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K. Henry. 8. A Table of the Frenche Martyrs.

Persecuters.Martyrs.The Causes.

thyng. By the whiche similitude is signified vnto vs, a
certeine midle place, whiche is left for satisfaction to bee
made after this life, for sinnes.
The Martyr.
MarginaliaSatisfaction for sinnes.
Math. 11.
Ioh. 10.
Iohn. 13.
Apoc. 13.
Luke. 23.
First, the satisfactiō of our sinnes by þe death of Christ,
is playne and euident in the Scriptures: as in these pla-
ces: Come to me all you that labour, and be burdened, and I
will refresh you. Math. 11. I am the dore, hee that entreth by
me, shalbe saued. Ioh. 10. I am the way, veritie & life. Ioh. 13.
Blessed bee they that dye in the Lorde, for they rest from
their labours. Apocal. 13. Also to the theife whiche hanged
with the Lord, it was sayd: This day shalt thou be with me
in Paradise. &c. Secondly as touchyng this similitude, it
hath no other demonstratiō, but to admonishe vs of our
duety in shewyng charitie, and forgeuyng one an other:
Whiche vnlesse we do, there is no mercy to be looked for
at the handes of God.
The Frier.
If this be true that you say, then it should folow, that
MarginaliaLimbus.there is neither Purgatory, nor any Limbus, which were
agaynst our Christian fayth, and our Crede, which saith:
He descended into hell, &c.
The Debitie.
Doest not thou beleue, there is a Limbus?

The martyr.
Neither do I beleue to be any such place, neither doth
the Scripture therof make any mention.
The Frier.
Where were the olde fathers then, before the death of
The martyr.
In life (I say) eternall, whiche they looked for, beyng
promised before to Adam, Abrahā, and the Patriarkes,
in the seede to come.
The Debitie.
Then the Debitie, what (sayth hee) doest thou beleue
that the Pope hath any power?
The martyr.
Yea verely.
The Debitie.
MarginaliaThe power of the pope.Doest thou beleue that the Pope, as the vicare of Iesu
Christ, can here bynd and loose?
The martyr.
That I do not beleue.
The Debitie.
How then doest thou vnderstād the power of þe pope?
The Martyr.
I vnderstand the power of the Pope so, as S. Paul
declared. 2. Thess. saying: That because the world refused
to receaue the loue of the truth, vnto saluatiō, therfore God
hath geuen to Sathan, and to his Ministers, power of illusi-
ons and errours, that men should beleue lyes, and set vp to
them selues, Pastours and teachers, such as they deserue.
The Frier.
MarginaliaChristes vicar in earth.Christ gaue to S. Peter power to bynde and loose,
whose successour, and vicare of Christ is the Pope, for
the gouernment of the churche, that it myght haue one
head in the world, as it hath in heauen. And though the
Pastors do not lyue accordyng to the word which they
preach, yet their doctrine is not therfore to be refused, as
Christ teacheth, Math. 23.MarginaliaMath. 23.
The Martyr.
If the Pope and his adherentes would preache the
worde purely and sincerly, admixing no other inuenti-
ons of their own, nor obtrudyng lawes of their own di-
uising, I would then embrace their doctrine, how soeuer
their lyfe were to the contrary: according as christ doth
tell vs of the scribes and pharasies, admonishyng vs to
folow their doctrine, and not their liues. Math. 23. butMarginaliaMath. 23.
there is great difference, whether they that take the go-
uernaunce of the church, do sit in Moyses chayre, which
is the seate of trueth, or els doo sit in the chayre of abo-
mination, spoken of by Daniell, and also by S. Paul,
where hee sayeth: That the man of perdition, shall sit in the
Temple of God, vauntyng him self insolently aboue all that
is called God. 2. Thess. 2.Marginalia2. Theß. 2.
MarginaliaThe keyes of binding & loosing.And as touchyng the keyes of byndyng and loosing,
geuē to Peter: Christ therin assigned to Peter, and other
Apostles, the office of preachyng the worde of the Gos-
pell, which they did also well obserue, in preaching no-
thyng els, but onely the worde: in the whiche worde

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Persecuters.Martyrs.The Causes.

is all the power conteined of bindyng and loosyng.
Neither is it to be graunted, the churche to haue two
heades, one in heauen, an other in earth. The head wher
of is but one, whiche is Iesus Christ, whom the father
hath appointed to be head alone, both in heauen & earth:
as S. Paul in many places of his Epistles doth teache.
Ephe. 1. Coloss. 1. &c.MarginaliaEphe. 1.
Coloß. 1.

The Frier.
You haue no vnderstandyng, how to expounde the
Scriptures. But the old Doctours haue expounded the
Scriptures and holy Councels, whose iudgementes are
MarginaliaAuricular be folowed. But what say you to auricular cōfession?
The martyr.
I know no other confession, but that whiche is to be
made to God, and reconciliatiō toward our neighbour,
whiche Christ and his Apostles haue commended to vs.
The Frier.
Haue you not read in the Gospell, howe Christ doth
byd vs to confesse to the Priest, where he cōmaunded the
leper beyng made whole, to shew him selfe to the Priest?
The martyr.
The true churche of the Lord Iesus Christ neuer ob-
serued this straūge kynd of confession, to cary our sinnes
to the priestes eare. And though the churche of Rome
haue intruded this maner of confessing, it foloweth not
therby, that it is to be receaued. And as touchyng the le-
per, whom the Lord sent to the Priest, hee was not sent
therfore to whisper his sinnes in the Priestes eare, but
onely for a testimonie of his health receaued, accordyng
to the law.
Of the other confession, whiche is to be made to God,
we haue both the examples and testimonies of the Pro-
MarginaliaPsal. 32. 51. 106.phet Dauid full in the Psalmes, 32. 51. 106. Where hee
sayth: That he confessed his sinnes vnto the Lord, and recea-
ued forgeuenes of the same.
The Frier.
MarginaliaThe church of Rome and of Geneua, compared.After this, the Frier procedyng further to make com-
parison betwene the churche of Rome, and the churche of
Geneua, would proue that the Pope hath power to set
lawes in the churche, without any expresse word of God.
For so it is written (sayd he) that there were many other
thynges besides, which are not written in thys booke.
Ioan. 21. Also where Christ promiseth to his Disciples to
send vnto them the holy Ghost, whiche should induce
them into all truth. Moreouer such decrees and ordinaū-
ces, whiche are in the Church, were decided (sayd he) and
appoynted by the Doctours of the church, and by all the
Councels directed (no doubt) by þe holy Ghost. Further-
more hee inferred, that the churche also of Geneua, had
their ordinaunces and constitutions made without any
word of God. And for example, he brought forth þe order
of the Psalmes and seruice publickely obserued and ap-
pointed vppon Wedensday in the churche of Geneua, as
though that day were holyer then an other.
The martyr.
To this the Martyr aūswered agayne, declaryng that
the ordinaunce of those publicke prayers and Psalmes
vpon Wedensday, in the church of Geneua, was not to
bynd conscience, or for any superstitious obseruation, or
for any necessitie, which either should bynd conscience, or
could not be altered at their arbitremēt: but onely for an
order, or cōmoditie for publicke resorte to heare the word
of God: accordyng as auncient kynges, and temporall
Magistrates haue vsed in old tyme to do, in congrega-
tyng the people together, not to put any holynes in the
day, or to bind conscience to any obseruation (as the pope
maketh his lawes) but onely for order sake, seruyng vn-
to commoditie.
And as touchyng that any thyng should be left for Do
ctours and Councels to be decided, without the expresse
worde of God, that is not so, for that all thynges be ex-
pressed and prescribed by the worde, what soeuer is neces
sarie either for gouernment of the church, or for the salua-
tion of men, so that there is no nede for Doctours of the
churche or Councels, to decide any thyng more then is
decided already.
Paul sayth, that he durst vtter nothyng, but that the
MarginaliaRom. 15.Lord had wrought by him. Rom. 15. S. Iohn speakyng of
the doctrine of Christ Iesu, willeth vs to receaue no man
Marginalia2. Iohn.vnles he bryng with him the same doctrine. 2. Ioan. S. Paul
warneth the Galatians, not to beleue an Angell from hea-
uen, bringyng an other doctrine then that whiche they had

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