whiche
had the examination of malefactors. The next daye he was
sent to the Iustice: from him to the Bishop. Who riddyng
their handes of him, then was he brought to the Lieutena?t,
who sent his Aduocate, with a Notarie, to him in the pri-
son, to examine him of his faith. The whole proces of his exa
MarginaliaThe examination of Rich. Feurus.minations, with his aduersaries & the Friers, in his story de-
scribed, is long. The principall contentes come to this effect.

The Inquisitor.MarginaliaThis Inquisitor was the Aduocate which the Lieutenant sent with the Notarie.
Doest thou beleue the Churche of Rome?
The Martyr.
No, I do beleue the Catholicke & vniuersall Church.
What Catholicke Churche is that?
The Martyr.
MarginaliaThe church.The congregation, or communion of Christians.
What congregation is that, or of wh? doth it consist?
The Martyr.
It c?sisteth in the number of Gods elect, whom God
hath chosen to be the members of his sonne Iesu Christ,

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